Austin Region, OKC Subregion, Second Round (5) Triple H vs. (12) Vader

Who Wins This Match?

  • Triple H

  • Vader

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again
This is a second round match in the Austin Region, Oklahoma City Subregion. It is a standard one on one match. It will be held at the Chesapeake Energy Arena, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.



#5 Triple H



#12 Vader

Polls will be open for three days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.

Also remember that this is a non-spam forum. If you post a response without giving a reason for your selection, it will be penalized for spam and deleted.
I've never been a Triple H fan, I feel he's one of the most overrated guys in the history of wrestling and he's going up against the reason why I started watching WCW in the first place. With all that said though I still feel Triple H should win this match.

Don't get me wrong, Vader is no push over, he was a big star in Japan, he had a great run in WCW and a decent run in WWE. He's one of the best big men ever to grace a squared circle and he's an absolute blast to watch to boot. Triple H on the other hand is a 14 time world champion that was in some of the best matches I've ever seen, has drawn good money during his time with DX and has main evented 7 Wrestlemania's. My personal feelings aside his career is the stuff of legend and what he's accomplished more than warrants my vote.
Vader is not going to go down easy but go down he shall. Although Vader accomplished a lot everywhere he went besides WWE, he just wasn't as big a name as Trips was and still is for that matter. Trips is just better in all categories. If this were a gimmick match, maybe Vader would go over, but honestly Trips has an impressive record in gimmick matches as well. Trips takes this one.

Vote HHH.
Triple H, absolutely. This match actually happened in 1997, and Triple H won, but it would be unfair to both to accept that. Like I said in the previous round, I think there's a lot to be said for Vader, a lot more than I used to say, but Triple H reinvented himself from a very 80s mid card gimmick to being a very modern wrestler. People hold some of his title reigns against him, but honestly it is hard to know what else they could have really done in an era where many of the previous generation disappeared at the same time.
It's going to take a lot to knock Triple H out of this tournament, perhaps even a match against Stone Cold in the final match of the section. And with that in mind, I don't think that Vader is good enough to beat the one they call The King of Kings. Triple H has forged a career on being the best that the business has to offer. Have their been more popular wrestlers in his 20-odd year career? Absolutely. But not many of them have been as talented in the ring as Triple H has been. Triple H is the undoubted master of making you play his game in the ring. Vader is a powerhouse, there is no doubt. But Triple H has the ring smarts to take that power game away from Vader.

Triple H is better, smarter and ultimately more important to the wrestling business. And for good reason. Vote Triple H.
Goddamit someone open the polls before IC gets here!

Have to go with Hunter, bigger star, bigger name. He just is flat out better and should limp away from this matchup.
Oh, man...This sucks. I'm a huge Vader fan, and I'd love to find a way to argue he wins here, but I'm drawing a Vader-sized blank. In 50 years, HHH will have meant more to the business than anything Vader has ever done. He'd make this one hell of a slugfest, but I'd say that the only one who could out-power him right now in this tournament, is HHH.

I think being a big deal in the US trumps being a big deal in Japan. That may not be a very correct way of thinking, but Triple H is a global star thanks to what he accomplished in WWE. Vader was very much a star in Japan, but he was never able to match that success in the US. In twenty years, people will look on Triple H as an all time great, and I can't in good faith say the same of Vader.
Agree with others who say they'd love to find a way to put Vader into the next round, but Triple H definitely wins this one.

I do think Vader was the better worker, but no where near the longevity of being a top draw and that matters. Match sucks, Vader gets buried and is forced to demask and take a humiliatingly weak sledge hammer shot to end it.
H slams his hammer into that V when nobody is looking & no I am not talking about Trips/Stephanie's wedding night.

This would be a match that showed Vader being a big old beast & Hunter slaying said beast like others before him. The guy has always seemed to find a way to come out on top & when all else fails he goes for the hammer. More titles, bigger legacy, better man. Triple H wins this one.
I'll put this as Stephanie McMahon would say, "The Cerebral Assassin, King of Kings, The game! 15 Time World Champion" Triple H wins. It is quite obvious how much success he had in and out of the ring. It doesn't need to be justified why he will win this round; Vader himself is one of the biggest names in Japan, but Triple H had achieved such a glory in WWE. He is universally proclaimed and even had been called to jury Mr. Olympia Event. That been said, at present the way he had turned a developmental NXT into the best TV show, he certainly deserves the win.
I am in the favour of Vader here. I just liked Vader more. A big man good at in-ring work is very rare and unique.

Not to say that Triple H leaves behind Vader in every term and thats what the votes of the poll also suggest.

But still I would prefer watching Vader over Triple H anyday. :D
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