Attitude Wrestling Federation (Backstory)


Dark Match Jobber
I thought I would post a little backstory to how my promotion came about before I wrote my first show. So here it is.

January 1st 2012: The WWE closed its doors. Vince McMahon finally decided to take the step in what he thought was the right direction by stepping down as Chairman of World Wrestling Entertainment. Vince was interested in other aspects of the entertainment world and no longer wanted to be associated with pro wrestling. So the company folded, the shareholders all made alot of money and all of the superstars of the WWE were free to sign where they pleased. This would be great for Impact Wrestling however on...

December 1st 2011: Impact Wrestling went out of business. Who knows if this weighed on Vince McMahon's mind to close the WWE. But he did it and now without the two largest north american wrestling promotions around there was need for a change. So...

January 2nd 2011: The wheels were put in motion. Vince's son Shane called his friend Mark Cuban owner of the Dallas Mavericks and they decided to put together a top notch wrestling promotion. fans hungered for years for the Attitude Era and World Wrestling Federation, so the names were combined to form the Attitude Wrestling Federation. The show would replace Raw on Monday nights on USA at 9 making things easier for the Monday Night wrestling audience. It took some time for them to get things set up but one year later the first episode of the Attitude Wrestling Federation's Carnage was set to air!
Simple yet effective backstory. I'm not sure how well you can write, but we will find out. It's always nice to see new bookers, so I'll be reading. Good luck.

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