At this point, who belongs and who doesn't...

I think they have all done a good job so far, it's still a growing concept. RVD, Sabu, Balls, Sandman and Dreamer have given the old ECW flavor. Big Show has been better than he has been in a long time. Test is playing Heymans thug well. Holly, Thorn, Striker, Knox and Punk are establishing their characters. They desparately need the tag belts and maybe the TV title back.I would love to see what they would do with two hours.
I think anyone can be in ECW as long as they are defined by growing character development. This is what ECW actually means to me...not torn bagy shorts, a sleavless metal band's tshirt and jagged scars on the forehead. ECW is a Vince brand now with greased up muscle heads in trunks with tribal designs. But still, develop a unique character like Punk and its ECW. Reuse old steriotype angles and you have Knox...nothing ECW about it. I say Jeff Hardy, Chris Benoit, Super Crazy, and Samoa Joe would make ECW a viable brand. I know Joe is stretching it but seriously he is ECW to me.
I think that most of the guys in ecw belong, but I think that thepoo62 is right, Ecw is about character development, we need to feel like we know these guys and that is lacking right now, wait till the second hour arrives though
Brilliance In Supremacy said:
ECW's been on for months now and we're getting a pretty good feel for where the company is headed. We've seen what we know to be ECW and what is merely a warmup for SD and RAW.

So, who do you think belongs? Who doesn't belong?

Here's my take:

Who belongs
Rob Van Dam
Tommy Dreamer
Ball Mahoney
Test (he epitomizes what power wrestling should be - ruthless and intense)
CM Punk (we all agree that he's the future)

Kevin Thorn (I like the wrestling style but the gimmick needs to go)
Mike Knox

Who doesn't belong
Big Show (nobody - except some WWE fans who show up at ECW events - has bought into this "extreme giant")
Shannon Moore (a very obscure move of the WWE to put him in ECW)
Rene Dupree
Matt Striker

Guys who aren't really used
Stevie Richards
Christopher W. Anderson
Tony Mamaluke
Little Guido (he and Mamaluke should be on more, all ECW needs is an actual tag team divisio)
Al Snow
Danny Doring

Who needs to retire
Terry Funk
i agree that funk needs to retire, the guys that need to go is the sandman,i know everyone likes the guy but he is not very entertaining in the ring and his finisher the white russain leg sweep is sad his gimmick is even snow,stevie richards,shannon moore and c.w.anderson ,these guy aren't used and that dosen't bother me at all there is something wrong with that.sabu,i know i'm going to get some heat for this but he just can't get it done in the ring anymore,messing up his high spots and putting on horrible matches,another once great wrestler damaging his legacy.tommy dreamer,rene dupree,matt striker,and hardcore holly, these guy get use but they don't belong in ecw,tommy dreamer should do like the undertaker become a part-time wrestler i still think he can go in the ring but not all the time,hardcore holly has never impressed me i think he should retire,dupree and striker belong on smackdown or raw they are good filler for matches okay wrestlers but not ecw wrestlers.the wrestlers who belong are rob van dam,test,balls mahoney,big show,cm punk,mike knox,kevin thorn,danny doring,and the f.b.i.,,r.v.d, what can i say the best wrestler in ecw and the most punk,no telling how far this guy could go loved him in tna,roh,and now ecw don't care what show he is on he will be a major player soon.test,very intense and talented wrestler this guy will go far i do even know why the wwe released him in the first place very talented big man.balls mahoney,this guy can wrestle alot better then they show the moves he can pull off and his speed at the size he is is amazing hope he makes a impact soon.big show,i don't care what no one says big show is a good ecw champion i like him on the show and hopes he stays there i also think he is very talented in the ring, it's funny when people loved this guy he sucked in the ring now that he's good people says he has no talent,in my opinion one of the best big men ever.mike knox,he was on fire when he started in ecw but has cooled off i hope the fued with punk gets him back on track,this guy can wrestler don't believe me he was the most talented wrestler at dsw give him a chance and he will shinekevin thorn,been around wrestling for a while i'm glad to see him get a chance to showcase his skills to a bigger crowd he was seven in ovw,he was on smackdown as the "anti"undertaker,i think he is a pretty good big man soild worker hope he makes it.danny doring,this guy is good i remember his ecw days and thought that one day he would be a breakout star i still hope that happens but it most likely won't.the f.b.i.,one of the most talented tag teams i have seen it's a shame wwe can't use these guy correctly i hope a tag division developes soon before these guys get released,little guido,i talked about his tag talent but this guy is great by his self da*n good wrestler and entertaining in the ring wwe has never used him right.tony mamaluke,again talked about his tag wrestling but he is a soild cruiserweight wrestler i always liked him for some reason but i think if the tag division dosen't get off the ground he will get released i hope it doesn't happen.people ecw needs,roadkill ,hope he gets called back up from ovw if the tag division starts he and doring are a good tag team.tajari,how the hell did the wwe let him get away great wrestler very entertaining in the ring would be a great contender for ecw title.justin creible,why did they have him job to everybody then release him to me he is a good wrestler and has good mic work they could have use him alot better.shelton benjamin,he is getting overshowdowed by bigger stars on raw put him on ecw and let him and rvd tear the house down another great contender for ecw title.paul london and brain kendrick,these guys would fit right in to ecw as single or tag stars both are very talented and would put on great matches.nick dinsmore aka eugene ,fu*k the ****** gimmick let this guy wrestle one of the most talented guys in wwe being held down let him be his self in ecw.well i could think of some more guy that would help ecw but i'm tried of writing,these are my thoughts,thanks for reading.
who need to go

who need to stay

who need to come to the ECW brand
Chirs hero
Daniel Puder
Edge-number1 fan said:
who need to go

who need to stay

who need to come to the ECW brand
Chirs hero
Daniel Puder

you need to give more insights on your post, don't just list guys please............this is a Warning for spam
Big show should be where he is... hes being used as a heel bad guy for a while to build up the faces... AND hes funny, AND he takes a lotta hard hits... and gives out a lotta hard hits...
and think about it, theyve built up his character in ECW sooo much, at this point he can go to any brand and win the world title... before he went to ecw he was tag champs with kane and jobbing most of his one on one matches... this worked out for everyone, hes should stay.

the only ones that should go r Dupree, striker, moore, and Holly shouldnt be wrestling anywhere cause he doesnt remember how to, but if hes gonna be anywhere, it should be ecw cause he can cover up his lack of ability with gashes and cuts
debisib said:
Big show should be where he is... hes being used as a heel bad guy for a while to build up the faces... AND hes funny, AND he takes a lotta hard hits... and gives out a lotta hard hits...
and think about it, theyve built up his character in ECW sooo much, at this point he can go to any brand and win the world title... before he went to ecw he was tag champs with kane and jobbing most of his one on one matches... this worked out for everyone, hes should stay.

the only ones that should go r Dupree, striker, moore, and Holly shouldnt be wrestling anywhere cause he doesnt remember how to, but if hes gonna be anywhere, it should be ecw cause he can cover up his lack of ability with gashes and cuts

What! dude Dupree can run circile around RVD have you seen his ROH he kickass and not to meantion he a hero for people who have liver cancer man if anyone should go it should be RVD for the fact that he can't handly begin world champion mean look what happen when he had the WWE title and the WWECW title he did drugs and broke the law.

I don't think it right or smart to give the title to a man who Hate the wrestling world
What! dude Dupree can run circile

I highly doubt it.. RVD is one of the more athletic wrestlers in all of wrestling.. If anyone can run circles around anyone.. Its RVD..

he a hero for people who have liver cancer man

Well thats good for him.. But that makes him qualified to be in ECW how? Because he's a "hero" doesnt make him a great wrestler.. Yeah I'm happy he survived his disease, but still that doesnt make him any better of a wrestler..

RVD for the fact that he can't handly begin world champion mean look what happen when he had the WWE title and the WWECW title he did drugs and broke the law.

How do you know RVD cant handle the pressure of being champion? He had a short title reign and then yeah, got caught smoking weed.. But so did a numerous amount of other people.. That doesnt make him a bad wrestler b/c he smokes weed.. Like I said in another topic, I bet about 55% of the WWE locker room does some form of a drug.. Weeds not even that bad.. I would understand saying if this was something you get addict to, but weed? So what he did drugs and broke the law? It was all in the past and he learned from his mistake. Sure, he probably still does it, but knows were to do it without getting caught.. It really isnt a big deal.

I don't think it right or smart to give the title to a man who Hate the wrestling world

I would really love to know where you pull your information from.. I really think you need to stop making things up in your mind and start to believe them... RVD does infact care about the buisness.. If he didnt, he wouldnt be in wrestling.. He could do a lot of other things with his life other then wrestle.
Here is what ECW should do... First off get rid of the big guys! I'm talking Test, Big Slow, and Mike Knox. These guys kill the ECW legacy. When ECW first started it was a place that gave smaller guys there shot becasue WCW and WWF(e) were giving all these big guys contracts and so fourth. SO then ECW was giving underdogs guys a chance like Whipwreck,Spike Dudley,Blue Meanine, and Taz... All guys who would never get a legit shot at the big time. All guys who are small (yes I know Meanie was fat) and thats what made ECW. I mean ECW never had a real "heavyweight" champion except for Bam Bam Bigelow other then that everyone there who held the world title wasn't a real big guy by wrestling standards. Yes ECW had there Brian Lee's and 911's who were big guys but they didn't do much. ECW just needs to get rid of the big guysn peroid! Especially Big Show, he hurts ECW's leagcy more than anything, his wrestling ability is not that good his mic skill suck and he just sucks all-around and he can't wrestle for more that 10 minutes. Mike Knox, your typical WWE big man that Vince gets stiffys over, only thing going for him is Kelly Kelly.... Test... He is okay, for some reason I just can't stand him. But I do know this is WWE's version of ECW and it sucks the legacy is being hurt by it having all these big guys and it sucks but if we watch it and are talking about it the WWE is winning so they won't change anything.
JoshK1985 said:
Here is what ECW should do... First off get rid of the big guys! I'm talking Test, Big Slow, and Mike Knox. These guys kill the ECW legacy. When ECW first started it was a place that gave smaller guys there shot becasue WCW and WWF(e) were giving all these big guys contracts and so fourth. SO then ECW was giving underdogs guys a chance like Whipwreck,Spike Dudley,Blue Meanine, and Taz... All guys who would never get a legit shot at the big time. All guys who are small (yes I know Meanie was fat) and thats what made ECW. I mean ECW never had a real "heavyweight" champion except for Bam Bam Bigelow other then that everyone there who held the world title wasn't a real big guy by wrestling standards. Yes ECW had there Brian Lee's and 911's who were big guys but they didn't do much. ECW just needs to get rid of the big guysn peroid! Especially Big Show, he hurts ECW's leagcy more than anything, his wrestling ability is not that good his mic skill suck and he just sucks all-around and he can't wrestle for more that 10 minutes. Mike Knox, your typical WWE big man that Vince gets stiffys over, only thing going for him is Kelly Kelly.... Test... He is okay, for some reason I just can't stand him. But I do know this is WWE's version of ECW and it sucks the legacy is being hurt by it having all these big guys and it sucks but if we watch it and are talking about it the WWE is winning so they won't change anything.

ECW had more big guys then WWF they had Bam Bam Bigelow, Mabel, Tazz, mike anwsome, and how is Big show hurting ECW's leagcy mean the only person who has Hurt the ECW leagcy was Paul heyman by not paying his wrestler and by Truning ECW into One big Gimmerk company mean Hardcore rules 24/7 every macth mean they ECW almost Kill the word Hardcore for me and my friends.
Let me make my point more clear so obviously you don't understand what I'm getting at... But I will say I did make a mistake and over looking Mike Awesone. So let me make a point with stats over multiple ECW Champions compared to WWE(f) multiple champions

First we have Shane Douglas standing at 6'1 250.. By wrestling standards and average size guy.. Now lets compare him to a multiple WWE Champion...How about Two time WWE Champion Sid Vicious.. 6'9 300lbs

Now lets see Terry Funk 6'1 247 another average size guy in the business.. Now lets see another multiple WWE Champion would be Hulk Hogan.. about 6'5 300lbs...maybe out 280 now.. Still a big guy for the business.

Taz 5'9 240... Short but average weight another multiple ECW Champion now another WWE multiple time champion Undertaker.. 6'10 325...

So may point is WWE makes guys who are generally bigger champions. Yes there has been you HBK who isn't that big, your Eddie Guerrero, and so fourth but most WWE champions over over 6'3 250..Simple. Also when ECW had a bigger guy as champion either one there regin didn't last long or they were EXTREMELY athletic as in Mike Awesomes case. And as for them killing hardcore yeah it was getting alittle stupid toward the end but thats when they went national and they were trying to do too much no get a national audience. But they also had there own wrestling matches.. Watch anything by Malenko, Benoit, Guerreo, Jericho... They wrestled...

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