Ascension 133: Matt Tastic vs Annie Halloway

Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again
Deadline is Wednesday, November, 21st, 11:59PM PST

The Hall of Famer Matt Tastic will be looking to pick up back to back wins and prove his exclusion from the Gold Rush and EurAsian tournaments was a mistake, while Halloway will be looking to pick up the biggest win of her young career with a win over a Hall of Fame talent.
Tastic: And THAT class, is how you win a match.

Ozzie: Yeah. One win.

Matt: That's one more than what you have, boy. If you're gonna try to undermine me, I should remind you that you came to me for training.

Ozzie is still an ass. Matt was able to secure ONE WIN. Doing required far more than what he expected. Did the competition catch up? Or does he just suck that bad these days? Probably the latter. But that would not stop Matt. After all, if he hasn't slowed down in 8 years, why stop now?

Matt had just finished his class when his top student, Katherine King, pulled him over to talk. After all, it was her pep-talk that helped Matt muster up the strenght for victory.

Katherine: I see you're doing well after your ONE WIN.

Matt: I mean, better this than sulking, right?

Katherine: Good point. But you can't let it go to your head.

Matt: I don't believe that's scientifically posible. A victory is but an abstract concept. I thought I taught you that in Science class.

Katherine: This is a wrestling dojo. Not high school.

Matt: Could've fooled me with the jock-bully, the goofy foreigner and the grade-A student.

Katherine: So what's your next move?

Matt: My next move? Ummm...... Win? Win a match? Why?

Katherine: Don't you have any larger aspirations?

Matt: Lets not get ahead of ourselves here, kid. I won one match for the first time in months. This isn't the Tag Team division where just being a Tag Team granted you a shot cause there was no one else around. Not to mention, this tournament and me being out of it has REALLY left me short on options. There isn't much I can do except win small matches. Then again, maybe they aren't really small.

Katherine: There is no such thing as too small.

.......Out of nowhere.......

Mikey: Ha! You haven't seen his schlong.

Katherine: He's seen your schlong?

Matt: Who would want to talk about my schlong?

This dialog turned to being about his schlong. The scene fades away.........


ONE WIN is all I have. But ONE WIN can sometimes be all that is needed. Matt Tastic's opponent was slated to be Annie Halloway. An alledged criminal hacker (is there any other kind?) who has used her network of........ hackers to do various nefarious actions. How this relates to pro wrestling is anyone's wildest guess but then again, when SHIT, Krypto and Jabari Kasim are a part of your 'Former Alumni' page, the sky is hardly a limit.

Matt felt that if he was to properly follow up on his ONE WIN, he had to consult with the GM's. Even though, Chuck Myles was the general manager of Ascension, the show where his match was taking place, he felt he needed to talk to Becky Serra. His biggest enemy of his back in his "glory days". Since then she's kinda mellowed out. Perhaps talking to her would prove insightful. Matt thought about hacking her life savings. But that both sounded pointless since Matt is insanely rich due to being such a cheap ass for a decade and because that would be a ridiculous story to tell.


Becky: You sure are clinging to that ONE WIN you got.

Matt: Yeah. I'm not gonna lie. I've kinda fallen on hard times.

Becky: Funny. All these years later, that fire has kinda burned out.

Matt: What do you think made me so good in the first place?

Becky: You forgot? Wow. You stood up to authority, Matt. We never saw you as a top star so you literally did everything in your power to prove us wrong. You and Mikey Stormrage became the walking definition of self-made stars, defiant against those in charge. I know exactly why you fell so hard, Matt.

Matt: Really? You must be revelling on that.

Becky: No. In the end, you proved me wrong. You were right. You and Mikey were more than capable of carrying this company. You did so for several years. In a way, you still do now. But the reason you've fallen Matt, is the same reason why I'm standing here talking to you like this right now. Times change. What brought you to glory has faded away. You're no longer the defiant young star leading a movement. You're the one in charge.

Matt: I'm in charge?

Becky: You know what I mean. Matt, you can be different from us. Help breed a new generation of stars.

Matt: I'm already doing that.

Becky: Then what the hell am I bothering with this for?! Go! Get out there and lead!

Matt: Wait, I'm not done here. I gotta ask you something.

Becky: Now what is it?

Matt: Hacking.

Becky: What?

Matt: Hacking! Like, what the hell is the point of it? What's the use of hacking as a pro wrestler?

Becky: I don't know. To find out top secret information about wrestlers?

Matt: What top secret information? We have public profiles with our real names, accomplishments and injuries and stuff. It even lists our moves! Did you know one of Vega's moves is dodging?

Becky: Hm. Yes. And yet you still lost to him. This is about Annie Halloway, isn't it?

Matt: Well, who else?

Becky: You don't have to look into deep inside info to figure out how to beat her or anybody. You just have to remember who you are, Matt. You're Matt Tastic. A Hall Of Fame wrestler. No one has ever held more Championships than you. And if you can win all that gold, you can get ONE MORE WIN.


Becky's words were re-assuring. A reminder of what I was and what I can be. Little by little, I feel I can reclaim that glory. It's not easy, but I can't give up. I still feel like I need to live up to my name. Becky told me I was a self-made star made through defiance. But like she also said, I don't have anything to be defiant about now. It seems the answer to my big question lies there. Soemthing needed to change. But what? I guess I have to take things one step at a time. I have to be.......... Despacito.

In a dark room, presumably her own private area away from the hustle and bustle of ATV headquarters, Annie stares at the screen. An aura of mystique and suspense lurks all across her as Annie seems intent on delivering a statement like she usually tends to do.

Annie Halloway:
I'm afraid due to time constraints, I will not able to give you your usual in depth look into the workings of our beloved ATV. Regardless, I will at least spare you my presence. For I am a generous lady and I refuse to disappoint those who have graciously become a part of the cause.

Annie could only smirk at herself. Her guaranteed to always be on the top of things would go undeterred yet again. But the mood soon changed to that of great sorrow...but also of hope. Hope that this next week would be a much better one for her and the beloved ATV machine.

Annie Halloway:
As you know, last week we faced a major setback in our quest to bring about the great new era in WZCW, falling to that hooligan Stetson Hayes on truly devastating fashion. But I am not here to delve upon the past, instead I take pride in what lies ahead for us all as people.

Annie slightly chuckled to herself. Her cadence a little off-kilter and the pitches of her laughter scattered about in different areas, and why not? She knew she was going to have fun with this next opponent of her.

The scene soon changed to showcase videos of Matt Tastic over the years dominating WZCW and winning over the support of the fans.

Annie Halloway:
For my next opponent I didn’t even have to bother looking up who they were. His nonsensical rambles did all the observing for me. The so-called Matt Tastic, Puerto Rico sensation, wrestling legend, school teacher and all around swell guy...a man like him has done everything there is to do in WZCW.

A montage of the best moments of his career is played, showcasing some of his biggest and most impactful, even observing his first WZCW World Heavyweight title victory as Annie narrates the career of Matt Tastic up to this point.

Annie Halloway:
He’s broken all the rules, made lives a living hell, and has soiled this sport with his and his best friend Mikey’s antics. And yet, that is what made him the success that he is.

The scene of his first title win started to turn into a sickly grey, warping around as Annie’s tone becomes more sinister, cold-hearted and stoic.

Annie Halloway:
But if you’re aware of the ticking clock, you are also aware that there is a thing called time...and there’s not much time before me and Matt Tastic face off in the squared circle. And as time passes onward, the question shifts from what have you done today to what have you done...lately?

Scenes of Matt Tastic’s recent struggles begin to play with him taking loss after loss after loss. Each loss becoming more brutal and devastating than the last.

Annie Halloway:
I'm aware that he has his school where his pupils learn and grow under his and Mikey's tutorage. I have no problems with that. But frankly my dear followers, the numbers just don't seem to add up. Matt Tastic has been nothing short of petulant, flimsy, inadequate and embarrassing. His once confident swagger now replaced with timid cries and broken promises. To be blunt: Matt Tastic has become mediocre. And you know what happens to those who are mediocre.

Annie is then shown, making the cut-throat gesture and flashing a demented smirk at the camera.

Annie Halloway:
Oh sure, you’ve done something last week. You faced off against a lady who’s made a mess of her life and a true criminal who’s down on his luck and came out strong there. But they are merely child’s play to the hell I bring amongst my opponents.

Clips observe Annie’s string of success in matches since arriving into WZCW, even when in defeat she seems to perform very well more often that not.

Annie Halloway:
A buzzard is coming Matt Tastic. And you are not prepared for what she has in store…

One last clip of Annie Halloway making someone submit to her dreaded Hallowed Road helps to get her point across once again.

Annie Halloway is shown looking at an autographed picture of Matt Tastic, one she likely stole from another fan. She softly caresses the picture, stroking her fingers across it’s rough texture. But there is no joy inside of her.

Annie Halloway:
You were good once. You’ve made people laugh, you’ve made people cry and you redefined what it means to be a superstar in this company. And for that, you will forever be honored amongst the WZCW faithful.

She holds up the picture off Matt Tastic, showing it to the camera before for a few agonizing seconds before slowly taking towards herself. Her inhibitions starting to slip as she goes onward.

Annie Halloway:
But your day has come and gone...and this story shall end only when I terminate you off the face of this promotion.

Annie crumples up the picture and starts to rip it into pieces, laughing excitedly as she does. Twisted in her demeanor, calm and collected in her style, the wild cackles of the buzzard were ready to fly off into the night as she set off to face Matt Tastic in what was to be an exciting match for all to see. With her intentions stated and as the laughter slowly died down, there was only one thing Annie could say to Matt Tastic.

Annie Halloway:
Live mas...DIE from irrelevance...

With the screen fading to black, several lines appeared giving out a simple warning:




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