Arn Anderson Thread


U mad bro?!
This is a thread about arguably one of the toughest wrestlers in the history of this business, The Enforcer, Double A, Arn Anderson.



Ring Name:
Arn Anderson
Super Olympia
Marty Lunde

Real Name:
Marty Lunde

September 20, 1958

Trained By:
Ted Allen

January 1982

August 25, 1997

Championships and Accomplishments:

Jim Crockett Promotions/World Championship Wrestling
National Tag Team Champion - 1 time
World Tag Team Champion - 5 times
World Television Champion - 4 times

Southeast Championship Wrestling
Tag Team Champion - 4 times

World Wrestling Federation/WWE
World Tag Team Champion - 1 time
WWE Hall of Fame - 2012

Matches involving Double A




Questions for discussion:

1. What is your most memorable moment featuring Arn Anderson?

2. What in your opinion did Arn Anderson contribute to professional wrestling?

3. Do you think that he should be inducted again as a 'single' induction?

4. Who was the true leader of the Horsemen, Arn Anderson or Ric Flair?
1. What is your most memorable moment featuring Arn Anderson?
Don't have a lot, though I do remember Arn and Tully Blanchard being a great tag team, both in the NWA and WWF (Brain Busters).

2. What in your opinion did Arn Anderson contribute to professional wrestling?
I think of Arn as a legitimate tough guy. He wasn't the most built wrestler, however pound for pound he dished out a lot of punishment over the course of his career. In many ways, Arn was a prototype heel. He was a brilliant cheater, and a great mat wrestler. He was great at zeroing in on an opponent's weakness and turning it to his advantage.

3. Do you think that he should be inducted again as a 'single' induction?
Unfortunately, I don't think Arn had a strong enough singles career to be inducted on his own. He was always at his best as the Enforcer for the Four Horsemen, and as one half of a tag team.

4. Who was the true leader of the Horsemen, Arn Anderson or Ric Flair?
I really think Flair was the true leader of the Horsemen, though Arn was always Flair's foundation. Arn was more the heart and soul of the Horsemen, while Flair was the frontman.
This is a thread that definitely caught my interest because I have always been a fan of Arn Anderson and think he was one of the best on the mic, second only to Ric Flair at the time. Anyway, to answer the questions:

1. What is your most memorable moment featuring Arn Anderson?
His match with Hulk Hogan that he won! I think that says a lot about the respect that he had in the locker room for the "Immortal" one to agree to let Arn go over him, and go over cleanly. Also it says a lot about what he brings to the ring, and he was just absolutely better than Hulk in the ring in every aspect. (not saying much I know, but still)

2. What in your opinion did Arn Anderson contribute to professional wrestling?
He brought that idea of a legitimate tough guy. But more than that, he was a mentor in the ring. Watching Shawn Michaels' DVD, he says that when he was with the Rockers, he learned a lot from wrestling Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard. Plus the last incarnation of the Horseman had Mongo McMicheal, Benoit, and Dean Malenko, all guys who were on their way up in the business and he was willing to give them a rub to help elevate their game.

3. Do you think that he should be inducted again as a 'single' induction?
Definitely. The titles that he has held are listed up there. And really, if he wasn't a part of the Horseman and teaming with Flair for most of his career, I believe that he would have held a couple of World titles as well.

4. Who was the true leader of the Horsemen, Arn Anderson or Ric Flair?
I think this could be a toss up. Ric Flair was always the World champion. So by that then it should have been Flair, plus "Slick Ric" was just a little better on the mic, not by much though. But Arn was able to keep the group focused on the task at hand. Plus Flair did leave and come back a couple of times while Arn kept the group together during that time. So for me, I'd have to say looking back, why not just name them co leaders? Ultimately that is what they were. In my opinion anyway.
1. What is your most memorable moment featuring Arn Anderson?

I have two that stand out - one was the match and promo leading up to Fall Brawl '95 with his match vs. Ric Flair. You feel that the promo he was delivering was genuine and heartfelt. He gave one on WCW Saturday Night and one again at the PPV. Both, I remember, being classics. Unfortunately, the second memory I have of him is his retirement and subsequent mocking by the nWo. Arn's career should've been celebrated, not ridiculed.

2. What in your opinion did Arn Anderson contribute to professional wrestling?

In essence, he gave us the Horsemen. He came up with the name and was always the cornerstone of the group. Arn's promo ability should be studied, as very few people could be that articulate with the same fiery intensity.

3. Do you think that he should be inducted again as a 'single' induction?

I believe it'd be warranted, although somewhat unlikely. As one of the previous posters had mentioned, he was best known for his work with Tully and the Horsemen.

4. Who was the true leader of the Horsemen, Arn Anderson or Ric Flair?

I think without question, Flair was. He was always viewed as the centerpiece - the champion. However, I will say this - if Flair was the leader in body, Arn lead in spirit. There is no Horsemen without *either* of them.
1. What is your most memorable moment featuring Arn Anderson?

I have a few but my favorite has got to be when he presented the Horsemen in 1998 He and JJ Dillion were in tuxs he cut a promo and introduced the Horsemen he knew the fans wanted Flair but he saved that one for last. It was great

2. What in your opinion did Arn Anderson contribute to professional wrestling?

His promo skills. IMO he was one of the best talkers in the business at the time.

3. Do you think that he should be inducted again as a 'single' induction?

As much as I respected Arn he is most remembered for being the enforcer in the Horsemen. Should he IMO absolutely. Will he? I doubt it.
4. Who was the true leader of the Horsemen, Arn Anderson or Ric Flair?

Ric Flair. Arn was his backbone but Ric was the true leader.

1. What is your most memorable moment featuring Arn Anderson?
The original War Games. One of the greatest performances by a single wrestler of that age. Nobody really knew what to expect, how to go about it, what would happen. Arn started it, set the pace, commanded the forces throughout. In my mind that was the first time you really saw the type of ring general Arn could be, the type of force he could become in that setting. No doubt in my mind that was to this day Arn's greatest performance.

2. What in your opinion did Arn Anderson contribute to professional wrestling?
Arn Anderson was one of those people who could take a piece of crap and make it look like cake. Dusty Rhodes once said that Arn was the glue that held matches such as War Games together. Arn was the new breed of intimidating yet super intelligent ring generals that made sure everything happened as it should, that everything would go perfectly and at the right pace. One of the greatest Tag Performers in the business, along with Tully Blanchard he changed how heel tag teams worked, manipulating the referees and such. Most importantly Arn contributed the Four Horsemen, coined the name, first to throw up the fingers, Arn made it happen. His contributions are easily more than most big names of the era.

3. Do you think that he should be inducted again as a 'single' induction?
Yes. The Impact that Arn had on Tag Team Wrestling as well as the industry as one of the strongest minds, mouths, and men are beyond what almost all but a handful of people could pull off. Arn had the ability to be World Champ but deferred to Flair, his best friend. He said that the greatest accomplishments he could have were being tag team champions with a man the caliber of Tully Blanchard. Simply one of the best of all time.

4. Who was the true leader of the Horsemen, Arn Anderson or Ric Flair?
Ric Flair was the face of the Horsemen but Arn Anderson was the heart of the Horsemen. Without Arn there were no Horsemen, they tried it, it failed. Arn led the charge and in my opinion was the guy who was the face of the group from 95 on where as Ric was the guy in the early days. Overall Arn carried more respect in my eyes and led the charge.
The thing I most remember about Arn's career is unfortunately his speech about giving Curt Hennig his spot in the Horsemen only to be mocked later by the NWO. I remember being pissed that the NWO mocked that. His career definitely should have been celebrated at that point.
Arn's contributions to me were that he was a legit tough guy who could do things as a team or by himself when he needed to. Great in the ring and on the mic as well.
Unfortunately, I don't think Arn achieved enough on his own to get the single induction into the HOF. He is just as good if not better than some people already in, but I don't think they will see it that way. I am sure Vince thinks the induction with the horsemen is enough.
Ric Flair was the leader of the Horsemen, but Arn was definitely the glue that held them together. I would like to think of them as co leaders if that is an option.
Great idea for a thread. So many great Arn memories, his initial TV title run when he would wear a wrist watch and duck out of the ring constantly to run out the time limit was vintage. His performance in the 1st WAR GAMES at Bash 87 was terrific. Great tag matches vs Rock & Roll Express & LOD, Arn & Tully were among the best performers all time. His promos trying to get Flair in shape again in 95 were exceptional. Arn was one of the best talkers of all time, a fact proven by how many fans remember him as a great promo guy despite being associated with Flair, Blanchard, JJ Dillion, & Bobby Heenan, he couldnt be overshadowed.

Arn's biggest contribution to wrestling was being a team player. He worked extensively in the ring helping young guys like Luger & Sting perfect their craft (just as Flair & Ole Anderson had done for him among others). As a road agent Arn has worked for years in WWE helping young performers. Arn is a guy who never lost sight of what others did for him and was always willing to help the team. I believe it is one of the reasons Vince McMahon made him one of his 1st hires after WCW ended.

Should Arn go in the HOF as a singles wrestler ? He was great but most of his success was in teams. His occasional TV title runs were entertaining but he was never in the World Title picture and (not sure why) never had a US title run. I dont think titles alone make or break you as a HOFer (Id never put Ultimate Warrior in for instance) but Arn's best moments were in tag team settings, mostly with Ole & Tully. Id actually consider Blanchard as a singles induction before Arn.

Flair was the leader of The Horsemen. So much of the group was about protecting Flair as champ, he was the biggest star and for most of their time was World Champ. Arn was the backbone, the most consistent presence beside Flair. They were Joe Montana & Ronnie Lott or Michael Jordan & Scotty Pippen. Both were essential to the success & popularity but Flair was the leader.

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