Apocalypse 2017

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A long black limousine pulls up in the parking lot of the arena followed by black Hummers. The Hummers open their doors first and several groups of riot security step out of the vehicles and surround the limousine. They search the area quickly before tapping on the glass of the limo to signal all clear. A few moments later, Garth Black steps out of the limo and quickly shifts his head back and forth. Guided by the security team, Black makes his way through the parking lot while carrying the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship.

Kensworth: Excuse me, Garth! Quick word before you go?

The security force jumps into action and seize hold of Leon. They push him up against a wall, a forearm underneath his chin and Leon struggles but cannot break free.

Black: Let the little man go. He’s no danger to anybody but himself.

The big security guard removes his forearm and Leon coughs a few times.

Kensworth: T-t-t-thank y-y-you. Your team is very...

Black: Focused. Prepared. Vigilant.

Leon rubs his throat and edges the microphone in his hand towards Garth. The number one contender eyes the interviewer, stepping back as he makes sure the coast is clear.

Black: I don’t have all day, Leon. Ask two questions, no more and no less. You don’t get to hold this World Championship by standing around doing interviews. You get it by taking action and that’s something Justin fails to comprehend.

Kensworth: Two questions, I got it. First, what advantages do you think that stealing the World Championship has given you?

The false champion shakes his head, quickly scans the area, and then answers.

Black: I stole nothing. I took the World Championship from an imposter. A man who claims to be one thing but is clearly another. I saved the World Championship, Leon. Justin is a puppet of this corrupt system controlled by Banks and yet he has people like you believing he is some rebel. He sucks up to the corporate sponsors the same as the rest. He’s as fake as they come. I’m the only real thing in this business and tonight I’ll prove it. Justin doesn’t have the guts to hang with me in Last Man Standing. He can’t compete with him. When blood is spilt, Justin is going to break, he’ll break just like he did on Ascension and has ever since I took this title. That’s my advantage. I’ve exposed him for the liar he truly is and always has been.

Kensworth: Last question, you’ve lost to Justin three straight---

The microphone is smacked out of Leon’s hands as Garth grabs him by the collar.

Black: You think you’re funny Leon? Huh? Guys like you make me sick. You hide behind the role of interviewer but you have your favourites. You have the ones you like just like this company. You do favours for some but then you won’t for others. You’ll wait an hour for Justin but if I’m five minutes late because of traffic than it’s too bad and I get nothing. Well, when I officially gain the World Championship you’ll have to beg me for another interview. You’ll have to get on your knees and beg for my time because right now, I’m done with you. Piss off, Leon. I’ve got a World Championship to win.

He pushes Leon to the ground and storms into the area surrounded by his security team. The final shot is of Leon getting to his feet, wiping his palms on his pants and rubbing his sore neck once again.

The sound of thunder echoes over the mainland. Rain falls from the sky, the night is dark, clouds cover nearly everything above, the moon barely peeking through. We stand on top of a cliff looking down at a land rich in livestock and wonder but nobody is there to see. Nobody is left except for a single man, dressed in a cloak, brown and unclean, who steps onto the end of the cliff.

Narrator: On this night battle will be done, again.

The man on the cliff begins to remove his cloak, exposing his tired old body to the rain, soaking in the chill of each drop against his battered skin.

Narrator: The seal of peace has been broken.

The old man takes a step closer to the edge, peering over it to the beautiful valley, before sticking out his tongue and tasting the cool droplets of water.

Narrator: For now, they come to defend what is theirs.

In an instant, the overwhelming sound of rain is silenced but it still falls. Only now instead of rain we hear hooves, faster and faster they come.

Narrator: They ride to meet the challengers who dare claim their thrones.

Upon the cliff, the old man opens his eyes and looks down below.

Narrator: Conquest.

The old man shivers, not from the rain or the cold wild but from the horror of what approaches. The horror of what rides beneath through the valley.

Narrator: War.

The hooves smack the hard ground beneath as we see four horses riding alongside each other. The rides covered by cloaks which are the same as the horse they ride; Red, White, Black and Pale.

Narrator: Famine.

Faster they go as the riders charge through the valley. Lightning striking all around them as the old man watches from the cliff. The greenery slowly turning to black, dying. The livestock try to run but the ground swallows them whole, fire bursts from the cracks and lightning explodes from the sky. Terrified he closes his eyes, dropping to his knees and prays.

Narrator: Death.

Fire bursts from the ground, the riders scatter for a moment, the black horse leaping from the flames and landing on the other side.

Narrator: At the end of times you can always count of them. They are champions and champions always meet their challengers, even at the end of days.

The horsemen come back together and ride united, each battling to take the lead spot and as they do so their cloaks flap back. Xander LeBelle rides the black horse, Famine, charging forward as flames burst from the ground nipping at his face. Constantine charges forward on the red horse, War, just faster than the others as the ground beneath him opens forcing the horse and rider to leap through the area. Titus Avison rides the pale horse, Death, and feels the rain strike his face like a thousand little knives yet he does not stop. The final rider, on the white horse, Conquest, leading the group as they near the edge of the wasteland, is Justin Cooper. The valley dying as they ride through.

Narrator: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse!

Thunder roars over what now resembles a wasteland, the old man opens his eyes and is stutters in disbelief – the cliff is gone and he stands just metres away from the horsemen. Each horse with their rider’s championship hanging from their neck.

Cooper: Tell them all what you saw.

The old man nods, his fear making it impossible for him to stand.

LeBelle: They have challenged us and we will answer.

The valley, now a wasteland, is dead. Livestock either fled, burnt or swallow by the earth. The greenery turned coal black and oozing a tar like substance.

Constantine: We are the horsemen and they have called.

The final horse trots forward and kicks the old man onto his back. Titus Avison, on his pale horse with his Eurasian Championship hanging from the neck, leans over the edge and whispers to the old man.

Avison: And we bring not gifts or good fortune, we bring only... Apocalypse!

A final lightning bolt strikes the earth and the light shines behind the horsemen. They stand united against the destruction they have caused as the old man watches in terror.​


* PYRO *
* PYRO *
* PYRO *
* PYRO *
* PYRO *

The pyro finishes going off in the background as we get a panning shot of the entire arena. Madison Square Garden sold out for the Apocalypse. The crowd are loud to begin the show with many in the audience bringing their own signs. A collection of WZCW merchandise is on display with the fans wearing shirts from Eve Taylor, Mikey Stormrage, Justin Cooper and even one, probably single, 35 year old male, is wearing a Garth Black shirt. We transition to the commentary table where our trio is standing by ready for the introductions.

Copeland: Hello and welcome back to a very special event here at Madison Square Garden. Thank you for letting us into your homes once again, I’m Sebastian Copeland and what a special show we have for all the WZCW fans out there. A huge main event but before we get into that allow me to introduce my partners for this evening, Cat Connor(s) and Jack Cohen. How are we tonight.

Connor: So glad to be here tonight. This is Madison Square Garden, the world’s most famous arena and we are in for a blockbuster night of matches. Four titles are on the line and the WZCW World Championship will be defended in the brutal Last Man Standing Match. It’s going to be a long night with the big card we have but it’ll be very enjoyable, I’m sure!

Cohen: Tonight has got all the makings for being one of the biggest in the history of the company. Title defences, big matches and blood feuds. I love a good rivalry and we have many on the card tonight which will finally be settled. As you two mentioned, I’m looking forward to the main event where Garth Black will finally recaptured the World Championship and defeat that joker Justin Cooper. We’re finally going to have a respectable World Champion, finally!

Copeland: It’s been such a tough time for Justin Cooper lately. He had the World Championship stolen and on Ascension he was beaten badly by Garth Black. We have to wonder what condition he is in tonight. Speaking of Cooper, his best friend, Mark Keaton, will face off against the former World Champion, Mikey Stormrage. That’s a feud which goes back to right after Lethal Lottery. They have never competed against each other so it’ll be very interesting to see the outcome of that.

Connor: We also have Titus Avison looking to make history again by defending the Eurasian Championship against Kagura tonight. He’s the greatest champion of all time but he has never beaten a woman to retain that belt. In fact, if history is anything to go by tonight is when Titus is at his most vulnerable because he has struggled to defeat women.

Cohen: Don’t forget that two members of Vis Imperium are defending their championships tonight. Xander LeBelle and Constantine, the Elite Openweight and Mayhem Championships respectively, will be defended against Batti and Tyrone Blades. Now that Vis Imperium has the support of Mr. Banks, I cannot see how either of them could lose the titles. This is going to be a walk in the park, I say! I promise you that, Seabass. Tonight, Vis Imperium will walk out of this building with championship gold. Mark my words, Seabass!

Copeland: A huge show coming up, once again, thank you for all your support. It’s time to get into the first match now. I believe it’s a battle of the fathers. Logan McAllister versus Tony Mancini is about to get us started.
Harry's: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first....
....from Boston, MA. Weighing in at 275 pounds, the "son of Boston"...Logan McAllister!

The fans applaud as the bells hit... the lights go dark, before green lights begin pulsating to the beat of the song, the letters L-O-G-A-N slowly appear on the video screen. At 30 seconds in, we see Richard Goldman strut out with a big smile on his face as he stops at the ramp and turns towards the now emerging Logan McAllister. Logan walks out, going to the left on the stage and pointing out to his fans, doing the same thing on the right side before coming back and walking with a purpose down the ramp, stopping to high five some kids on the way to the ring. When he approaches the steps he runs up them, before walking slowly to the middle of the ring edge, leaning back on the ropes and staring out into the crowd. Logan then enters the ring posing in the center of the ring, jersey open and arms outstretched while Mr. Goldman simply applauds and smiles.

Copeland: Logan McAllister and Tony Mancini are in a must win situation here tonight. You can feel the importance of this match for both men as they are craving a win here in MSG!

Cohen: I'm impressed by the new physique of Logan, he really lost his gut there and you can tell he's been pumping some iron Seabass!

Connor: What do you think of this Jack?

Cohen: Ha ha! You call that a muscle Cat?

Harry's: And his opponent....from Yonkers, New York....

.....weighing in at 275 pounds, Tony Mancini!


Tony walks out to the stage, he's nodding at the very warm reception he's getting from the hometown crowd. He pumps his fist and smiles as he makes his way down the ramp, he high fives some fans and climbs into the ring. He takes off his Cornicello Charm his mother gave him then he asks the ref to wait a moment and walks to the corner of the ring and kneels down. He closes his eyes and says a prayer in the corner.

Connor: Such a good man! What a great crowd reaction Tony got from the fans here tonight. What a great father he must be to that kid. These are two good fathers going at it tonight.

Cohen: Can you spare me the goody two shoes, Hallmark card moments Cat?! I think I just puked in my mouth a little!


Tony and Logan take a moment to stretch and pace around the ring. Tony is smiling wide as the crowds continue to cheer and yell his name. He nods and points to Logan. He extends his hand for a handshake. Logan scrunches his nose and lifts an eyebrow at Richard outside of the ring. His manager just shrugs. Logan takes a step closer to Tony then stops and looks around at the thousands of fans encouraging the handshake. Logan grabs Tony's hand and smiles, he shakes it a few times....but he pulls hard and nails Tony with a short arm clothesline! His expression has suddenly changed to rage as he jumps down and starts nailing Tony on the mat with lefts and rights to the face. Referee Akiyama has to jump in to separate both wrestlers. Logan jumps up and holds his hands up in an innocent gesture, Akiyama quickly checks on Tony then moves away, the second he does, Logan jumps down and starts punching and elbowing Tony right in the face over and over again!


Copeland: So much for a friendly one on one match! What has gotten into Logan here tonight?

Cohen : I say it's about time! In order to survive this business, you have to dip into your dark side now and then! Logan looks like he's tapped into it and Tony is going to be punished!

Tony rolls to the bottom ropes and holds his forehead, he wearily checks for blood. Logan stands just over him, looking down with an icy glare. He quickly grabs Tony and positions him near the bottom turnbuckle. Logan starts laying in some very vicious knee strikes to Tony's head and chest! SMACK! THUD! The crowd react with every hard strike with -oooh!- Logan grabs the second rope for leverage and starts punching Tony in the head with hard right hands, over and over again. Akiyama breaks them up again and yells warnings towards Logan in the center of the ring. Logan walks over and picks up Tony by the hair, he grabs his leg and shoulder and hits Tony with an exploder suplex! Tony fly's across the ring and lands hard on his back. Logan jumps down for a cover, 1....2.... Tony kicks out. Tony struggles to his feet by the ropes, Logan grabs him and hits him with a release German suplex! Tony fly's and lands hard on his back again. Logan jumps up and lets out a breath, he paces back and forth while he looks at Tony trying to get to his feet. Logan grabs him and hits him with a very fast DDT! Tony's head bounces off of the mat and he rolls outside the ring from the impact. Logan follows him by jumping through the middle ropes, he grabs Tony and gives him a hard Irish whip, Tony slams right into the ringpost! He rebounds towards Logan who picks him up and hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Logan picks up Tony and displays impressive strength by gorilla pressing him over his head, he throws Tony back in the ring over the top ropes!

Copeland: It's been all Logan thus far, I think the capacity home crowd has distracted Tony too much!

Connor: He hasn't been able to get out of the defensive since the handshake clothesline by Logan.

Logan climbs in the ring as Tony gets to his feet, Tony attempts a left hook but Logan ducks and grabs him in a waist lock, german suplex! But he holds on to it...another german suplex, he rolls through it and hits him with a third german suplex! The Suplex Party!

Suplex Party! Suplex Party! Suplex Party!

Logan picks up Tony by the hair and slams his face on the turnbuckle, he gives him a knee strike to the stomach, he then runs to the opposite turnbuckle, he leans his head back and yells as he runs fast towards Tony, who's just holding himself up on the buckle....Logan jumps in the air and splashes him in the corner! Boston Strong! Tony twirls around twice then does a face plant on the mat. Logan quickly covers him...



Tony grabs the bottom rope, but just barely. Logan jumps up and yells at Referee Akiyama. The ref warns Logan.

Let's go Tony! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Let's go Tony!


Copeland: Wow! Listen to that chant! It's getting louder and louder, it's not hard to see who has the majority of support in this match.

Cohen: They can cheer Mr. Dad all they want! This new Boston Bastard is tearing him limb from limb in front of his hometown fans! And I love it!

Logan drags Tony across the mat and starts laying in kicks to his side, he drops a quick elbow then mounts him high on his chest...he starts laying in lefts and rights, over and over again. Referee Akiyama quickly jumps in and breaks up all the punching. Tony Mancini now has a big cut opened up over his right eye and it's pouring fast! Tony rubs his hand on his cheek and see's his hand is covered in his own blood....he looks at the crowd...then at his own blood again...he starts vibrating in rage on the mat...

Copeland: Tony is having some kind of a fit here Jack!

Logan picks up Tony and gives him a T-Bone suplex! Tony lands, but quickly stands right back up! He's vibrating, he's shaking and the crowds are going nuts over it....Logan is unaware of the instant recovery as he stretches his neck with his back to Mancini....Tony now has his both hands rubbing his cut and he's looking at both hands like he's about to completely crack up! Logan turns around, he punches Tony in the face with a hard right hand...Tony shakes it off and stares at Logan in complete insane anger! Logan punches Tony again but it has no effect at all, Logan looks at his own fist in wonder, like he just shot a blank at a bear...Tony unleashes a right hand at Logan's face, then a left, right, left, right, left, right, right, right......Logan is wobbling on the far ropes...Tony nails him with an elbow to the face then Irish whips him off the far ropes, Tony runs and NAILS Logan with an extemely hard clothesline! Logan does a complete backflip and lands on his stomach! The crowds are now going crazy for their hometown hero making a big comeback!
Tony starts stamping the mat and clapping his hands, the crowds are clapping along.... Logan struggles to his feet, Tony throws him off of the ropes and hits a tilt-a-wirl slam! He's on fire now as he runs around the ring yelling and pumping his fist...

Cohen: Sometimes the sight of your own blood can do things to your psyche Seabass! Tony has seen his blood and he's reacting like a crazed loon!! The fans aren't helping either!

Logan tries to mount an answer with lefts and rights but Tony swats the offense away and kicks Logan in the stomach, he grabs Logan and gives him a suplex, Logan's leg's hit awkwardly on the top rope and he falls on his neck on the mat. Tony rubs more blood on his hands and laughs, he stomps over to the corner of the ring....he waits for Logan...Logan staggers to his feet...Tony runs across the ring and NAILS Il Siluro Italiano! The Gore! He lands violently right on top of Logan and hooks the leg!



3!!! NOOoo!!! Richard pulls Logan's legs and hauls him right out of the ring! Referee Akiyama throws a fit and yells something at the announce table.

Harry's:Referee Akiyama has ordered Richard Goldman to the back! This match will continue!

Tony quickly jumps through the ropes and throws Logan back into the ring. He covers Logan, ....1.....2..... Logan throws his shoulder up. Tony jumps to his feet, he wipes the blood from his eyes. He picks up Logan by the hair....he picks him up and hits Riposa in Pace! The sitout spinebuster but Logan knees him in the face before he can drop him, Logan lands on his feet, he picks up Tony and swings him!!! Boston Massacre! he falls on Tony for the cover....





Angry fans start pelting the ring with empty cups and garbage.

Harrys: The winner of this match, Logan McAllister!

Copeland: Logan McAllister pulled off the win here with a HUGE assist from Richard Goldman! These fans are really angry!

Cohen: Logan brought out his new dark, opportunistic side and it brought him a victory!

Connor: This will be huge for Logan heading to Gold Rush! I'm curious to see if Tony will vow revenge on The Son of Boston in the near future!
Backstage we see the Clark sisters with Batti.

Callie: Like totes, it'll be a great night for us all. You need to embrace it Batti.

Just then Vox appears out of nowhere.

Vox: God bless you Clarks. God bless you Batti. I know that you three girls are loving and caring, so would you like to give to help starving kids in Africa?

Gab: Eww! No thanks.

A hand comes onto camera with a wad of cash. The camera turns to reveal The Beard.

Beard: Here you go buddy.

Vox: Oh God bless you man. I need to tell you about some of the other causes we can irradicate.

Beard walks off with Vox running behind him talking about the various causes.
Harrys: The following contest is set for one fall!


Harrys: Introducing first, San Francisco, California by way of Indianapolis, Indiana, weighing 325 pounds, Mikey Stormrage!

Green strobe lights flash in rhythm to the music until Stormrage makes his way onto the stage, throwing a single hand into the air as the top of the ramp. The crowd ever so loud since Mikey has been absent from in-ring competition for the most part since Kingdom Come. He slaps hands and interacts with fans on his way to the ring. He rolls into the ring and makes his way to a turnbuckle, climbing to the second rope and yelling out and performing his "Game Over" taunt.

Copeland: The former World Champion has only wrestled one time since his heartbreaking loss in the main event of Kingdom Come. That was a triple threat also involving Flex Mussel and Garth Black. Since then we haven’t seen Mikey in the ring and many have questioned if we will see any rust tonight.

Connor: Stormrage is one of the best ever. He knows how important this match is tonight. You’ve got a young upstart in Mark Keaton looking to cement his name in the history books. He was by Justin Cooper’s side at Kingdom Come and helped his best friend capture the title. Tonight, we will see no friends at ringside. No members of Vis Imperium either, Keaton will be by himself as he steps into the ring with Mikey Stormrage. Mikey has waited for this match since Kingdom Come and now he finally gets it.

Cohen: Be careful what you wish for, CC. Mikey is getting what he wants and when this turns out badly for him than he’ll have nobody else to blame but himself. Keaton is the WZCW Rookie of the Year for 2016, he’s a two time Tag Champion and a member of Vis Imperium. He has it all and has been on the upswing while Mikey is crashing down to earth after failing in the main event.

Stormrage approaches the ring apron, brushing his hand along the canvas and begins to pull himself up. Suddenly, from behind and without warning, Mark Keaton blasts Mikey in the back with a steel chair! The crowd explode with heat as Keaton, his blond hair falling gracefully, slams the chair into Mikey’s back for a second time causing him to drop. The referee in the ring jumps to the outside and tries to stop the attack but Keaton takes aim and floors him with a right hand. Security all around the ring move in only to stop when Keaton shouts.

Keaton: I work for Banks, idiots! Stay back or else you’ll be unemployed the moment you put a finger on the Remarkable One.

As Keaton turns his attention back to his opponent, Mikey leaps onto him and fires away with punches. The crowd roar with a cheer as Mikey wrestles the chair away, throwing it to the side before grabbing Keaton by the hair and slamming him head first into the steel ring post. He bounces off, stumbling away holding his forehead as Stormrage approaches, desperately trying to get the action into the ring. Mikey grabs Keaton, the Remarkable One spins and drives his thumb into the eye! Blinded now, Keaton takes advantage and kicks Mikey square below the belt and then hits a delayed piledriver on the floor!

Connor: This match hasn’t even started yet and Keaton attempting to end the career of Mikey Stormrage.

Cohen: You’ve got to watch your back at all times, CC!

While Stormrage is down on the ground, the crowd trying to pump him up, Keaton moves over to the side of the ring. He pulls up the cover and removes a black baseball bat. Reminiscent of Tyrone Blades, a major enemy of Vis Imperium, Keaton saunters over to Mikey as he leans against the guardrail. Keaton takes a moment to line up his swing and cracks Mikey in the ribs. The second shot is less timed, then the third and fourth come in quick succession. Switching from ribs to back and finally, a sharp thrust to the jaw.

Keaton throws the bat to the ground and spreads his arms in the air. He ascends the turnbuckle from the outside of the ring and soaks in all the boos. A huge smile across his face as Mikey can barely attempt to crawl. The match not even officially underway. It appears that Keaton is not done however, he jumps down from the turnbuckle and grabs Mikey by the arm, a stiff knee followed by an Irish Whip sends him crashing into the steel steps. As Mikey lay, prone and wounded, Keaton blows him a kiss before picking up the chair and striking it against Mikey’s head, sandwiched between steel chair and steel steps.

Copeland: Somebody stop the damn match! Mikey Stormrage is done. His career is at stake.

Connor: What match? The bell never rung. This contest has not officially begun under the rules of WZCW. Mikey Stormrage is still expected to compete. I... how can this happen?

Cohen: You all thought Mark Keaton was just a sidekick? Well, tonight he is proving that he is as dangerous as any man in WZCW history.

The heat is insane, members of the crowd are throwing bottles and cups as Keaton slowly shoves Mikey Stormrage into the ring. He walks around the ring, kicking some of the rubbish being thrown at him and then climbs the steps into the squared circle. Keaton removes his black leather jacket, folding it up nicely and hands it to a ringside worker. His attention focuses on the crowd and how much they hate him right now. Not a care in the world for Mikey Stormrage, who is fighting to stand. Drops of blood dripping from his face, his body completed wrecked from the assault before this “match” ever began. He is in no shape to compete but somehow Stormrage pulls himself to a vertical base and leans back in the turnbuckle, since it’s the only way he can physical stand.

Keaton laughs out loud. His smile wide, a perfect row of teeth on display as he steps forward into the middle of the ring. He beckons Mikey to do the same and a moment later the former World Champion tries. Mikey takes a single step forward and collapses onto the ground, his face leaving a red stain on the canvas. People are crying in the audience as their hero cannot defend himself. Keaton approaches, lifting Mikey up by the head and delivers a combination of jabs. The flurry is finished when Keaton squeezes Mikey’s face and shoves it to the canvas. He looks disgusted at his opponent, Keaton kicks Mikey a few times and gets him to roll over. Keaton places a single foot on Mikey.

Cohen: Yes! Oh, can you imagine the embarrassment?

Copeland: Are you kidding me? Not like this!

Connor: Kick out, Mikey! Come on, don’t go down like that. Kick out, please!

The referee slides into position and his hand reaches the mat once. The crowd turns away in disgust as the hand hits the mat for the second time. It’s coming down for the third when out of nowhere Mikey Stormrage kicks out! Madison Square Garden cannot contain itself. The reaction is thunderous as Stormrage somehow gets his shoulder of the mat before the three count. Keaton is furious, backing away and rubbing his hands through his golden locks. He had the picture-perfect moment and now he has been robbed. Mikey Stormrage still has some fight left in him and to the shock of the crowd, and the horror of Keaton, the former World Champion is on his knees.

Blood trickling down his face, his teeth grinding together, his ribs broken but the will is strong. Mikey Stormage freaking stands up! He lets out a loud groan of pain, the crowd cheers wildly, Keaton is shaking his head. Keaton cannot believe it. Disbelief covers his face as Mikey steps forward and suddenly explodes with the Headshot! A huge elbow to the head of Keaton sends the youngster stumbling. Trying to cut off his sudden rush of adrenaline, Keaton comes right back but is caught and nailed with the Live Más Slam!

Copeland: LIVE MAS SLAM!

Cohen: What? How in the world is this happening?

Mikey is up on his feet and his entire body is shaking. Keaton is stunned, crawling towards the ropes to pull himself up. Mikey Stormrage in the zone and points over to his opponent. He signals for Game Over and the crowd stands. Mikey grabs Keaton from behind and lifts him up, Keaton rakes the eyes and slides off the back and lands safely behind. Keaton grabs the arm, twists it and nails the VHS Lariat! Down goes Mikey but the arm remains connected. A moment later, Keaton steadies himself and pulls Mikey up off the canvas before striking with another VHS Lariat! Two is not enough as Keaton pulls, with all his might, Stormrage to a vertical base and pulls his opponent forward for what should be a third VHS Lariat. However, as Mikey comes in, Keaton doesn't swing the arm but rather grabs Mikey around the shoulder, leans forward and then snaps back bringing Mikey with him – FINAL VERSE!

Copeland: Keaton just used the Final Verse, the finisher of his best friend, former tag partner and mentor, and the man who beat Mikey at Kingdom Come with the very same move.

Cohen: What a genius move by Keaton to rub salt into the wound. Let Mikey know who the greatest tag team of all time truly is. Keaton may have even done it better than the original.

The crowd cannot believe it as Mark Keaton rolls Stormrage over and hooks the leg while looking into the camera. 1... 2... 3! Keaton rolls off Stormrage immediately and demands the referee raise his hand in victory, even doing so before Harrys can make the official announcement.

Harrys: Here is your winner, Mark Keaton!

Connor: It’s official, Mark Keaton has defeated Mikey Stormrage. No matter how we slice it that is what the record books will show. Gentlemen, what does this win mean for Mark Keaton.

Copeland: I think he’s looking toward Gold Rush and being a major favourite. He just beat the former World Champion and a future Hall of Fame inductee. This win should lead to big things for Mark Keaton.

Cohen: With all due respect partners, I don’t think this encounter is finished.

As Mikey Stormrage is being checked by the medical team, Keaton rushes into the ring and shoves them out of the way. He mounts Mikey and smashes him in the face with forearms. Some of the medical team try to reason with Keaton and they receive a right hand to the face for their troubles. One doctor is picked up and thrown over the top rope onto a few of his colleagues. Pure hatred flowing from his eyes as Keaton picks Stormrage up and pulls him over to the ropes, he steps through while pulling Mikey and the two balance on the ring apron.

Copeland: Oh no, what is he thinking now?

Cohen: I’ve heard rumours that Keaton has been training and has got some new moves. We could be about to see if that rumour is true.

Waiting for a moment, Keaton lifts Mikey up over his head and holds it for a second before twisting – Jackhammer Suplex on the edge of the ring apron! Mikey may have a broken back, he screams in pain and the crowd watch on praying for the best. Keaton still doesn’t appear to be finish as he flips the cloth over the ring apron up and pulls out a kendo stick.


Huge pop from the crowd; Matt Tastic comes sprinting down to the ring with his eyes set on Mark Keaton.

Copeland: MATT TASTIC! He’s back! Go on, Matt! Finally, someone has stepped up to stop this madness.

Connor: Can you blame people? Vis Imperium is in with Mr. Banks and any action against them could get you fired. Tastic doesn’t care though. He sees his friend in need and here comes the second half of Live Mas!

Cohen: I thought he was retired. What's he doing here? This is none of his damn business.

The sudden appearance of Matt Tastic causes Keaton to sprint around the ring and through the crowd. Tastic gives chase until he reaches the barricade and Keaton is up in the stands. Tastic signals for Keaton to come back down but Keaton shakes his head and continues to leave the area. Tastic then goes back to Mikey, yelling for someone to get some help as medical officials begin to come down to the ring with a stretcher.

Copeland: Mark Keaton has scattered following the return of Hall of Fame superstar, Matt Tastic. If he thinks he can get away with this disgusting act than I think he is in for a surprise.

Connor: That’s in the future but tonight we have to worry about the condition of Mikey Stormrage. They’re loading him onto the stretcher but I don’t think he has moved since suffering that brutal Jackhammer Suplex on the ring apron. His career could be over.

Cohen: I wouldn’t expect to see Mikey in the ring anytime soon. He messed with the power of Vis Imperium and has paid the ultimate price. Keaton has ascended to greatness tonight and it appears that Matt Tastic is the next so called legend to feel the power of Vis Imperium!

We see Mikey being taken up the ramp on the stretcher with Matt Tastic by his side looking concerned. The crowd give a standing ovation but we see no movement from Mikey. His career in jeopardy following the assault by Mark Keaton. His back not only injured but broken and the image of Keaton's million dollar smile and golden locks burned into the mind of Mikey Stormrage as he is taken away.
The mood is very self-congratulatory in Vis Imperium’s private locker room. Andrew Adonis opens the door and Mark Keaton steps through with a bottle of champagne in his hand already. He turns it upside down and showers himself in it, catching a few odd drops in his mouth. The man who broke the back of Mikey Stormrage wipes the champagne from his eyes and chucks the empty bottle.

Keaton: It burns! Why’d you guys let me do that? Shit, it freakin’ burns. Someone get me a towel!

From across the locker room, Constantine throws Keaton a towel and the youngster wipes his eyes. He receives a pat on the back by Constantine, the two exchange a few whispers, until Xander LeBelle pipes up.

LeBelle: No secrets now. Teams with secrets do not function as well as those without.

Constantine: Indeed. I was just telling Mark what a fine job he did tonight and how proud I am that he is a member of Vis Imperium. You shall get the same whispers, so long as you do your job tonight and retain the Elite Openweight Championship. I take it I don’t need to stress how important your match is, Xander? I scouted you not to just be a member of Vis Imperium but to be a champion. Austin won and lost that very same title, if I wanted a contender I’d have just kept him but I wanted a champion – I wanted you. Do not make me regret that decision, kid.

Adonis and LeBelle exchange a look, LeBelle turns back and simply nods.

LeBelle: I’ll get the job done, John. You best focus on your match with Tyrone and retaining your championship. Leave little Miss Batti to Andrew and I. She’ll be back to caring for that cripple in no time once she feels the sting of the Rose’s Thorn.

Keaton: Exactly, geez you two have gotta relax. Come on, it’s time to party! We’re going to go 3-0, I can feel it. I’ve dispatched of Mikey, his back broken like a twig, and you two are going to retain those sexy looking title belts. Mr. Banks made the right choice backing us up, I told him that. Yes sir, best decision you ever made I said.

Constantine approaches his locker and runs his fingers over the Mayhem Championship. His gaze held by the title and the same can be said for LeBelle who places the Elite Openweight Championship in his lap.

Constantine: Losing is not an option for either of us, Xander. You hear me?

LeBelle: Yeah, I hear you.

Constantine: Good because I’d hate to discover a weak link tonight. I really would.

All four men in the room remain silent. The atmosphere full of tension, Vis Imperium still with two matches left and both their titles on the line. Failure is not an option and both Constantine and LeBelle realise it. Constantine never looks away from the title, Adonis turns away but LeBelle glances up at Keaton, the two share something, just for a second, and then LeBelle looks back down to his beloved championship.
The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WZCW Elite Openweight Championship!


Introducing first, from Neo-Japan, she is the challenger, Batti!!

Beach balls rain from above showering the crowd and the ramp. Batti comes out running back and forth and kicking the balls into the audience and running down the aisle. She gets in the ring where she stretches and slaps her face and turning serious.

Copeland:A golden opportunity for Batti who looks to defeat the newest member of Vis Imperium who seems to have a moral code against hitting women.

Connor:The problem being WZCW has become a company of equality. While chivalry can be respected, Xander refusing to let up in a wrestling company where women and men want to compete on equal ground, it comes off pretty condescending. The MO of the Champion.

Cohen: You two constantly talk about doing the right thing, moral codes and all that goody two shoes stuff, here's a guy setting an example and look how he's treated for it.

Ladies and gentlemen....... Silence, please.

The crowd just boos loudly as lights dim.


Golden lights aim at the entrance ramp where the Champion shines, awaiting his introduction.

Her opponent, representing Vis Imperium, weighing 215 lbs and from the City of Light, he is the current reigning and defending Elite Openweight Champion, he is the Class Act! The Worlds Greatest Mind, Xander LeBell!!

Xander makes his way down the ramp with his cane leading the way as he drops ashes of his cigar on the floor. Fans boo him but he pays no mind as he walks down. Placing the cane on the side of the ring, he enters ready.

Just look at that poise. And he's associated with winners now.

Copeland:Xander associating himself with Vis Imperium recently, though this is a more personal battle.

Connor: He's used that cane of his before. He has his tricks.

With everything set, referee for this match, Elizabeth Prince takes the title and presents it before signalling for the bell to start this match.

*Ding Ding Ding*

The bell rings and the match is underway. The battle for the Elite title begins. Batti seems ready to go, looking for the first move. However, Xander seems apprehensive, not really sure if he wants to go through with this. But Batti leaves him with no choice as they lock with a collar and elbow tie up. Both looking for the advantage, it seems Xander has it, but he leads Batti away as he backs off and roams the ring. Batti looking on confused. Xander shakes his hands, rattling away the nerves as they both measure again and lock up. This time a more difficult battle for control takes place, but ultimately, Xander once again leads Batti off. Batti looks on frustrated now as Xander seems to just ignore it, pacing and shuffling. She seems to brush off the frustration and seems set for action. They measure again, but just as they're about to lock up, Batti stops, drops her guard and SLAPS Xander who bumps on his back and rolls out of the ring in shock as the crowd pops loudly for it.


Copeland: Xander needs to put aside his chivalry if he wants to keep that title.

Connor: It's pretty disrespectful, really. She, as well as any other female wrestler sign wavers to prevent disciplinary action if there's any sort man on woman physicality, aside from more "personal" attacks. They are openly saying they want to be hit like any man and Xander has gone on to denounce that. He calls it pity. For a fully capable professional athlete? How condescending is that? Male or female, competitors want to be treated as competitors.

Cohen: In all fairness, Xander was a stand up guy up until siding with Vis Imperioum. Though I don't know why the crowd says he's a cow in Spanish.

Xander paces outside the ring, holding his cheek, red from the armor piercing slap he just received. He gets on the apron as he stares at Batti. Angered, he just looks at her as if a blinding rage was setting in. He gets in the ring and....... Stops. Batti looks at him, fed up, she offers up her very kawaii chin for him to hit. Going from angry to taunting him. He takes a swing as she pulls away to avoid it, going right back asking for a shot. But instead, Xander kicks her leg and hits a Snap DDT, quickly hooking the leg for a cover. 1....-But not even getting a 2 count off it, he panics asking if it was 3. Batti gets up fast and starts hitting a series of Clotheslines as LeBell staggers back to his feet with every one as Batti winds up the pitch and hits a Punch. LeBell again staggers to the outside as Batti does her DIO pose.

Connor: At this point, if LeBell loses, he'll have to answer to Constantine and he'll have no one to blame but himself.

Copeland: Pride is a deadly sin and LeBell seems to be paying for it here.

Cohen: That's so unfair. You people constantly talk about honor and stuff, here's a guy with a strong moral code and you bash him for it. And he's wrestling another one of those japanamine fans. Glad the other one is gone.

Batti celebrates with the crowd as they cheer her on but Xander has had enough and shoves her off the ropes to the floor as she stumbles down painfully, her clutching the back of her head. Xander proceeds to pose to the crowd, expecting applause but they just boo. He gloats a while but goes to the outside, seeing his female challenger stagger. He whips her against the barricade and hits Knife Edge Chops, asking the crowd if the hear it each time. They just boo and heckle him as he whips her against the ring apron. They both return to the ring where Xander hooks a chinlock, grounding Batti as he taunts her. "I warned you!" Batti struggles, her opponents frame being much larger leaving her having a ahrd time getting up and her oxygen being cut faster. Instead she has to maneuver her body in order to get some leverage, managing to get to her knees. As she pulls herself up, Xander slams her down by the hair, keeping the hold on. She struggles, this time having better luck and getting back up faster. She hits Xander in the ribs to have him let go and hits a Belly To Belly Suplex. Both on their feet, Batti hits her own chops to soften Xander up and runs the ropes. Stopping before hitting a Bell Clap, Xander quickly grabbing his ears in pain as he drops. Batti goes up to the top rope and just drops, splashing her body all over Xander. Batti hooking the leg, 1.... 2......3-But Xander barely gets the shoulder up in time.

Connor: Batti proving she's better than any waifu out there, she's starting to bring it now.

Cohen: .......Waifu? That's just racist. I expected better from you.

Copeland: No comment. I know what it means. But I'm also old.

Xander gets back to his feet but is now HUGGED by Batti, who just squeezes as tight as possible. He may be taller and heavier, but Batti can still wrap her arms around him and tighten her grip. Xander demanding the referee get her off. Referee Elizabeth Prince asking if that means he's submitting but he responds with "Nooo!". She just stands back and lets Batti hug away. Xander struggles to break out of the hold, mustering all his strength to power out, Batti has a strong grip, probably from all the glomping, but little by little, the struggle is real and Xander powers out, immediately kicking Batti hard in the chest, knocking her down. He pounces on her and pins her arms to the mat, but that doesn't last as she Monkey Flips him. Xander lands on his feet, quick as a cat, skills as a jaguar. He hits a slap across the face of Batti, a regular offensive move of his. But this time, his adversary equipped with chesticles, she seems stunned. She takes a step back and Xander seems apprehensive, realizing what he's done. But as he realizes he has to to retain his Championship, a dowey-eyed Batti lunges at him, driving him to the corner where she starts stomping on him and choking with such rage in her face, her eyes turn triangular.

Connor: They say hell hath no fury over a woman scorned.

Cohen: She wanted a fight, he slaps her and this is how she acts?

Copeland: I just think she's mad she got hit in the face and wants to win.

Batti mounts the offense with Clotheslines but Xander manages to surprise her, sliding under Batti and hitting a Throat Thrust allowing him to grab her and slam her face first against the corner. Batti falls back as Xander goes up the ropes, quickly leaping for the Guillotine Legdrop but Batti rolls out of the way and right away, Batti grabs and arm and goes for La Magistral. But Batti isn't really well trained in Lucha and can't execute it properly, allowing Xander to get loose and knock her down with a Big Boot. Xander makes a second attempt, climbing the ropes and leaping with the Legdrop, this time connecting and him hooking the leg. 1..... 2.......... 3-But Batti gets the shoulder up in time. Both lay on the canvas exhausted, referee Elizabeth Prince checks on them both as they start to slowly make their way back to their feet. Both on their knees, they trade slaps. One by one, they hit each other, open palms across the face. They both get up and Xander tries the Butterfly Suplex, but Batti fights it off. Xander tries to dash the ropes for momentum but is pulled back by Batti who surprises him with a Pop Up Bakka Bomb! Batti jumps on top of Xander! 1.......... 2......... 3-But Xander kicks out at the last second. Batti gets back up, panting, trying to catch her breath. Xander struggles just to turn himself over. Batti see's her chance and measures Xander for the Kawaii Kick but LeBell, sensing danger, rolls out to the floor.

Cohen: What a genius, getting away from possible disaster.

Connor: Avoiding the problem isn't going to solve it. Though, Xander still hasn't found a solution. And Batti hasn't been able to keep him down for long.

Batti, not wasting time, goes outside after Xander but is Told Holded onto the steel steps, knocking them out of place. Xander drags himself under the apron and pulls out his trusty cane, rolling back into the ring with it. Referee Elizabeth Prince tells him he must discard it, but he retorts that he needs it due to a bad knee. He puts his weight on it as it holds him up, meanwhile, Batti struggles to get back in the ring as Elizabeth counts. 1 ........ 2......... 3............. 4.......... Batti drags herself up the apron while Xander, behind the refs back, measures to swing away. Elizabeth turns to look at him and immediately he goes back to limping. Batti gets up on the apron and Xander screams. "If you get in, I swing! No title for you! Now leave!" The crowd boos as Batti thinks about it. If she steps in, she'll get hit and win, but not win the title. She thinks about it, shrugs and just gets in. Xander looks to take his swing but referee Elizabeth Prince snatches the cane right out of his hands. He turns to her with an incredulous look in his face. He turns back to Batti and is rolled up in a Small Package! 1....... 2...... 3!!


Batti gets her hand raised high by Elizabeth as Xander looks on in disbelief at what happened.

Cohen: That cannot be legal! How could she get involved?!

Connor: Xander tried to cheat his way out, Jack. Do you really think the fans want to see a match end like that? A referee's job is to enforce the rules of the match to make sure its both safe for competitors and an overall enjoyable contest. That payers get their moneys worth.

Copeland: Liberties were taken, yes. She's supposed to make sure a contest is fair. But the decision stands. We have a new Elite Champion.

Batti celebrates hugging the belt tightly, jumping up and down, running and screaming while Xander is outside, mouth agape and eyes open wide.
In the locker room, we find The Beard being welcomed by a few wrestlers and crew members. He takes a set at a locker and begins to unpack his things. He has a smile on his face until he is approached by an unknown figure since we cannot see his face based on the angle of the camera, due to Beard sitting while unpacking. The Beard looks up and shakes his head in displeasure, his face with a sour look on it now.

Beard: How can you carry that championship when you didn’t earn it?

The camera pans up to reveal Garth Black and the stolen WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, along with four security guards behind him.

Black: Make no mistake about it, I’ve earned this title and I would say I’ve earned it multiple times over. Just because this company refuses to recognize me as the rightful World Champion at this moment means nothing. The end game is here and by the end of the night the entire world will be forced to once again worship at my feet.

Beard: You’re a piece of work, Garth. You know, I kind of got what you were speaking about long ago. I understood the frustration. In fact, a lot of us did. You were the guy we all silently wished succeeded but now you’re just bitter because someone else came along and did it better. You’re no longer the unspoken truth, just a bitter old has been.

Black: You’ve been gone a long time, Beard. I have no problem reminding you how I’ve held this championship before, how I defeated Tyrone Blades at Kingdom Come and how I will defeat Justin Cooper in Last Man Standing tonight. Do not provoke what you cannot contain, Beard. It’ll be the last thing you do and this return of yours will be cut shorter than your World Title reign.

Slowly, The Beard stands up and looks Garth right in the eyes. The security goes to step forward but Beard notices and relaxes.

Beard: I’ll remember that. One day I’ll smack the sense of entitlement right out of your mouth. You know, when you’re not shadowed by goons in riot gear.

Black: Alas, it’s not today. Coward.

Garth smirks, adjusts the World Championship and knocks The Beard’s bag to the floor causing some of the contents to tumble across the carpet. Beard doesn’t make a move, the security block the path to Black and allow their client to exit the locker room safely, as their watchful eyes remain on Beard.
Harrys: This next match is a singles bout that is scheduled for a single fall.


Harrys: Introducing first, From Crawley, South East England, weighing 185 pounds, Vee! A! D! Z!

Vee rotates clockwise on one leg and then somersaults on the floor, before bouncing up and raising his both hands. He goes to the audience on the barricade for some fan fair, gets to the ring and Springboards his way in with another somersault on the mat.

Copeland: Vee has been on a major roll as of late. He’s managed to defeat both the reigning world champion and the number one contender in previous weeks.

Connor: That’s right. And if he wins again here tonight, he’ll have defeated his third former world champion.

Cohen: Nah, those were fluke victories. I’m still not convinced that the kid has what it takes to win tonight.


Harrys: And making his return to WZCW, from Beard City, USA, weighing 285 pounds, The Beard!

The lights are out, and as the music hits Beard is standing there with a towel over his head engulfed by a spotlight. Beard flings the towel off his head as he bounces up and down. He draws the crowd in for more noise with his hands. The lights fly on and Beard throws his hands in the air encouraging the crowd to chant "Beard! Beard! Beard!". He hurries down the aisle slapping hands with all the members of Beard Nation. He slaps the stairs as he charges up them, before leaping himself over the top rope and dropping to one knee. He bobs his head to his music and the chants of the crowd. He stands up and throws himself chest first into the ropes, and throws his arms out as a crooked smile comes across his face.

Cohen: See, now. That’s a driven man right there. It’s great to see the Beard back in action after so long. He’s going to show Vee what greatness is.

Copeland: Beard last wrestled at Apocalypse last year. One must wonder if he’s suffering from any ring rust.

Connor: Well he looks to be in phenomenal shape. Vee is sure to have his hands full tonight.

Ding! Ding! Ding!​

The two men eye each other, as acting referee Keith Morse calls for the bell. Beard charges forward, but Vee darts away. Clearly at a size disadvantage, he has no intention of trying to match power with the big man. The fans are clearly behind Beard now; he stops to take it all in. “It’s great to be back!” he mouths.

The two competitors move to lock up with each other, but Vee uses his speed and kicks Beard in the hamstring, testing him. The shot has no real effect, so Vee does it again, harder this time. Beard grimaces in pain and holds his left leg, but he stands and grins. Vee backs away; the last thing he wants is to be on the business end of one of Beard’s punches.

Vee charges again and manages to wrestle Beard to the mat, but the big man counters and throws the smaller man off him. Beard hits an arm drag, and grabs a headlock on the mat, but Vee manages to counter and backs away.

Connor: It seems as if Vee’s simply testing Beard.

Copeland: Beard doesn’t look like he’s got any ring rust so far, that arm drag was picture perfect.

Cohen: Heh, Beard only needs one big shot and it’s over.

Vee sidesteps Beard and tries to throw him over his hip, but Beard stops his momentum. Vee tries again, but the big man shakes him off and hits a high knee straight to the face. Surprised, Vee tries to scurry away, but Beard overpowers him. He lifts the smaller man to his feet and drives him into the turnbuckle back first. Vee crumbles into a heap, as Beard takes his boot and rakes it across his face, driving Vee’s skull into the bottom turnbuckle. The big man grins before bouncing off the ropes and driving his foot into Vee’s face. Beard lifts the smaller man off the canvas and drags him away from the corner, before dropping him with a quick belly to belly suplex.

He makes the first cover…


Vee kicks out. Beard raises an eyebrow. He’s impressed by the smaller man’s tenacity. He arm-drags Vee to the mat again and applies a hammerlock. Vee grits his teeth in pain, writhing against the bigger man’s strength, but he reverses the hold and applies a hammerlock of his own. A look of determination crosses his face, as he begins to elbow Beard hard in the shoulder. Shot after shot rains down as Vee begins to get the upper hand. Quickly he repositions himself and applies a Fujiwara armbar. Beard cries out in pain and tries to push the smaller man away, but the hold is locked in.

Connor: Beard may tap here!

Cohen: Nonsense, it’ll take more than a simple armbar to get a man like Beard to quit.

Copeland: Regardless, Beard is going to find that Vee isn’t some pushover. There’s a reason why he defeated two world champions.

Beard sits to a base and manages to push Vee off. The smaller man dives for the arm again, but Beard counters with another knee lift to the face. Beard shakes the numbness from his arm, and quickly delivers a snap suplex. He picks Vee up and hits another, before shouting to the crowd. Vee works his way to his feet, but Beard has him measured. He runs and hits a crossbody; his weight crushing the smaller man to the canvas with a devastating impact.

Beard makes another cover…



But Vee gets the shoulder up. Beard doesn’t get discouraged. This was merely another test of Vee’s toughness. He picks up the smaller man and drives him backwards into the turnbuckle. Beard pummels Vee with elbows of his own, before dropping him to his knees with a shoulder barge. Beard tosses Vee across the ring with a Biel throw. He looks to be out of it. Instead of pouncing on him, Beard runs and bounces off the ropes, looking to crush Vee with another power move, but he sits up and tosses Beard with a judo throw! He immediately clamps on another armbar. Trying to wear down the shoulder long enough to render the big man’s power game worthless. Beard manages to find his base and delivers a straight right forearm smash to Vee’s jaw, sending the smaller man reeling.

Copeland: It seems that Beard has Vee’s armbar well scouted.

Connor: Regardless, it’s a sound strategy by Vee to try and take Beard's power out of the equation.

Cohen: Ha! Vee might as well be a fly buzzing around the ring to Beard. He can try all the armbars he wants. It’s going to take a lot of effort to put the big man away.

Beard hits a double arm back breaker, and follows this up with a big leg drop. He grabs another headlock, trying to wrench the smaller man’s neck. Beard digs in with the pressure as Vee tries to roll out of the maneuver, but Beard manages to keep him grounded. Vee elbows Beard in the gut, trying to break free, but Beard takes him over to the mat. With some effort, Vee manages to roll to a kneeling position and tries to counter, but finds that he doesn't have the strength to lift the big man without straining himself. Beard tries to pull Vee down into the headlock again, but the MMA fighter uses his momentum against him and throws him over his shoulder onto the mat. Vee quickly begins to rain down forearm shots onto Beard skull. This time Vee measures his opponent and hits a Shining Wizard! This doesn’t keep Beard down for long, but Vee meets him with a reverse hook kick. This stuns Beard long enough for Vee to hit a stellar looking 720 Guyver kick.

Instead of kipping up, he goes for the cover…


Beard kicks out. Unfazed, Vee hits a dropkick as Beard stands up. And then another. And then another. Beating the big man to the punch every time. A forth dropkick stuns Beard so badly that he must use the ropes to pull himself back up. As Beard stumbles to the center of the ring, Vee hits him with a devastating looking roundhouse kick!

He goes for another cover…



But Beard kicks out! Vee looks frustrated. That had been one of his best shots. He breathes in deep and then exhales. As Beard gets to his feet, Vee begins kicking him in the shoulder and gut, forcing him back against the turnbuckle. Vee looks for another roundhouse kick in the corner, but Beard ducks his foot and grabs him. He launches the smaller man against the turnbuckles with a diabolical looking exploder suplex. The crowd gasps as Vee’s head and neck are slammed against the padding. His body lying in the corner in a heap.

Connor: Wow, what a move!

Cohen: Someone better get a spatula. Vee may need to be scraped off the mat.

Copeland: What power by the Beard! And out of nowhere too.

Beard gets to his feet and shakes off the cobwebs. He signals to the crowd, before bouncing off the ropes and delivering a sick looking cannonball to the downed Vee!

He drags the smaller man to the center of the ring and covers him…



But Vee kicks out again. Beard shakes his head in disbelief. He signals for the end, and tries to position Vee for the Poetic Justice, but the smaller man drops down and wrestles the big man to the mat and goes right back to the Fujiwara armbar. Beard manages to counter, and rolls towards the ropes, but Vee is faster and manages to grab his arm once more before he can pull it away. Beard screams in pain as Vee wrenches his arm, but he manages to reposition his long body so that his leg is just under the ropes. The referee sees this and forces Vee to break the hold.

As Vee moves to attack again, Beard grabs him and pushes him through the middle rope with one arm. Vee crashes to the outside. Beard follows him and drives him back first against the barricade. He repeats the maneuver as Vee cries out in pain and grabs his back. Beard sides back into the ring and back out again as he quickly delivers a running high knee to Vee’s face, dropping him to the floor. Beard smiles and climbs up onto the ring apron and measures his opponent. As Vee turns, he runs, jumps, and delivers a crushing clothesline that turns Vee inside out. His body lying limp on the floor. The crowd chants “Holy shit!” as Vee lies motionless.

Copeland: Beard just delivered a running clothesline from the ring apron!

Connor: I think Vee might be out cold…

Cohen: Dead is more like it. Did you see the way his body flipped on impact?

Beard slides back into the ring as Morse begins to count…






Vee slowly begins to stir.



Vee makes it back to his feet and pulls himself up.



Vee slides back in the ring with one second to spare. Beard delivers another belly to belly suplex, and looks to hit the Poetic Justice once again, but Vee counters with one last burst of energy and grabs a hammerlock from behind. He pushes Beard towards the ropes and flips him backwards onto the mat, his legs pinning his shoulders.

Vee bridges himself into a surprise pin…



But Beard kicks out! Undetermined, Vee kicks Beard’s shoulder, causing him to cry out in pain. Vee kicks him again, but he knees the smaller man in the gut before delivering a clubbing blow straight to the kidney’s. Vee cringes in agony as Beard grabs him and in one swift motion hits the Poetic Justice!

He makes the cover…



But Vee somehow kicks out!

Connor: Vee kicked out of the Poetic Justice!

Copeland: Vee is proving to us all that he can stand toe to toe with any opponent. Even a former world champion.

Cohen: Don’t get frustrated big guy! Beard just needs one more hit. One more big shot. Vee’s hurt and is running out of gas.

Beard looks on in shock. He nods in anticipation as Vee stumbles to his feet. Beard reaches out to grab him, but Vee ducks and hits a drop toe hold. Vee grabs his arm, but Beard gets to a knee before he can successfully wrench the arm back and swats him away. Vee stands and grabs his back. With one last burst of energy he kicks Beard in the shoulder again. And again. Beard grabs his shoulder in pain and backs up against the ropes. With a sudden burst of energy, he charges forward and plows through Vee with his uninjured shoulder.

Vee bounces off the canvas, and tries to right himself but his back gives out before he can mount another comeback. Beard grabs him and promptly hits another Poetic Justice.

He falls into the cover…




The referee calls for the bell. Beard has won.

Harrys: Here is your winner by pin fall… The Beard!

Copeland: Vee gave it his all, but in the end Beards strength and stamina just proved to be too much.

Connor: Beard looked in top form tonight. He had Vee well scouted and could counter most of his moves. But Vee showed a lot of heart. He absorbed a lot of punishment tonight. Showing what a true competitor he is.

Cohen: I’ll tip my hat to Vee tonight. Kicking out of the Poetic Justice after taking that clothesline of the outside was impressive. But in the end, Beard was the better man.

Beard plays to the crowd and soaks up the ovation from the crowd, as he sees Vee getting to his feet. He offers his hand. Vee glares at it before taking it, the two competitors shaking hands as a sign of respect. Beard pats Vee on the back before leaving the ring.
Copeland: Apocalypse is a great tradition that has graced WZCW for a number of years now. One man, however, is convinced that THE Apocalypse is upon us.

Connor: That's right Seabass, the man they call Lynx is hoping to change the future. He'll be making his PPV debut tonight.

Cohen: Just what we need, more loonies.

Harrys: The following match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first from Times Unknown, weighing 204 pounds, Lynx!

The countdown happens. 5...4...3...2...1 Lynx is already on the stage, pyro explodes and the crowd cheer and join in. Lynx, however, looks rather concerned. He gets on the microphone and signals for the music to be cut.

Lynx: Ladies and gentlemen, I have discovered that with this being Apocalypse you are potentially in grave danger. I need you all, citizens of New York, to look under your chairs. Please let me know if there's any devices that are suspect.

The crowd plays along with Lynx checking under their chairs, cheers show that all is clear. At this time Lynx checks under the ring apron. All is fine. He enters the ring.

Cohen: Now we're talking!

Harrys: And his opponent from Dublin, Ireland, weighing 225 pounds, Vox!

Vox makes his way out to the ramp, he also has a microphone in hand.

Vox: God bless you Lynx! You can be the change in this world. It's admirable that you are trying to change the future, just as I am. God bless you! The good people here in New York City know how to give money. So I plead for you good people whilst you are on your feet to dig deep. Security will pass buckets round for you to give generously. Think do you really need a burger later? Of course not, give to help the starving children of Africa.

God bless you all!

Copeland: He never shuts up.

Connor: They said that about you too.

Cohen:I say that for both of you! Give me a second.

Jack Cohen gets out of his chair and runs to a bucket, waving a $100 in his hand and makes sure everyone knows he put it in. He returns back to his seat.

Cohen: A Benjamin there, in case you missed.

Copeland: Ever the humble one, 'Force.

Cohen: You've not called me that in 10 years! Always hated that nickname.

Connor: I think Seabass knows that. We're underway.

Referee Katie Shepard calls for the bell as Lynx goes for a handshake. Vox is more concerned with making sure the buckets are passed around and signals to the security guards to keep them moving. Lynx uses this to force a roll up. Kickout at 1. Vox then clicks and realises, he's in his first PPV in WZCW. What better way to make money for the orphans than to win?

Vox turns to Lynx and gives a right and left jab combination. As Lynx is his he stumbles back into the ropes. Vox grabs him and he bounces Lynx, Lynx returns back and a forearm smash brings the timetraveler to the floor.

Copeland: Vox showing what he can do.

Cohen: Indeed, he's not just someone who looks like Bono. He cares for the world and he can fight!

Connor: Lynx did understimate him but it can all change in a second.

Vox goes for the Difference Maker but Lynx quickly grabs the ropes to force a break. Katie Shepard orders Vox back. Vox uses the five seconds to check how the collection is going, he pleads to the crowd to give more. Lynx runs at Vox, a forearm smash is given to the face. Vox is down and the crowd cheer.

Lynx gives a knee drop followed by another. Vox is shouting in agony. Lynx bounces Vox off the turnbuckle and is hit by a swinging neckbreaker. Vox is out on the mat. Lynx climbs the turnbuckle and goes for a moonsault. The moonsault connects.

Connor: What did I say? Amazing work by Lynx to turn things round there.

1...2...close but Vox kicks out at two. Lynx has the crowd behind him and looks to get this wrapped up quickly. His major concern is to stop the Apocalypse, Vox is just in the way. Vox gets to his feet. Bam! The Kick to the future is hit by Lynx.

Vox gets down on the mat. Lynx circles him embracing the cheers for the crowd. He drops to the mat and delivers A Lynx to the Past! Vox goes for the rope break but misses, his pain and agony can be felt. He gives up and taps. Katie Shepard calls for the bell.

Harrys: The winner of this match as a result of submission...Lynx!

Copeland: Pretty routine for Lynx there.

The crowd cheers as Vox makes his way to his feet, he whispers to Harrys who looks confused but gets back on the microphone.

Harrys: Vox wants to notify the crowd that we have raised $10,578 for good causes this evening!

Cohen: Great money raising skills for Vox!
In the interview area, we find Stacey Madison standing by. She lifts the microphone to her lips and goes to speak however she is cut short by Flex Mussel a single finger across his mouth. Flex shakes his head, a distinct smugness oozing from him, as he slowly steals the microphone away.

Mussel: My dear, do us all a favour and find a spot in that corner over there to keep out of the way. Tonight is a monumental occasion and we cannot have little Stacey Madison running around like a chicken with its head chopped off. No, not tonight. Not on MY night!

He lifts his head and a grin comes over his face. Flex seems delighted with him as he removes his finger from Stacey’s lips.

Mussel: When they speak of this night they will not remember the battle between two fathers. In a month we will have forgotten that Batti stumbled into championship glory. We will scratch our heads trying to figure out who fought over the Eurasian Championship. None of it matters and right now you all doubt it. You all doubt what I’m saying because these are moments in history. Title changes, big wins and bloody battles. Surely, they must be remembered?

Flex laughs, shaking his head.

Mussel: It’s all insignificant. When we look back at this event only two things will be remembered.

Flex holds up two fingers as he turns towards the camera.

Mussel: The first, who walked out as WZCW World Heavyweight Champion. The second, how I became the number one contender. Whatever else may happen tonight, it means nothing, because this event will always be remembered as the night I won the World Championship. It will be the night that the poor fool who walks out as World Champion is simply a placeholder and they just don't know it yet. You see, it doesn’t matter who walks out as World Champion because after I beat Eve, it’s as good as mine! Cerberus is dead and so are Eve’s hopes of ever getting her hands on the title.

With that, Flex Mussel drops the microphone on the floor and storms off. Stacy picks the microphone up but doesn’t say anything. She looks a little frustrated as the camera transitions.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the NUMBER ONE CONTENDERSHIP to the WZCW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP......Introducing first...


.....from Milan, Italy...weighing in at 156 pounds....EVE TAYLOR!!!

MSG lets out a big cheer as the arena lights go dim. A single spotlight appears at the top of the ramp, Eve Taylor steps into the spotlight with her head looking down. The lights shrink down until just her head is illuminated now... she doesn't move for a moment as her music continues to play, she suddenly lifts her head and yells as the lights spread out and fill the arena as fireworks explode all around the titantron! She let's out another cheer as she claps her hands and makes her way down to the ring. She runs across the ring apron and climbs the turnbuckle, the spotlight shines down on her again as she basks in it's glow. She closes her eyes and takes deep breaths, she jumps off of the turnbuckle into the ring and the crowd let out another cheer.

Copeland: Eve looks ready to do battle here tonight ladies and gentlemen! The look of determination in her eyes, this is HER moment, one she's been scratching and clawing for!

Connor: Yes Sebastian, it's the heavyweight championship, she's been RIGHT there for the longest time but it has escaped her grasp! Tonight is that time to take it!

Cohen: As much as Eve wants that title, I think you two are forgetting a man called FLEX! He's just as determined to grab the number one contender spot!

Harry's: And her opponent....


Harry's: He is from Paris, France..weighing in at 220 pounds, the healthiest man alive, FLEX MUSSEL!

Flex Mussel walks out on to the stage in a dark, track suit with his hood up. Charles Chesterfield is walking very closely behind him, in an identical track suit. The lights dim as Flex holds out two white poles horizontal, Charles holds two white poles a little higher right behind him. Fireworks start exploding out of the four poles, Flex whips his head back letting his hood fall away and giving the camera an intense look. Both men throw away the firework poles and walk down the ramp. Flex tells Charles something and he nods, Flex rolls into the ring and takes off his track coat, letting the world view his muscles.

Cohen: THAT is what a real man looks like! Look at the incredible shape this man is in!

Copeland: This is a huge match for both wrestlers! We are just about ready to kick this off....

DING!!! DING!!!!

The crowds cheer as Flex stretches his neck and pulls down the top ropes, stretching his shoulders. Eve walks to the center of the ring, she yells something at Flex that gets under his skin, he then smiles and yells something back. Eve shakes her head and paces side to side. Flex and Eve quickly grab a collar and elbow tie up, Eve leans way down to try and get leverage, Flex is smiling though, not having much trouble with her power, he pushes hard and Eve falls on her back, she rolls under the bottom rope and lands on her feet on the outside. She gives an icy stare at her opponent who now has walked over and sits on the second ropes, inviting her back into the ring. Eve shakes her head and climbs in a different side.
Then get into a collar and elbow tie up again, this time Flex switches to a side headlock, Eve pulls him back on the ropes and pushes him off of the far ropes, Flex runs back and swings with a clothesline, Eve ducks the clothesline and bounces off the far ropes, Flex jumps down on his stomach and Eves jumps over him and off the near ropes, Flex pops up and runs with another clothesline attempt, Eve ducks and bounces off the far ropes again, Flex jumps down to the mat, Eve hops over him but suddenly stops, Flex jumps up, spins around but is quickly caught with a hurricarana sending Flex right through the second ropes to the outside! The crowd cheer!

Copeland: Eve outsmarting Flex there sending him flying outside the ring!

Cohen Wow! Flex looks mad now, he really didn't like that exchange Seabass!

Flex slaps the padded concrete and jumps back inside the ring. He complains to Referee Akiyama that Eve pulled his hair, displaying the hair pulling by exaggerating his head back with a hair pulling motion with his hand. The ref actually tells Eve to watch the hair pulling, causing the crowd to laugh. Flex quickly pokes Eve right in the eye with the distraction, she quickly rubs her eye and staggers away, Flex grabs her arm and spins her around, he does a palm strike right to her stomach and keeps his hand there, he than PRESSES EVE with one hand! The crowd let out a big-ooooh!- as Flex parades around the ring, holding her over his head with one hand, he sends her flying over the top ropes and crashing to the padded floor on the outside. She rolls to the announcers table. Flex got the crowds riled up by flexing his muscles in the ring.

Cohen: Beautiful one handed gorilla press! I can only guess these two will be pulling out all the stops tonight! I don't remember Flex ever doing that move!

Connor: I have to admit, that was amazing Jack! Come on Eve, get back in there!

As if listening to Cat, Eve rolls back into the ring, but she receives an elbow drop by Flex, then another elbow hard elbow drop right to the head! Flex jumps up, he hooks Eve under her ribs with both arms, he picks her right up off of the mat and throws her with an overhead gut wrench suplex! Eve lands hard and bounces. Flex walks over, he grabs her leg and applies a one leg Boston Crab. He pulls back hard, Eve bites her lip and claws at the bottom ropes. She grabs the ropes and Flex lets the count get to four before letting go. Flex pulls up Eve by the hair, he picks her up in a fireman's carry and throws her down into a gutbuster! She rolls around the ring holding her gut. He hooks the leg for a pin .... 1.....2... Eve kicks out. Flex grabs her head an applies a hard headlock. He pumps her head more and squeezes hard, she quickly grabs his shoulder and rolls him over for a pin.... 1..... Flex presses the mat and rolls back over, keeping the hard headlock applied. Eve claws his arm causing the fittest man on the planet to scream out in pain, she slides out the back door, applies a reverse STO into a Koji Clutch...Extreme Makeover!


Copeland: Look at this! Eve Taylor has Flex locked into EXTREME MAKEOVER! EXTREME MAKEOVER! This one could be over right now!!!

Cohen: Flex is miles away from the ropes! What a situation! You could be right Seabass!!!

Flex's eyes are wide as sweat pops off his head, Eve applies more pressure into the hold and he tries to claw towards the ropes, but he's still far away. His eyes start to get droopy and Referee Akiyama notices. He jumps down and holds up Flex's arm....it drops...1....

Charles is outside the ring chewing on his fingernails and yelling at Flex to fight it...

Referee Akiyama picks up Flex's arm again...it drops a second time...2

The ref turns and makes the two signal. He picks up Flex arm....AND IT DROPS A THIRD TIME!!!! But it lands on the bottom rope! Eve has to break the hold! She quickly flips Flex on his back and pins him..1....2... Flex pops a shoulder up! Eve stands up, she digs her feet into Flex's arm pits and flips him over, she arches her back and bends him in half, pinning his legs as well.....1.....2.... Flex powers out! Eve eyes Flex's position in the ring, she runs to the top ropes, she jumps high in the air and plants both feet right on Flex's chest! Stiletto Stomp! But she let's out a really loud screech! She's holding her ankle, she's rolling around the ring, holding back a cry and rubbing and moaning about her ankle.

Copeland: Oh no! She was on such a roll! It looks like she may have sprained her ankle there with the top rope Stiletto Stomp!

Connor: No, not like this, come on EVE! Fight through the pain girl!

Cohen: It almost sounds like you're cheering on Eve there Cat! And here I thought you were a fair commentator! Eve is as good as toast now!

Flex is still shaking off the cobwebs, Eve is in the opposite corner furiously rubbing her injured ankle, trying to fight back tears. Charles is jumping and pointing at Eve on the outside of the ring, he want's Flex to act fast on the opportunity. Flex makes it to his feet, he eyes Eve rubbing her ankle in pain. He runs over and gives her a hard knee to the shoulder and starts punching down at her head, Eve desperately covers her face, trying to avoid face strikes. He then stomps down hard on her injured ankle!


The crowd react in boo's as Eve screams out in pain and covers her face. Flex smiles wickedly and grabs her hair. He picks her up and holds her in the air with a verticle suplex, he holds her there longer, then keeps her there, she's in the delayed suplex for a full minute before Flex suddenly snaps her back with a suplex to her back. He twists sideways and hooks her leg for the pin.....1.....2.... Eve kicks out but she's still holding her ankle and holding back her cry. Flex picks her up, he nails her with a belly to belly suplex right into the turnbuckles! He drags her to the center of the ring and applies AN ANKLELOCK! He grapevines her legs and applies hard pressure! Eve screams and reaches for the ropes, but she can't reach, she's too far away! Flex is pumping the hold now, bobbing his head and twisting as hard as he can.....Eve holds her hand up....ready to tap....sweat pouring down her forehead....the pain unbearable....she taps out! NO!! SHE DOESN'T! She makes a fist and hammers the mat for grip! She hauls both of them to the ropes for a rope break! The crowd cheer her efforts!

Copeland! What bravery! Eve showing huge heart there with her injured ankle! She got the rope break!

Flex slammed the mat in anger and ran and kicked the bottom ropes. Meanwhile on the opposite side of the ring, Eve Taylor barely hauled herself to her feet using the ropes, she was having a lot of trouble putting weight on her ankle, Flex smiled and nodded to the crowd...it was time to end this.... he ran across the ring and spun with a clothesline Flexicution! Eve ducked and Flex connected with referee Akiyama!!! He goes flying over the top ropes! Eve turns and hits Fashion Statement! on Flex Mussel! She falls down on him and covers him....but no ref! The crowds are chanting and yelling the count!

Cohen: That was a hard fall for Akiyama! I know he's tough but he won't be back for a few minutes! We need a ref here Seabass!

Charles jumps into the ring, Eve is back on her feet looking away from him, she's looking to where Akiyama is layed out. Charles runs over and hits Eve with a leg sweep! Eve yells and holds her ankle in pain! Flex is barely stirring on the mat, Charles is now trying to revive him. He keeps pulling and shaking his shoulder, he turns around an Eve cracks him right in the face with a knee! Then a judo hip toss right over the top ropes! Akiyama is staggering around shaking his head now, he's slowly making his way into the ring.....Eve turns around to Flexicution! she lands hard on the back of her shoulders! Flex falls and covers her....




NOOO!! Eve Taylor kicked out barely!


Cohen: I can't believe it! What is Eve Taylor made of Cat!

Connor: She is all heart Jack! Did she ever dig deep there!!!

The crowds are chanting for Eve now as Flex has rolled onto his back and is breathing hard. Flex staggers to his feet, he grabs Eve's legs...he starts spinning her around and around in a giant swing! Spin & Win!

The crowds are counting the spins 1....2.....3....4.....5.....6...

Eve sits right up and grabs Flex's head! She pulls him down for a small package right in the middle of Spin & Win!!!


Flex pushes forward......

CHARLES grabs EVE's bad ankle out of the view of the ref!!!!!


But Refree Akiyama jumps up and spots it at the last second!! He waves it off as a two count!!! He leans through the ropes and yells at Charles. Flex rubs chalk in Eve's eyes!!!! He stomps on her bad ankle and bounces off of the ropes .....

He spins!!! Flexicution!!!!!

Eve does a half cartwheel in the air and lands on her side. He falls and hooks her leg....




The crowds go nuts!

Copeland: Eve Taylor kicks out! She kicks out again Jack!!!! WHAT HEART!!!

Eve is awesome!!!! Eve is awesome!!

Flex is sitting near Eve with a complete look of shock on his face. He picks up Eve she lifts her up to sit her on the top ropes. He makes a signal that the match is over. Eve jumps back and sits on Flex's shoulders! She rolls frontwards into a victory roll!!!



FLEX REVERSES by sitting back hard!!!!


HE grabs the second rope for leverage!!!




Eve staggers and limps to her feet, she turns but receives Flexicution! again!!! She snaps back on and lands on her shoulders, limp and not moving.... Flex covers!!!




The crowd boo and Charles jumps in the ring to celebrate with Flex!

Harry's: The winner of this match, and NEEEW Number One Contender to the WZCW Heavyweight title.....FLEX MUSSELL!!!!

Copeland: Ladies and Gentlemen! Eve Taylor is getting a standing ovation now in the ring...but what heart she showed, my god, incredible!

Cohen: Flex did it! He threw everything he could at her and won!

Connor: I think she may have injured her ankle as she's still favoring it. What a match by both wrestlers tonight. But only one wrestler is the number one contender, and it's Flex Mussell.
Tony Mancini is seen hurrying through the hallways of Madison Square Garden. As he turns a corner he slams his fist against the wall and lets out a primal scream of frustration. Soon, he emerges into the parking lot and heads for a parked car. After throwing his bag into the boot, Mancini goes to the front and opens the door but before he can enter, Stacey Madison appears for an interview.

Madison: Tony, how does it feel to lose once again?

Mancini: Look, I’m not in the mood for any of this. Please, leave me alone.

Stacey is like a shark that smells blood in the water and instead of stopping she goes even harder.

Madison: You were on a three-match winning streak before Kingdom Come but you’d been on a skid since then. Is it a lack of talent or the stress of being a father which is making you unsuccessful?

Mancini: No comment. Please, leave me alone.

Madison: The world wants to know...

In the distance a black limo pulls up and the Eurasian Champion, Titus Avison, emerges in a custom suit. He has a swagger to his step and begins walking towards the entrance to the arena. Stacey immediately swoops in, ditching Mancini which allows him to leave, and goes straight into questions for Titus while walking alongside him.

Madison: How the Eurasian Champion is doing on the day of his biggest title defence?

Avison: It’s hardly my biggest match. Did you forget the two matches with Everest at Kingdom Come? I’m sure you’ve heard legends of those, my dear. I fail to see how this is even my biggest title defence. Just last month I defeated a man who some say will be in the Hall of Fame with the likes of myself one day. Earlier than that, at Lethal Lottery, I defeated three men, the odds stacked against me and yet here I stand as the greatest champion of all time. Forgive me if I must humble brag but Kagura is hardly my biggest challenge and you’ll see that tonight after I make history yet again.

They continue to walk and talk as they near the door.

Madison: So you’re not worried?

Avison: Of course not. You don’t hold a title for over 500 days and get worried by the sight of a mere woman. No, I’m confident that tonight will be just that... another night in my reign as Eurasian Champion. The most respected and important championship in professional wrestling. It is that way because I hold it. Call Garth Black the rightful World Champion or uncrowned or whatever the hell he wants, tell Justin he can preach about being champion of the world until the sun goes down and let the world know that each new kid that walks through those doors can claim they will change the business. Let ‘em say it all, Stacey.

Titus comes to a stop as he reaches the door. The Eurasian Championship on display across his shoulder.

Avison: But never forget that for all the titles, tournaments and matches they win, at the end of the day, I am the best wrestler on the planet. Tonight, I’ll prove it again and your children’s children will hear legends of it.

Titus smirks and enters the arena, prepared for his match with Kagura and yet another title defence.
Harrys: The following is a tag team match and it is scheduled for one fall!


The arena has darkened as the music plays. Wren enters the darkened arena with a single spotlight on her with her head down. She elegantly walks down the aisle and spreads her arms across with arena the lighting back up, soaking in the energy of the arena. She then slowly enters the arena and climbs up each turnbuckle, bowing to the audience with her arms spread across.

Harrys: Introducing first from Parts Unknown, weighing 155 pounds pounds, Wren!

Copeland: Wren is going to be one to look out for tonight. She did beat Titus this past Meltdown.

Cohen: Nonsense. Wren got lucky that night.

Connor: I disagree. Wren has the skills needed to succeed here, as do all four of the women who will be in this match.


The lights go out as soon as the music starts playing. A dark-orchid colored light starts flickering around all over the entire arena. After a while, it converts into a single spotlight on the entrance ramp when Yemrez runs towards the ring. She then removes her hoodie after entering the ring and makes a "heart" sign with her hands to the audience which results in a cheer from them. She sits on the lower rope with crossed legs and anxiously waits for her opponents.

Harrys: And her tag team partner, from Tallinn, Estonia weighing 151 pounds, "Ms. Unorthodox" Yemrez Reqonic!

Connor: I cannot wait to see how Wren and Yemrez will work together as a team.

Cohen: Why would that matter? Their opponents actually have experience teaming together. Wren and Yemrez have no chance.

Copeland: Few thought Wren would defeat Titus though, and she did that. With Yemrez there helping Wren they could pull an upset here in this match.


The sisters come out on the entrance ramp together. Callie is wearing a Derek Jeter #2 jersey while Gabi is wearing a Patrick Ewing #33 jersey. They stay at the top of the ramp. They look to the crowd not looking very impressed, only impressed at themselves. They give the crowd a little twirl before snapping their fingers then flashing the zoomed in camera shot a smile. They feign throwing some gear into the crowd as they walk down the ramp. They walk past a fan sitting in the front row who has a Yemrez sign. Callie grabs the sign and rips it into pieces while Gabbi laughs at the fan. Then they go get into the ring where they pose in the middle for all to see.

Harrys: And their opponents, at a combined weight of 270 pounds, from New York, New York, they are The Clark Sisters! Gabi Clark and Callie Clark!

Copeland: The Clark Sisters are wearing those jerseys tonight in hopes of becoming legends just like the last names they are wearing on their backs. While I might not support all of their in-ring tactics, that would be a goal worth aiming for.

Connor: I could see that happening some day.

Cohen: For once I actually agree with both of you two.

The two teams go to their corners. The Clark Sisters talk to themselves in their corner. Callie points to their opponents from in their corner as Wren steps out to start out the match for her team. Gabi walks toward Wren and the bell is rung for the match to begin. Wren runs up to Gabi and punches her. Wren grabs Gabi and drags her toward her corner of the ring, throwing her into the turnbuckle. Wren tags in Yemrez, who pulls Gabi into the center of the ring. Gabi breaks free. She runs for the ropes and springs off, Yemrez tries to punch Gabi but Gabi ducks to miss the attack. Gabi keeps running and springs off the ropes on the other side. She kicks Yemrez right as she turns around. Yemrez begins walking back toward her corner and Gabi, who was already in her own corner, tags in Callie. Before Gabi is able to get out of the ring, Yemrez runs at both Clark Sisters. The sisters do a double clothesline on Yemrez knocking her down, then dance to taunt their opponents before locking hands and doing a double elbow.

Cohen: Look at that teamwork by The Clark Sisters! Even showing their confidence through dancing afterwards.

Connor: I do like their confidence, but they should probably focus more on winning the match right now.

Copeland: Yemrez and Wren will have to work together just as the Clark Sisters are, if they want to get the victory.

Gabi gets out of the ring and stands at her corner. Wren is in the other corner. Callie is in the ring with Yemrez who is still down. Callie goes over to Yemrez and kicks her 6 times. She picks up Yemrez who punches Callie. She pulls Callie down and uses a Gator Roll. Yemrez does a Figure-four headscissors followed by four push-up Facebusters. Yemrez gets up and leaves Callie laying down in the ring, Yemrez goes to her corner and tags in Wren. Callie stands up and Wren does a Shining Wizard on Callie. She covers Callie for a pin and the official begins counting. 1.... kickout by Callie! Both women get up and Callie uses a Dropkick on Wren, who rolls out of the ring. Yemrez gets down into the ringside area to check on her teammate. Callie runs for the ropes and springs off, running in the direction of her opponents and leaps out of the ring, hitting both Yemrez and Wren in a Suicide Dive! All competitors in the match are down, except Gabi who is posing in her corner outside the ring.

Connor: Now that was impressive. Callie has been doing excellent in this match so far.

Copeland: Shouldn't Gabi go help her sister instead of pose like that?

Cohen: She knows she is on the better team. I like Gabi's confidence.

Callie is the first to get up and she gets back in the ring. Wren follows soon after and stands behind Callie who has her back to her. Callie turns around and Wren punches her twice then kicks her down and goes to tag in Yemrez. Callie gets up and is hit by a Chokehold STO from Yemrez, who tries to hit the same maneuver a second time but Callie reverses it and grabs Yemrez, throwing her into the Clark Sisters' corner of the ring. Callie and Gabi take turns kicking Yemrez. They each get three kicks in before Wren runs into the corner to assist her teammate, causing Callie to tag Gabi in. Callie continues kicking Yemrez in the corner while Gabi goes right after Wren with a Backbreaker followed by a Neckbreaker. Gabi covers Wren and the official starts to count. 1....2.... kickout by Wren! Gabi picks up Wren and hits two German Suplexes. She waits for Wren to get up and then does a Running Back Elbow. Callie is still kicking Yemrez in the corner of the ring, but Yemrez rolls out of the ring to safety. Callie gets out of the ring to follow her. Yemrez gets up into her corner of the ring just as Wren stands up. Callie is standing behind Yemrez down in the ringside area. Gabi tries to use a Palm Thrust but Wren is able to avoid it. She tries to get to her corner for a tag but Callie pulls Yemrez off of the ring apron down into the ringside area. The fans boo this. Callie poses to mocks the fans in return.

Copeland: More posing? This just shows the arrogance of the Clark Sisters.

Cohen: It's not arrogance, Seabass. It's confidence. I'd be confident too if I knew for a fact that I was better.

Connor: Callie continues to impress me. No wonder she and Gabi have such a huge online fanbase.

Wren is in the corner and saw Callie pull Yemrez down. Wren turns around to face Gabi, who hits a Stinger Splash on Wren. She then picks Wren up and hits a signature maneuver, the Slingshot Suplex. Callie gets into the ring and so does Yemrez. Gabi covers Wren for another attempt at a pin. The official counts and Yemrez tries to break up the pinfall attempt but Callie grabs her and throws her into the turnbuckle behind them. The ref counts. 1....2.... kickout by Wren! Frustration can be seen in Gabi as she gets up. She and Callie get into their corner of the ring and the two begin talking amongst themselves. Wren is still down in the center of the ring, Yemrez is still down in the corner of the ring. Wren slowly gets up but the Clarks do not notice at first. She makes her way to Yemrez who has also gotten up. Callie tags herself in and rushes after Wren but was not fast enough. Wren tags in Yemrez who immediately hits Callie with a Running Body Block. Yemrez tries to cover Callie for a pinfall but Gabi runs in and breaks up the pinfall attempt before the official can even begin counting. Callie gets up, kicks Yemrez down, and hits her signature maneuver a Standing Moonsault Double Knee Drop. Callie looks over at Gabi, motioning for her to get back in the ring. Gabi goes over to Callie and Callie climbs up on Gabi's shoulders. It's the Clark Sisters' tag team finisher, the Super Clark Splash!! Callie covers Yemrez while Gabi prevents Wren from breaking the pinfall attempt. The official counts. 1....2.... 3!

Harrys: Your winners of this match, The Clark Sisters!

Callie and Gabi celebrate in the ring doing poses as the fans boo them.

Connor: What a great showing from all four women. Especially Callie.

Copeland: Wren and Yemrez may have come up short but they tried their best considering how well the Clark Sisters know each other. That goes a long way in tag team action.

Cohen: I told you! Didn't I tell you they were the better team? The Clarks knew it all along. They have every right to be showing off now that they have been victorious.
Backstage, Xander LeBelle and Andrew Adonis finally make it back to the locker room after the amazing match versus Batti. Xander looks very displeased with his work but Adonis is in his ear all the way, trying in vain to lift the spirits of the former Elite Openweight Champion. Suddenly, the leader of Vis Imperium is upon him with Mark Keaton in his shadow.

Constantine: What the Hell was that, LeBelle!?

Xander looks Constantine up and down as he shakes his head in total disbelief and anger. Remaining silent, Xander goes to push past The Power Trip but is suddenly stopped by a hand on his chest. The former Champion doesn't take too kindly to that action as he lifts his eyes to match the gaze of the Mayhem Champion.

Constantine: Got something to say, kid? We're back here thinking about how we are going to take this business by storm now that all of our ducks are in a row. Then Matt Tastic fancies himself the hero to stick a wrench in the plans. The last thing we needed was you losing to a god-damn cartoon character!

It looks as though Xander is about to land a punch to the jaw of the Mayhem Champion but Andrew Adonis soon steps in to calm everyone down. Just in the nick of time too.

Adonis: Gentlemen, gentlemen! There's no need for all of this aggravation! Batti got lucky out there tonight, there's nothing more to it than that. And mark my words, Constantine, my client will win that Championship back when the time is right.

Constantine huffs and lets out a deep sigh of disappointment.

Constantine: You know your problem, LeBelle? You're all talk and no walk. Typical Frenchman really. You watch the monitors and see just how a Championship defence is supposed to look like. And when I get back here, I expect my apology...

With that, Constantine barges past the offended Frenchman and his manager and out the door. Keaton flashes a look of concern towards the former Elite Openweight Champion as Constantine slams the door behind him – the deafening silence taking over the locker room of Vis Imperium.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the WZCW MAYHEM CHAMPIONSHIP! Introducing first....


.....from Chicago, Illinois. Weighing in at 265 pounds, the leader of Vis Imperium, the WZCW MAYHEM CHAMPION....CONSTANTINE!

Constantine makes his way out to the stage very slowly, he's wearing his Mayhem Championship around his waist. The Power Trip paces side to side on the stage then stops in the middle, he dips his chin to his chest as the chorus kicks in. The lights dim in MSG except one lone spotlight on Constantine. As the music continues he raises both arms in the air as two huge, white pyrotechnics explode on either side of the champion causing all the lights in the arena to turn on again with multiple spotlights scanning the huge crowd. He strolls to the ring full of determination and climbs the steel stairs, he steps through the ropes and walks across the ring. Constantine climbs the turnbuckle and points to his championship title around his waist while yelling at the crowd.

Cohen: Look at the shape the champion is in Seabass! How can you even think that Mr. Cheater himself, Tyrone Blades has a chance against this man!?

Copeland: It's simple, Jack! Tyrone Blades is one of the best wrestlers this company has to offer. If anyone has a chance at cracking the foundation of Vis Imperium, Tyrone is that man!

Connor: I would highly suggest parents with small children watching at home, put the little one's to bed because this one will not be for the feint of heart.

Cohen: Ya! Get to bed Connor! Madison Square Gardens is in for treat tonight!

Harrys: And the challenger.....


....from Cleveland, Ohio. Weighing in at 225 pounds....TYRONE BLADES!

The fans jump to their feet as the camera scans the crowd looking for Tyrone Blades. After a moment, the camera zooms in on some confused kids holding signs with a rough drawing of a crosshairs on it. Suddenly several fans point up and the camera scans upward as a figure is repelling down on a black rope. It's Tyrone Blades! He has a round coil of barbed wire wrapped around his shoulder, a black baseball bat strapped to his back. He's got a few weapons clipped to his jacket, like a heavy duty stapler and straight razor. Tyrone lands carefully in the ring and unclips the rope, it quickly ascends towards the roof.

Constantine gives the championship belt to Referee Akiyama. Tyrone starts throwing his weapons over the rope and stretching for the match, he starts yelling curse words at Constantine.


Mr. Banks walks out on stage with a smile on his face. He's dressed in a dark blue business suit and he starts walking towards the ring.

Copeland: What in the world is HE doing out here?

Cohen: Isn't it obvious? Mr. Banks is here to witness the destruction of Tyrone Blades in person! Why watch it on one of those dirty monitors in the back when you own the company?! Watch it in person!

Connor: You have to admit, he's pretty brave coming out here with Tyrone right there in the ring.

Mr. Banks waits as a staff member in a black t-shirt scrambles to get the man a folding chair. They set it up at the far end of the commentary table and Banks takes his seat. Tyrone is near the ropes yelling more curse words at the owner of the company.


Constantine and Tyrone walk to the center of the ring. They stand nose to nose yelling at each other for a moment. Constantine gives him a shove, Tyrone rubs his beard and shoves The Power Trip back. Both men barely take two steps back from the shoves. They lock in a collar and elbow tie up. Both lean way down to try and get a good base for pushing the other, but neither man move. Constantine breaks the hold and rubs his nose. He paces around the ring, stretching his neck. They lock up in another collar and elbow tie up, Constantine quickly pulls back and drops to the mat in a drop toe hold, Tyrone falls on his face as the Mayhem Champion jumps to his feet and calmly walks to the corner. He pulls down on the ropes, stretching his shoulders and staring at Tyrone. Tyrone nods and stands up. Tyrone holds out his hand for a handshake. As Constantine is about to laugh, Tyrone quickly slaps him in the face, causing the fans to react.

Cohen: Talk about disrespect!

Constantine launches a right hand at his opponents face and Tyrone blocks it, he kicks at Constantine's leg and quickly throws a left and right cross. Constantine barely reacts to the punches and nails him with a hard lariat! Tyrone falls but quickly kips up and nails Constantine in the gut with a spinning kick then an elbow to the back of the head. Constantine falls to his knees, Tyrone kicks him in the chest then runs off the far ropes, he nails him with a running knee right to the face! Constantine falls back and slides under the ropes so his torso is sticking out from the apron. Tyrone grabs the top rope and springboards over it, he twists sideways in the air and hits The Power Trip with a guillotine legdrop! The fans start cheering as Tyrone walks around on the outside of the ring, rubbing the back of his knee. Constantine slowly slides off of the apron and lands on the padded mat outside as well. He grabs Constantine by the hair and pulls him to his feet, but takes a quick elbow to the cheek followed by a flowing DDT right on the mat!

Copeland: A punishing move by The Power Trip right there! That will slow down the challenger for sure.

Connor: We haven't seen either man show any interest in weaponry thus far, maybe they'll settle this score in a regular match?

Cohen: Fat chance, Connor! Just give it a minute! Ha ha! Check out Constantine!

Constantine is slowly routing around the far side of the ring, he whips up the apron mat and looks under the ring. The crowds start stirring at what he could be hauling out. He hauls out a heavy duty garbage can and lid. He throws it over the top rope and the lid pops off, a chain falls out of the garbage can and on to the mat. Constantine's eyes widen at the chain. He runs around the ring and gives Tyrone another hard lariat as he's getting up. Tyrone does a half twist in the air and lands on his stomach. He picks up the bearded, tattooed man and rolls him into the ring. Constantine gives Tyrone a couple of hard stomps on the mat then a jumping knee to the forehead, he does a neat front roll out of the momentum. He picks up the chain and wraps it around his fist slowly, sneering at the man on the mat. Tyrone gets to his feet but is met with a hard running punch to the face with the chain! BAM! The crowd reacts with a collective - ooooh!- Mr. Banks can be seen laughing and clapping at the move at his spot by the commentary table.

Copeland: Here is where Constantine is at his most dangerous! His methodical pace is going to be tough to overcome when he has you in his grasp on the defensive.

Constantine drops the chain and picks up the garbage can, he nails Tyrone in the back with an overhead slam with the weapon. He then places it on it's side on the mat and picks up Tyrone. He faces away from the garbage can and hits ISOLATION fallaway slam on Tyrone! The Hollow One hits the can hard and bounces in the air. He lands on the mat holding his back in severe pain. The heavy duty can barely dented. Constantine drops an elbow on Tyrone and goes for the cover. 1.....2..... ! Tyrone kicks out! He places his forearm right in Tyrone's face and covers him again. 1....2....! Tyrone kicks out again! Constantine slaps the mat and yells at the ref to count faster. The Power Trip watches Tyrone start to stir so he picks up the chain again. He wraps the chain around Tyrone's neck three times, then he throws him over the top rope! Tyrone is hanging by his neck over the ropes with his feet still far from the mat outside! Constantine pulls back hard on the chain and Tyrone drools out of his mouth as he claws at the tight chain around his neck, his face starting to turn dark red as he struggles and thrashes.

Cohen: Check this out! NOW would be a good time to put those kids to bed! Ha ha haaa! This is the END of Tyrone Blades!

Copeland: Give me a break! This is barbaric! Somebody stop this!

Connor: Looks like someone is enjoying this a little TOO much....

Mr. Banks is on his feet right in front of the struggling Tyrone Blades. He straightens his tie, then slaps Tyrone really hard in the face! The Hollow One is starting to turn purple and looks like he's ready to pass out. Mr. Banks winds up and slaps him really hard again! WHACK! Tyrone suddenly turns and looks right at Mr. Banks! His eyes are rolled back into his head and he's grinding his teeth and growling like a dog, the crowd react with a cheer. He lifts both legs and PLOWS Mr. Banks right in the chest! The owner of the company flies backwards and lands on top of the commentary table, he continues to roll backwards and takes out Copeland in his chair! Copeland's headset goes flying and both men tumble to the floor. The momentum of the kick gave Tyrone a ledge on the apron, he crawled back to his feet on the outside of the ropes. Constantine drops the chain and runs at Tyrone, the Hollow One quickly launches an elbow in the face of The Power Trip, Constantine staggers as Tyrone launches himself to the top ropes and displays incredible balance as he springs off of it, he nails Constantine with a flying knee! Constantine staggers and bounces off of the far ropes, Tyrone kicks him in the stomach then does a double underhook backbreaker into the backbreaker submission hold! Constantine lets out a yell as Tyrone presses hard on Constantine's neck. The Power Trip reaches up and rakes Tyrone in the eyes, breaking the hold. Constantine crawls on his belly away from Tyrone...Tyrone grabs his foot, hooks his leg in and applies a dragon sleeper by arching his back! STREET DREAMS! Constantine is yelling again as he holds his arm up, looking like he's ready to tap!

Connor: This could be it Jack! Tyrone has Constantine locked in Street Dreams!

Cohen: I'm sorry, I was only just finishing my laughter at Copeland here! He's just picked himself up and rejoined us....unfortunately Mr. Banks has been helped to the back by WZCW staff, it looks like he did something to his chest! He might be badly injured here.

Copeland: I'm back! Constantine is in a real bad way here!


The crowd is in a frenzy now as Constantine finally reaches the ropes, he pulls the bottom rope hard and drags both men outside the ring! Tyrone is forced to release the hold as they crash on the padded mat outside the ring. Tyrone gets to his feet and watches Constantine try and shake off the cobwebs of being in his finisher submission move. He lifts the apron felt and looks under the ring, he makes a face then lets the felt drop again. He walks around to the camera side....the same result. He is obviously looking for a specific weapon that he has in mind. He walks around to the far side, he lifts the felt....then a wicked smile forms on his bearded face. He leans down to remove the weapon, the camera is angled out of the shot and the apron is blocking what Tyrone is hauling out from under the ring. He stands up, still with the weapon out of the camera shot. But rows upon rows of people behind Tyrone were going absolutely nuts! They jumped up and down, alot of them covered their mouths. Tyrone reaches down and pulls a pull chord hard.....a shot of exhaust flys in the air at the same time....


MSG erupted as Tyrone Blades lifts the huge, black, spike covered lumberjack chainsaw in the air, he revved it more and held it over his head as he let out a roar!

Copeland: Whaaaat?! What in the world is he planning on doing with THAT Jack?!

Cohen: I have no idea Seabass! What the hell is that doing under the ring anyway?!

Tyrone calls out Constantine's name like they were playing hide and go seek, he walks slowly around the ring post as he revs the huge chainsaw up more. Constantine crawls backwards on his rear and hands and pleads the maniac to turn off the machine! Tyrone smiles and lunges at Constantine with the chainsaw! At the last second, Constantine holds the heavy duty garbage can lid in front of himself with both hands, the chainsaw blade makes contact with the center of the lid and big white sparks shoot high into the air! Constantine struggles to hold the lid and it finally slides out of his grasp and sails high into the air, it lands in the center of the ring. Constantine kicks Tyrone in the knee then quickly punches him in the face, Tyrone loses his balance and drops the huge chainsaw on the padded mat! The chain quickly rips through the padding, it sends chunks of blue padding into the crowds and now the spinning chain is creating hot sparks on the concrete and it slowly spins in a circle, tearing away the remaining padding in that area! Constantine nails Tyrone with a haymaker right hand, the Hollow One quickly falls right next to the chainsaw! The spinning death chain is grinding away and causing sparks right next to Tyrone's face! Constantine grabs Tyrone's hair and tries to move him into the chain but the chainsaw finally sputters and stalls. The Power Trip gives Tyrone a hard kick in the ribs. He then looks under the ring for more weapons. He hauls out a table, then he hauls out another table. He sets the table up just behind the ringpost in front of the timekeepers area. He then picks up the other table and sets it up, then he STACKS that table on to the other table. Tyrone cracks Constantine hard in the head with a chair out of nowhere! Constantine wobbles and leans on the timekeepers barricade. Tyrone runs and nails him in the head again with another chair shot! CRACK!!!! The Power Trip falls backwards over the barricade and knocks over Anderson and another staff member in the area. They all scramble on the floor to get away from the wrestlers. Tyrone studies Constantine's stacked tables. He looks at the camera and says....

Tyrone: Hey Banks, tell Johnny Boy here he better protect his god damn neck after I put him through the 36 Chambers of Mayhem.

Tyrone took a big breath and smiled. He reached under the ring and hauled out a table. He set it up outside the near ropes. He then set up two chairs facing each other on top of the table. He then reached under the ring and hauled out a long, cardboard box! He started hauling long halogen light bulbs from the box! He set up several light bulbs through the chairs to form a light bulb table over the wooden table. He grabbed another long halogen bulb from the box.

Cohen: For crying out loud Tyrone! MSG staff NEED those bulbs in case lights start going out around here! What is he thinking?

Copeland: I don't think the world is quite ready to deal with Tyrone's thinking right now Jack! It's nothing but dark thoughts at the moment!

Constantine leans on the timekeepers barricade, he has a small trickle of blood dripping down his forehead from his hairline. SMASH! Tyrone swung the halogen bulb like a baseball bat and it exploded on the side of The Power Trips face! A clump of glass bunched up in his ear and he fell quickly to the mat, clawing at the loose glass in his ear. Tyrone reaches over and hauls him over the barricade. He picks up Constantine in a powerslam position, he then runs past the 36 Chambers of Mayhem and powerslams him right on the mat! Constantine screams in pain. Tyrone stands up and views his handiwork. Constantine rolls over to reveal the large ring of barbed wire stuck right into his back! Tyrone picks up the heavy duty stapler and starts clamping staples in The Power Trips shoulder, CLAMP! CLAMP! CLAMP! CLAMP! He manages four quick staples before Constantine runs away and dives on his stomach inside the ring. Tyrone smiles wickedly, he displays a white squirt bottle, he douses the 36 Chambers of Mayhem and strikes a match! He throws it on the creation...


A big, black ball of smoke rose to the ceiling as the table, chairs and halogen bulbs quickly caught fire in a brilliant display! Tyrone slid into the ring but got caught with a hard elbow to the face! He fell fast to the mat, Constantine jumps high in the air and whips himself back right onto the chest of Tyrone with the ring of barbed wire still clinging to his skin! 1....2..... Tyrone kicked out but his shirt was still tangled in the barbed wire, that had blood dripping down over it. He reached up and hooked Constantine's arm for a pin, 1.....2...... Constantine kicked out! Ref Akiyama hauls the ring of barbed wire off of both men, very gingerly. Constantine threw a right hand that connected, Tyrone replied with a right and left followed by a hook kick! Constantine leans on the ropes, right above the inferno behind him, Tyrone runs and smashes him with an elbow to the face! Constantine almost goes over the top ropes,but not quite! Tyrone runs across, bounces off the far ropes and runs fast at Constantine....The Power Trip picks him up and jumps over the top ropes, twisting him in mid air and slamming him with a spine buster right through the halogen bulbs, then through the table!!! The flaming chairs catapults in the air and lands far from the wreckage, almost into the crowds. The crowds went wild in MSG!!



WZCW ring crews are quickly putting out the fires to reveal both men laying next to each other in a pile of charred, broken table and glass. Both men have dozen's of little cuts and soot all over them.

Cohen: What do you think of that Conner?! Talk about a crazy landing!

Connor: This is the craziest thing I've ever seen, let's take a look from this reverse angle....oh my god...Constantine twists him in mid air, they crash through everything....this might be the last time we see Tyrone in a wrestling ring.


Constantine barely makes it to his feet, he's covered in soot and cuts all over him, his hairline cut also got worse and it's now the blood is running down past his nose and mouth. He picks up Tyrone and rolls him in the ring. He falls down in exhaustion. He struggles to roll inside the ring himself. He drapes an arm over Tyrone...1......2......3!!!

NO!! TYRONE kicks out! Tyrone barely got his arm up! Constantine rolls over, too tired to try another pin. The crowds exploded again at the kick out. Both men lay in the middle of the ring, torn up, breathing hard, cut up, sweaty and exhausted. Constantine uses the ropes to pull himself to his feet. Tyrone remains on his back, barely conscience. The Power Trip stands up the heavy duty garbage can nearby, open part down. He puts the chain on top of the can, he rolls out of the ring, then eventually climbs back in with a black pouch. He opens the pouch and pours hundreds of thumb tacks all over the top of the garbage can. He grabs Tyrone's hair and hauls him to his feet. He picks him up, then walks over to the turnbuckle. He sets down Tyrone on the top buckle. He lays in three hard right hands to the face of the Hollow One that almost makes him topple over. Constantine slowly climbs the turnbuckles in front of Tyrone. He puts Tyrone's head in his arm then drapes his arm back for a superplex!!! But Tyrone suddenly grabs the top rope just in time, blocking the superplex! He punches Constantine in the ribs, over and over and over again! He grabs Constantine's hair and lays in three hard head butts! Constantine loses his grip and falls back!!! But at the last second he grabs Tyrone's hair! He quickly goes for the superplex again!! But Tyrone blocks it again!! HE SUPERPLEXS CONSTANTINE OVER THE RING POST TO THE OUTSIDE OF THE RING!!!! BLAM!!!! BLAM!!!! Constantine crashes through the two stacked tables he set up earlier!! Tyrone falls spine first on the ring post and then awkwardly twists sideways, he falls and bounces hard off of the ring steps!! He rolls on to the exposed concrete floor and torn up padding! The crowds exploded again!!


Copeland : Can you believe this JACK!!? What carnage! What is it going to take to end this?!!

Cohen: That has to be it Seabass! There is NO WAY these guys can come back from this! This match is over!

Eight paramedics rushed down to ringside. They cleared the broken tables away from Constantine and quickly checked his vitals.


The head paramedic motioned to the back for a stretcher. Referee Akiyama looks confused in the ring as he leans through the middle ropes and talks to one of the medics himself. They place the stretcher down near Constantine, who wasn't responding on the mat. He looks completely knocked out. Two paramedics called over the mustached head medic to check on Tyrone. He looks at Tyrone and checks his vitals. The other two medics returned to Constantine to prepare him for the stretcher. The head medic slowly picks up Tyrone, THEN GIVES HIM A CLASSIC DELAYED PILEDRIVER RIGHT ON THE CONCRETE FLOOR!!! The head medic jumps up and does an air guitar while laughing. He rips off his mustache then gives the crowds a double devil horns.

Copeland: No! This is not right! Somebody has to do something about this!

Cohen: That head paramedic must be a huge Mark Keaton fan!

Connor: Knock it off Jack! That's obviously Remarkable Mark Keaton! Mr. Banks must have ordered him down to help out Constantine!

Mark Keaton proceeded to knock out paramedics left and right with lefts and rights. He clotheslines one right over the barricade and into the crowds, who are booing him really loudly. He hauls Tyrone onto the stretcher and straps him in. Tyrone was clawing at something nearby but gets a boot to the arm, then a final strap in. The rocker quickly went over to Constantine and uses smelling salts to revive him. Eventually they both pick up the stretcher and slide it into the ring. A big team of refs and security rushes out to kick Keaton out of the match. Keaton tries to fight them off but he gets ushered out, his damage was done in this match. Constantine stands over the strapped in Tyrone, he falls to his knees and covers him.


NO! Tyrone held up the straight razor! He cut an arm free and raised his arm for the kick out! He quickly starts cutting himself loose. Constantine rolled around on the mat, completely pissed off at the lost opportunity, he grabbed the chain off of the garbage can and let the tacks stick into his hand, he doesn't care at this point. He swung the chain like a whip at Tyrone, but the Hollow One ducked and bounced off of the ropes, he nailed Constantine with a superkick, followed by the Kinshasa...CLICK CLACK!!! The crowd explodes in MSG!!! Constantine fell back, right onto the garbage can, crushing it down half way and getting hundreds of tacks stuck in his skin. Tyrone rolls Constantine over and pins him....




MSG explodes in cheers!!!

Copeland: He did it!! Tyrone Blades defeated Constantine!!

Cohen: I can't believe it!! What a match!!!

Harrys: The winner of this bout....and NEEEEEW WZCW Mayhem Champion!! Tyroooooooone Blaaaades!!!

Tyrone staggered to his feet, he was covered in cuts and soot, his clothes were full of rips, the crowds were still going crazy as he slowly raises the Mayhem Championship over his head. He eyes Mr. Banks standing at the top of the ramp holding his chest. Tyrone Blades allows a big smile to appear on his face as he raises the belt towards Banks this time.
Leon: For 527 days Titus Avison has held the EurAsian championship. Let us take a look at this historic reign, the so called EurAvison era.


Leon: After a year long absence Titus returned to WZCW at Celtic Park in Glasgow. That run started in the traditional Titus way, the fans cheering him. That was about to change at Lethal Lottery VII where he had a severe attitude change. At Meltdown 122 he took on the newly crowned champion Theron Daggershield in a non title match and defeated him.

Management had a dilemma. Dr. Zeus had just won Lethal Lottery and was due to take on Dagger Theronshield at Kingdom Come. Since his return Titus had defeated both. Would management want to put Titus into the Championship match? Before they could decide Titus, now embracing his surname Avison, asked for a EurAsian title shot.

Why? Management asked. Well he wanted to make up for earlier defeats for the belt and wanted to make it the grandest prize in WZCW.

Kingdom Come VII

Before Titus can even attempt further punishment, referee Keith Morse runs in and throws Titus aside, and checks on Scumm, who is motionless. He waves his hands to call off the match and makes the X sign above his head.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, referee Keith Morse has called off the match due to serious injury to Johnny Scumm. Therefore your winner and NEW WZCW EurAsian Champion, Titus Avison!
Leon: Johnny Scumm was never to be seen again. November 24th 2015 marked the start of the EurAvison era. Apocalypse loomed and the mandroid was the challenger. This was a sign of the times as S.H.I.T actually took on Titus Avison rather than Titus' Ultimate Robot Dude.

Apocalypse 2016

As he says that, S.H.I.T. fires back with a Piston Chop! Titus reels backwards, clutching his chest, allowing the mandroid some space in the corner. As he starts to walk out towards the champ, he stumbles to a knee, and appears to have issues regaining his upright status! Titus sees the opening, and hits another Tit Drop! He hooks the legs!


Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen...your winner...AND STILL...EurAsian Champion...TITUS! AVISON!

Leon: Next up was the man who is the number one contender. Flex Mussel. Whilst at Gold Rush it was declared a draw Ascension 106 would see a cage match in his biggest challenge yet.
Flex Mussel leaps from the twenty foot cage...in midair he perfectly does The Red Comet!!! AND TITUS ROLLS OUT OF THE WAY! All hope feels lost as the fans go completely silent as Flex crashes harshly to the ground. Avison rolls over Flex and rests his back against Flex's torso. Titus spreads one arm out to faintly pin Flex's shoulder. Katie Shepard calls for the pinfall.

Flex doesn't move. Katie calls for the bell to end the match. The steel cage goes back up to the ceiling and the Eurasian Championship is handed to Katie for Katie to give to Titus. The actor is unaware that the match is over until he is given the belt. Even then his face is full of uncertainty, as if Flex was going to overpower him again somehow. But Flex never moved. It wasn't until Harrys declared him the winner did he smirk proudly to himself.

Harrys: Here is your winner and STILL EURASIAN Champion, Titus Avison!!!

Leon: That would be Titus' last appearance on Ascension as the EurAsian title was made a Meltdown exclusive. Who's next, why it was Vee A.D.Z. Who forced the challenge at Unscripted. Vee, an honourable man, had brought his parents to watch. The people voted and Titus' speciality of the Pure Rules match was chosen. Though with a slight twist.
Titus: The mystery rule, I forgot to tell you. We know about Pure Rules but what makes it a plus? Why it's an empty arena match! I'm here in the All State Arena some half an hour drive. For months you've wanted to make your parents proud, you've wanted them at ringside to watch you fight. You've wanted them to see you battle for my wonderful belt and here they are in Chicago. Yet they're in the wrong arena, they won't see you lose tonight because it's just you and me tonight buddy..

Leon: Lethal Lottery rolled on and a four way match was declare. Tony Manicni, Xander LeBelle and Theron Daggershield. The story was surely due to come full circle was it?
Xander then nails Titus with the curb stomp! The champs head bounces off the canvas and he falls right on top of Mancini! Before Xander can go for the cover however Theron nails one last Critical Hit on Xander! He struggles to crawl over for the pin and he does the ref counts 1...2….3!!!

The ref quickly calls for the bell and goes to the announcer and grabs the Eurasian title.

Harrys: Your winner…..and STILL the EurAsian champion, Titus Avision!!!!

Leon: The war wasn't over as later that night Titus eliminated Tiffany Wyatt from the lottery. As we went on to MD 136 Titus was forced to face an opponent.
Titus: What? My opponent is not Theron Daggershield?

I know that. I'm not annoyed, I've known my opponent all along. As Bateman said he didn't set the match but it was Banks who did. I'm a five time Oscar winner, of course I can act pissed off when I want. It's all been an act. T


Leon: Whilst disregarded as many as a fix of a match, it's still a defence. Theron's last chance happened at Kingdom Come VII. It was written in the stars that the hero would take down Titus once and for all.

Titus raises his championship high in the air as fans continue to boo. The officials help Theron onto the stretcher as Tiffany begins to stir and quickly rushes to his side. Titus Avison sits on the ladder. He laughs, and looks down at Theron and Tiffany. His smirk conveys his hatred for Blackjack.

Leon: Making the son of Boston tap to the Boston crab at Meltdown 138 Titus Avison made his eight successful defence.

Now at Apocalypse he faces his biggest foe yet. He says no man can defeat him, however this is no man. This is Kagura. She says they will start to tell legends of that woman. We're about to find out.
Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, this match is scheduled for 1 fall and will determine the EURASIAN CHAMPIONNN!

Copeland: Well, ladies and gentlemen, this ought to be one of the contests of the night. A lot of talking has been done in the lead up to this match and now neither can really afford to lose it. Is it the time of Kagura to cast off the chains of oppression and claim, quite possibly, the richest prize in the game? Or does Titus continue his gargantuan streak?

Cohen: Either way, Seabass, this is going to be an all-out war between two fierce rivals – both of whom have something massive to prove to everyone watching tonight. This is going to be a real contest and a real battle.

After a few moments, the challenger to the EurAsian Champion makes her way through the curtain to a warm welcome from the assembled masses. The lights in the arena dance around to the beat of the music and Kagura seems pleased with her welcome from the fans. She allows a dainty smile to spread across her face as she bows to the audience and then begins making her way down the ramp.

Copeland: And when you think of people who have something to prove tonight, none more so than Kagura. I don't think she'll mind me saying that she has found herself at a stand still of late and, upon earning the opportunity to challenge a mid-card champion, she has embraced it with open arms.

Connor: You are so right, Seabass. This opportunity has really brought the best out of Kagura and everyone has been utterly impressed with what they have seen from her. She has looked very impressive and driven inside the ring lately, too. She's going to need all of that savvy to get the better of the EurAsian Champion though.

Kagura continues down the ramp, enjoying the reaction from the fans as she makes her way through them. Kagura reaches the bottom of the ramp and timidly climbs the steps. Upon entering the ring, she moves into the centre of the canvas and gives the fans one more bow of respect. She takes off her entrance gear and waits for her opponent in a rather understated kind of way.

Cohen: Kagura does seem focussed, I'll give you that, Cat. But here comes someone with, unbelievably, with something to prove!


As the lights in the arena go out, the tron above the curtain flickers into life. Through the clouds that soon appear on the screen, three figures seem to be mildly visible. After a few seconds, the EurAsian Champion makes his way out onto the stage to a chorus of boos. He bows his head and then raises it suddenly. Behind him, the clouds begin to clear to reveal three golden numbers... 5... 2... 7!

Copeland: Well, these fans might not like it very much, and they are letting Titus know all about it. But the fact of the matter is that today marks day 527 of his EurAvsion reign. A simply incredible feat from someone so legendary...

Cohen: Well, thank you, Seabass! Finally a bit of credit for one of the finest superstars that has ever walked into this company. He's done it all and yet... AND YET! He still manages to find new and amazing ways to propel himself into the stratosphere of success!

Titus gives the fans a laugh and then makes his way down the ramp. Everyone on the ramp is booing him and trying to get into his face but Titus doesn't seem to care one iota. He reaches the bottom of the ramp and stares at the opponent who waits for him. He allows a look of determination to cross his features before pointing back to the titantron and laughing. He mounts the steps and gets into the ring to meet his opponent for the first time.

Connor: This is going to be a match for the ages, I can just feel it. More than anything else, these two just plain don't like each other and that's the most telling thing about this match. It's going to be spectacular.

Both competitors finally make the ring and the anticipation from the audience is palpable. Titus raises the EurAsian Championship above his head and parades around the ring, trying to show it off to everyone who will see him. The fans are already on his back but it doesn't seem to bother the EurAsian Champion in the slightest. Amongst the wave of booing directed at him, the current Champion sports the biggest smile imaginable as Kagura stands in the corner of the ring – not rising to the bait of the Champion. The referee takes the Championship from Titus and holds it high into the air himself. The crowd let out a gutteral noise of excitement as they feel Titus' time has finally come. Titus backs into the corner as the referee hands the belt off to a person at ringside and then signals for the bell.


Copeland: Well, folks, this is not going to be a match for the feint at heart. Titus has held onto that Championship for well over 500 days now and he is not going to give it up to anyone without a Hell of a fight.

Cohen: Kagura might have been on a roll recently but she's to be in the ring tonight against someone on the ultimate wave of momentum. Titus is as close to a big match player as we have ever had. When the pressure is on, Titus raises his game accordingly. Tonight will be no different, mark my words.

Connor: You have to wonder just how important it is that he faces off against a woman in there tonight though, Jack. A lot has been said about his alleged fear of women in the last few weeks and months. Tonight we will see just how much that will play on his mind.

Both competitors begin circling the ring as the match starts. Titus can already be seen mouthing insult towards Kagura but the exterior of the challenger seems very calm and collected. Titus gives a laugh to try and get under the skin of his opponent but, again, Kagura refuses to rise to the bait. Finally, the two competitors come together in the middle of the ring with a tie-up. The two battle for the early advantage but neither is able to swing the pendulum of momentum their way. Finally, the two break cleanly as Titus now begins to sport a venomous look as he stares right into the eyes of Kagura. Once again, the two come together in the middle of the ring with a tie-up. But it is the challenger who finally gets things started, managing to use the momentum of Titus to her advantage and nailing him with a hip toss that sends him crashing to the canvas. Titus gets back to his feet instantly and runs at his opponent, the red mist descending as he charges. But Kagura, once again, seems to be one step ahead – using his momentum against him and moving out of the way, causing him to collide with the turn-buckle and falling out of the ring. The fans are on their feet as Titus struggles to keep up with the early pace of his opponent and a look of confusion and anger begins to spread across his features. He makes his way around the ring until he comes to the time-keepers table. Grabbing a microphone from his table, Titus pauses for a moment as the booing rains down on him again.

Connor: It seems as though the fast start to the match has been just too much for the EurAsian Champion, folks. And now, it seems, he's-

Titus: You shut your damn mouth!

Titus stares right through Cat Connor as he pauses again. He looks right into her eyes as she sits in a stunned silence. The look fury on the face of the EurAsian Champion is like nothing we have ever seen before.

Titus: As you well know, the EurAsian Championship is exclusive to Meltdown. And you, Connor... Connors... Whatever you are called are exclusive to Ascension! Christ it's no wonder that people think I have a vendetta against women when they are actively trying to get under my skin and put me off in the biggest match of Kagura's life.

Connor: You have to be joking me? I'm not going anywhere!

Titus waits for a moment, waiting to see if Cat Connor will move of her volition. As it becomes clear that she will not bow down to his desires, he begins slowly moving towards her menacingly. As he gets closer, Sebastian Copeland and Jack Cohen get to their feet and begin moving away from the desk, realising that this is not something they want to be a part of. Cat sits in her chair, frozen stiff from fear as the EurAsian Champion slowly walks towards her.

Titus: Listen here! I am the EurAsian Champion and one of the hottest commodities in this business. You are a nothing announcer that only works one night a week! Get the hell out of that chair and get out of the God-damn arena!!

The fury on Titus's face is clear for everyone to see as he leans over the commentary table and into the face of the woman announcer. For a moment, Cat just looks at him pleadingly but Titus is unrelenting. The referee tries to wave Titus back into the ring but he does not move his gaze from Cat. Suddenly, Cat begins collecting her things and gets out of her chair. A sick smile appears on the face of the current EurAsian Champion as she takes off her headset and moves around the table. She looks back at Titus, who is unmoved by her plight, and begins moving around the ring and up the ramp. Finally, Titus drops the microphone and begins mounting the steps once more. She allows a massive smile to appear on his face as Cat disappears through the curtain to a massive swell of booing from the fans.

Copeland: I have never seen anything so disgusting in all my life, Jack. Titus has absolutely no right to send Cat away like that. It doesn't matter what brand she commentates on, she has called the action in hundreds of EurAsian matches up until this point without a problem!

Cohen: I hate to say it, Seabass, but Titus does have a point. The Championships are exclusive to one brand or another and so are you and Cat. Maybe she should never have been out her during these matches? If you think about it, maybe he is just correcting a mistake that has been right under our noses?

Copeland: What a load of rubbish, Jack! And you know it! The way he intimated her, I hope he has hell to pay later on tonight. Hell, I hope that Kagura sets things straight right now, impartiality be damned!

Titus finally makes it up the steps and gets back into the ring. Kagura shakes her head in disgust as Titus laughs manically. But his laugh is cut short as Kagura makes a dash for him. Titus shows his veteran instincts, however, and ducks under the top rope. The referee has no other choice but to tell Kagura to back off. But as she does, Titus catches her with a punch to the jaw. The surprise nature of the blow sends Kagura reeling backwards. Titus, knowing that his opportunity to begin mounting some offence is nigh, ducks back under the ropes and takes Kagura down with a running clothesline. The fans are booing once again but the EurAsian Champion doesn't seem to care one iota. He stands over the challenger for a moment, looking down at her. Suddenly, he begins stomping her mercilessly. The fans boo again as Titus drives his boot right into the chest of his opponent. Kagura struggles to get away but, eventually, manages to grab onto the bottom rope and gets the rope break from the referee. But Titus is in no mood to allow Kagura off the hook so easily. He grabs her by the hair and pulls her back to his feet. He peppers her with some stiff shots to the jaw that drives her back into the corner. Titus looks into her eyes for a moment before driving the back of his elbow right into the side of her face. Kagura falls to one knee under the onslaught of the attack from the Champion. Titus quickly backs away from Kagura and then runs at her, punishing her with a running knee to her face and torso. Kagura hits the canvas for the first time in the match as Titus moves back into the middle of the ring and raises both of his hands in celebration.

Copeland: As much as I hate him for it, Titus seems to have found a new gear in this match after ejecting Cat Connor from ringside.

Cohen: You see, Seabass! He was right after all.

Copeland: I didn't say that, Jack. And, ultimately, he used that tactic to get under the skin of everyone in this arena – including Kagura. He didn't get to this point in the match fairly, put it that way.

Titus lowers his arms and turns around to spot Kagura getting back to her feet slowly. He moves over to her and grabs her by the hair, pulling her backwards by her locks and causing her to crash against the canvas – the back of her head colliding with the unforgiving wrestling platform. The referee immediately scorns Titus but Titus does not care in the slightest. Allowing Kagura to move on the canvas, he watches her intently. After a few moments, he suddenly drops to his knees and lock in the sleeper hold to his opponent. The fans are on their feet as Titus clenches his jaw and wraps his arm around the throat of Kagura as tightly as he can. Every now and then, he pulls his body backwards, stretching out the body of his opponent and wrenching in more and more pressure to the neck of Kagura. Kagura looks pained but as the cheers of the fans begin to pick up for her, she begins reaching out for the bottom rope – trying desperately to reach the ropes before she passes out. With one final lunge towards the ropes, she reaches out to her salvation and makes contact.

Copeland: Wow! What heart from the challenger, folks. Kagura knows that this is her shot to propel herself into the glorious halls of the WZCW history books. You could see it in her eyes that there was no way she was going out like that. So impressive.

Cohen: Maybe so, Seabass. But Titus is well in control of this match and that seems like the way this match is going to go unless Kagura can get herself into the swing of things and fast.

The crowd takes a collective breath of relief as this match continues and the referee pulls the EurAsian Champion from his prey. No sooner has the hold been broken than Titus is right back onto Kagura, pulling her from the ropes and grabbing at her legs. Kagura;s desperation is clear for everyone to see, however. She kicks out at Titus and manages to shove him away with one leg. She scurries towards the bottom rope but is soon grabbed by an adamant Titus. He pulls her towards him once more but it suddenly countered by a stunning drop-toe hold out of nothing! No sooner does Titus hit the canvas than Kagura has locked in the reverse chin-lock. Titus struggles against it but with the hold locked in, Kagura can get some measure of revenge.

Copeland: Wow! What a counter from the challenger there, folks. Kagura has been on absolutely scintillating form heading into this match but found herself on the back foot for a long time there. She really needs to make this period in the match count. She really needs to punish the EurAsian Champion as much as she can.

Cohen: Absolutely, Seabass. Titus has shown everyone that he has what it takes to take a match deep into overtime and can hurt you from all different angles. He is a veteran of this sport and knows the ring like the back of his hand. Kagura needs to put the brakes on his offence and that move looks like the right way to do it.

Kagura levers back on the hold as she doles out a measure of revenge for the actions of the EurAsian Champion only moments ago. The fans are on their feet as Titus allows a look of pain to cross his features and reaches out for the nearby ropes. Just as he is about to reach the bottom rope, Kagura gets to her feet and pulls Titus across the ring and into the middle of the squared circle. The fans at ringside hit fever pitch as she quickly gets back into position and locks in the chin-lock one more time. Titus lets out a yell of agony as she levers back on the hold once more – the ropes seemingly so far away now. If Titus is going to get out of the hold, he is going to have to do it the hard way. As Kagura continues to keep him in the hold, he raises one hand above the canvas, looking as though he is about to tap. But as he looks to bring his hand down, he suddenly manages to find the strength to roll through the move and put Kagura on her back for the pinfall. The referee quickly transitions and begins counting the fall! 1... 2... Kick out from the challenger! The hold is broken as both competitors lie on their backs in the middle of the ring.

Copeland: Oh my god, that was so close! Titus just proved you right there, Jack. He knows how to transition from any predicament and make it work for him. You just have to wonder what damage being in that hold for so long would have done to the back of the EurAsian Champion.

Cohen: I've been in that hold, Seabass. It is not somewhere that you want to find yourself for any amount of time, never mind that long! Titus looks exhausted at the end of that and Kagura doesn't look to be in much better condition. This match has started at a fantastic pace but that will soon show on the gas tanks of these two warriors.

Both Kagura and Titus roll over onto their stomachs and then up onto their knees. Both are leaning against one another but soon put enough space between them to start trading vicious shots. Kagura leathers Titus with a stunning right hand that sends him reeling backwards. But he soon fires back with a stiff shot of his own that sends Kagura onto her back. She allows a look of determination to cross her features as Titus slowly gets to his feet and waits for her to do the same. Kagura uses the ropes to get back to a vertical base and is soon welcomed by Titus running at her. But, just as before, Kagura seems to have the EurAsian Champion very well scouted. She immediately ducks and scoops Titus over the top rope with a stunning back body drop that sends him crashing to the mats outside the ring. The fans are on their feet as Titus comes crashing down. And their reaction is only intensified as Kagura makes her way over to the corner of the ring and begins climbing the turn-buckles. Once at the top, she soaks in the adulation of the crowd and then launches herself from the top rope – connecting with a beautiful flying knee all the way to the outside of the ring. Titus catches it flush on the jaw and hits the floor once again.

Copeland: What a stunning move from the challenger, Jack! Kagura must know deep within herself that she has to go to extensive risks to put Titus away here tonight. Everything is working against her and history is most certainly on the side of the Champion. She has to take him to the very limit to stand any chance.

Cohen: Very true, Seabass. Kagura needs to realise that no one has been able to beat Titus when it gets to crunch time. And if she's going to be that person that finally takes the belt from him, she's going to have to go to the places that no one else could. That move was just one way to do it. Beautifully executed.

No sooner has Kagura hit the mats than she is on her feet. She garbs the hair of the EurAsian Champion and begins pulling him back to his feet. The fans are willing strength into her arms as she pulls Titus to his feet and rolls him under the bottom rope. Kagura gets into the ring and immediately covers her opponent. But Titus immediately puts one leg on the nearby rope and the referee will not count the fall! Kagura finally notices the action of the Champion and gets to her knees. She runs her hands through her hair in frustration but soon swallows the pain of being denied at this opportunity and gets to her feet. Kagura moves over to the corner of the ring and lies in wait for the EurAsian Champion. As Titus begins getting to his feet, the fans seem to come alive once more. They know that Kagura has plans for Titus and the Champion has no idea what they are. Titus finally reaches his vertical base but is soon met with the image of Kagura running at him. She goes for the shuffle side kick. But Titus, somehow, manages to drop to one knee and dodge the attack. Missing the move knocks Kagura off balance as she turns around, the EurAsian Champion is waiting for her. TIT DROP!! Titus lands his finisher as the crowd get to their feet in a stunned malaise. Unfortunately for Titus, Kagura hits the canvas and the impact sends her rolling out of the ring and onto the mats below. Titus cannot believe his bad luck as he watches his opponent escape the pinfall.

Copeland: I don't believe it! Kagura has just been saved in this match by nothing other than luck. That would surely have been the end of this contest but Titus now needs to get Kagura back inside the ring to cover her!

Cohen: More importantly, Seabass, Kagura needs to get herself back into the ring. Remember that Titus has a Champions advantage in this match and a loss by DQ doesn't do anything but gift the Championship right back to the Champion.

Titus scurries under the bottom rope and to the outside of the ring. He pulls at Kagura but she is amongst a dead weight at this point. Realising that he doesn't have to cover her to keep his Championship, he gets back inside the ring and quickly corners the referee. He tells the ref to begin counting the count-out and then pushes him towards the ropes nearest to Kagura. The crowd boo as the referee holds his first finger up, starting the count and putting the challenger under an immednse amount of pressure.

1... 2... 3... 4... 5...​

Suddenly, Kagura begins moving on the outside of the ring. The fans are on their feet as Kagura reaches out for the ring apron and begins pulling herself back to her feet.

6... 7...​

With that, Kagura slumps back to the mats – the effects of the recent Tit Drop weighing heavily on her body and her ability to get back into the ring to continue this fight.


Kagura begins pulling herself back up, the crowd willing her up with every single pull of the apron and every second that goes by. Titus looks on with his mouth ajar and a look of shock on his features.


One final surge of energy from the Challenger sees her rise to her feet and back into the ring to beat the 10-count. Titus can hardly believe what he is seeing but a look of venom soon crosses his face as he begins thinking of further punishment for the challenger.

Copeland: What heart from Kagura, ladies and gentlemen. That move has put the very best to the sword in the history of this company and it took something very special for Kagura to pull herself off of the floor and get back into the ring there. The damage may have been done but Kagura has shown herself to be the sort of Champion that this company needs.

Cohen: Normally, I would disagree with you, Seabass. But that was a wonderful feat of heart and courage from the challenger. Titus had beaten the very best in the business with that move and Kagura removed her name from that list in some style.

Titus walks over to Kagura, who seems utterly spent at this point. He puts his boot across her stomach as she lies motionless on the canvas – laughing as he demonstrates his dominance. Suddenly, however, Kagura grabs his leg and pulls him back to the canvas. She looks to get into position to lock in the FOURTH DANCE but Titus is struggling against the hold. The two struggle for position as Kagura looks to lock in her finisher but, against all odds and all of the reaction of the fans, Titus manages to scurry towards the bottom rope and holds on for dear life. Kagura has no other choice but to let go of the hold and Titus is saved from a punishing finishing move. The look of relief on the Champions face is clear for everyone to see as he urges the referee to move Kagura back and allow him to get back to his feet.

Copeland: The title reign of Titus was well and truly under attack there, Jack. Kagura has, just like Titus, gone through so many people with that submission hold. If she had managed to lock it in there, we may have been looking at a new EurAsian Champion after all this time.

Cohen: Well, I've said it before and I'll say it again now, Seabass. Kagura has impressed me with how much heart and spirit she has shown in this match. So many people would have been beaten when they were hit with the Tit Drop. Not only is she still in this match, she could have won it right there.

As Titus matches Kagura in getting back to his feet, the fans sound their appreciation for the match and the show that these two great competitors have put on for them. Titus tells Kagura to get back but Kagura wants nothing more than to keep this match going and probably capitalise on the advantage that she now commands. Titus urges the referee to come close to him as he demands Titus give him a moment to catch his breath. The referee does walk over to Titus but Kagura is hot on his tracks. As Titus pulls the referee close to his person, he leans over the referee and sticks a thumb in the eye of his opponent. No sooner has this happened that he has barged past the referee and is on Kagura. He turns his around and nails her with THE TIT DROP one more time! Titus covers his opponent and, unbeknownst to the referee, puts his feet on the bottom rope for more pressure on the pinfall. The referee counts the fall! 1... 2... 3! This match is over!

Copeland: God damn it! Titus has used every trick in the book to get the better of Kagura here tonight. You have to feel so damn sorry for the challenger here tonight. She showed great heart and courage but Titus has, once again, cheated to make sure that he holds onto his Championship at all costs. Despicable but nothing more than we have come to expect from Titus.

Cohen: It's not often I agree with you, Seabass. But the way Titus went about finishing off that match is nothing short of deplorable. Kagura and these fans deserved to see this match come to a natural and fair conclusion. Titus has robbed them of that and, perhaps, it would have been a very different result if he had.

Copeland: Either way, Jack, there are two things that are clear, here. Kagura is going to be less than pleased by Titus and the way he finished this match. And second, he doesn't deserve to hold that Championship any longer. He's not my champion, that's for damn sure!

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen here is your winner... And STILL WZCW EURASIAN CHAMPION... TITUS AVISON!!

With that, Titus is gifted his EurAsian Champion and immediately rolls out of the ring. He holds the Championship aloft as he stumbles up the ramp. He doesn't even stop to congratulate himself for a moment on the stage before disappearing behind the curtain. He knows how close he came to losing his Championship and getting the hell out of harm's way is priority number one right now.
The opening drum beat to Marilyn Manson’s ‘The Fight Song’ begins the video package. It quickly shows us flashing, back and forth, images of WZCW World Heavyweight Champion Justin Cooper and the number one contender, Garth Black.

‘But I'm not a slave to a god
That doesn't exist’

Clips of Cooper and Black battling for the very first time at Ascension 67 with both returning to the company.

‘But I'm not a slave to a world
That doesn't give a shit’


Several angles of Cooper hitting the Final Verse and smiling as his hand is raised. It cuts to Garth Black leaning through the ropes and spitting as Cooper laughs at the top of the stage.

Garth Black: He thinks this is some kind of game. Just wait until this Sunday when I finally put that cheap imitation down for good. They say it’s his last match, he’s leaving with the title belt they say? Not on my watch. If this is the last time Justin wrestles in WZCW, it’ll be by my hands, my actions, it’s my decision... not his!

The video package transitions to shots of current day Garth Black walking around with the World Championship that he stole from Justin Cooper. The scratched nameplate still bearing the name of the rightful World Champion.

‘And when we were good
You just closed you eyes’

The second encounter several years later, Ascension 112 is highlighted. Both men having achieved remarkable success, Black a World Champion and Cooper now a Lethal Lottery winner.

‘So when we are bad
We'll scar your minds’

Shot of current day Justin Cooper wrapping his fists with tape.

Clip of current day Garth Black boxing in the gym.

‘Fight, fight, fight, fight’

Cooper is shown pinning Garth Black in their second encounter.


‘You'll never grow up to be a big-

We see several shots of the most recent rivalry between the two men, Black stealing the World Championship and the big confrontation with the security force. Cooper revealing himself in disguise and beating Black with a police nightstick.

‘They'll just cut our wrists like
Cheap coupons and say that death
Was on sale today’

The THIRD encounter between the two men is shown, Aftershock: The Awards Special. Justin Cooper walks into the match as the NEW World Champion and defends against Garth Black following Kingdom Come.

‘And when we were good’

They fight, more heated and the result is closer than ever before with Black complaining about the officials but once again...


‘You just closed you eyes’

In quick succession, all three Cooper vs. Black matches are shown and the final three count for each. Cooper standing tall at the end of all of them is highlighted as Black is left furious inside the ring on each occasion.

‘So when we are bad
We'll scar your minds’

A split screen occurs of Justin Cooper and Garth Black walking in the darkness towards the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship. It sits on a podium in the middle of a giant arena, nobody else there, nothing but the opponent to stop them claiming the title.


Cooper looks up and charges forward...


Black spits to the side and runs into battle...


They collide and the video package stops. No sound, no vision, just darkness until it switches to a shot of Justin Cooper, without his title, standing with his back to the camera.

Cooper: He can’t beat me.

As he turns around the body transforms into Garth Black, holding the stolen World Championship, a huge smirk on his face.

Black: I already have.

The final shot of the video package is Garth Black stroking the World Championship, his fingers tracing the nameplate bearing Cooper’s name.
Copeland: It's been an eventful night here at Apocalypse, we have seen two new champions crowned already, will there be a third? Justin Cooper defends the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship against Garth Black, in a Last Man Standing match!

Cohen: No doubt in my mind Seabass, Garth Black's already got possession of the WZCW World Heavyweight Title, tonight all he does is make it legitimate.

Connor: You must remember though Jack, Justin Cooper has already successfully defended the title against Garth, he must have all the momentum on his side coming into tonight.


Garth emerges from the backstage area with the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship strapped around his waist. He takes a long drink of water while the crowd begins booing him loudly. It doesn't seem to phase the challenger as he begins making his way down to the ring, looking in the camera as he motions to the title yelling out that Cooper won't be getting this back tonight. He walks up the steps and enters the ring, taking one final drink before tossing the bottle into the crowd before unstrapping the World Title and holding it high into the air to more boos.


The crowd pops loudly as Justin Cooper slowly makes his way out from the back, the usual smile on his face gone as he stares down the ramp directly at Garth. He makes his way down the ramp, deliberately taking his time as his eyes don't leave the challenger and the WZCW World Heavyweight Title. He climbs up the steps and enters the ring, climbing to the second turnbuckle as he points up to the sky before turning and hopping off the turnbuckle, and the two combatants immediately get into each other's faces, until referee Jun Akiyama is able to separate the two of them.

Copeland: The match has not begun yet and already Cooper and Black have started jawing at one another.

Harrys: The following contest, is a Last Man Standing Match, and is for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship!

The lights dim down as a spotlight shines down around the center of the ring, Cooper motioning that he wants his belt back while Garth simply smirks at the champion.

Harrys: Introducing first the challenger, from the Last Chance Saloon, weighing in at 15 stone, Garth Black!

Garth steps into the center of the spotlight as the crowd boos loudly, holding the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship up high as he gets right up in Cooper's face once again. Cooper doesn't retaliate to his credit as he stares up at his title held up by his challenger.

Harrys: And his opponent, from Sydney, Australia, he weighs in tonight at 210 pounds, he is the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Justin Cooper!

The crowd cheers loudly as Cooper steps into the center of the spotlight, pointing up at the sky one more time, but is suddenly attacked by Garth with the title belt! Cooper hits the deck as Black immediately begins stomping away. Akiyama grabs the title belt and holds it up quickly before handing it off and signals for the bell as Cooper backs up into a corner, only to allow more stomping by Black. The crowd boos loudly as Black steps back from Cooper, gloating at his sneak attack as Cooper tries to pull himself back up.

Connor: What an unnecessary cheap shot by Garth Black! He's trying to gain every advantage that he can in this match.

Cohen: So what's the problem Connor? It's a last man standing match, there is no rules in this match! Garth is playing it smart here and keeping Cooper grounded immediately.

Cooper gets back to his feet but Black is immediately on him, delivering hard right hands as Cooper just cannot get out of the gate. Black whips him across to the other side. He backs up and loads up Getting On The Wagon as he charges forward, but Cooper is able to get out of the way at the last second and Black eats turnbuckle. Cooper spins him around and begins unloading stiff shot after stiff shot before pulling Garth to the ropes and whips him across, connecting with a tilt a whirl backbreaker! Garth hits the mat and immediately rolls to the outside. The crowd boos as Garth paces around outside taking his time which only frustrates Cooper. He sits down on the middle rope, motioning for Garth to get in the ring. Garth climbs up onto the apron as Cooper backs off. As Garth gets a leg over the rope, Cooper rushes forward but Garth slips back out and pulls Cooper throat first across the rope. Garth slides back in quickly and grabs Cooper from behind, delivering a hard German Suplex sending Cooper's head crashing into the bottom turnbuckle. Black gets up and immediately motions for Akiyama to count, who obliges him.



Justin covers the back of his head from the whiplash of the suplex, reaching out and grabbing the rope as he tries to struggle back up.



Cooper gets back up but is met with an elbow to the face from Garth. Garth whips him across to the other corner again, and climbs up and starts delivering the beginning of the 12 Step Program. After the fifth punch however, Cooper lifts Garth up and drops him face first onto the turnbuckle!. Garth bounces off and stumbles away from the corner, but is hit with a flying shoulder block from Cooper! Garth is sent flying through the ropes to the outside with a bad fall. Akiyama starts the ten count as Cooper slowly gets up to one knee.




Garth begins to pull himself together as he crawls over to the steel steps, holding his right arm close to his body as he reaches out with his other hand, pulling himself up onto the steel steps. He breaks the count at four, as Cooper slides to the outside, kicking Garth square in the stomach before grabbing him, spinning him around and throwing him shoulder first into the steel steps! The crowd pops as Justin yells out, holding his arms up as Black holds his right arm in more pain.

Copeland: Cooper has recovered from the surprise attack from Garth earlier, and has taken full control of this match.

Cohen: Garth hurt his arm on that awkward fall out of the ring. This match needs to be stopped and rescheduled!

Connor: Well the match is going now Jack, but I agree that the arm injury could play a pivotal role. Cooper has sensed that and is now attacking the weak point.

Cooper lifts Garth back to his feet, realizing that wasn't enough to keep the challenger down. He grabs hold of Garth's arm and pulls him forward, slamming Garth's shoulder into the ring post. He does it over and over again as Garth yells out in pain. Cooper comes back around the ring post and pulls Garth's arm behind him, sweeping the leg and delivering the Devil Lock DDT, driving the right shoulder hard into the ground in the process. Garth rolls out of the way, just trying to create some distance but Cooper doesn't let him, grabbing Garth and tossing him into the ring. Cooper picks Garth up and whips him into the ropes. He lifts him up for a flapjack but Garth shifts his weight and delivers a huracanrana! Cooper gets flipped around and sent across the ring as Black tries to shake some feeling into his arm but Cooper is right back on the offensive, delivering shots to the back as Garth tries to get to his feet. Black blocks one strike and jumps up, connecting with an enziguri! Cooper stumbles backwards and turns his back towards Black as he tries to regain his bearings, but Black suddenly goes low, chopping Cooper's leg out from underneath him. Cooper buckles backwards, yelling out in pain as Black keeps hold of the leg, getting to his feet as Cooper grabs hold of the bottom rope, but Black lifts up and slams him face first into the mat before lifting the leg up and driving the knee down hard into the mat. Cooper pulls himself out of the ring, holding his knee as Garth grabs hold of his bad arm as he stares down at Cooper.

Cohen: What a great strategy by our soon to be champion! You can't get back to your feet if you've got a bad wheel!

Copeland: Both of these men now working with apparent injuries in this match.

Black drops down and rolls out of the ring, looking at Cooper who has yet to get up. Akiyama has started the ten count, but Black doesn't seem to care as he goes under the ring and retrieves one of the chairs remaining. He holds it up as the crowd boos loudly while Cooper tries to get back to his feet but Black swings hard and connects right on the bad knee. Cooper grimaces in pain as he hops on one leg, but Black doesn't let up, swinging hard into the knee again as it sends Cooper to the ground. Black walks around the downed champion, as Cooper continues to hold his knee in pain. Black lifts the chair up and drives the edge of it right into the knee before turning and driving it into the chest of Cooper. Black throws the chair away before grabbing Cooper and dragging him by the leg, wedging the leg between the post and the steps. Coope tries to pull his leg out but Black blasts him in the face with a kick. Black lines it up and kicks the steel steps as hard as he can, crushing Cooper's leg between the post and steps and he immediately cries out in pain but still can't get his leg free. Black kicks the steps again and again, leaving the champion in agony as Garth walks up the steps, staring down at Cooper as Akiyama begins the ten count.




Connor: No, this match can't end like this!



Cohen: Black came in with the perfect strategy, Cooper has nowhere to go!

Cooper frantically kicks at the steps trying to free his foot!



Cooper finally gets his bad leg free! He tries to get to his feet but his leg gives out on him.



10...NO! At the last second Cooper leaps and holds onto the barricade, both feet underneath him to break the ten count as the crowd goes crazy. Cooper holds himself up as his leg can barely hold any weight. He collapses to a seated position as Garth watches on with a cold look on his face. He slowly saunters down the ring steps as Cooper tries to knock some life into his leg. Garth lines in up and clotheslines Cooper over the barricade into the stands. Garth climbs over as Akiyama follows closely behind. Garth grabs hold of Cooper and drags him up but Cooper hits a few elbows to the midsection, before surprising Black with a Step Up Knee Strike! Black falls backwards as the attack connects flush on the jaw, but Cooper yells out in pain as he used the bad knee. Akiyama starts the ten count for both men now.





Both men slowly begin to stir as Cooper stretches his leg out, Black pushes himself up to one knee, shaking his head to clear the cobwebs out.




Both men get to their feet but Cooper capitalizes first with a hard right, sending Black backwards through the stands. Black turns around and delivers a hard right of his own, and suddenly the two begin exchanging bombs, back and forth as the crowd cheers and boos appropriately. Black goes for another haymaker but Cooper ducks under and lifts him up, delivering the Mic Drop! Cooper hobbles backwards as Garth grabs his shoulder in pain yet again, somehow both men taking damage from the attack. Cooper stumbles over to Garth and picks him up, dragging him over to the sound tables. He rolls Garth onto one of the tables before climbing up after him. He pulls Black up but Black is able to connect with a low blow! He suddenly lifts Cooper up for the Black Out! Cooper struggles and is able to slip out from behind and locks in a full nelson and suddenly drives Black through the second table with Final Verse! The table shatters as the two men collapse through it, neither men moving as the crowd goes wild cheering for Cooper.

Connor: Cooper and Black both went through the table, but it appears Black took the worst of it!

Cohen: Cooper is willing to do anything and everything to cling to his title! He has to get up! If he can survive Cooper's best shot this match is his!

Akiyama checks on both competitors, clearing out the rubble while neither
man is moving at all as the crowd continues to cheer loudly for Cooper to get up. Akiyama steps back and begins the ten count once more!







Finally both men begin to stir, but both look like the lights are on but no one is home. Blood trickles down Garth's face, having caught a sharp edge on the way down. Cooper slowly pushes himself up off the ground, while Black simply flips over onto his back.



Black sits up and slowly gets to one knee, as does Cooper, the stamina of both men could not be questioned after tonight. They begin exchanging weak punches, Akiyama waving off the count though neither are to their feet knowing the importance of the match. The hatred burns in both men's eyes as they punch away at one another. They slowly get to their feet as they continue to throw bombs, each strike gaining in strength. Cooper goes to suddenly whip Black but Black counters, sending Cooper careening into a pile of chairs that fans had gotten out of at the last moment. Black follows him into the chairs, throwing them to the side before grabbing Cooper and slamming him head first repeatedly into a chair, Cooper getting busted open now as well. He grabs hold of Cooper and drags him towards the side of the entrance stage, grabbing hold and delivering a belly to belly suplex right onto concrete. Cooper lies prone on the ground as Black slowly pushes himself back up onto his feet, lifting his arms up as his face dawns the crimson mask more and more. Akiyama begins the ten count but Garth shoves Akiyama away, blinded with rage at Cooper as he begins delivering mounted punches. Cooper tries to weakly defend himself, until Black suddenly gets up, pulling Cooper up by his arm and onto his shoulder, delivering the Black Out! Cooper collapses to the ground as the crowd boos loudly at the devastating move.

Cohen: That's it! Justin Cooper is done for!

Copeland: Garth Black just connected with the Black Out, and I think you're right Jack, Cooper looks knocked out!

Akiyama checks on Cooper before administering the ten count.





Garth stands right in front of Cooper, bending down to trash talk the champion before standing and holding his arms up again in victory.




But suddenly Cooper stirs! He grabs hold of Black's trunks, trying to drag himself up to his feet. Garth stares down at Cooper, his eyes widening with anger, seething at the mere fact Cooper is trying to get back up. The crowd roars as Cooper stares through his own blood up at Black. Garth grabs hold of Cooper's hair, pulling him to his feet. Cooper wobbles from all the damage, and Black simply shoves him over. Akiyama begins the ten count once more, but suddenly Black is swept out from under his feet! Cooper suddenly has hold of some wire, and has wrapped it around Black's legs and tripped him down! Cooper quickly ties the cable around Black's feet, dragging him on the ground as Cooper crawls weakly along the ground. Black tries to kick the cable off but fails to. Cooper slowly pulls himself to his feet as the crowd roars loudly, a knowing smirk forming on his face as he pulls himself up onto the entrance stage.

Cohen: What in the? This is absurd! This isn't the way to win a Last Man Standing Match!

Connor: Whatever means necessary Jack, and Cooper just caught Garth off guard!

Akiyama stars the ten count as Black tries to escape the cable, kicking his legs as much as he can before pulling himself towards any ledge he can find.






Black pulls his legs in and begins frantically trying to pull the cable loose!




Black is able to get free of the ropes! He grabs onto the ledge of the entrance stage and gets to his feet!. Cooper's smile disappears but he walks over to Black and tries to pull him up but Black spins around and wraps the cable around Cooper's neck! Black pulls back as hard as he can, Cooper trying to grab at the cable as the oxygen slowly saps away from him. The crowd boos loudly as Black pulls back even harder on the cable, and soon Cooper is down to one knee, finally getting a finger under the cable. Black leans into it, but Cooper suddenly springs to his feet with whatever adrenaline he has left and rushes into Black and the two go directly through the secondary tron screen!




Copeland: Cooper and Black go right through one of our screens on the entrance stage! The lengths both of these men are willing to go to show just how much the World Title means to both!

Cohen: That screen is coming out of Justin Cooper's paycheck! He just destroyed company property!

Akiyama rushes to the site of the crash, as well as medical personnel. They clear the wreckage as both men are down again, immediately checking on the battered and bloodied bodies of the competitors. Blood trickles down Garth's arm and face, while blood pools down the face of Cooper. Both Cooper and Black seem to have expended all their energy.....and yet, there's movement from Cooper! He rolls over onto his back, coughing harshly a red mark lining his neck from the cable while Black wipes away some of the blood from his face. Cooper can't help but laugh as he looks over at Black still moving, more disbelief that they're even moving. Cooper tries to sit up, wiping his face with his hands as he stares down at the blood. Black stumbles through the shattered pieces of the screen, falling to his knees as Cooper crawls out onto the entrance stage. The two men look towards one another, and their hatred renews once more. The two get to their feet slowly, stumbling towards one another as they talk trash, even through all the blood letting. Black goes to strike but Cooper ducks under, trying to lock in the full nelson for another Final Verse but Black counters with a devastating judo throw that sends Cooper off the entrance stage onto a set of tables! Black looks down at Cooper, before looking up at the titan tron. The crowd begins buzzing as the gears begin spinning in Black's head.

Connor: Oh no, he's not thinking about that is he?

Cohen: Oh yes he is Cat! The final nail in the coffin for Justin Cooper!

Black suddenly turns and begins climbing with a vigor onto the frame of the titan tron, before slowing down considerably due to his arm. Referees and medical personnel look on, trying to convince Black to get down. Black ignores their please however, and begins climbing higher and higher, and soon reaches about three fourths of the way up the tower! He turns and looks down at the prone Cooper. Black points up to the sky one final time as he steadies himself!

Copeland: Oh my god! Black don't do this!

Black launches himself off the side of the tower frame with the leap of faith! He comes flying down towards the ground but just before impact Cooper is able to roll out of the way! Black crashes through the tables, sparks flying everywhere as electrical equipment is suddenly short circuited from cables being pulled.




Referees and personnel rush to the side of the stage, yelling for them to turn the power off down in that area. They clear yet another area of rubble as Black lies amidst wood, monitors, and electrical cables. Cooper pulls himself to his feet as Akiyama mercifully begins the ten count.






There's no sign of movement from Black as they continue to try and clear the carnage all around him.




Suddenly a referee is shoved away as Cooper looks with his eyes widening.

Cohen: He lives!


10.....NO! Black slowly emerges from the rubble, holding onto two referees to steady himself. He shoves the referees away as he stares at Cooper through glassed eyes. He stumbles forward, barely able to keep any sort of balance, in fact dropping to one knee. Cooper stumbles towards him and locks in the full nelson. Black tries to struggle, but there's nothing there as Cooper delivers Final Verse one more time! Cooper rolls over onto his back, pushing himself up to one knee as Akiyama starts the ten count once more.











Akiyama calls for the bell as Cooper collapses to the ground, Black's eyes closed as medical personnel rush to his side to start tending to him.


An official rushes up to Akiyama and hands him the WZCW World Heavyweight Title, who awards it back to its rightful owner. Cooper clutches the title close to his chest as the crowd cheers loudly. He slowly pulls himself up onto the entrance stage, staring at the title that was stole from him.

Copeland: What a world title match we had here tonight! Years have been taken off these two men's careers for sure.

Cohen: Despite going through a table, despite going through our very expensive screen, and despite falling fifty feet through the air, Garth Black still was able to stand up one final time.

Connor: Justin Cooper survives the Last Standing Match, and he leaves here tonight, still our WZCW World Heavyweight Champion!

Cooper gets to his feet and walks over to the center of the entrance stage, holding the WZCW World Heavyweight Title high into the air as Garth Black is still tended to as the show comes to a close.
Apocalypse Credits:

Justin Cooper versus Garth Black - Ty
Titus Avison versus Kagura - Dave
Xander LeBelle versus Batti - Killjoy
Constantine versus Tyrone Blades - Jeff
Eve Taylor versus Flex Mussel - Jeff
Mark Keaton versus Mikey Stormr-----------





Cooper: This show isn't over yet!

Blood stains the face of the reigning WZCW World Heavyweight Champion as he staggers towards the ring. Barely able to stand after a brutal Last Man Standing Match, the crowd give him a standing ovation as Cooper rolls underneath the bottom rope. It’s a significant effort to pull himself to a vertical base but the joy of having the World Championship back in his possession shows, even through his crimson mask.

Cooper: If you don’t mind, ladies and gentlemen, you too kids, I’d like to take this moment to say something.

The punishment sustained during the match clearly visible on the face of Cooper and his entire body. He is struggling to breathe as he adjusts the World Championship on his shoulder.

Cooper: My career has been going for the past seven years. I had my first match seven years ago against some of the greatest of all time. Guys like Sam Smith, a legend of the Elite division, and Barbosa, the standout and World Champion from our group of misfits. When I walked into this company I came in with one of the largest talent pools ever.

A slight pause as he struggles with the pain.

Cooper: I had to earn everything I ever got because the talent on the roster was so deep. There were no easy matches when I walked into this company. You had to prove yourself every week and it’s because of everyone that ever competed here, whether it was five days, five months or five years, you all contributed to making me better. I was pushed by my peers to get better and that’s what I aimed to do each time I entered this ring.

The crowd cheer.

Cooper: That was seven years ago... wow, time truly flies.

Several crowd shots, fans around the arena are standing as Cooper wipes his face.

Cooper: But seven years is a long time, perhaps too long. My journey began in 2010 and it cannot go on forever. At some point every career must come to an end. Whether it be Derek Jeter...

Huge cheer from the New York crowd.

Cooper: Austin Reynolds or Theron Daggershield from our own WZCW family. Our journey all ends at some point and when I came into this business I set a goal. I wanted to become World Champion. I did that. I became World Champion on the grandest stage of ‘em all; Kingdom Come 8.

A small tear drips down Cooper’s cheek.

Cooper: I achieved my dreams after seven years. I’ve been through tables, chairs, climbed ladders... I’ve done it all. My body is hurt. Tonight, I came in with a promise. A promise I made to myself. I promised that tonight would be the end.

Boo! The crowd cannot believe what they are hearing. Justin Cooper is retiring!

Cooper: Tonight is the end...

He pauses, looking down and then slowly bringing his eyes back to look at the crowd. As he goes to speak the lights go out.

Copeland: Hold on folks, it seems we’re having technical difficulties at the moment. We are going long with the pay-per-view at the request of WZCW World Champion, Justin Cooper, who was rumoured to be retiring after this event. It seems he is in fact hanging up the boots.

Connor: As they try to fix the lights, let me say what a way to go out for Justin Cooper. In the main event, as World Champion, in Madison Square Garden, go out on top and enjoy your retirement, Justin. I’m proud to have called some of his matches.

Without warning, the lights return but this time Cooper is not in the ring alone. Behind him stands three men, Mark Keaton, Xander LeBelle and Andrew Adonis – three out of four members of Vis Imperium. Fans around the arena are shouting trying to get Cooper to realise.

Copeland: Vis Imperium! Cooper doesn't know. Oh my, we’ve seen the damage they can do tonight.

Without looking behind him Cooper stares directly into the hard camera.

Cooper: It’s time to end this charade!

The three members of Vis Imperium step forward and stand next to Justin Cooper. He turns left and then right, nodding at all three men and patting Mark Keaton on the back.


Copeland: I-I-I-I wait...

The crowd is confused, they don’t know what they are seeing as Cooper begins to hug each man. He turns back to the audience with a smirk on his face.

Cooper: I have danced when you said dance. I have jumped when you idiots asked me to jump. I have answered your calls, signed your autographs and taken your stupid pictures. No more! It ends now because you fans make me absolutely fucking sick!

It’s a stunned silence as Cooper unloads, spit flying from his mouth as he speaks.

Cooper: I have had to suppress every bit of hatred I have for you no good losers and you people were convinced that I gave a damn about any of you. For over a year I have tainted my legacy by becoming a puppet to the masses. I have served you like a common dog, I barked on command and had to deal with the disgusting feeling of knowing that I was an inspiration.

Vis Imperium nods accordingly, Keaton even clipping the World Championship around his best friend’s waist.

Cooper: I once told you that a hero is a villain yet to be discovered. Well, here I am. I AM THE VILLAIN! I have always been the villain and now I stand at the top of the mountain with the one thing that drove me. The one thing that made sucking up to all your pathetic people worth it; the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship.

He turns back to Vis Imperium and leans on Xander LeBelle for support, Andrew Adonis wipes some blood of the World Title and backs up.

Cooper: This right here is the future of professional wrestling. This is Vis Imperium, a new era of dominance and excellence. Unbound by the filth of the original. John, as I’m sure you know by now, as your wounds of failure begin to sting and fester, you not only lost the Mayhem Championship tonight but you lost EVERYTHING! Don’t be confused, this isn’t a new member of Vis Imperium. I am no member.

All four men exchange a look, the crowd still in a stunned silence, and then Cooper delivers his final words.

Cooper: I am the leader of Vis Imperium.

The stunned silence continues, almost echoing, throughout the arena as the pay-per-view comes to a close. Justin Cooper, the reigning WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, standing with Vis Imperium (Mark Keaton, Xander LeBelle and Andrew Adonis) as their new leader.

Copeland: I don’t even know what to say.

Connor: It was all a lie. Mikey Stormrage was right.

Cohen: Remember what I said at the start of the night? I promised Vis Imperium would walk out with gold! They lost the Elite Openweight Championship and the Mayhem Championship but they've gained the World Championship! I was right! Vis Imperium just got even stronger than they were. They have the World Championship and the undisputed best wrestler on the planet, along with one of the favourites to win the Gold Rush tournament. Who on earth can spot them now?

The final image is Cooper, Keaton, LeBelle and Adonis standing in the ring and the crowd utterly silent. Vis Imperium reborn under the guidance of World Champion, Justin Cooper.
Apocalypse Credits:

Justin Cooper versus Garth Black - Ty
Titus Avison versus Kagura - Dave
Xander LeBelle versus Batti Otaku - Killjoy
Constantine versus Tyrone Blades - Jeff
Eve Taylor versus Flex Mussel - Jeff
Mark Keaton versus Mikey Stormrage - Prophet
Tony Mancini versus Logan McAllister - Jeff
The Beard versus Vee ADZ - Echelon
Vox versus Lynx - Lee
Clark Sisters versus Wren & Yemrez Reqonic - Dagger

There you go, folks! Hope everyone enjoys the show. Really good job by all the RPers and we had some super close matches.

Big thanks to Jeff for writing three matches for his first creative assignment. Also, thanks to Ech for the guest writing spot.
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