Ambrose should adopt the Stone Cold Stunner


Occasional Pre-Show
I remember listening to an episode of Steve Austins podcast a few months ago (can't remember which one) where he read out a question from a fan asking if he would mind if a current WWE superstar were to start using the Stone Cold Stunner.

His responce was given the right circumstances and the right person, then yeah he wouldn't mind passing the torch ala Ric Flair giving the sharpshooter to The Miz (Even though that sucked)

Austin said he would be offended if he wasn't asked first..

So, given the fact that Ambrose is our new anti-authority character wouldn't it make sense for Austin to make a couple of appearances and some how end up passing on the Stunner to Ambrose?

Especially as Ambrose's current finisher has been a widely talked about topic and many people think it needs changing.

Also, there's only so many potential wrestling moves out there, so it's no wonder most of the new ones suck.

This just makes sense to me.

While I certainly see where you are coming from in drawing some parallels between Austin and Ambrose in his young career, I don't think it is a good idea.

Ambrose is a unique talent and he would be much better off carving his own path instead of living in the shadow of another legend. History has shown that trying to emulate another top star is rarely a good idea, as far too often you end up failing to meet to marks they set and it hurts your career.
No, no, no, no, no. For God's sake, no. Please let Ambrose be his own person and stop harkening back to the Attitude Era (of which I am a fan, BTW).

I'm a fan of Ambrose. Yes, his current path of anti-establishment has parallels to SCSA in the Attitude Era, but please just let it go. Austin was great, but he's done with wrestling (or maybe not, according to some news reports). Either way, let Ambrose cut his path as Dean Ambrose, not a SCSA clone.

As it pertains to his finisher, I actually like Dirty Deeds.. in theory. He needs to sharpen it a bit, make it more of a direct hit down instead of a funky looking DDT/bulldog. How to do that while keeping the opponent safe? That's for him to figure out.
Austin had the 'Lou Thez press'- think about it. It's paying tribute.

Ok, so maybe it could at least be a finisher he brings out once in a blue moon.. when he's in an absolute desperate situation?..

announcers always used to refer to guys in the 90's channeling former stars from the 70's and 80's
I disagree. While there are obvious parallels between Austin's & Ambrose's character, adopting such a well known finisher could paint Ambrose closer to being a "clone" of Austin than I personally prefer.

When I look at Ambrose's character, I don't see someone who does anything to pay homage to anybody. Austin may have utilized the Thesz Press as one of his signature moves, but I never really saw it as him paying any sort of tribute to Thesz. By the late 90s, Thesz was several decades past any degree of relevance in American pro wrestling and a great many fans weren't all that familiar with him by that time as the internet was really just starting to become the long term powerhouse it'd eventually become. To most fans, the Stone Cold Stunner is a vastly more prominent and recognizable because it's Austin's move. Austin is one of the small handful of wrestlers in America to reach the upper most tier of popularity, hence the Stunner is likely to always be associated with him.
I think your walking too fine of a line here. Ambrose's character exists because stone cold made that type of unpredictable character popular. Taking too much from Austin might make him seem like a total rip off.
Those two guys don't seem like the type to wanna be seen as unoriginal.
Dirty Deeds is a fine finisher for Ambrose. It hasn't even had a chance to get over. Give Dean a couple high profile wins that are done so after setting up his opponent with Dirty Deeds, it will garner respect. If Dean keeps the maneuver for the long run it's going to be a signature of his. You may even see it be executed inside of the Cell.
Flair "passed" the Figure Four to Miz not the Sharpshooter. Though I am sure that's what you meant.

The comparisons are there between Ambrose and Austin, but there have been plenty of other guys that have gotten compared to Austin in the past (Randy Orton, Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, etc.). Austin pretty much set the standard for rebeling against authority and everyone who ever does in wrestling is going to get a comparison. I don't believe at all that any one is who involved in a storyline should channel Austin whether it be using his finisher, saying something from his promos, shaving their head bald anything like that. They need to carve their own spot into history and not ride on someone else's back even if that superstar is arguably the greatest of all time.

There's nothing wrong with making comparissons or being reminded of a time when someone else did kind of the same thing. It's an aspect that exists in all forms of sports, entertainment, etc. It becomes a problem though when someone tries to ride off of that reputation and it ends up failing miserably. Much like Ted Dibiase Jr. did years ago with his dad's legacy or the Hart Family with Natalya, Kidd and Harry Smith. It rarely ever works because those guys in the past set a standard that will never be duplicated. It's best to let the wrestlers become who they are and not a second coming of someone we have seen do the same thing.

Dean Ambrose will make his mark on history as the first Dean Ambrose and so will guys like Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins or any of the other future guys. Dean doesn't need the stunner to get over and if anything it will only cripple him. Let Austin be Austin and Ambrose be Ambrose.
Oh man what a typo. Thanks for pointing that out Aeon Mathix..

Indeed I ment figure four not sharp shooter *hangs head embarrased*
I am a big fan of the headlock ddt but i still think Ambrose would be better suited to using it as a signature move a la the Kelley clothesline. I think a move like the STO would be a suitable finisher. I cant think of another wrestler that uses it as anything other than a generic move hut I always thought it would make a tremendous finisher. It can be hit fast and furious. Just like the clothesline from hell, it involves the leg sweep is instantaneous vertical to horizontal in seconds...just my opinion sorry if nobody else agrees.
Nah, while Orton is going all out with the RKO, no man should even touch the Stunner. They're somewhat similar finishers with a similar appeal (I know the difference between a cutter and a stunner before you feel the need to explain it to me :p); the Orton mark in me fears for one aspect of his individuality and his glorious finisher.

So sorry OP but on this occasion I can't agree. Ambrose is already quality. He doesn't need to "inherit" the Stunner from a previous badass. Leave him as is.

It was a nice idea though, always good to see some creative ideas.
Yea pretty much echoing what everyone else has said. When you think of the Stunner you think of Steve Austin. Ambrose is fine with his finisher and I'm sure in time he will develop it into something else uniquely his own.

While Ambrose has been the first guy in a long time to come along and echo Steve Austin, you have to realize why he's done it and why it's happening. Austin had Vince McMahon, Ambrose has Stephanie McMahon and HHH. If the Authority storyline hadn't been in place then I'm just wondering what direction Ambrose's single's career would have gone. It might have been a total disaster not the raging success we are watching.

I think we have the McMahon's and HHH to thank for both the way Austin and Ambrose have turned out. If it hadn't been for them, we would have neither anti-authority figures.
To anyone who thinks Dean Ambrose is anything like stone cold other that the so-called Anti Authority Cena has been Anti-Authority his whole career. Dean Ambrose is this Era's Brian Pillman type Loose Cannon mixed in w/ the Owen Hart look. No where near Stone Cold.
I would go so far to to say he has aspects of Austin and Pillman. Not Hart though.

No one is saying he has become the new Steve Austin. There will never be another Austin, but the shenanigans, the devil may care attitude, and the whole I want Rollins and no one will get in my way, including Cena, is reminiscent of what Austin would have done.
I definitely think someone needs to adopt the stunner. There is no point in retiring the move. It's a good move and should live on. WWE hands out spears and DDTs to every Tom, Dick and Harry, but they guard the stunner like it's the Holy Grail.

However, giving it to Dean Ambrose who's gimmick is clearly emulating some aspects of SCSA would be a dumb move since it will just confirm Dean as nothing more than a copycat, or worse, even a parody of Stone Cold.

They should give the stunner to someone completely different from Austin. Comparisons shouldn't be made other than the fact that the guy is using the same move. I think Finn Bálor or Hideo Itami could use the Stunner. The fact that they have such a long repertoire of moves means that they won't feel like two goofs who were given the stunner because they can't get over doing anything else. They will back it up in the ring with so many fantastic moves that the stunner will just be icing on the cake.

WWE already listened to me when I posted on bruce blitz's page last week. His finisher is the futureshock ddt. It's settled.

WWE already listened to me when I posted on bruce blitz's page last week. His finisher is the futureshock ddt. It's settled.

I'm sure you are absolutely loving this week xD first Ambrose uses the move you suggested(whether by chance or them listening to you) and now the Cardinals are going to the NLCS!
Live Yáz;5013161 said:
While I certainly see where you are coming from in drawing some parallels between Austin and Ambrose in his young career, I don't think it is a good idea.

Ambrose is a unique talent and he would be much better off carving his own path instead of living in the shadow of another legend. History has shown that trying to emulate another top star is rarely a good idea, as far too often you end up failing to meet to marks they set and it hurts your career.

This is exactly right. Ambrose is definitely the closest thing WWE have had in a long while to the attitude and personality of a Stone Cold, but they shouldn't go down the path of emphasising this and giving him the Stunner would be a bad move.

In a way, I don't like the fact they did the angle with the Hot Dog cart as it just screamed of copying Austin and the WWE playing on this now fans are talking about Ambrose's similarities with the Rattlesnake. I'd rather he forged him own path rather than being stuck with the extra pressure of being the "2nd coming of Austin", which is likely to hurt him rather than benefit him, especially if he doesn't hit the heights that Stone Cold did.

I know plenty of wrestling moves have been used by different performers over the years, like a Superkick, Anklelock, Figure 4 etc but I doubt we'll see another WWE performer using something like a Stone Cold Stunner, Peoples Elbow or Leg Drop as a finishing move again. They are too linked with the original performer who perfected them.
Ambrose is definitely the Anti-Authority figure of this generation of WWE, but to give him the stunner would be a bad move in my mind. People are starting to see parallels between Austin, and Ambrose, as far as the character. So if he started stunning people it would feel like WWE is trying to just recreate Austin. Ambrose is totally different from Austin in many ways, while having some similarities. The stunner just wouldn't fit for me. I personally liked the double arm DDT he used on Raw, I'd keep that move as his finisher.
People need to realise that whilst Ambrose is this generation's closest thing to Austin, we'll likely never have another Austin again. Sure, Dean needs another finisher, something he can hit from nowhere, because Dirty Deeds is too long a set up, but not the Stunner. He needs to remain separate from Austin but close enough so that parallels are drawn. Dirty Deeds works against the smaller guys, but what about when Ambrose fights a Big Show or more likely Erick Rowan? We can't surely expect the guy to flip one of those two on top of their head? Maybe a STO variation on the run or a submission of some kind, but not the Stunner. Wait until there is enough of a new generation before we go using finishers given to the Attitude Era guys, right now too many comparisons would be drawn and it would cripple the guys who are told they are the "Next Austin" or something
I think Dirty Deeds is a great finisher. Better than a lot of moves, like the Big Ending, for example. He doesn't need to take the Stunner and make it his finisher. Nobody should ever take the Stone Cold Stunner. That's Austin's move. Will always be associated with Steve Austin. As so many people on this thread have stated, it would be a rip off. Just because Ambrose is fighting the Authority doesn't mean he needs to be an Austin clone. A lot of people have fought Authority figures. Should Ambrose adopt the Sweet Chin Music or the Pedigree because DX fought the authority? Should he adopt the GTS or the Yes Lock? Let Ambrose move along to do his own thing. No need to fix what ain't broke. Maybe it'd be cool to see Ambrose use the stunner every now and then as a special move during bigger matches. Like every couple of months, at WrestleMania and SummerSlam, he bust out a Stunner, but not to win the match. Other than that, just let the Lunatic Fringe do his own thing.
Instead of paying homage to Austin because lets face it, even Jimmy Hart could see the similarities baby, how about we go a little further back and borrow from Stunning Steve. The Stun Gun was a pretty cool finisher and it's not a move that can't be done on people of all sizes. Hell, he can set up for it after his clothesline from the ropes spot.
While I do not believe Ambrose should make the Stunner a regular weapon in his rotation, how sweet would it be to see him drop and beat Cena with the Stunner at HiaC? I realize not everyone would enjoy it but if it did go down think of the massive pop.

Over the years and different eras we are always going to have comparisons. In wrestling, football, baseball, film and whatever else. There is a lot to see in Ambrose that would cause one to think of Stone Cold. I on the other hand like to hope that Ambrose becomes everything that Pillman should have been. I guess it is something in the water in Norwood, Ohio but the two are cut from the same mold.

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