After a horrendous promo on Raw, has Vince McMahon finally lost it?

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gully side adidja

Pre-Show Stalwart
Ok with raw fresh in the memory, i wanna talk about a promo done by vince McMahon. He gave the worst promo he has in years, it wasn't interesting, and was very short, BUT, the two key things in that promo that interested me was..

1:crowd reaction: the crowd were dead, and the only time they were not dead was when they chanted 'boring'.

2:vince's reaction: he seemed visibly upset, or angry due to the chant, maybe vince is finally showing his age, and it is getting to much.

but the question i wanna ask, IS VINCE MCMAHON LOSING IT?

Vince has for the last number of weeks been on raw, and apart from announcing bret hart would host raw, all his other segments have been dead with the crowd. I think since his feud with lashley in 07, he has received small reactions whenever he is around, take last year for example, his feud with the orton did nothing to get the crowd going, when he was kicked in the head by orton, the crowd should have been going absoulutly wild, instead it gets lukewarm heat with even some cheers.Take another example, his angle with teddy long on probation, it seemed interesting for the first few weeks, but completely died after to the point where, even when vince was clearly intimidating/bullying long, the fans did not care, he gets a few cheers out of respect but that's it,i mean go back to the late 90's early 00's, this guy literally had the crowd in the palm of his hands, when he got in the ring he did not even need to say anything and he got tremendous heat, and when he did say something, the crowd gave him twice as much heat

He also use to come out with big announcements that where huge and had the crown geinuinley excited, now he comes out say's he has sold raw to little reaction, and then buys it back a week or two later, to a even lesser reaction.

In my personal opinion, he has finally lost it and is getting to old to do this anymore, i think he should stay in the back and run the show , instead of on the show itself.

But i want your opinions! HAS VINCE McMahon LOST IT?
You would have a point if that crowd yesterday wasn't the smarkiest crowd we've had for a WWE show since the East Coast. The crowd didn't boo Vince because they didn't want to boo Vince. Because booing Vince would mean they're a lowly "fan" who can be influenced in a such a manner as every other fucking person who watches the product.

Also, Vince got "visibly upset" because that would be what a Heel does. Have you ever seen a heel give a promo? And what does he do when the fans chant something even remotely critical of him? He yells at them, and tells them to stop. He at least shows it's pissing him off.

And besides, this is one example of a smarky crowd being a bunch of bitches. He has had solid cheers or boos throughout the past years, depending on if he were a face (against Orton) or heel (every other year). Smarky bitches are not the best way to gauge how a performer is doing.
I will admit that I was a little bit upset at the fact that Vince didn't respond to the crowd the way he has in the past. I know there have been several times when the crowd would be loud and interrupt him and, in the past, he would have yelled something right back at them.
The crowd in Minnesota was HORRIBLE! Vince is trying to continue a storyline and they chant boring?! You think Bret Hart coming back is boring?! You're damn right Vince has a right to be mad and upset. He should really feel sympathy because of how stupid that crowd was.
I agree with the comments made about last night's crowd. It was ridiculous - made me think that a few people from this board had convinced their buddies to make those chants.

Stupid thing here is that the WWE doesn't need to do a show in Minnesota... EVER. The WWE can get away by avoiding the Minnesota market in terms of television/ppvs and be just fine. It isn't like its New York, LA or Chicago ... It's friggin Minnesota.

I wouldn't be surprised if - after whatever obligations the WWE already has with Minnesota arenas - the WWE didn't go back to Minnesota for a long, long time after the crowd reaction last night.
As a Minnesotan, I will be the first to say that our fans last night were indeed terrible. I wrote this on another thread earlier today, stating that Minnesota fans are a lot like Canadian fans. We live in what the King calls "Bizzaroland." We've always been that way. Which is perhaps why Raw rarely ever comes to Minnesota. That, and the fact that for a while there it seemed that every time they did a wrestler tragically passed (e.g. Eddie, Pillman). I was personally disappointed to see that there was hardly a reaction for the triple threat match. I personally thought it was a great match, so to have our fans act how they did was not only respectful to the wrestlers, but the WWE universe as a whole.

But to say Vince has lost it is a complete falsehood. He's Vince McMahon. And yes this is somewhat redundant, but he single handely revolutionized the business. I think honestly it was the fans that destroyed his promo last night. You could tell he was taken by the "boring" chants and the "whats" after every sentence. I mean he's in a feud with Bret Hart! Bret Hart! And what do we Minnesotans give him. Boring chants, whats and a sense of dis-intrest that can only be best describes as "Bizarro." Don't worry Vince hasn't lost it. We just have weird fans.
Sure, I can call the fans last night a "Tough Crowd". But Vince just walking down and saying that Bret wont be coming back? C'mon, he can do a little more than just that. This is a generation of fans thats perhaps twice as smart as previous generations when it comes to inside scoops on wrestling. I know a storyline is just a storyline, but when people are in the know that Bret will be coming back again, and they hear Vince saying Bret wont be coming back, no one buys it. And this has been done over and over and over. Vince saying this person or that person wont be appearing again when everyone and their mother know it'll happen indeed.
Okay first of all I was at the show last nite and to be honest McMahon actually got some pretty okay heat, not like he used to but he did. I dont know was on TV but there was definite heat in the building. The kids dont get this feud because they weren't around when the screw job happened.

Second of all Kofi didnt get a pop because all the whining kids were krying kuz Cena wasnt going to win. Kofi can't be in a match with Cena or else he is just squashed. Ever kid cheered Cena sooo much it sucked a lot.

and finally all i can say is that Minnesota actually gave a good showing especially for DX the crowd was instense for DX live it was amazing and also as much as i hate it Cena got an awesome pop everytime he came out. The thing with Tyson not getting heat makes sense because the stupid kids dont know anything about the past.
Although I do agree with the fact that the Vince promo was a little half assed I just think the fans could have shown a little more respect and not be so childish. The what chant is just pathetic and anyone who uses it just needs to grow up. It should only be ever used when Stone Cold is in the ring.

Well maybe this will make the WWE think twice with what they do when they return to Minnesota and not waste anything good on it if the crowd is going to be like that, or even skip Minnesota out all together.
In regards to Vince McMahon, I'm not sure people are really understanding what he was trying to accomplish. His entire interview was SUPPOSED to be downplayed. He was supposed to be a bit on the boring side. He was supposed to be unemotional. It is all apart of the storyline. What Vince was doing out there was showing that he doesn't care about Bret Hart (kayfabe). His calm, almost unemotional demeanor was furthering the storyline that he doesn't care about, nor does he need Bret Hart. Vince's character is basically saying Bret screwed Bret in 97, I screwed him last week, I win, and now it's over with. He is downplaying it so he can look as though he is absolute shock when Bret comes back for revenge. I think he played that segment perfectly. That is the magic of Vince McMahon on screen. As for fans being "bored" by Vince's segment, whatever, who cares. New age wrestling fans are mostly interested in big spots and not much else. Most people I know who started watching wrestling five years ago or less, seem not to care much about interesting storylines or characters with real emotional and psychological depth. They think only about in-ring ability and do not seem to mind that promos are terrible (most of the time). So with that being said, it doesn't surprise me that a bunch of idiots do not care about Bret Hart or Vince McMahon.
Yeah.... That crowd the other night is what gives the IWC a bad name. They thought it would be a good idea to chant stuff like "Cena Sucks", boo the faces, pop for the heels, and feign disinterest with Vince. I guarantee those fans were actually hanging from every word spoken in that promo. Take last week for example. Raw iminated from Dayton, not even an hour and a half from my hometown. Dayton crowds can be smarky as hell, but did you hear that bunch? They followed the protocol. Cheer the faces, boo the heels. Why can't Minnesota be like that?

So, all in all, no, Vince hasn't lost it. WWE just needs to avoid smark markets. All they do is kill heat, and cause pushes to be dropped.
Vince has not lost it, and Vince's delivery of the promo was great, but the smarky crowd diminished the quality because we (the TV audience) tend to not enjoy a said segment as much when it's not very hot. If that segment took place in a less smarky area, I guarantee you it would've came off as a great promo. There was nothing wrong with it, other than the crowd acting like they're the messiahs that know what "real" wrestling is.

Vince's reaction to the crowd could have been because, A.) He was getting frustrated with the smarky audience's poor reaction and/or B.)He was showing casual heel tenancies, as Razor said. When the crowd reacts to a heel, they usually acknowledge it and incorporate it in their work.
wow a real pro vince audience in here, maybe you guys should have been at raw. vince should be upset. the boring old i'm smarter than you and i am the man vince is wearing thin and the crowd let him know it. why should we as an audiance accept whatever the wwe puts infront of us. following protocol is bs. if someone is boring, boo them or chant boring even if it is a face. sitting back and just accepting a sub par product because it's the 'protocol' is crap. i refuse to watch boring wrestling and thats why i don't go out of my way to watch raw or smackdown anymore.
While I do agree with nickb, could the lack of a reaction also be because Vince isn't fully playing his usual badass heel role to the hilt? A previous comment referred to him in the late 90's/early 00's where he would easily draw amazing heat, but in the last year or so (for example the Orton/HHH storyline where Orton was after the all of the McMahons), he was a long way from the despised Vince heel of 10 years ago.

Perhaps some fans don't know how to react at the moment when he's out there..?
Winkie Pop could have a point, but I still think that less than emotional promo was intentionally done to further the storyline. Vince can't blow his stack week after week when Bret Hart hasn't even really come back full time. It needs time to develop, adn I find that to be a big problem with WWE now a days. They don't let storylines develop over time. I hate that people look at storylines in terms of "weeks." Good storylines can survive for a few months, if done properly, and I think that is where Vince is planning to take this.
Give Vince a break. Given that his promo was indeed short the crowd didn't really help him. The crowd really annoyed me the whole night and I thought Vince would have gotten more heat for what he said if was somewhere else. I still don't get how the crowd doesn't give him any heat at all for saying that you will never see Bret in the WWE again.
The promo wasn't bad, it wasn't all that good, but still, it wasn't bad. The crowd on Raw was one of the smarkiest crowds I've seen in a while. They were on everyone's case that night. Anyway, I don't think Vince is losing it. He still has some gas left in the tank. Sure he might not be as great as being heel as he was during the his feuds with Austin, Shane, Taker, or Stephanie, but he still can provide some good heel work every now and then. When, he returned to get punted by Orton in '09, he got a massive pop from the crowd that night, and if you watch Raw or Smackdown, people still react to him like crazy, and bow to him in some cases. So, no, I don't Vince has lost it.
he has not lost it crowds are just bored with him, he was a fce at the start of the year now he de heel, too many turns=no reaction
Vince McMahon will never be uninteresting.

I am convinced that Vinney Mac could continue to go on T.V. on every show that he has, give a 5 minute monologue on whatever the hell he wants to talk about and the fans will hang on to his every word. I know they were chanting, "boring," and such, however, I bet they were still listening to his every word. Mr. McMahon is, believe it or not, one of the last remaining characters from the Attitude Era and to a many of fan, that makes him a legend.

Vince will never lose it. He'll have it until the day he dies.
The crowd was poor, but the promo wasn't that great, which went with a poor Raw. We are coming off one of the best moments of wrestling, and the WWE failed to capitalize on it. But I think the point of the promo was to piss off the crowd, and Vince wanted to make it short and sweet. But with the poor crowd, that never happened, and it might have ruined some plans that the WWE had.
It seemed rushed, and I think Raw was short of time for some reason. I think that has to be the case, because in all honesty, it was terrible. I don't think McMahon's on screen character should be put out to pasture just yet, but I'd suggest that he probably needs to be a little bit more wiser with how he uses himself. Gone are the days when he could come out to instant heat.

McMahon needs to use his character in the same way as any old guy would be used, seldomly, and with the maximum potential. In this feud with Bret Hart, he needs to be onscreen as often as Hart is, otherwise it'll be overexposure for one side and would desensitise the audience to what could be a great feud.
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