AF11: Johnny Scumm vs. Krypto - Mayhem Scramble Qualifier

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
After at least 2 years since the last match, the highly-anticipated Mayhem Scramble match will be returning to Redemption 2012 where the Mayhem champion (whether it be Ace Stevens or Derek Jacobs) will be defending their title in a brutal environment. Aftershock plays host to multiple qualifiers where only the winners will advance to the match and the PPV card. For those that lose... unlucky.

Deadline is Tuesday, July 10th at 11:59 PM Central Time.
The Misadventures of Krypto

Knock me down, I’ll get back up.

Krypto is in an empty locker room after his match on Meltdown talking with his robot companion RJX9.

I told you to be more aggressive sir.


I said you shouldn’t have trusted him.


He conned you into believing having “faith” will get you somewhere.

I get it RJ, I don’t blame Angel for what he did, he was low on money and desperately needed a win or he would have most likely been sent back to that orphanage he was telling me about.

Still, he was supposed to be your tag team partner.

The match got changed to a triple threat last minute, there was nothing him nor me could do about it, and just because he beat me doesn’t mean were still not friends. I’m sure there will come another time in which I’ll get the chance to even the score with Angel, but for now I refuse to dwell on this loss okay RJ?

Whatever you say sir, we will have our revenge though…

What was that?

Nothing, you’re right though Krypto, we need to look forward and plan for the future.

What exactly did you have in mind?

Let’s see where the night takes us.

Krypto and RJX9 leave the Meltdown arena, as they arrive on the outside they notice a building with a huge sign across the street gleaming with light displaying the words Comic Con. People wearing all sorts of costumes and masks, designs, toys are filing their way into it. Krypto is amazed at the sight of it.

What is that?

I have no idea sir, but it seems to be a gathering of non-humans.

So I’m not the only extra-terrestrial, I knew it.

Krypto and RJX9 make their way into the building and are even more amazed when they see everything up close, Krypto is rejoiced to see everyone look so different and unique, and with no one staring at them or judging them like most people who have encountered Krypto have. He stops a random passing by stranger dressed in a wolverine costume in hopes to learn more about the place he has discovered.

This place is wonderful, what is the name of it?

It’s comic con dude.

Comic….Con. Is this the meeting on earth of all intergalactic beings?

The stranger looks up and down at Krypto wondering if he’s serious or not, assuming he is just roleplaying seeing as they are at a comic book convention he decides to play along.

Totally, this is where the factions and groups of all different species converge every year to party on Earth.

Amazing, why didn’t we know about this RJ?

I guess it’s supposed to be a secret seeing as all these people are aliens.

Is that your robot helper?

Yes….yes it is. Finally somebody recognizes one.

My name’s Lars by the way.

Krypto and Lars shake hands.

Nice to meet you Lars, I’m Krypto and I can tell by your ferocious claws and slightly yellow skin that your species is certainly one to be feared of.

Your damn right, I’m the best at what I do Bub.

Lars begins to laugh but Krypto stands their slightly confused at the joke.

Well…um I like your skin to, you’re from Nova Terra right? That movie…I mean planet in the 1970’s.

Wow, this really is an alien party, finally someone here recognizes the elite.

You know you seem like a cool guy Krypto, you seem kind of familiar though.

Well I recently had a match on WZCW Meltdown…

Aww snap! That’s where I saw you. You were the dude who think he’s a…I mean the dude who’s an alien. I’m a huge WZCW fan. I got two tickets to Ascension tomorrow. It’s the huge 50th show.

Yeah it should be pretty huge.

Dude, can you like, get me backstage to meet Becky Serra, she’s so hot. Or maybe Celeste, oh I got get down with my man Action Saxton.

I don’t know man; I just started working over there.

Please Krypto, I promise to show you the time of your life tonight if you can get me backstage tomorrow night, come on its Showtime Cougar vs Steven Kurtsey for the world title. Do you know how huge that is!?!

I think it’s a good idea sir, you don’t have very many human friends, I suggest we live it up with the other aliens tonight.

Okay Lars, you got it.

Krypto, Lars, and RJX9 party the night away at comic con.
The Next Day…

Krypto wakes up on a couch in the living room of a strange apartment filled with Star Wars and Wolverine posters.

Whoa, where am I?

It’s my personal batcave man!

Lars unexpectedly walks into the room with a bowl of fruity pebbles in hand.

Man that must have been some intergalactic party eh?

(Wow, I’ve never met anybody so dedicated to roleplaying, might as well go along with it he is getting me backstage tonight)

Yeah it sure was, you Terrian’s can party like no other species.

Hey where is your yellow skin and claws?

Oh uh, I shed skin every night, it will grow back by the time we go to Ascension.

Where’s RJX9?

Your robot? I cleaned him off for you, he looked pretty dirty.

Lars tosses RJ over to Krypto.

Well meet me at the arena tonight and I’ll get you backstage.

Later that night on Ascension.

Krypto, RJX9, and Lars (who is once again wearing the wolverine costume) are backstage watching the Relay match on a monitor in a locker room.

This is so cool man; I’ve gotten the autographs of Strikeforce, Triple X, and Sabotuer.

Yeah, so the winner of this relay match gets a shot at the Mayhem championship?

Yeah, this match is the first of its kind, wonder who is going to win.

Dave: What a clever man!

Connor: Indeed! Johnny Scumm can win this match at any time now but he's waiting for the match to tick away before putting this match to bed.

Cohen: That is brilliant!

Who is that guy?

The guy currently in control of the match? That’s Johnny Scumm, I don’t really want his autograph.

Wait his name is Scumm? Like S-C-U-M-M? RJ does scum have the same meaning on the Earth as does back home?

According to my database yes sir, it means a layer of dirt or froth on the surface of a liquid.

Why would anyone want to be named Scumm?

Why would any guy paint their nails, wear eyeliner, wear ear rings, and have a Mohawk? Scumm is pretty weird.

Scumm continues to stare out at the men on the outside, realising that he is holding all of the cards as only one minute remains on the clock. The 3 men on the outside are irate, so much so that Marquel cannot handle it any more. Picking up the barbed wire bat vacated by Derek Jacobs. He slides under the bottom rope behind Johnny Scumm and scrapes it across the face of the UK born athlete. Scumm screams in agony and turns towards Marquel who then swings the bat at Scumm. It catches Scumm in the abdomen, causing him to bend over double. Marquel follows up with a shot to the back that takes Scumm down in agony. The referee pleads with Marquel to stop but Marquel has lost it. The referee has no other choice other than to disqualify Stevenson Marquel. Marquel doesn't seem to care as the referee pulls him from Scumm. Marquel looks as the referee as he orders him up the ramp. Marquel screws up his face but lets the decision fly. He rolls out of the ring, his face a picture of anger. The referee stands with his hands on the ropes as both Bull and Scumm lie motionless in the middle of the ring. With only 15 seconds left of the match, Jacobs gets into the ring. He pulls Scumm over Bull as the referee turns back around. Jacobs slides under the bottom rope as the referee notices the pinfall. He counts the fall. 1... 2... 3!

Anderson: Here is the winner of the fall... Johnny Scumm!

Looks like he just took a brutal shot.

That wasn’t half as bad as when he was in the mayhem championship gauntlet match all the way back at Unscripted when he was the first man eliminated after getting destroyed by Alex Bowen. Or back on AfterShock 4 when he took Justin Cooper’s Remix from the top rope through a table and once again failed to capture the Mayhem championship. Don’t even get me started on Triple X washing the floor with him back to back shows where he once again failed to close the deal and win a championship.

Connor: What the hell is going on here!?

Jacobs shoots under the bottom rope and, with only 10 seconds on the clock, pulls Johnny Scumm from the lifeless body of Darren Bull. He kicks Scumm to the corner of the ring and out onto the mats. The referee struggles to comprehend what is going on but with only 5 seconds left on the clock, Derek Jacobs crawls on top of Scumm's lifeless carcass. The referee counts the fall. 1... 2... 3!

Cohen: This is absolute chaos, I love it!

Anderson: Here is the winner of the fall... Derek Jacobs!

Dave: Derek Jacobs has done it! He's won the very first relay match!

A buzzer sounds around the arena as the clock on the titantron. Jacobs gets to his feet and cannot believe what he has just accomplished. The referee lifts his arm high into the air as Joe Mason looks on with utter contempt.

Anderson: Here is your winner and new number one contender for the Mayhem Championship... Derek Jacobs!

Connor: What an astounding match, Jack.

Cohen: I had my doubts but that match was filled with drama.

Well it looks like Derek Jacobs is getting a Mayhem title shot.

Yup, once again Johnny Scumm chokes and loses; you know there was a short period of time in which he was on a roll but then he became obsessed with bringing his dad to every show and trying to impress him.

There’s nothing wrong with trying to make your parents proud Lars.

Well when you become a wannabe emo punk rocker with daddy problems that still listens to the sex pistols then yeah, it becomes a problem. This isn’t a soap opera man this is professional wrestling!

Anyway who cares about Scumm, there’s still a huge world title match tonight.

At that moment Becky Serra walks into the locker room microphone in hand. She stops and stares at the two men in ridiculous costumes and in an awkward pause of silence.

Hey...your Krypto right?


Lars mouth is wide open in shock.

Well uh management told me to go and tell some of the guys they will be competing in qualifying matches and the winners will go onto Redemption to the face the Mayhem champion whether it is Ace Stevens or Derek Jacobs in a mayhem scramble match.

Wow, thanks. Who’s my opponent?

Your opponent will be Johnny Scumm.


You’re…your Becky Serra.

Um yes I am, can I help you?

May I get your autograph?

Lars then shoves a notebook in her face with a look of glee.


Becky signs the notebook and attempts to leave the room.

Can you go on a date with me?

Becky stands there awkwardly still trying to slowly make her way out of the room.


Actually Becky do you mind giving me a quick interview?

Becky sighs at the fact that she has to stay even longer but reluctantly agrees.

Sure I guess, do you really want to do an interview this early?

Well I need to become more accustom to human traditions. A lot of people here do interviews and I need to get my name out to the public so here goes.

Hold on let me get a camera man in here

Becky leaves the room and returns with a camera man and puts the microphone up to Krypto

Johnny Scumm , this is a message to you. After seeing you take that barbed wire to multiple parts of your body I have no idea when you’ll when hear it but you need to know you’re not going to win our match. Thanks to a friend I’ve learned a little about you. You’re different Johnny, your unique, something I can respect. And unlike my friend I don’t think you’re worthless, but you’ve already had multiple chances to prove yourself and you’ve come up just short in all of them.I need to prove myself, and that means beating you. You’re going to choke and lose just like the times before. You failed to win the mayhem championship multiple times before, you failed to beat Triple X and capture the Elite X championship. You just failed to win the relay match. And I’m sorry I have to say this but you’re going to fail again when you face me.
Thanks Becky that’s all.

Becky and the camera man then leave the locker room as fast as possible.

You have a chance to win a chance at the Mayhem championship man! Back when Alex Bowen was holding that belt it was historic, lately it’s become more of a joke but that’s probably because a Comedian is holding it. But whatever man, I know you can beat Johnny Scumm.

Lars then leaves the room to look for other WZCW stars.

You know you may win this match Krypto but if you plan on winning the Mayhem championship you will have to be brutal and use various weapons and harsh tactics to win.

I don’t need to stoop down to other people’s level nor will I give into this human aggression you keep talking about RJ. I don’t care what you say about Angel I still have faith, I’ll be back I have to find Lars.

Krypto sets RJ down on a table and leaves the room.

You will soon enough Krypto….
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