Abandon Ship!

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Frank the Frowner

Getting Noticed By Management
Tomko was smart enough to get the hell out while he still could, and a lot of wrestlers, especially those in the main event scene of TNA are probably wishing they could do the same.

Jeff Jarrett and his reign of terror is returning to TNA.

In case (and let's face it, you probably didn't order or bother reading the results) you didn't know what happened, at the end of last night's main event between Booker T and Samoa Joe, the lights went out, and Joe El-Kabonged Booker with a guitar in order to pick up the win.

Jeff Jarrett is coming back, and immediately putting himself in the main event area. Just remember that throughout Jarrett's run, he was HHH and Hogan rolled into one. He always won, and always took finishers and pretty much no-sold them. The break was nice, TNA fans, but it's time to abandon ship. Jeff Jarrett's coming back, and he'll be on top for pretty much the rest of TNA's existence if his last run is any indication.
I actually kind of like Jarrett and think he fits in the Main Event scene very well. Personally, I think it will be interesting to see him work some programs with Samoa Joe, Booker T. and Kurt Angle ... three guys we have not really gotten to see him work with.
While he had six reigns as NWA Champion in TNA, he also put numerous others over like AJ Styles, Rhino and Christian.
He was champ quite a while, but you have to remember this was back when TNA did not have the main eventers that they have today. I expect him to be in the mix, but don't expect him to be shitting all over the other main eventers, especially the guys like Sting, Angle and Booker that have been around for quite a while.
If anything, this gives TNA something fresh to work with, and hopefully gives us some new feuds.
I really hope it's not the reign of terror. Jarrett deserves a spot as a main eventer as he's clearly at that level in TNA, but the extent he was pushed to was the level Hogan was at in WCW. There was absolutely no room for anyone else to rise to the top and it killed off the company. TNA is at an odd place right now. They could move forward a long way in the next year if things go well, or they could be part of WWE in a year. The way things were looking with Styles being pushed and a lot of the younger guys being in the main event and interacting with the established veterans. This could be a good thing for TNA as it gives them an extra direction, but it could be bad also if they backtrack a year or two. Should be interesting either way.
Tomko was smart enough to get the hell out while he still could, and a lot of wrestlers, especially those in the main event scene of TNA are probably wishing they could do the same.

Jeff Jarrett and his reign of terror is returning to TNA.

In case (and let's face it, you probably didn't order or bother reading the results) you didn't know what happened, at the end of last night's main event between Booker T and Samoa Joe, the lights went out, and Joe El-Kabonged Booker with a guitar in order to pick up the win.

Jeff Jarrett is coming back, and immediately putting himself in the main event area. Just remember that throughout Jarrett's run, he was HHH and Hogan rolled into one. He always won, and always took finishers and pretty much no-sold them. The break was nice, TNA fans, but it's time to abandon ship. Jeff Jarrett's coming back, and he'll be on top for pretty much the rest of TNA's existence if his last run is any indication.

I am going to take a wait and see approach to this. Jumping to conclusions before things even happen in wrestling is a very typical IWF thing to do. The last time that Jarrett came back and had a wrestling match, he had a match with Robert Roode (prove me wrong though). Obviously this time around, he will be in the upper card/main event level. I can imagine that he will get a good pop when he first comes back, and then it will dissipate as time goes on. None of us know Jeff Jarrett personally, but I hope that he has the rationale to know that he does not need the World Title, nor does he need to put himself over any up-and-comers. Hopefully, and this could be wishful thinking but we will have to see, Jarrett will be the respectable veteran that helps put over other younger or less-distinguished talent. Hopefully, he will know what is best for the company and not himself. I am actually in the camp that believes that Jarrett will not immediately put the Title on himself or be in every main event of the PPVs. I honestly feel that he will do what is best for the company. I will admit though that I am saying all this based on nothing more than blind faith.
I am going to take a wait and see approach to this. Jumping to conclusions before things even happen in wrestling is a very typical IWF thing to do. The last time that Jarrett came back and had a wrestling match, he had a match with Robert Roode (prove me wrong though). Obviously this time around, he will be in the upper card/main event level. I can imagine that he will get a good pop when he first comes back, and then it will dissipate as time goes on. None of us know Jeff Jarrett personally, but I hope that he has the rationale to know that he does not need the World Title, nor does he need to put himself over any up-and-comers. Hopefully, and this could be wishful thinking but we will have to see, Jarrett will be the respectable veteran that helps put over other younger or less-distinguished talent. Hopefully, he will know what is best for the company and not himself. I am actually in the camp that believes that Jarrett will not immediately put the Title on himself or be in every main event of the PPVs. I honestly feel that he will do what is best for the company. I will admit though that I am saying all this based on nothing more than blind faith.

Very well said. I don't think that we can base the future on the past in this case. The last time Jarrett was king shit in TNA, they didn't have the star power that they have enjoyed over the last year. Personally, I'm excited to see Jarrett's return. I fully expect to see him in the main event picture, but not necessarily the world title hunt. I'm hoping that at this point in Jarrett's career he will be more concerned with building the future of his company than padding his personal resume.
Dude no offence on the initial post but what proof do you have the Jarett will put himself in the main event scene and be on top? Ummm none. I gather you dont like the double J and fair enough your opinion. But I think Jarett as the co owner of the company whos been in the business for a very long time would know by now that TNA are gaining power without him being on top and infact dont forget that he is top of creative so he pretty much wanted Joe to be champ and Angle I dont think he will put himself there again. I personally like the double J maybe not that much but I think his return to the ring will be significant and fresh.
Jeff Jarett coming back may not be the worse thing ever. He has been out for a while and it maybe for him to come back and spice things up. And you would assume that if he comes back he will probably enter the main event scene. Its the same when Cena or Batista or another HUGE name comes back and gets put back into the mainevent scene. Jarett is one of the popular guys so it makes sence for him to be in the mainevent scene instead of some crappy mid card feud with the likes or Rhyno, 3D, or somebody else. IMO We should give him the benefit of the doubt until he wins the title on his first night back, burries Joe, Styles, & Angel or if he destroys the whole tag team division.
I am going to go one further guys. I am going to go out on a limb and say that Jeff Jarrett will never be TNA world champion again. Yes he is coming back, but he is coming back to add something fresh to the mix. He will be there as a veteran guy to help get the future of TNA over. He can also provide a very high key match-up at Bound for Glory against Kurt Angle. I know that obviously Jeff Jarrett has a past record of having the title super glued to his waist, but events in one's life, such as the recent death of Jarrett's wife, can rearrange your priorities. I think that is what has happened to Jeff and you will thus see the results in the coming months. Plus, at this stage of his career, along with the fact that he is the responsible for the care of his children, I do not see Jeff as being a guy that will be a day in day out member of the active TNA roster. I expect him to be used like Sting, as an attraction.
Tomko was smart enough to get the hell out while he still could, and a lot of wrestlers, especially those in the main event scene of TNA are probably wishing they could do the same.

Jeff Jarrett and his reign of terror is returning to TNA.

In case (and let's face it, you probably didn't order or bother reading the results) you didn't know what happened, at the end of last night's main event between Booker T and Samoa Joe, the lights went out, and Joe El-Kabonged Booker with a guitar in order to pick up the win.

Jeff Jarrett is coming back, and immediately putting himself in the main event area. Just remember that throughout Jarrett's run, he was HHH and Hogan rolled into one. He always won, and always took finishers and pretty much no-sold them. The break was nice, TNA fans, but it's time to abandon ship. Jeff Jarrett's coming back, and he'll be on top for pretty much the rest of TNA's existence if his last run is any indication.

You start off with the assumption that Tomko "abandoned ship", when in fact he acted the spoiled brat because he received 30 days suspension and lost his push for no showing an event. Even then, he has been saying for the last couple of years he'd rather work in Japan than TNA or WWE because over there he is viewed as a big star. And I wouldn't call going from lower card WWE to mid-card TNA as being a big star.

Jeff Jarretts reign of terror!! Now this one is good. Sometimes Jarrett is face, sometimes heel. Like any other wrestler switching roles from time to time. They have all done it. And, how could a heel be a heel unless...well... he started a reign of terror? And why shouldn't he be in the main event picture? He's a main eventer in any organization.

IMO...I look for TNA to pull the new blood vs. veterens angle that they tried in WCW. Maybe it'll work this time. You have Nash siding with Joe, Sting attacking the younger talent such as Joe and AJ. The interviews the last few weeks have all eluded to the veterens making the show what it is and the young guys reminding them that they built TNA from day one and that former WWE talent are the "Johnny-come-lately's". Jeff Jarrett steps in and helps Joe and will probably say something about if Vince's "boys" think they are taking over TNA, then they have a second think coming. And the main feud that I foresee Jarrett being involved in is with Sting, as he is the main culprit attacking the TNA "homegrown" (I still hate that term).

The new blood come out on top in a PPV featuring a good old-fashioned War Games.
Jeff Jarrett is a much needed breathe of fresh air, and is a credible main event that brings a big name back into the main event scene. It should make fans happy that a "TNA" Original is coming back and putting himself in the main event.

Bound for Glory is coming up, and it's supposed to be the TNA Wrestlemania, so why not have arguably the biggest star in the history of that company come back. If he comes back and takes the belt off of Average Joe, I will be incredibly grateful.

Honestly though, I would have loved to see him comeback at Slammiversary, or Angle have the title. An Angle vs. Jarrett match would be epic. If Jarret no sells, Kurt is going to hurt him legit to make him sell. The two don't see eye to eye, and real life drama is always an interesting backdrop.

I'm pumped for it myself.
Dude no offence on the initial post but what proof do you have the Jarett will put himself in the main event scene and be on top?
He interjected his guitar into the main event. Plus he owns the company. Third he was in the main event scene for the first four years of TNA's exisistence. Now, I will grant you that TNA is in a better place now. And I will grant that he does not have the megalomaniac personality flaws that Vince does. But I think it's safe to assume that he's going to be somewhere near the top. He didn't choose to interfere in a Consequences Creed match. That was the world title.
I gather you dont like the double J and fair enough your opinion. But I think Jarett as the co owner of the company whos been in the business for a very long time would know by now that TNA are gaining power without him being on top and infact dont forget that he is top of creative so he pretty much wanted Joe to be champ and Angle I dont think he will put himself there again. I personally like the double J maybe not that much but I think his return to the ring will be significant and fresh.

I like Jarrett too. And I'm not going to speak for Shocky, and while your arguments are compelling, I don't think JJ is HBK either, just coming back to put over younger guys.

I will disagree with Shcoky a little bit in that I don't think that JJ being at the top is a bad thing necessarily. With his ownership in the company, he's going to want to put on the best matches, and that includes JJJ vs. AJ again, which was great last time, and could be again. He adds more name recognition to a roster that has stagnated in the ratings. Maybe it won't be as bad as everyone seems to think.
Personally, I see it as a great thing, even though im not Jeff Jarrett's biggest fan, I would welcome him back to freshen things up a bit in the main event picture. The way it was done aswel was brilliant, with the guitar falling from the rafters and Joe hitting Booker over the head. I expected a heel turn from Nash to screw Joe, but that was so much better.

Impact has been awful lately, so hopefully this will make it more watchable. Aside from Sonjay vs Lethal, the PPV last night was great also.
I thought I was going to be in for a ton of grief when I posted that I like that JJ is back, but apparently it seems that everyone is in the same boat.
Seriously, what can it hurt? They need someone to freshen things up. And if they do a "turf war" kind of thing where Jarrett, Joe and Styles side against Booker, Angle and say Nash or someone of the sort, it could be VERY interesting. Especially with Sting in the mix and noone really knowing what he is going to do.
I'm loving this. It brings a whole new dimension to whats going on with Sting, and adds to other feuds as well. Personally, I don't get where the hate train is coming from. Sure Jarrett held the title for a long time, but that was when TNA really only had him and A.J. Styles. He was one of like three people that could hold the title, plus he got incredible amounts of heat.

I myself can not wait for Jeff Jarrett to come back. There will be some new feuds done plus some old ones will be revisited. Plus there is the long awaited Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett match that I am uber pumped for. I simply cannot wait for him to come back. It will be good for TNA.
If Jarrett's coming back, the only sensible way to do it is to have him come straight in to the main event. It was atrocious when Booker languished in the midcard immediately after his debut. Same thing here. Of course he'll be coming back at the top, it only makes sense. When he came back before and feuded with Roode it was... Underwhelming. They do it every other way, and the "TNA management are idiots" arguments just get more and more valid. Personally, I think Jarrett is a fantastic heel and can put on a thoroughly entertaining match.

I'm very much looking forward to his return. I just hope they don't waste Jarrett/Angle like they did Angle/Styles.
Why on earth would you want to jump ship from TNA to WWE when Triple H is on that side?
Triple H is far worse politically then Jarrett ever was. Triple H is also a far bigger prick than what Jarret is.
In my opinion I think Jeff Jarrett will only get one more, if any, World Title reigns in TNA. I get the impression that he may wish to help put over the younger guys, for instance like he was doing in his last TNA stint with Robert Roode, this before his wife passed away.
I believe during his return we will see Jeff Jarrett more often in the upper mid card level, as well as being an occassional main eventer.
Jeff Jarrett is a very good wrestler, and overall has featured in TNA's best storylines. TNA isn't the same without Jarrett and he most certainly deserves to be a big part of the product. I also can't wait to see a Kurt Angle vs Jeff Jarrett match.
I am actually excited about this. You have to remember that during the majority of Jarrett's times as champion, there weren't many other legitimate contenders. He put AJ Styles over, made Christian into a main event player, and proved that Sting was back and could still have a good match. I was sick and tired of this whole Angle on top thing and was glad for Joe to beat him, but now I am even tired of Joe as champ. There are more main eventers now so Jarrett doesn't have to carry the company as has been shown since he left 2 years ago. I can't wait to see him have matches with Samoa Joe and Angle, but also for him to return to a feud that dates back 8 years to WCW with Booker T who is a much bigger star now than he was at that time. I think Jarrett's return will only bring more diversity to the title picture which is something that TNA really needs if they want to get the ratings up because right now it's just kind of stale. How about looking ahead to King of the Mountain next year??
Joe vs Angle vs Sting vs Booker T vs Jarrett
5 proven main eventers for once instead of throwing random tag team guys who don't have significant build into the main event. Also it won't be long before Robert Roode and James Storm are ready for the main event, so them along with Christian. Abyss and AJ?
No sir, there has never been a better time for "The King of the Mountain" himself to return.
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