Insurance Policy Cancelled; Morgan Turns Face, Williams to Follow?

Okay, let me get this straight. A few weeks ago people moaned their keisters off about how Immortal is too big. It was. I had no problem with it, but that's not the point. Immortal was too big, there were not enough faces with the right motives to go against them. So, what happens? TNA turns Morgan face. That's one member less. The reason was logical, it made sense considering his background as an athlete, he turns on them and gets hanged. If that's not a motive I don't know what is. If I didn't know any better, I'd say the IWC has a lot of pull these days. Just my guess. When people bitch things just seem ... to happen. TNA has fixed almost every thing the haters and the supporters ever bitched about, except for firing the old guys, bringing back the six sided ring, re-establishing the X-Division ( which I THINK will come sooner than later. They fixed their tag division, the KO's division is better than it's been this year and my hope's on the AAA guys to add a little flavor to the X-Div., IF there's time for it. ), and basically neglecting all the small things that I can ignore but frustrate a lot of people, mainly because they see THE greatest pro wrestling roster in this business today ( I'll argue about this with anyone and I'll bite your head off, verbally ), knowing that these guys can really blow the roof off the place night in and night out ... yet they don't do it. I know, it's pissing me off too at times, but back to Morgan's face turn.

Fourtune is smaller, the faces gain a troop. Rushed? Maybe. Evening the odds? Yes.

I'm more than happy with the face turn. Matt Morgan is kind of .. eh to me, but he's got potential, he's promising and has more charisma than any big guy I've seen in the last 5-6 years. He's got a nice little movie career going on, he's getting himself out there, it's good for him and it's good for TNA. He was also getting lost in Fourtune. That whole group is getting on my nerves. I see 5 star matches between these guys, yet I need to watch them hop around like little bunnies during their matches and "icing" Ric Flair. Can't complain, if it wasn't for Fourtune, Immortal wouldn't look that tough. But I digress.

This face turn was logical, it was needed, it reduced Immortals' numbers, it increased the faces with motives' count, and if you think it was rushed, then perhaps you're right, but that takes nothing away from it, and you should just enjoy it and not nit-pick every single tic-tac sized detail.
Honestly I am OK with the face turn and with Williams to follow, Fourtune will become 4 which is how it was supposed to be anyway, however I think booking Morgan vs. Jeff for the title at Turning Point right off the bat after the heel turn makes no sense just like when they booked Anderson to get the shot even after he lost the #1 Contedership match to Kaz. Morgan vs. Jeff isnt a powerful enough main event to draw big ratings, Jeff vs. RVD does. That match should've been the main event right from the start anyway, if I remember correctly Bischoff did tell RVD before BFG he would get the next shot and Morgan instead should face AJ Styles. Morgan vs. Jeff should've been saved for a future PPV but not now. It's stupid decision like this which have turned me against TNA, bravo TNA.
Morgan vs. Jeff isnt a powerful enough main event to draw big ratings, Jeff vs. RVD does. That match should've been the main event right from the start anyway, if I remember correctly Bischoff did tell RVD before BFG he would get the next shot and Morgan instead should face AJ Styles. Morgan vs. Jeff should've been saved for a future PPV but not now. It's stupid decision like this which have turned me against TNA, bravo TNA.

Why would you do that when your basically throwing away a match that is anticipated? Besides RVD vs. EV2 is basically writing them off TV. You can't build up a storyline and switch it to Hardy vs. RVD out of nowhere.

Anderson is hurt, Morgan is the best choice. Your pushing him, building him into a legit Batista-ish wrestler and main eventer possibly.

RVD also said, he would get a title shot whenever he wanted. That tells me, he can ask for it at anytime he wants.

Right now, Jeff hardy looks like he is getting a 5/6 month title reign with Morgan, Anderson and RVD as his future opponents down the line.
I was hoping for a different and somewhat more climatic and dramatic face turn for Morgan but I won't complain. I'm glad he's a face now. I would assume he will now align himself with Pope and get some revenge on Immortal. Although I would like to also see Williams leave Fourtune, thus leaving the group with the initial four "homegrown" members (which it should've been all along), I'm not sure how he'd pull off being a face. Regardless, I hope Williams will get to show his stuff more often regardless of whether he stays with Fourtune or leaves. The Fourtune/Immortal alliance was getting a bit too big so cutting Williams and Morgan would be beneficial so they don't get lost in the shuffle and reduced to the background. Hopefully, this will lead to everyone moving up higher in the card.
Why would you do that when your basically throwing away a match that is anticipated? Besides RVD vs. EV2 is basically writing them off TV. You can't build up a storyline and switch it to Hardy vs. RVD out of nowhere.

Anderson is hurt, Morgan is the best choice. Your pushing him, building him into a legit Batista-ish wrestler and main eventer possibly.

RVD also said, he would get a title shot whenever he wanted. That tells me, he can ask for it at anytime he wants.

Right now, Jeff hardy looks like he is getting a 5/6 month title reign with Morgan, Anderson and RVD as his future opponents down the line.

You missed the bit where I said "that match should've been the main event right from the start anyway" meaning RVD vs. Jeff announced for Turning Point the Impact after BFG and no RVD vs. EV 2.0 or Kennedy vs. Jeff booked only to add RVD in out of nowhere. RVD vs. Jeff has been anticipated enough. Apart from that one match they had on Impact to determine who faces AJ for the TNA World Title in the main event, TNA have done a great job of keeping the match on hold since the two arrived in TNA earlier this year, there's no need to keep us waiting even more now since Jeff has turned heel & been cutting promos on turning on RVD on recent Impacts and before you even say something like "they need a long build up", they've had that already with months of planning to form The Immortals and Jeff being behind Abyss' ripping RVD to shreds with Janice. It's not like I'm saying RVD should take the title off him, Jeff should retain the title against RVD but after they get RVD vs. Jeff out the way then move onto Jeff vs. Matt Morgan like around Final Resolution or Genesis and have him beat Jeff for the title if they want him to be a "Batista-ish main event wrestler".
The thing I liked most about it was that they tackled a real-life issue, and did it respectably.

On one side, you have the "old school" thinking of Eric Bischoff and Ric Flair, especially Flair, who believe that working with a concusion is no big deal. They're heels, so that's fine. On the other hand, you have Matt Morgan, who despite being a heel until the end of the night, shows that at least he's not a dick. He showed awareness of health issues and discussed new knowledge that has come out in the past few years on concussions that we hadn't known recently. It was a nice touch how he acknowledged his past actions to Hernandez as well.

while I think they rushed to his face turn, I think it was done out of necessity, and not another turn "for the sake of a swerve" as TNA often does. I expect Anderson will be out some time after the brutal chair shot he took(for another thread), and won't be able to face Hardy at Turning Point. They need to build to Hardy/RVD slowly, so Matt Morgan is a nice fit in the meantime. Hopefully, this will be the start of the push he should have gotten after his match with Angle at BFG 2009.

As for Williams, it does seems they're teasing dissension, and I don't really understand this one. Williams is a much better heel then face, although he hasn't done much in the stable. It could be that they want to focus on the "original four" in Fourtune, and feel that the stable is overcrowded. Still, two turns in two weeks is too much, too fast.

As for the beat-down at the end of the show, it was well done. Morgan had talked about the risk that "he was well aware of" when he got into the sport, and he certainly suffered some of that "risk" when he dared to cross the boss. What's been an effective way to draw sympathy for a face? Have the guys he was previously aligned with turn on, and beat him down. I think Morgan will be an EXCELLENT fit in leading the charge against Immortal and Fourtune, along with Dinero and Joe. I think the sides are being set up nicely by TNA. I have to give them credit.
I liked it. I didn't love it.

The reason behind it made it seem a little shallow. In the modern day, why would a heel have a problem with concussing another wrestler? Morgan's reasons behind it did enough for me in terms of storyline, I just would have liked more of a build up I guess.

I think you will definitely see the rise of the anti-Immortals now, although, having them run things for a little while longer would have been cool. If it was done right, it could have drawn them all major heat. Lest we forget the McMahon-Helmsley regime. That was a good power trip.

Fingers crossed though, I love big stables going at it!

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