A CM Punk sour grapes thread

Cena's #1 In My Heart

Getting Noticed By Management
Isn't this kind of funky..

Jericho vs Triple H for the World Title = Main Event of WrestleMania 18

The Rock vs Hulk Hogan = Undercard of WrestleMania 18

Jericho vs CM Punk for the World Title = Undercard of WrestleMania 28

The Rock Vs John Cena = Main Event of WrestleMania 28

How does someone main eventing with the World Title 10 years ago, end up not main eventing with the World Title 10 years later to the same person working with less of a draw?

Jericho vs Fandango = Jericho jobbing at WrestleMania 29

How is it fair to CM Punk to book with this kind of logic? It kind of makes his championship reign look inferior and second rate.

I'm just saying how can anyone disapprove of CM Punk for doing what he's done?

And doesn't it seem like CM Punk's booking since he lost the belt has been sort of like a character being written off? Like they got him over, they stopped him from getting more over, and now then they wanted to feed him to the less desirable attractions on the roster to try and make them more special. Instead of trying to help build CM Punk's stardom more, they thought of how can we protect the WWE brand's future better by destroying Punk's stardom and sprinkling it on everyone else.

I don't know what I'm trying to accomplish here, this was just stuff I was thinking about and I guess my will is that we discuss this in whichever manner you wish to take it to next. The main thing I was trying to point out was, how does it look to have Chris Jericho challenge for the World Title one year and then the next year essentially jobbing to Fandango? Doesn't it kind of hurt Chris Jericho and CM Punk's match by making Jericho look less credible as we look back on the WWE Network throughout the years, thus making Punk look less credible?

So did they intentionally have Jericho lose to Fandango hoping it would rain down on Punk and make him look worse in the long run? (Looks for Black Helicopters) If you watched Punk's WWE DVD, you almost get the idea that he was going to dart back to Ring of Honor and try to make a splash at some point. Vince protecting WWE's image with years of foresight?
Man, you CM Punk fans are going to any length to try and justify the quitters actions,aren't you? I mean seriously the WWE whole thought process for having Jericho lose to Fandango was not to get Fandango over, but to make CM Punk look bad in the long run? Give me a fucking break.

Can I disapprove of the way Punk is handling this whole thing, sure I can. Punk and his fan base act as if the WWE had him working with the Mulkey Brothers or the SD "Special Delivery" Jones of the wrestling world. The guy had the 6th longest world title reign in WWE history, but they're trying to make him look bad in the long run. The guy is working with damn near every major name in the WWE, but they're trying to make him look bad. He didn't want to work with Triple H because he didn't think it would be a big match......the Triple H match is now the biggest match on the card. Honestly, fuck CM Punk. Talented guy, but I hope the WWE doesn't bring him back.
My question is why are there people tarding about him leaving early? I don't understand except that it's a way for people who don't like him to take a jab. Yea he left early, he didn't pretend to be hurt and wait out his contract he told the powers that be that he's done. He left before a big payday too so anyone who cries about him leaving early is just a total queer. Seriously were the complainers really looking forward to him wrestling kane or triple h? of course not they are just being bitches, and if you want to talk about a crybaby get off your mommies titty and cry in the mirror. Fuckin dorks dude!!!!
Man, you CM Punk fans are going to any length to try and justify the quitters actions,aren't you? I mean seriously the WWE whole thought process for having Jericho lose to Fandango was not to get Fandango over, but to make CM Punk look bad in the long run? Give me a fucking break.

Can I disapprove of the way Punk is handling this whole thing, sure I can. Punk and his fan base act as if the WWE had him working with the Mulkey Brothers or the SD "Special Delivery" Jones of the wrestling world. The guy had the 6th longest world title reign in WWE history, but they're trying to make him look bad in the long run. The guy is working with damn near every major name in the WWE, but they're trying to make him look bad. He didn't want to work with Triple H because he didn't think it would be a big match......the Triple H match is now the biggest match on the card. Honestly, fuck CM Punk. Talented guy, but I hope the WWE doesn't bring him back.

He's working with every big star... and CM Punk is PUTTING OVER every big star. Not the other way around. CM Punk got HIMSELF over on the mic. And all the big stars are just leeching off him. That much I can stand behind.

As far as Jericho losing to Fandango being about Punk... hey... I have an open mind, I didn't say I believed that, I just thought it was an interesting thought line to take. And I wanted to know what yall thought about it. Whether it was intended or not wasn't necessarily the point either. The point is, history is written... Jericho lost to Fandango.. that kind of makes Jericho look like more of a joke when looking back at WrestleMania 28 as a challenger to Punk.
As a Punk fun, I understand the overall theme of the thread. However, it was common knowledge within WWE that Punk probably wasn't going to return once his contract expired in July. He was burnt out, chronically injured, and not happy. Therefore, pushing him to, for example, the main event of WM 30 and not using his status on the roster to help put other guys over would have been a horrible business decision. Same goes for how Jericho was booked upon his return. Why push a part-timer when said part-timer is willing to put other guys over?
I like the CM Punk character, I really do, but in all honesty, if he really did walk away, willingly and knowingly walk away, then don't you think that by now that WWE would of filed a breach of contrat suit against him?

All character and scripts and creative direction aside, the WWE is a business, and wether you are a full time guy, or a part time guy, you sign a contract with a company, which states that you agree to preform certian duties at specific time and they agree to pay for you to preform said duties. If either party does not fullfill their part of the agreement, then that becomes a breach of contract.

Back to the character, scripts, and creative direction part of it, I think it would be a great idea to use the line from the movie "Cool Hand Luke" if and or when he does come back. Imagine hearing the line "What we have here is, failure to communicate" and then you see Punk.
I like the CM Punk character, I really do, but in all honesty, if he really did walk away, willingly and knowingly walk away, then don't you think that by now that WWE would of filed a breach of contrat suit against him?

All character and scripts and creative direction aside, the WWE is a business, and wether you are a full time guy, or a part time guy, you sign a contract with a company, which states that you agree to preform certian duties at specific time and they agree to pay for you to preform said duties. If either party does not fullfill their part of the agreement, then that becomes a breach of contract.

Back to the character, scripts, and creative direction part of it, I think it would be a great idea to use the line from the movie "Cool Hand Luke" if and or when he does come back. Imagine hearing the line "What we have here is, failure to communicate" and then you see Punk.

They won't file one against him for the same reason they never filed on against Steve Austin, they want him to come back. I wouldn't waste my time with CM Punk if I was the WWE. He acts as if he's the only person on the roster that isn't getting pushed the way he wants to be pushed. And my opinion on the matter has nothing to do with me not liking Punk. He's a hell of a talent, but walking off of your job because you're not in the main event.......that's not the way to conduct business. And these folks that are saying "good for Punk, he's sticking it to the man." No he isn't, he's basically throwing a bitch fit because he isn't getting his way. I'm sorry, but I can't support that.
Isn't this kind of funky..

Jericho vs Triple H for the World Title = Main Event of WrestleMania 18

The Rock vs Hulk Hogan = Undercard of WrestleMania 18

Jericho vs CM Punk for the World Title = Undercard of WrestleMania 28

The Rock Vs John Cena = Main Event of WrestleMania 28

How does someone main eventing with the World Title 10 years ago, end up not main eventing with the World Title 10 years later to the same person working with less of a draw?

If you watch the true story of Wrestlemania DVD, they talk about WM18, and both HHH and Jericho didnt want to after Rock vs Hogan, cause the crowd would be dead, which it was.
WM25, Crowd was dead for Orton vs HHH for the title, cause of Taker vs. Shawn.
It wasnt a knock against Punk, they were protecting him and the title from getting a dead reaction from the crowd considering Rock vs. Cena had a year long build.

However the rest of the year when Cena main evented PPVs and Punk had the title, no excuse, that was just stupid and devalued both Punk and the title.
If you watch the true story of Wrestlemania DVD, they talk about WM18, and both HHH and Jericho didnt want to after Rock vs Hogan, cause the crowd would be dead, which it was.
WM25, Crowd was dead for Orton vs HHH for the title, cause of Taker vs. Shawn.
It wasnt a knock against Punk, they were protecting him and the title from getting a dead reaction from the crowd considering Rock vs. Cena had a year long build.

However the rest of the year when Cena main evented PPVs and Punk had the title, no excuse, that was just stupid and devalued both Punk and the title.

But dance around the fact that unless CM Punk main evented a ppv with Cena or the Rock, the buyrates for the ppvs he did main event were worse than the year prior.
Look, here is something that you idiots who keep calling this man a quiter need to understand and that is that you are wrong. Wrestlers are all independent contractors, meaning whether they have a contract or not, they are their own boss and it is their choice where and when they appear. Punk exercised his own rights and for all of you to think you have the right to question that is ridiculous. All you internet wrestling fans, I guess I would be considered one as well, think you have a right to tell people how they should handle their own business. The internet community is so fucking fickle and that is why promotions will never care how we feel. You build guys up and the first time they do anything you disagree with you tear them all down. Wrestling sucks and Punk was the last wrestler I truly enjoyed watching. I am sorry to see him go but I do not disagree with his choices because his career is his literally his business and he has to protect it.
Jericho lost to Fandango.. that kind of makes Jericho look like more of a joke when looking back at WrestleMania 28 as a challenger to Punk.

Maybe Jericho WANTED to put over Fandango? Anyone read his book 'Undisputed'? Back in 2002, Jericho JUST LOST the Undisputed title at 'Mania, and at Vengeance (2-3 months later) Vinnie Mac wanted him to go over Cena. But Jericho said no, he wanted to put Cena over. And before anyone says "Fandango's nothing special" or something along those lines, no one thought Cena was special when he first started out. Besides, maybe Jericho saw something in Fandango (and he could've been wrong, who knows?) and maybe he wanted to put him over to see what would happen. It did work, although only for a few months. So as far as them having Jericho lose to Fandango as a way to make Punk somehow look bad, I don't really buy that.
Isn't this kind of funky..

Jericho vs Triple H for the World Title = Main Event of WrestleMania 18

The Rock vs Hulk Hogan = Undercard of WrestleMania 18

Jericho vs CM Punk for the World Title = Undercard of WrestleMania 28

The Rock Vs John Cena = Main Event of WrestleMania 28

How does someone main eventing with the World Title 10 years ago, end up not main eventing with the World Title 10 years later to the same person working with less of a draw?

Jericho vs Fandango = Jericho jobbing at WrestleMania 29

How is it fair to CM Punk to book with this kind of logic? It kind of makes his championship reign look inferior and second rate.

I'm just saying how can anyone disapprove of CM Punk for doing what he's done?

And doesn't it seem like CM Punk's booking since he lost the belt has been sort of like a character being written off? Like they got him over, they stopped him from getting more over, and now then they wanted to feed him to the less desirable attractions on the roster to try and make them more special. Instead of trying to help build CM Punk's stardom more, they thought of how can we protect the WWE brand's future better by destroying Punk's stardom and sprinkling it on everyone else.

I don't know what I'm trying to accomplish here, this was just stuff I was thinking about and I guess my will is that we discuss this in whichever manner you wish to take it to next. The main thing I was trying to point out was, how does it look to have Chris Jericho challenge for the World Title one year and then the next year essentially jobbing to Fandango? Doesn't it kind of hurt Chris Jericho and CM Punk's match by making Jericho look less credible as we look back on the WWE Network throughout the years, thus making Punk look less credible?

So did they intentionally have Jericho lose to Fandango hoping it would rain down on Punk and make him look worse in the long run? (Looks for Black Helicopters) If you watched Punk's WWE DVD, you almost get the idea that he was going to dart back to Ring of Honor and try to make a splash at some point. Vince protecting WWE's image with years of foresight?

Rock vs Cena was the big draw on the show. You're kidding yourself if you think Punk vs Jericho should have closed the show. As for Hogan vs Rock... Even Triple H said the WWE made a huge mistake by making HHH vs Jericho last. As for credibility, it makes them look as credible as they actually were. Punk's title reign was a complete snooze fest until he turned heel.
Rock vs Cena was the big draw on the show. You're kidding yourself if you think Punk vs Jericho should have closed the show. As for Hogan vs Rock... Even Triple H said the WWE made a huge mistake by making HHH vs Jericho last. As for credibility, it makes them look as credible as they actually were. Punk's title reign was a complete snooze fest until he turned heel.

Yeah, him having a long reign as a face wasn't a good idea. It got stale quick as he looked too strong against his opponents. The way they booked him against Dolph was embarrassing. Dolph looked so weak.

They should have booked him to lose the title atleast once to Bryan or Jericho during 2012 to add a different element to his run as champ, chasing the title instead of being "Super Punk"
hey guys in recent years jericho is used to put over other talents. Its not degrade the value of punk. Rock vs cena is one of the biggest match at wm. They are two top superstars and never wrestled before each other. Similar to taker vs shawn match at wm. so they main event their match not the wwe title match.
Who really knows besides Punk him self. Maybe he walked away because he is hurting and doesn't want to risk further injury wrestling, I mean watch the 2014 Royal Rumble, he spent almost the whole match laying on the mat. Maybe just maybe he isn't in good shape and had to take a break. You do know guys do get hurt like HBK in the past when he had to leave for a few months and miss Wrestlemania 13, and then retire for 4 years following Wrestlemania 14. It does happen.

And then, maybe he isn't hurt or injured, I'm sure he is to a point, but not to the point he cant wrestle on a regular basis. But maybe he was fed up with the booking and the direction they had him going in, maybe he thought he deserves the main event, instead of Triple H hogging the spotlight and being put in a match with him. Maybe just maybe Punk doesn't care about the money, and actually wanted that top spot that Batista stole.

Your just a clown to not see it from Punks point of view rather then your own to call him a quitter and a loser because he isn't showing up so you all of a sudden hate the guy. Its no different then a NFL running back retiring at maybe 26 years old, because of the fact that they know they did everything they ever wanted, and they know the risk of playing in the NFL could put their future in danger after they do retire. And with every old wrestler you know how many bad knees, bad backs, a constant pain there in from what they did over the years, ever wonder why Hogan cant wrestle ever again? Or why Austin is retired, or why the Rock doesn't want to wrestle, its a contact sport.
What's this obsession with being "the guy"? This reminds me of TV show "shippers". For those who don't know, a shipper is someone who obsessively supports a romantic relationship on a TV show. And it doesn't even have to be a relationship that's ever occurred. It can (and often is) the support of the possibility of a relationship happening! Ridiculous right? That's how I view these CM Punk/Daniel Bryan fanboys. They want their favorite wrestler to be at the top of the industry...no matter how short, how unattractive, how unappealing or unlikely to bring in outside viewers etc. But just like how shippers never seem to realize that TV show formulas dictate that relationships almost never last the duration of a series, wrestling fanboys never acknowledge the fact that once they get what they want, eventually their wrestler is going to have a slump so that the next guy can take the spotlight. Also, shouldn't the top focal-point guy be the guy who puts on exciting matches, has an impressively marketable look, and is most likely to bring in outside viewership? For a community that prides itself for being "in the know" about business decisions, we sure do have a lot of dense members.

I see no problem with CM Punk being one of the kings of the midcard. But every loved wrestler by "knowledgeable" fans, seem to think that talent=stardom. There's a lot more to being the face of a company and being given "the" match at the grandest stage. Just because you love someone doesn't make him The Best in the World. Hell it doesn't even make him the best on the roster. If fanboys would stop projecting their desires onto their heroes/idols, they wouldn't be so disappointed when certain guys aren't given the opportunities that they feel they should have.
^ Really? An average guy that can wrestle... Really? So I suppose he couldn't talk either. && he's also not interesting. Thanks for filling us in "shippers" like we wanted to know why you view the IWC fanboys like "shippers."

The Miz got to main event and I'm sure he has the "it" factor. Mick Foley got to main event and I'm sure he had the "it" factor. Benoit got to main event and I'm sure he had the "it" factor.

Listen, I don't think it has to do with who has the it factor and "how you look" but I believe it has more to do with the circumstances.
In 2011, they needed a heel to Main Event against Cena and tbh, Miz was more compelling than Punk at the time. Miz was being booked and looked like a top heel where as Punk spoke like a top heel but was being booked like a midcard heel.

In 2012, Rock vs Cena was set in stone from the year before and even though Punk was on fire, his match would have never gone after Rock/Cena.

In 2013, Rock/Cena II was being booked and I honestly believe had Taker/Punk gone last, the streak ending would have been more believable.

In 2014, it was Batista returning, but WWE made the mistake to think Batista would get the type of welcome the Rock did. Batista should've returned a month prior so the E could see if he would get the reception they had predicted instead of taking a risk and having him win the Rumble in his second night back.

Who knows why he left. Could be a combination of things. Could also be something not related to wrestling. Let's just leave it like that and not wonder what happen. I'm sure he'll return. The way he speaks makes it seem like he cares too much so I'm sure he wouldn't want to end his legacy this way.

Oh, and btw, don't ever put Triple H up with Austin and The Rock. He's no where near them. Triple H to the Rock and Austin (in the attitude era) is what Orton is to Batista and Cena in the Ruthless Aggression/PG era (2005-2010).
I like the CM Punk character, I really do, but in all honesty, if he really did walk away, willingly and knowingly walk away, then don't you think that by now that WWE would of filed a breach of contrat suit against him?

Ive been thinking about this. And I only have 2 ideas right now.

1) Its hard to imagine that someone on the level of CM Punk may have something like this but for people who arent rich a big issue these days is having a crap ton of sick days you can never cash in. A couple of friends of mine are in jobs where they get asked to work overtime, but the company actually has a rule against PAYING for overtime, so instead people are compensated for their overtime with sick days. It could be given the nature of injuries and the amount of time off they require that CM Punk had basically had enough "sick days" racked up he could have just told them Im using every sick day I have from now til july, bye.

2) After the Monday Night Wars, a time where Rick Rude showed on Nitro the night after a WWF show, and all the other contract shenanigans of people jumping ship. It wouldnt be too far off to guess that Vince probably spent a lot of money getting lawyers to look at his contracts and make them more iron clad. That all being said, there are probably provisions galore taking into account many possibilities like a burnt out wrestler wanting out. It may be that he had to pay some kind of fine or something and be done with it.

Regardless of whether he paid a fine or used "sick days", this particular angle of the story has been less than mysteriously absent in all of the on going "coverage".
CM Punk being an average guy that can wrestle seems to be a pretty accurate assessment. I think the deal with Punk is that the demographics of wrestling fans have changed over time. If you look at a crowd of people from 15 years ago, you would see more adults with, I believe, a larger variety of different kinds of cultures. They were consistently rowdy, and there wasn't a single person in the arena without a sign. They were into it. They were into the wrestling. They weren't into reading dirstsheets to find out what's going to happen ahead of time. They weren't into finding out what wrestlers did backstage or in their personal lives. They were there to see the characters that were portrayed on TV.

Today's crowds see far more children. You also see a sea of colorful shirts rather than a sea of colorful signs. There are less signs, because there are more people in attendance that aren't wrestling fans. I'd also say that a large majority of today's fans are nerds. We go on wrestling websites and read dirt sheets and spoilers. We read about the people who portray the character. A lot of us become these smarks that like to bring up back stage politics and personal lives. We like to watch indy promotions and act as if anything that isn't major leagues is better than WWE.

I think CM Punk is just one who caters to this. He did well in the indy leagues. People started talking about him on the internet and more internet fans got behind him. I think his straight edge thing worked because it gives nerds a hero. The nerds that spend all day on a computer or what have you and hadn't had a chance to go to parties and stuff where people drank or did drugs. I know that in modern day society it's considered cool to be the guy who goes and parties and uncool to be the guy that avoids these things and is more of a loner. So CM Punk coming out and teling people that he is better than people because he doesn't go out and drink and what not, makes him a hero to these types of people. On top of that, the fans really got behind him when he cut his "piebomb" promo. All he really did is echo some common opinions that are shared amongst internet fans about backstage politics, then he named some indy guys and promotions. It's basically as if he just went verbatim from a Wrestlezone thread. So this gets him this massive following of internet nerds which make for a vocal portion of the crowd.

The general population wouldn't think of Punk as a wrestler, because he doesn't fit the description of what the general public pictures as a wrestler. So to the general public, CM Punk means nothing in a wrestling world. I recall a story about security not letting him into an arena because they didn't believe he was a wrestler. See, with guys like John Cena, even though I am very much not a fan, he looks like a wrestler. People see him and think wrestler. Also, John Cena has reached the main stream, which is what business needs. I often talk about wrestling to people who don't view wrestling and the only name they know on the current roster is John Cena. I have colleagues who don't watch it at all and still tell me that they like John Cena. It's weird I know, but he just became more main stream and appeals more to the general public. This is why he is on top.

Another thing is that when I ask people if they watch wrestling, about 90% of the say either A)No, but I used to back when they had Hogan and Piper etc or B)No, but I used to back when they had Stone Cold, The Rock, Undertaker, DX, Goldberg, etc. So it makes sense to bring some of these people in part time because, a lot of people can relate to. Only a small handful of people that I ask, never watched it, the rest talk about how cool it was "back then". I was asking a friend if he wanted to go to Mania. I knew he didn't watch wrestling, but I figured he'd enjoy the trip to New Orleans. He declined because he wasn't interested in wrestling and said he like the old stars and wouldn't recognize the new guys. I told him that Taker, Kane, Triple H, Big Show and Hogan would be there. I also told him there was a possibility of Sting, HBK, Rock and Stone Cold(this was still prior to Mania Season, so there was still speculation. After hearing this, he actually considered going.

I think this is why Punk wouldn't be the main guy. He is backed by a bunch of wrestling nerds, and doesn't reach the main stream or bring back old fans.

EDIT: By the way, I'm not trying to diesrespect anyone with the term "nerd".
CM Punk being an average guy that can wrestle seems to be a pretty accurate assessment. I think the deal with Punk is that the demographics of wrestling fans have changed over time. If you look at a crowd of people from 15 years ago, you would see more adults with, I believe, a larger variety of different kinds of cultures. They were consistently rowdy, and there wasn't a single person in the arena without a sign. They were into it. They were into the wrestling. They weren't into reading dirstsheets to find out what's going to happen ahead of time. They weren't into finding out what wrestlers did backstage or in their personal lives. They were there to see the characters that were portrayed on TV.

Today's crowds see far more children. You also see a sea of colorful shirts rather than a sea of colorful signs. There are less signs, because there are more people in attendance that aren't wrestling fans. I'd also say that a large majority of today's fans are nerds. We go on wrestling websites and read dirt sheets and spoilers. We read about the people who portray the character. A lot of us become these smarks that like to bring up back stage politics and personal lives. We like to watch indy promotions and act as if anything that isn't major leagues is better than WWE.

I think CM Punk is just one who caters to this. He did well in the indy leagues. People started talking about him on the internet and more internet fans got behind him. I think his straight edge thing worked because it gives nerds a hero. The nerds that spend all day on a computer or what have you and hadn't had a chance to go to parties and stuff where people drank or did drugs. I know that in modern day society it's considered cool to be the guy who goes and parties and uncool to be the guy that avoids these things and is more of a loner. So CM Punk coming out and teling people that he is better than people because he doesn't go out and drink and what not, makes him a hero to these types of people. On top of that, the fans really got behind him when he cut his "piebomb" promo. All he really did is echo some common opinions that are shared amongst internet fans about backstage politics, then he named some indy guys and promotions. It's basically as if he just went verbatim from a Wrestlezone thread. So this gets him this massive following of internet nerds which make for a vocal portion of the crowd.

The general population wouldn't think of Punk as a wrestler, because he doesn't fit the description of what the general public pictures as a wrestler. So to the general public, CM Punk means nothing in a wrestling world. I recall a story about security not letting him into an arena because they didn't believe he was a wrestler. See, with guys like John Cena, even though I am very much not a fan, he looks like a wrestler. People see him and think wrestler. Also, John Cena has reached the main stream, which is what business needs. I often talk about wrestling to people who don't view wrestling and the only name they know on the current roster is John Cena. I have colleagues who don't watch it at all and still tell me that they like John Cena. It's weird I know, but he just became more main stream and appeals more to the general public. This is why he is on top.

Another thing is that when I ask people if they watch wrestling, about 90% of the say either A)No, but I used to back when they had Hogan and Piper etc or B)No, but I used to back when they had Stone Cold, The Rock, Undertaker, DX, Goldberg, etc. So it makes sense to bring some of these people in part time because, a lot of people can relate to. Only a small handful of people that I ask, never watched it, the rest talk about how cool it was "back then". I was asking a friend if he wanted to go to Mania. I knew he didn't watch wrestling, but I figured he'd enjoy the trip to New Orleans. He declined because he wasn't interested in wrestling and said he like the old stars and wouldn't recognize the new guys. I told him that Taker, Kane, Triple H, Big Show and Hogan would be there. I also told him there was a possibility of Sting, HBK, Rock and Stone Cold(this was still prior to Mania Season, so there was still speculation. After hearing this, he actually considered going.

I think this is why Punk wouldn't be the main guy. He is backed by a bunch of wrestling nerds, and doesn't reach the main stream or bring back old fans.

EDIT: By the way, I'm not trying to diesrespect anyone with the term "nerd".

This is the major problem and the reason why I don't have any issue with Punk leaving. The old guys can't be there every week and they can only be there part time for so long. The WWE is so bad at promoting their new stars that they rely on guys that just can't carry them anymore. WWE is a lot like MLB in this way, 40 years ago MLB was the number one sport in America and had been for decades and today it is an after-thought to the NFL. MLB has legends but the truth is players today are better than the legends of the past. They don't promote today stars, in fact they do more to tear them down. So, most of America doesn't care anymore.

Anyway, old school wrestling fans may think that Punk doesn't hold up against their favorites but he is (or was) as good as we have today. During the pipe bomb promo, Punk referenced this himself, he asked why WWE refused to promote a star with a clear following. They can bring back part time former greats until they are all dead but where the hell will the business be at that point. Whether it is Punk or somebody else, WWE really needs to promote current stars other than John Cena.
^ Really? An average guy that can wrestle... Really? So I suppose he couldn't talk either. && he's also not interesting. Thanks for filling us in "shippers" like we wanted to know why you view the IWC fanboys like "shippers."

I could say the same about your opinion of my post. The irony is that if I would have said something that you didn't care to know yet strongly agreed with, you probably wouldn't have made a rude response. Thus making you a hypocrite.

The remainder of your post seemed to mostly be pointed to the individual before me so I'm done with you...NEXT!

And just to keep on topic. CM Punk is a solid midcarder when he has a gimmick that makes sense (S.E.S. for example) outside of that, he's just an entertaining, inconsistent, character. This is one of the many reasons why I don't think he's that big of a deal in the main-event scene.
So many threads about CM Punk arguing over him leaving. Can't believe there's still this much heated debate. Honestly, who cares?

Look, I like CM Punk. Good in the ring, good on the mic, and had a lot of great matches. But he left, I am not losing any sleep over it.

WWE only acknowledged CM Punk once on TV. Looks like they are just keeping all under wraps and low key w/ the hopes he comes back. CM Punk hasn't talked either. So perfect, no mud slinging on either side.

IF he comes back, great. He'll get a pop and people will welcome him back. Maybe it's all a quiet work and he'll show up at WM XXX, who knows?

IF it's true that he walked because he was beat up and not happy with the direction of things, contract or not, good for him. He is financially set and did what was right by him. He doesn't owe me or anyone else a thing. I didn't see him on Talking Dead, but I heard he looked good and he said he was a new person. Again, good for him. His life and he has to do what's best for him. Period.

CM Punk, if all real, did light a fire under the WWE IMO. Things changed and were ramped up a notch to offset his departure. WM is looking much better and regular TV has been pretty good to. DB looks to be on his way to a WM main event too. If Punk hadn't left, he would have been fueding with Kane and HHH and DB could have been fueding w/ Sheamus (just a rumor, I know).

I bet there are a lot of wrestlers on the roster that are unhappy with their direction and would walk too if they were fiancially set as well.
So many threads about CM Punk arguing over him leaving. Can't believe there's still this much heated debate. Honestly, who cares?

Look, I like CM Punk. Good in the ring, good on the mic, and had a lot of great matches. But he left, I am not losing any sleep over it.

WWE only acknowledged CM Punk once on TV. Looks like they are just keeping all under wraps and low key w/ the hopes he comes back. CM Punk hasn't talked either. So perfect, no mud slinging on either side.

IF he comes back, great. He'll get a pop and people will welcome him back. Maybe it's all a quiet work and he'll show up at WM XXX, who knows?

IF it's true that he walked because he was beat up and not happy with the direction of things, contract or not, good for him. He is financially set and did what was right by him. He doesn't owe me or anyone else a thing. I didn't see him on Talking Dead, but I heard he looked good and he said he was a new person. Again, good for him. His life and he has to do what's best for him. Period.

CM Punk, if all real, did light a fire under the WWE IMO. Things changed and were ramped up a notch to offset his departure. WM is looking much better and regular TV has been pretty good to. DB looks to be on his way to a WM main event too. If Punk hadn't left, he would have been fueding with Kane and HHH and DB could have been fueding w/ Sheamus (just a rumor, I know).

I bet there are a lot of wrestlers on the roster that are unhappy with their direction and would walk too if they were fiancially set as well.

I wish you all would stop acting like the only reason Bryan is getting the main event feud is because the crybaby walked. And stop with this "Punk lit a fire under the WWE" bullshit. What lit the fire was fan reaction to the Royal Rumble.

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