If the Rock,CM Punk and Stone Cold would...

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Dark Match Jobber
If the Rock,CM Punk,Chris Jericho and Stone Cold would have been at Wrestlemania what would the card look like.The Rock and CM Punk was both locks for the event.As for "Stone Cold" he stated that he wasn't sure yet.I think Jericho would have been here with proper booking.After jobbing putting over stars for 2 years he deserve one more world title reign.But what if they all returned what do you think would the card look like.

I think it would have been...
The Rock vs Brock Lesnar This match was already comfirmed just yet to be announced.This would have happened it Rock hadn't got injured and WWE didn't change plans.

Triple H /w/ HBK vs CM Punk /w/ Roddy Piper /w/ Stone Cold as ref
This match was locked as well but Punked walked out.As far as SCSA if he was involved in any match it would be this one.

John Cena vs The Undertaker
This one was discussed early last year after Wrestlemania 29 like-wise Rock/Brock match but was cancelled due to Rock not returning.The plan was changed to Taker/Brock.

Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan vs Batista vs. Chris Jericho (WWE World Heavyweight Championship)
If Jericho returned I feel he would deserve to be back in main event status.With being the first REAL undisputed/unified champion.Randy being the current and first WWE heavyweight champion.Batista,the RR winner.Bryan get's added by Mr.McMahon after a change of heart

Shield vs Wyatts II (TLC )
The Shield would have still been scheduled for the triple threat.But what a Fatal 4 way and The Wyatts not having a match WWE would have changed it to a rematch.

Henry vs Big E Henry costing E the title after being furious about not being saved by him.But instead on Show saving Henry from Lesnar it would have been The Rock starting their feud.

The Uso's vs The NAO (WWE Tag Titles)
The Uso's getting their shining moment.Maybe The Uso's could have Rikishi at ringside.The New age Outlaws can get the (arguablly) the third outlaw X-Pac at ringside with them.
Cesaro vs Swagger (IC title)
Swagger winning the title from E after Henry cost E the title.Swagger could keep taunting Cesaro until he snaps.

RVD,Cody Rhodes,Goldust,Show,Young vs Titus,Fandango,Rybaxel,Miz,
People who needs matches

Hogan still the host. What do you think it would look like and do you like my card.
Triple H w/HBK vs CM Punk w/Roddy Piper and Austin as the referee? WTF?

I don't think HBK should be involved in the Triple H match this year, it doesn't make sense to have him involved in his last 3 WM matches.

As for Punk vs Hunter, it wasn't a lock.

I think WWE changed the plans to Bryan vs Hunter which led to punk's departure.
It would've been the greatest WrestleMania of all time if those were the top 3 matches:


Rock vs Brock
Cena vs Taker
Austin vs Punk
I believe Austin and Rock are unfortunately done for good. I love your card and wish it could happen. At this point my mania "must see" matches are Cena vs Taker, Punk vs Bryan for the title, and Cena vs Bryan for the title.
Oh FFS, CM Punk has left, he will not be back for Wrestlemania, they might tease, tease, him showing up on RAW in Chicago next week, but he won't, therefore, if HHH is on the card at Mania, it will be against Daniel Bryan.

As for John Cena vs Taker, save that for next year, I'm a Cena fan (even though I'm too old really to be in his main fan base) but I don't want him or indeed ANYBODY to beat the streak.

And the Orton/Batista match is pretty much set in stone, Daniel Bryan will not be inserted into it, so the IWC needs to quit begging.

I hate the Wyatts, so I don't care if they're on the card or not.

I do like and respect the Usos though, so I would welcome them winning the tag straps.

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