3 best/3 Worst


Pre-Show Stalwart
I was watching impact just now and thought to myself "Good fuck Chavo's frog splash is horrible". Which made me want to ask everyone else.. what are the 3 best and 3 worst finishers in wrestling today? In your opinion. And Why?

3 Best

1.The souvenir - Wade Barret performs is beautifully! It's a fresh finisher that we haven't seen a thousand times (or ever before, that I can recall) and it looks like it would really kill!

2.Cesaro's uppercut - Holy fuck it looks awesome! And there can be so many variations of it!

3.The blackout - Just an awesome finish! Looks killer!

3 Worst

1. Chavo's frog splash - Why do a finisher that's not even close to as good as those who did it before you? Chavo's frog splash compared to Eddies or RVD's looks lazy and just bad.

2.Skull crushing finale - it looks like it'd be incredibly hard to pull off, and looks awkward! And it's not a finish that can be easily done outta the blue.

3.STFU - I don't think this one needs an explanation

1)RKO by Randy Orton- not only does it look devastating, but used against the right person and the right timing that move can be pretty epic at times.
2)Yes*Lock by D. Bryan- Wasn’t a fan at first of it. I like how he can use it as a reversal and in a chain of moves. It’s on the list for being a good submission to come out of nowhere and catch people in and looks devastating and realistic.

3)Code Blue by Tyson Kidd- I was always a fan of the blockbuster. I also like a lot of his other moves aswell to bad he doesn’t get to use them that much.
3 Worst

1)The Souvenir by Wade Barrett- I thought Wastelands was bad. All it is is a short arm elbow. All that hype and that’s what he came up with. Are you kidding me? Moves he should of chose from; Clothesline from hell, Running boot(like MVP), A Punch(like Regal), and if you going to use the elbow use it right.
2)Arm Bar by Alberto Del Rio- it looks so fake and over done. It is never applied smoothly enough to wear its looks like it can come out of nowhere. I say for him he sould of went with like a submission and a power move. Maybe a tiger plex/bomb and some type the chicken wing or maybe the cross face or Rings of Saturn.
3)The Splash by Broadus Clay- Why did they change it? I liked the one where he kind of flew through the air and hit you with a cross body. I would of preferred if he did the Earthquake Splash and just renamed it, It’s a move we haven’t seen in awhile and a devastating looking move. Instead of jumping around the person of the ground he moonwalks or dances then does it. Also I think he should have a power move as well.

Brogue Kick - There's a reason why the WWE has been building this up as a dangerous finisher in Sheamus' feud with Del Rio and in his feud with Show, it's because it's a believable finisher and can look great at times depending on who's selling it. I guess you can compare it a little to HBK's Sweet Chin Music, especially since he goes into the corner and hypes up the crowd by smacking his chest repeatedly and getting them to chant "Brogue" along with him before he hits it.

YES Lock - Looks like it legitimately hurts and can be hard to break out of. And with the YES! craze behind this, it's slowly growing into one of the most popular submissions ever. I never thought he could get a finisher better than the Cattle Mutilation but indeed he has, the Lebell Lock fits him way more.

RKO - Strong competition for the Diamond Cutter and even the Stunner. Randy can just hit this out of nowhere and has pulled off some amazing variations & counters with the move.


The Cobra - Um, yeah!

STFU - When Cena first started using this, he applied it on his opponents properly, but now he just seems to have gotten too lazy to actually lock his arm around his opponents neck. Samoa Joe is hanging his head in shame.

Border Toss - Hernandez is so fuckin sloppy & careless with this move - he throws his opponents on the back of their neck. He already did serious damage to Douglas Williams, and one of these days this useless oaf is bound to injure somebody with this again. TNA need to change his finisher quick or teach him to execute it properly.
1.The souvenir - Wade Barret performs is beautifully! It's a fresh finisher that we haven't seen a thousand times (or ever before, that I can recall) and it looks like it would really kill!

2.Cesaro's uppercut - Holy fuck it looks awesome! And there can be so many variations of it!

3.The blackout - Just an awesome finish! Looks killer!

Funny story, as much as I like Seth Rollins, I can't stand his finisher. The Blackout is just...a foot stomp. And not a very convincing one at that. It's not that he executes it poorly, it's just the kind of move you'd see Daniel Bryan use in the middle of his set. Also, Cesaro's uppercut isn't actually a finisher, to my knowledge. I'm not a huge fan of Barrett's Souvenir, but it's better than Wasteland.

I don't know that these are the best, necessarily, but they are a few that came to mind. There's also not three, because...fuck the police:


Kevin Steen's package piledriver is not only brutal, but it tells a story. Any finisher that gets banned because of brutality (and I mean ACTUALLY banned, not just for a night like Sheamus' big boot), and then later brought back has that added effect. Steen's is one of the best in the business, and I don't even much like the guy.

Trouble in Paradise is the most consistently well-performed and most exciting move in WWE today. Kofi hits it spot-on, and even when it's slightly messed up - cough, Miz - it can be even more devastating. I'm a huge fan of moves that come out of nowhere, which also leads to...

Beautiful Disaster. Cody is a great in-ring talent, and the B.D. kick is the perfect icing on top of his cake. He can pretty much hit it anywhere; I've seen him use steel steps, announce tables and barricades when ring ropes aren't available. It's devastating, sudden and believable. Couldn't ask for more from a finish...

Alberto del Rio's cross armbreaker is likely the most believable submission in pro wrestling. That's right, I said it. Even with the "NO! Lock" and Anaconda Vice on the scene, del Rio's finish is better. It looks so incredibly violent, and unlike every other finisher that gets locked in every week, I don't just sit there bored, wondering if/when they'll tap out.

Five Star Frogsplash! The whole F'n show! Rob Van Dam hits this move better than anybody, except maybe Art Barr. It's pretty much the highlight of all his matches too, which between you and me, is saying something. The height he gets is ridiculous, and unlike the normal frog splash users, Van Dam doesn't give a damn where his opponent is located.

And now on to some of the worst...


I know this is probably not a popular opinion, but I don't like the GTS. Somebody the size of Punk shouldn't have a move he can't hit on anybody, at any time. Especially if he's going to be in the main event for a long time to come. I would love to see him some sort of ROH-style kick combination finish. Maybe a big running knee, courtesy of Davey Richards. KENTA is badass when he uses it; Punk's look sloppy and ineffective half the time. Just my opinion, but I don't like that move on that wrestler. Simple enough.

I also flat-out don't like the scissors kick. The guy/gal taking it (like a bitch) has to bend over for like five seconds, looking really stupid, until he gets planted with a ax kick he/she could have avoided easily. It's not so much Alicia Fox's fault, as the move in general. Don't like it, never have.
Best -

RKO - Definitely one of the best finishers i've ever seen. Randy Orton crafts this finisher with great timing and sells the finish better than any other finisher ive seen. Fans love it, as do i. The RKO makes up for Orton's character lack of entertainment.

Trouble in Paradise - I'm becoming a Kofi Kingston everytime i see and watch Kofi Kingston in the ring. What I like about this finisher is the fact Kofi can hit it at any moment. The move actually looks like it knocks out the opponent the moment Kofi's foot touches his opponents head. Kingston's athletic ability plays a big part into Kofi pulling this finisher off successfully.

F-5 - I know Brock Lesnar isn't a full-time wrestler in the WWE. So part of me wants to not put this in the best finishers currently today. I'm debating between Lesnar's F-5 and Undertakers Tombstone but I had to go with the F-5 only because he's wrestled 2 times this year (wow talk about a career year) and whenever Lesnar hit the F-5 the move "knocked out" his opponent. Fun to watch as the fans did too.

Honorable Mention:

Tombstone Piledriver - Undertaker
STFU - John Cena
Chokeslam - Kane/Big Show (yeah im original, deal with it)

Worst Finishers -

The Cobra - Yeah, this is terrible, like someone else already said, no need to explain this one.

Texas Cloverleaf - This finisher is terrible. Plain and simple. Sheamus has a lack of moves in his moveset and relies on this to win. This is overshadowed by Sheamus's Brogue Kick, which is one of Sheamus's better finishing moves.

CrossRhodes - Definitely one of the worst finishers I've seen in the WWE as of late. I still don't understand Cody Rhode's at all. Is he just getting ring time because of his father and half brother? I don't know. I don't care. Fact of the matter is the CrossRhodes is too basic in my opinion.
Best -

Kevin Steen - Steenalizer (Not sure if its actually a finisher or just one of his signature move) But i saw him live do that move a lot of time , and it looks rather painful.

Monty Brown - The Pounce - I Loved that move , plain and simple. And when he delivered that to people thru table , was just cool to see.

The Burning Hammer - Day of reckoning on gamecube that was my CAW finishers back in the day. Did not see a lot of people use that move really other than Kobashi.

Worst -

The Cobra - Obvious reason

The ''Hulk Up'' - Was never a hogan fan to begin with , but the Hulk up followed by the leg drop made the other guy look sooo bad.

W.M.D - I Dont get it. If Big show could knock someone anytime with the WMD during a match , why when he throw a right hand during the match , the guys is not knocked out , or why would he punch someone normally , if he could always knock him out with the WMD ... anyways , a punch as a finisher just dont make it for me....
3 Best

RKO - I think Randy Orton has really worked to make this move the best. The way he executes it from all the different ways and makes it look good is incredible.

Yes Lock - Really like the fact that a submission is his go to finisher. He applies it well to actually making it look painful.

Pedigree - I know HHH isn't full time, but when he applies it right it is still one of the most painful looking finishers today.

3 Worst

Brodus Clay's splash - they could have come up with something better than a splash. Just not a finishing move anymore to me.

The Skull Crushing Finale - To me it always looks like it would be to hard to pull of. Because of that it never looks smooth, and comes of sloppy.

The Cobra - Just had to add this one in. I know it's comedy, but it's not a move that could beat someone ever lol.
1)The Souvenir by Wade Barrett- I thought Wastelands was bad. All it is is a short arm elbow. All that hype and that’s what he came up with. Are you kidding me? Moves he should of chose from; Clothesline from hell, Running boot(like MVP), A Punch(like Regal), and if you going to use the elbow use it right.

I have to agree here. The Souvenir is very bland and pointless. Big Show's KO Punch looks devastating, the Brogue Kick looks like it would take your head off, and even in the hands of Chris Hero/Kassius Ohno an Elbow can look disastrous for the opponent. But as far as Wade is concerned, he's better off using that Black Hole slam. He was shown on Raw being able to use it on Brodus Clay, so it's believable for someone his size to use it on other big guys too. If he's going to ever be a world title contender, then that's the move I see him getting built up with.

3 Best

RKO - I have to admit that when he hits it, I mark out every single time. I've been an Orton fan for years, and never get tired of the RKO. It's best when he hits it out of nowhere, but I would be lying if seeing him hit it even after the taunt didn't make me glue to the TV.

God's Last Gift/Small Package Driver - Let me make something clear... I HATED Tyler Black in ROH, and I'm only semi-impressed with him in WWE's NXT. He's got something in the tank, that's for sure, but only in small doses. With that said, GLG is absolutely breath taking. I had the chance to see it live a few years ago, and it's just a sight to see.

Austin Aries' Brainbuster - Simply put, I'm a fan of classic finishers. Aries has taken the long forgotten legacy of a move like the Brainbuster and brought it back from the dead. His best one, thus far, was the one he hit on Hardy just before Bound For Glory. I have to say that it even made me cringe the way he just brought Hardy down like that. Beautiful is the only word left to describe that.

Honorable Mentions: The Pedigree... HHH has made that move seem so diabolical over the years that everytime he hits it, I literally pop out of my chair.

3 Worst

450 Splash by Gabriel - Am I the only one who thinks the move gets more and more sloppy every time he does it?

Sharpshooter by anyone not named Bret Hart or Sting - It just looks sloppy to me. Especially when Natalya does it, because her physic doesn't go well with the move. I don't dislike Natalya at all, but I do dislike her using that move. She should stick with the Running Powerslam, it looks vicious when she does it... in a good way.

Sweetness - That one move that Slater does that makes it look like he RKOs himself? Yeah, it's stupid as fuck. I actually like his new DDT move.
1.The souvenir - Wade Barret performs is beautifully! It's a fresh finisher that we haven't seen a thousand times (or ever before, that I can recall) and it looks like it would really kill!

I can't imagine how anyone could say this "finish" is believable. "Hey guys I'm gonna hit you with an elbow like anyone else would hit you with but mine is gonna finish you." To me it's as dumb Hogan's Leg Drop.

Best 3

Austin Aries, Brain Buster--The way he does this look awesome like it could really break someone's neck. I can buy this putting someone down.

James Storm, Last Call Super Kick--I'm a fan of the super kick, namely because of Shawn Michaels, but James Storm does it well and it's still a favorite of mine.

Chris Beniot, Crippler Crossface--He really looked like he was going to rip someones arm out of it's socket or snap their neck between their shoulder blades. Either way it looked painful as hell.

3 Worst

Hulk Hogan, Leg Drop--Don't need to explain it's a sad excuse for a finisher.

Wade Barret, Souvenir Elbow--As I said above it's pretty much bleh. I'll elbow you and it will finish you.

JBL, Clothesline from hell--See Souvenir Elbow.

As you can see I am really not a fan of "finishers" that are run of the mill moves that pretty much everyone does but supposedly "stronger" because of who they come from. To me a finisher should be unique in how it's delivered but also to the character. The Stunner, and Rock Bottom for example don't really look like your run of the mill finishers and they fit with the characters delivering them. A clothesline or leg drop no matter who delivers them not so much.

1. Brogue Kick - A lot of people think that a move has to look complicated for it to be good for some reason. The Brogue Kick fits perfectly with Sheamus' straight forward brawler character. It's simple, it has a ton of impact and it's a move that's believable.

2. RKO - The RKO is one of those finishers that flat out brings people to their feet when Randy Orton hits it. It's basically a variation of the stunner/cutter finishers. The fact that Orton sometimes seems to just pop up and land the move almost out of nowhere, striking like a viper if you will, fits in well with everything Orton does.

3. Brainbuster - Austin Aries has been using this move in TNA and I just always liked it. It's a move that hasn't been heavily used in WWE, TNA or WCW for a very long time. Tully Blanchard & Arn Anderson used the movie during their time in the Crockett territory during the 80s and I just always liked it. If a smaller guy on the roster needs a move that can deliver impact, this is the move for them. All in all, it's a glorified suplex but that alteration of the angle for the move gives it a devestating look.


1. The Cobra - Without a doubt, this has to be the single lamest finisher in all of wrestling, maybe even in all of wrestling history. I just roll my eyes in frustration & disgust everytime Santino goes for it. Probably the stupidest example of the move I've seen involved Santino hittin the move on Antonio Cesaro without the sock puppet on his hand, in which the move had no effect. We're supposed to believe the sock puppet grants some sort of superhuman force to Santino's thrust, which has no real force behind it whatsoever.

2. Mic Check - I just dislike everything about this move. Anderson sets the guy up in position for what almost looks like a Rock Bottom, falls back and brings the opponent forward. The move itself just looks extremely weak to me, partially because there's just not all that much impact to it. The move just looks incredibly fake when he goes for it.

3. Styles Clash - I'm a fan of AJ Styles inside the ring, but I do not like his finisher one bit. It reminds me of a cross between Cesaro's Neutralizer and Triple H's Pedigree, but without the impact of either move. Styles gets them in the position of a piledriver, steps over their arms and then gives a slight hop to deliver something of a front face slam to the mat. It's one of those moves that makes me think "is that really supposed to put somebody down for the finish?" whenever I see it. Styles would be much better off using the springboard 450 splash he uses every once in a blue moon.
JBL, Clothesline from hell--See Souvenir Elbow.

You should go up to JBL and ask him to give you a Clothesline From Hell to see how it feels, it fuckin looks like it could decapitate you. There's a huge difference between a regular clothesline and the Clothesline From Hell, first off the move is actually a lariat not a clothesline, and when JBL thrusts his arm forward, he puts sheer force into it due to how big he is and knocks the opponent into next week. Everybody else just throws their arm up and connects with little impact. It most definitely is not the worst finisher, if JBL was an active wrestler today, I'd choose that as one of the best today, maybe one of the best ever actually. The move is killer.
3 Best Finishers-

Kane/Taker's Tombstone-Always loved the Tombstone..When done right it does look like it could put someone out, especially Kane's Tombstone which has more snap to it

Tazmission-Self explanatory, this move'll fuck you up if done for real and with Taz'z judo background, he made the move look very believable even though he's around 5'9

STF-Another painful submission move when done right..Only person I've seen use it recently on WWE or TNA tv is Samoa Joe

3 Worst Finishers-

STFU-I can remember only a few times when Cena actually applies a headlock/faceclock instead of squeezing his opponent's cheeks with his forearms

Hogan's Leg Drop-Every time I saw a Hogan match in the 80s, I'd always get pissed off when Hogan won using a move that's just one of the most basic, non-believable finishers out there, especially when he beat Savage at Wrestlemania 5 with the Leg Drop..At the time,(I was 5 at the time) I would be thinking"How come Savage hit a great top rope Elbow Drop on Hogan, but Savage couldn't kick out of that simple, average Legdrop?"

Zig Zag-I don't want Ziggler permanently getting rid of this move, just make it look more convincing..A Zig Zag off the top rope would actually look good, whereas the Zig Zag he hits now just looks like a good set-up move..A good finisher for Ziggler to use would be the Top Rope Diving Fameasser, since when Dolph hits the Running Fameasser, he just doesn't hit the move with enough impact
Current Best:
Brogue Kick - Usually looks pretty legit, and can be hit out of no where. When he hit Daniel Bryan with it on Raw a few years ago when Dbry was flying out of the ring, I knew there wasn't a better finisher.

Pedigree - Classic, it's awesome, looks potentially devastating and when it's hit I truly believe the match is over.

F5- Nothing looks cooler than an F-5. Spinning faceplant, so awesome

Current WORST:

Cobra - I know its premise is on actual martial arts but it is so cheesy and unbelievable

WMD - Like someone mentioned, Big Show throws punches all match, why is this one so different. It's not like the guy has to be set up or in any particular position so why not just hit him right when the bell rings.

GTS - I put it 3rd because I really don't want to even put it on here but this is why i Don't like it. The concept is awesome, and when the move is hit correctly, it looks devasating and quite honestly BRILLIANT, BUT when it isn't hit PERFECTLY, my god, it looks AWFUL, and I mean AWFUL.
3 Best
GTS - I'm not a punk fanboy, but his is the only current finisher based on the fireman's carry that I like. A knee to the head at that speed? Looks deadly!

Brainbuster & Tombstone - Being dropped on your head like that will kill or paralyze you in real life, I think it's great.

3 Worst
Shell Shock - It's like a Samoan drop, but Ryback almost takes more impact than the target. Wtf? Also don't like the marching crap.

Brogue - Telegraphing your attacks never made sense to me. It didn't when Edge did with the Spear and time hasn't sweetened the idea. Also, for me personally, the Brogue is a bit too simple.

Killswitch - This is just too awkward a finish and I get that it would hurt, but to set it up in real life with a standing, awake opponent would be impossible.
You should go up to JBL and ask him to give you a Clothesline From Hell to see how it feels, it fuckin looks like it could decapitate you. There's a huge difference between a regular clothesline and the Clothesline From Hell, first off the move is actually a lariat not a clothesline, and when JBL thrusts his arm forward, he puts sheer force into it due to how big he is and knocks the opponent into next week. Everybody else just throws their arm up and connects with little impact. It most definitely is not the worst finisher, if JBL was an active wrestler today, I'd choose that as one of the best today, maybe one of the best ever actually. The move is killer.

Agreed, there's nothing like a good old fashioned brutal clothesline. One of the few classic wrestling moves that will forever be impressive. I used to love watching Rikishi sell a clothesline, he would inside-out himself to make it look more impressive.
1. The Flux Capacitor - Don't forget that Kaz does this move. I wish we could see it some more.

2. Spear (Goldberg) - Whenver he hit this, you know the other guy was in legitimate pain.

3. Diamond Cutter - Really, it was the best.

1. Zig Zag - I don't even...

2. Attitude Adjustment - I'm not a complete Cena hater, it jut looks stupid. Although, the one he hit on Dolph recently looked pretty good. The impact was nice and you know Dolph can sell.

3. The Rock Bottom - Sure it got people excited, but it was the dumbest thing I have ever seen.
Arm Bar by Alberto Del Rio- it looks so fake and over done. It is never applied smoothly enough to wear its looks like it can come out of nowhere. I say for him he sould of went with like a submission and a power move. Maybe a tiger plex/bomb and some type the chicken wing or maybe the cross face or Rings of Saturn.
Arm Bar by Alberto Del Rio- it looks so fake and over done. It is never applied smoothly enough to wear its looks like it can come out of nowhere. I say for him he sould of went with like a submission and a power move. Maybe a tiger plex/bomb and some type the chicken wing or maybe the cross face or Rings of Saturn.

Des Moines Boxing

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