Who has the better move?



We all know that not everyone has a unique finisher all their own. Some have modified versions of a move, and some just have the same exact move.

In here, list a move you know is used as a finisher, signature move, etc. by more than 1 superstar. List who the superstars are and the move they use. Explain why you think one person does it better than the other.

I'll start it off.
The Frog Splash- Eddie Guerrero, RVD,Chavo, and Art Barr.
Eddie's always seemed a little weak to me, while RVD's Frog Splash looked better when he did it. Eddie doesnt open up as mch in the air as much as RVD did. Also, when ever someones in an opposite direction from RVD, he can move in his body in the air and land the way he's supposed to. Chavo's just looks bad, personally I think he should stick to The Gory Bomb or maybe start doing a Lasso From El Paso. I'll be the first to admit, I haven't seen much of Art Barr, but I have seen some. Art Barr in my opinion looks the best with it. He closes up and opens pretty wide and looks like he being whipped onto his opponent. So, I think Art Barr does it the best.

Any other moves? remember, give reasoning behind your pasts (as the mods would say).
The Spear. Just to name a few, Edge, Goldberg, Rhyno (Gore), as well as Batista and Lashley. You could also put Monty Brown in there as well. I'm sure there are others, but those are the top 5 that come to mind. In my opinion, Goldberg had the best spear, but then again, I haven't been watching Wrestling in a while, I've only seen Goldbergs spear in the games, but it was the best looking.
Lashley's spear is so horrble, anyone notice how bad his impact it when he hits the wrestler, they act like we can see it and he keeps doing it.....

Sharpshooter (Benoit, Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Michaels, Rock, Sting)
So you know Sting called his the Scorpion Death Lock. We can all agree here as well that Bret Hart wins this one, he was known for it. Second I would have to say Sting, you knew when it was coming and it worked for him. Rock and Michaels are here because they used it but it wasnt that great for them. If I had to rank these out:

1. Bret Hart
2. Sting
3. Chris Benoit
4. Owen Hart (Two Slammy's for his :)
5. Michaels
6. The Rock
I think all those moves are crap compared to The Vertabreaker. Hurricane Gregory Helms and Homicide are still using it. If that was used in real life, that would paralyze anyone it was done to.
Another finisher that I cant get enough of is the Canadian Destroyer by Petey Williams, watch that one in slow mo a few hundred times and you can appreciate it too.
You forgot about D'Lo Brown's Lo-Down Splash. He actually stretches his legs out like a split jacknife instead of curling up and hits you with full impact with his chest. He first did it when he wore the chest protector with The Nation, and stuck with it while he was champion. I thought his was second behind R.V.D. Five Star, and a little better than Eddie because of the impact it looked like.

I'm also a fan of Undertaker's Last Ride Powerbomb. A LOT of wrestlers use different versions of it, but Undertaker's looks the best because of the extra lift he puts into it. He doesn't use it as much anymore but it was better than a lot of version, including Kevin Nash, Sid, and Batista.
I'm also a fan of Undertaker's Last Ride Powerbomb. A LOT of wrestlers use different versions of it, but Undertaker's looks the best because of the extra lift he puts into it. He doesn't use it as much anymore but it was better than a lot of version, including Kevin Nash, Sid, and Batista.

I'll go with that, but I'll give reasons.

1. The Last Ride.
I think this is one of the most high impact moves ever. I've always liked the powerbomb, but how taker would lift them all the way up and seem to put all his strength into it made it look great.

2. Jacknife Powerbomb
I loved the way Nash would do this. He'd lift them up like a regular, but then he would hold them and let them just crash down to the canvas w/ their own body weight.

3. Batista Bomb
By far, no where near the best power bomb I've seen. For such a big guy IMO, his bomb looks weak, especially with the sit down added to it. I'd rather him do a last ride type thing, w/o the holding them up, and just use all his strength to bring them down.

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