2011 Elimination Chamber- Santino & Kozlov(C) VS Heath Slater & Justin Gabriel

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member

In a WWE.com exclusive announcement, WWE Tag Team Champions Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov will engage in an all-out battle with The Corre’s Heath Slater & Justin Gabriel at WWE Elimination Chamber, with the future of the illustrious tag team titles hanging in the balance.

Gabriel & Slater lost their WWE Tag Team Championships to Santino & Kozlov when they were members of The Nexus. However, they now stand side-by-side with Wade Barrett and Ezekiel Jackson as part of a powerful new alliance-of-equality known as The Corre. Reinvigorated, they have set out to take back what is theirs. On the Feb. 4 edition of SmackDown, they put the exclamation point on that intention by scoring a fierce non-title victory over the reigning champions. (WATCH)

Two weeks later on the Feb. 18 edition of SmackDown, a tag team title showdown between the two determined duos came to pass. A clear winner could not be determined, thanks to interference by Barrett (WATCH). Therefore, at WWE Elimination Chamber, both tag teams are looking forward to settling the matter once and for all.

Since winning their prestigious titles, Santino & Kozlov have complemented their winning ways with an element of humor. But, regardless of their antics, the ability and determination they bring to the ring is no joke. And as they prepare to defend their titles against The Corre at this Sunday’s pay-per-view, both The Italian Stallion and The Moscow Mauler are fully aware that the stakes could not be more serious.​

KozTino's reign as WWE Tag Champs has been underwhelming. They won the Titles while Santino was pretty hot, but I think a lot of their steam has gone away since then. I haven't enjoyed their reign as Tag Team Champions, and I wouldn't mind if they lost tomorrow.

Santino and Kozlov as Tag Team Champions might have seemed like a fun idea at first, but I think they're reign has gone way past the expiration date. I'm picking Slater and Gabriel to win this. The Corre could use a nice little boost, because I can't belive Wade Barrett has a serious chance of winning the Smackdown Chamber match.

Who's your pick to win?
i think gabriel and slater will win... maybe to built to a nexus vs corre match at mania!! and also im tired of santino and kozlov as champs
The reason why their reign is so boring is because WWE fails to create compelling storylines to boost the tag team division. Everyone in here bitches about every single tag team that comes up because they are boring. It's not the tag teams that hold the titles, it's the poor story telling. This rivalry is hardly that. They could have built a story line, instead, they randomly place them against each other.

Santino & Kozlov will win. I still think the team that will eventually dethrone them will be The Usos. I believe this Tamina/Santino relationship is setting up for eventual betrayal by Tamina. They are going the old "Femme Fatale" route when Tamina tricks Santino, gets close and fucks him over and reveals that getting The Usos the tag titles was her goal the whole time. Gabriel and Slater do not need the titles right now to be relevant. The Usos do.
I can see Koztino (I like that name now) losing, then at WM, Slater and Gabriel will defend against Michael McGuillicutty and David Otunga maybe? Either way, I think this match should be solid if given enough time. They need for it to be. They also need to make some new tag teams. Make tag teams out of people in FCW, then slowly build them up and not split them up.

Sorry, I twisted this topic into something else. Anyway, I will like it if Corre wins this.
Ahhh.. yess.. a title match.. I vote for Slater/Gabriel.. Then this can kick off a tag match for Mania say against members of the new Nexus! I don't like the current tag teams, they might be fun, but at times it's just not that good for me to be watching..
The KozTino reign will come to an end on Sunday and it can't come any sooner. They have become incredibly boring and i have become sick and tired of waiting for Tamina to betray them and help the Uso's win the title's, so i hope to god The Corre wins. If they win it will be via Big Zeke interference and we will have Nexus vs Corre at Mania for the tag titles.
they need to reform the tag division its getting shitty come on the only people the champs face are either nexus or corre need better tag teams not the usos bring someone back or reform old tag teams that still reside in wwe
i really hope Gabriel & Slater win back the tag titles i think they make a good team and im sick of santino & kozlov as champs so hopefully corre gets the win here so they have titles because ill be shocked if barrett wins the chamber match
I think Slater & Gabriel should win. I like Santino but I think if he is going to paired with someone, it should be someone other then Kozloff.

I think it will be a nice accolade for the Corre as a whole. I think Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater are truly one of the best tag teams WWE has. I know it isn't saying very much at the moment, but at least it is saying a little something.

I will be rooting for The Corre tomorrow at Elimination Chamber, and I also believe they WILL win.
im going with Slater and Gabriel as well. koztino have been a rather boring tag team. they are just a comedy team which isn't the best for a dead tag division. also Tamina should have never left the Uso's. they need her more than santino does.
Like most people, I can't exactly say that I'm overly thrilled about this match. However, I think that Gabriel & Slater will wind up taking the tag titles.

It's true that Santino & Koslov's reign has been pretty underwhelming but it's not really their fault. Vince doesn't really see the tag titles, or tag team wrestling in general, as a huge deal so the comedian & his straight man have pretty much done the best that they can with what they've been given so I have to respect them for that.

I know that we've all felt this before but I do hope that Gabriel & Slater winning could be at least something of a turn around for the tag team scene. I know, I'm not holding my breath on that either but no harm in hoping. Look at it this way, expectations are already pretty damn low so disappointment shouldn't hit hard if it happens.
How does this sound?? Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater beat Vladimir Kozlov and Santino Marella for the titles. While they're celebrating, The New Nexus except CM Punk all come out and attack Gabriel and Slater when Wade Barrett and Ezekiel Jackson run to the ring and a brawl breaks out with The Corre getting the upper hand (4 on 3). Then CM Punk runs out and gets his 3 men out of the ring and recruit, while The Corre stands tall.

Pretty good huh?
I haven't minded the reign of Santino and Koslov, but it has dragged on a bit longer then I expected it to. Their reign has been underwhelming because it's pretty much been 1 team beats them in a non title match, earns a title match, then loses. (Lack of storylines behind the feuds hasn't helped either).

As for the match, it may get up to 10 minutes and could definitely make for a solid match. I'm pulling for a Slater/Gabriel victory and think they may be able to win this one. I could also see Corre interference resulting in Big show running in and then Santino and Koslov retaining.

I wouldn't be pulling for an improvement in the tag team division for whichever team is victorious, especially since we need a few more face tag teams and at the moment it would be Truth/Curtis, Bateman/Bryan, or Henry/???.

I wouldn't mind a Santino/Koslov victory if it meant getting Zack and Primo in the tag title hunt. Just Sayin!!!
I Hope Santino and Kozlov retain, but due to interference from The Nexus!!
And with that, winning some heat, for their WM moment!!!

We still have like a month to WM, after EC..

So Nexus or Corre can win the tag tittles, but after the EC!!!!
Maybe Nexus, should win...

And then at WM we will have

Slater & Gabriel vs Otunga and Michael McGillicutty for the tittles, but what about the other members??

Big Zeke vs Big Show
CM Punk vs Randy Orton
Wade Barret vs ?
Mason Ryan vs ?

Well, just wait to see
Santino & Kozlov's title run has been dry but like others said, it's not completely their faults. WWE just wants their tag division to have no success at all. I do think it's time for someone else to get the titles, and it would be perfect for the Corre to get them. Both of those groups have lost tons of momentum since separating into a Smackdown & RAW group so having the titles just might help that.

Also, it's no secret that there will probably be a Corre vs "New" Nexus match at Wrestlemania. This is the last PPV before 'Mania so if they want to make a big impact, today would be the day.
Oh, good, we get a 5th match. I was a bit upset that we might have been stuck with only 4 matches. FOUR matches at the last PPV was complete bull. Anyways. This may very well open the show and I think it will be an ok match. Santino and Kozlov have faced Slater and Gabriel back when they were in Nexus. Now are they planning to put the belts on The Corre? Why not? That would give them permission to appear on Raw, which means the obvious feud against Nexus could play out. Santino and Kozlov are over, but what does bringing them to Smackdown accomplish? Yeah, a whole lot of nothing. I see an entertaining opening match with Santino hitting the Cobra on Slater but he somehow kicks out, tagging in Gabriel who hits the 450 for the win giving Slater/Gabriel their 2nd tag team reign and the Corre will start appearing on Raw. Santino/Kozlov go back to jobbing.... ok they already do that.... they go back to jobbing as non-champions.

Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel will win the WWE Tag Team Championship.
Prediction: The Corre will win the WWE Tag Team Championships

The Corre would benefit more from having the WWE Tag Team Championships. A Nexus vs. Corre feud is likely, so having a Tag Team Championship match wouldn't be a horrible idea. If Corre does not win, no biggy. Koslov/Santino would probably end up being backstage comedy anyway.
Ugh...I might get heat for this but I do not like Vladimir Koslov and Santino as Tag Team Champions. Therefor, I blieve it's safe to bet to say Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater will win the tag team championships. Santino and Koslov are running out of tag teams to face, however, if The Corre ends up with the Tag Championships at Elimination Chamber, it could set up a Corre vs. New Nexus at Wrestlemania. There's barely any build up for this match thus, I won't be looking forward to it. Unless there are new tag champs here, I won't care for the match. Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel will bring the Tag Team Championships to The Corre.
The Corre won the match, and basically did it clean. Pretty big step for Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater.

Hopefully they have a "break up" between Santino and Kozloff. I would put Kozloff on the Future Endeavored list. Maybe they even have a small feud with Kozloff turning Heel.

As I stated earlier though, BIG STEP for The Corre. Even though Barrett didn't win the Chamber Match, and didn't really make much of an impact at all. As far as the group goes, they have some momentum going into Mania and also starting out this new year, which is still young.
No surprise here. Slater and Gabriel are now 2 time WWE Tag Team Champions. Good for them! This also means The Corre can appear on Raw. Oh, wait, they can anyway now that it's Wrestlemania season.... ummm.... alright, The Corre and Nexus can begin a feud now. There, that works. Santino and Kozlov are over as a comedy team, they had their title reign and they don't need the belts to remain over. They can put other teams over while making us laugh. The Corre can build more dominance now that they have a couple of champions in their ranks. The match itself was decent but nothing special because there wasn't really anything that stood out about it.

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