2010 - A year to remember.

Had some ups and downs, when thinking about it as a whole, 2010 was definitely an awesome year. From the UK meet to Fozzy VIP to Indoor Skydiving, amongst other things, there's too many great things that did occur to put the negative down on it, some of them may have been major, but the feeling that I'm ending 2010 on a high swings more to the positives.
I listened to a lot of music, and smoked a lot of weed. It was a better year than I though it was going to be, certainly not my most productive year by any stretch of the imagination; but a time in my life where I will be able to look back on and smile.

Happy New Years to all my DirtyWormCaterpillarKillaz!!!
I've been accidentally double posting since I got on. I think it has something to do with my anti-virus software updating.
Yes, the sextuple post. I'm not sure what the issue is with it. I think it happens when I click post quick reply, and it doesn't post it, so I click it again, and then it double posts.
The sextuple post was a way for me to try and get The Doctor's Office to the 1000 page mark. It was an attempted double post, but it turned into a sextuple post.
The sextuple post was a way for me to try and get The Doctor's Office to the 1000 page mark. It was an attempted double post, but it turned into a sextuple post.

I had always assumed that the sextuple post had to do something with....um...sex. But looks like its something way less glamorous or exciting.
In 2010,I found this place,and in essence found my long lost passion for wrestling. Romance wise,there was nothing for the entire year,something I am very proud of in retrospect,because I used to stress myself out over tang-never again. I made my two year anniversary at my job and almost got pushed into management,but I got worried that it would interfere with school.

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