2010 - A year to remember.

In my family around New Years we go back and talk about how the year has gone for us. We talk about what was good, what was bad, etc. You know, just what stuck out, so I'm doing that on here. I've only been around since May, but I think that I've gone through enough to be able to do this. Here goes:

I really came onto the forums thinking I'd visit once in a while. I had no intention of sticking around for this long, hell... I didn't think that I'd like this place as much as I do. Near the end of June, I logged on one day and went into The Cage and saw the B-Team thread, I wanted in. I went out and did 40 posts in a day, up until then I had only had maybe 4 total. Dave then convinced the B-Team to let me in, and that really showed me a different side of the site. I met the people, and actually had some nice conversations. I found that there were nice genuine people who were willing to help out, some of whom I'd like to meet some day. Eventually I went off to college and studying consumed a huge chunk of my day. I got bored with it, so I would come on here. The more time I spent on here, the more I liked it. This place turned me onto other people that cared about wrestling, it was a place where you could have an intelligent discussion about ANYTHING. I had my problems though, I was nowhere near perfect, but I decided to change that and be the best I can be headed into 2011. So here's to one hell of a year guys.

Feel free to reflect upon the year too.

I loved 2010, was fantastic. For those who don't know, 2009 for me was pretty bad, I lost my job and then had very temporary ones with the majority of the year being unemployed mixed with depression.

So 2010:

Within 4 days I had got a new job
By end of January I had myself a girlfriend.

Sadly redunddancy hit the job in March and in April the girl broke up with me. But that's not what I'll remember this period for. April rocked my socks:


Deexter, yours truly, Tastycles, Phoenix and Scots Dave went to Raw/SD! tapings. It was great fun, and all four guys are sound as can be in real life (just like they are on the forums!).

June was when my life picked up. I got a permanent job and in August got a long term place to live. Seems a lot has sorted out this year and I'm depression free.

So to everyone on WZ forums who has said a kind word, helped me out or anything have a flipping fantastic 2011!
In my family around New Years we go back and talk about how the year has gone for us. We talk about what was good, what was bad, etc. You know, just what stuck out, so I'm doing that on here. I've only been around since May, but I think that I've gone through enough to be able to do this. Here goes:

I really came onto the forums thinking I'd visit once in a while. I had no intention of sticking around for this long, hell... I didn't think that I'd like this place as much as I do. Near the end of June, I logged on one day and went into The Cage and saw the B-Team thread, I wanted in. I went out and did 40 posts in a day, up until then I had only had maybe 4 total. Dave then convinced the B-Team to let me in, and that really showed me a different side of the site. I met the people, and actually had some nice conversations. I found that there were nice genuine people who were willing to help out, some of whom I'd like to meet some day. Eventually I went off to college and studying consumed a huge chunk of my day. I got bored with it, so I would come on here. The more time I spent on here, the more I liked it. This place turned me onto other people that cared about wrestling, it was a place where you could have an intelligent discussion about ANYTHING. I had my problems though, I was nowhere near perfect, but I decided to change that and be the best I can be headed into 2011. So here's to one hell of a year guys.

Feel free to reflect upon the year too.
Just like the Sinatra song.
Just like the Sinatra song.


2010 was a good year for me. In terms of the forums, I had signed up in 2008 but didn't really start to post until March of this year. WrestleMania had me very excited and I recalled being on here. Since then I've had a great time discussing wrestling, participating in WZCW, discussing TV & Film (DBZ Thread FTW!) and other stuff. Hopefully 2011 is just as good, if not better, especially as I'm going to see my first live wrestling show ever.
2010 could have been worse- six weeks working and skiing in Austria, PhD completed, best friend's stag do and then wedding, a trip to Vegas. two WWE house shows and a book contract.

2011 is shaping up rather well so far too - three more weddings and stag dos, a trip to New England for some skiing, PhD graduation and another WWE show all in the pipeline
Strange up and down year this. I got my first proper job, which has been going well, and I'm finishing the year in the black for the first time since I started looking after my own affairs. On the negative side of things, broke up with my girlfriend, but we're still close, so not as bad as it might have been.

I can honestly say the forum has affected little in my opinion of the year, unlike most people apparently.
Strange up and down year this. I got my first proper job, which has been going well, and I'm finishing the year in the black for the first time since I started looking after my own affairs. On the negative side of things, broke up with my girlfriend, but we're still close, so not as bad as it might have been.

I can honestly say the forum has affected little in my opinion of the year, unlike most people apparently.

Well, I reflected on the forums, I made this about the forums, but if people want to talk about their real lives then so be it.
Well, I reflected on the forums, I made this about the forums, but if people want to talk about their real lives then so be it.

Reading your opening sentence you didn't. You said reflect on the year and didn't say anything about forum wise then you talked about your forum year. It's not hard to assume that that was the highlight of your year.
Here, I'll do one for life outside the forum too. 2010 was the first time I was seen as an adult, I graduated high school, went off to college, it was a very exciting year. One of the best years of my life, but the highlight of it had to be when I played my last high school basketball game ever, it was senior night and it was pretty surreal. The place was packed, and we picked up a win. Then after that right around graduation time I had my jersey retired in basketball. The number 7 hangs in the rafters with my name on it, and it means a lot to me. I joined 10 other guys, and it felt pretty good.
Well 2010 was a year that has had its major ups and downs for me, and i have documentd on here what has happened, i managed to perservere through it, i really grew up as a person, there were major changes and small things happened too that were positive. October this year was really when things got so much better for me, now i look to 2011 as being a good year for me and going into 2011 with a few awesome things happening for me already gives me a nice feeling.
2010 has been a pretty decent year. For the first time I had a job in my industry of interest, and though it was an unpaid internship, I got a lot out of it, including a commercial playing on television. It has also been a good year for friends and family as I have never felt better about the people I keep company with. The only regret I have is not having a really serious girlfriend this year, but after last year that's not a totally horrible thing. 2010 was good, but I'm looking for 2011 to be even better.
Also becoming an uncle and godfather to my sisters son, has been great too, but now for my look back on the forum. This year was a mixed bag, I kinda had a fall from grace, I started to post more non spam as well but I hope to build a better reputatio on the forum here in 2011.
Best year ever. Goals and aspirations fufilled. Tons of fun and traveling this summer. Got a massive promotion. Returned home alive and with my full range of faculties from a far away land to start it off. Established The NorCal Calendar.
I graduated high school and then went to college. Then I got contacts.

Thrilling year, I know. Oh, I did some mission trips in the summer, that was fun.
Wasn't bad

Got engaged. Got into college finally, got a semester under my belt so far. Finally got into the military after all the waivers i had to get. Was a really good year
2010 was great for the most part and only got bad towards the end of the year. I graduated high school this past June, got my first job in August, started college that same month, and made lots of friends this year. Then my ma got laid off a couple days ago which put a damper on things. But... meh.

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