2010-2019. Biggest decade in baseball...


On A Nature walk with Daniel Bryan
I was reading something on yahoo and this is everything that can happen in 2010-2019.

1.A-Rod chases No. 763. If he gets it where will he rank?
2. Pujols chasing big numbers. AKA a lot of digits.
3. Jeter rides off into the sunset. Where will his place in history be?
4. New Collective Bargaining Agreement?
5. Who will succeed Selig as new commissioner?
6. Barry Bonds, Piazza, Clemens, and Sosa all become eligible for the 2013 HOF? The big ones are Bonds, Clemens and Sosa. Are they worthy of a Cooperstown induction?
7. Expansion of instant replay.
8. MLB Advanced Media continues to rise?
9. Financial Health of Franchises?
10. The Rising Cost of games?

Some of these are going to be very interesting and some are going to be downright bad. Some franchises are in serious trouble. The Expos moved to Washington and the Twins were threatened also. Two teams are in Jeopardy of moving, Oakland and Tampa Bay. Who can be possible suitors for those teams?

Also the rising cost of games is a major concern. The Yankees have some high priced tickets which could ultimately block middle class families from attending games.

This decade looks to be very interesting, when it is all said and done could this be the biggest decade in baseball history?
While I think it will be a decade with a huge impact on the sport, I do not think it will be any bigger of a decade than the rest. Here is my opinion why.

1.A-Rod chases No. 763. If he gets it where will he rank?

He's going to get there... at the very least he's going to get close. However he's no different than McGwire, Sosa, Clemens, or the others. He is, and will forever be linked to steroids in baseball. He may get the record... but he will be perceived as a cheater, just like the rest. Doesn't matter... he won't hold the record for long... why?

2. Pujols chasing big numbers. AKA a lot of digits.

This is why. Albert Pujols is the absolute best hitter I have seen in my entire life. Obviously I wasn't alive for Ted Williams or even Pete Rose when he played so they're disqualified from my comment, and I will always regard Ken Griffey Jr as having the sweetest swing and motion in the history of baseball, but Pujols is a machine of a different breed. If there is ANYBODY and I mean ANYBODY out there who is going to give serious chase to the HR Record, whether it's held by Bonds or possibly A-Rod, it's Pujols. I just hope he can avoid the steroids allegations between now and then. He's clean though... I'm fairly sure of it.

3. Jeter rides off into the sunset. Where will his place in history be?

Derek Jeter plays for the Yankees at the wrong time. Seriously. For the demeanor that this man possesses with his love for baseball and its history it's a damn crime that he plays in today's age and not in baseball's glory day. If a time machine exists, I want Jeter to be the first project. It's time to send Jeter back to Murderer's Row where he belongs. In a dark period on baseball, Derek Jeter is a lone beacon of excellence.

5. Who will succeed Selig as new commissioner?

Who cares? Selig is the absolute worst thing that happened to Baseball and just about anybody who replaces him as Commissioner will do a better job. Except Gary Betteman. Fuck that guy. Seriously though, I don't know? Maybe the owners (probably not due to the traditionalist stance of baseball) will reach out to somebody outside of Baseball (Condy Rice?) or maybe they'll figure that since a former owner of the Milwaukee Brewers (Selig) was given the chance to fuck baseball up, that maybe they should give that chance to another former owner... George W. Bush.

6. Barry Bonds, Piazza, Clemens, and Sosa all become eligible for the 2013 HOF? The big ones are Bonds, Clemens and Sosa. Are they worthy of a Cooperstown induction?

Mike Piazza is a second ballot Hall of Famer. I say second ballot because NOBODY gets in first ballot in baseball. Greatest hitting catcher of his generation and MAYBE of all time. Bonds', Clemens' and Sosa's numbers all dictate HOF induction, but they'll never sniff the Hall. If they do... then it's time to reinstate Pete Rose and elect him in, and it's time to elect Mark McGwire in. All or none.

7. Expansion of instant replay.

God I hope not. Unlike football, basketball, and hockey which all use INSTANT REPLAY to my liking -- I never wanted it for baseball and never will. Baseball is different, it's "pure" (or at least it was), and it shouldn't be ruined by having a television screen correct "Final" decisions. Umpiring and the prospect of "human error" having an affect on the final outcome is what makes baseball in the clutch amazing. Somebody gets hosed on a bad call? Sorry -- that's baseball. Having the technology to reverse a call just takes baseball away from the pastoral setting that makes it so great. I only hope that the MLB Owners vote to eradicate Instant Replay entirely.

8. MLB Advanced Media continues to rise?

No brainer.

9. Financial Health of Franchises?

Say goodbye to Tampa Bay and Oakland. Minnesota has a new stadium coming in if I'm not mistaken. The Marlins move into their new home in 2012, and most other teams will be fine. Tampa just isn't a big enough market in the state of Florida -- despite it being Florida, and Oakland is getting a shafting by Alameida County. They're going to lose the Raiders (again) too if they don't build a new stadium soon.

10. The Rising Cost of games?

I think the global economy will eventually cause Baseball clubs to scale it back a tad with ticket sales. Obviously, the Yankees will continue to rape their patrons due to the new stadium and well, it being the Yankees -- but if smaller market or mediocre teams want to survive the next 10-20 years (Baltimore, Atlanta, Florida, Arizona, Cleveland, Colorado, Texas, Minnesota) they're going to have to improve gate. Single game ticket sales aren't as outrageous as people make them out to be -- but when you take a family of 4 to the ballpark for a game, and get 4 hot dogs, 4 sodas, and 4 souvenirs you're going to spend a pretty penny.

This is why Minor League Baseball in many markets is so successful. I'll give you an example: I grew up in Central Pennsylvania. In the small city of Altoona, the Pittsburgh Pirates have a AA affiliate called the Altoona Curve. They came to town in the mid 90s and have what many claim to be the most beautiful park in Minor League Baseball (right field has a roller coaster directly behind the wall!). Single game tickets along the 1st and 3rd baselines in General Admission are 4 bucks. 4 dollars! At the AA level the baseball is excellent, the atmosphere is incredible, and the Altoona Curve are reknown for their gimmicks (ie: Frivolous lawsuit night). Stadium is always packed and money comes rolling. Most expensive seat is like, 12 bucks.

If MLB would just scale prices down a bit (I know, it's hard to make a penny when you're paying 25 million to somebody who only sees action once every 5 days) the fiscal health of franchises wouldn't be an issue.

All in all, I think the biggest story of this decade COULD very well be the possibility of a real World Series with the MLB champion taking on the Japanese Champion. This has been done "in exhibition" the past couple of years -- but if it comes to fruition, Baseball will EXPLODE once again in America and truly return to pre-1994 strike levels.

Just my .02
1.A-Rod chases No. 763. If he gets it where will he rank?

What is most important when it comes to A-Rod is how exactly his career pans out now that he has been outed for using roids. MLB will forever hold him under the microscope since he is the first one to be associated with roids while in the prime of his career. The home run record is tainted but if he was able to break the record, even after you eliminate his totals from his time from Texas, I could see ARod in the HOF. I do believe Arod when he said that he only used while with Texas since the facts are there to prove it. His HR numbers during that time has never been matched throughout his career. I deff don't believe he was using while with Seattle either since he had the best medicine anybody can ask for batting behind him, Ken Griffey Jr.

2. Pujols chasing big numbers. AKA a lot of digits.

Pujols is this centruy's version of Babe Ruth. HR, AVG, the guy can do it all. What scares me though is the fact that Big Mac is the hitting coach for the cards now. I don't want that guy polluting Pujols mind. He is the last guy who I would be trully disappointed to hear that he used roids.

3. Jeter rides off into the sunset. Where will his place in history be?

He will have 3,000 hits, the first Yankee to ever do it. The day his number is retired will be a huge celebration at not only the Stadium but throughout NY, he will have his own day named after him. The day he is inducted into the HOF, he will be remembered as a the ultimate champion and the last great shortstop to play the game.

4. New Collective Bargaining Agreement?

With the scandal of steriods finally starting to calm down, baseball is starting to grow even more popular. Teams like Phillies, Red Sox, Yankees, Rays, are producing more homegrown players then ever before, allowing fans the opportunity to really connect to their careers. More teams like the Marlins are going to be forced to open up their wallets and spend the money they receive through revenue sharing. Hopefully HGH testing comes avaiable. Fehr is gone so will the MLBPA be has strong as it was? I don't see any strikes or lockouts happening anytime soon, 94 was just such a dark moment that I can't see any side ever risking happening again

5. Who will succeed Selig as new commissioner?

My vote is for Bob Costas. I've always thought he would be the perfect man for the job. They need to hire someone neutral, neither a former player or ex owner. He's my choice

6. Barry Bonds, Piazza, Clemens, and Sosa all become eligible for the 2013 HOF? The big ones are Bonds, Clemens and Sosa. Are they worthy of a Cooperstown induction?

I honestly think that eventually the Hall of Fame will dedicate a section to the steriod era, however, there will be no individual plagues, or ceremonies for those who cheated. Before and after pictures. A list of players who were caught, and a clear remembrance of the destruction they caused onto the record books.

Piazza will be a first time ballot. There is really no other catcher you can compare him to. Pudge is more defense than offense. Posada maybe but he never had the numbers that he did. I can only see the voter's perception of Piazza's career changing to the point that he doesn't get in till the second time around being because of the emergence of Joe Mauer, who is the complete package at catcher.

7. Expansion of instant replay.

It will only truly be expanded during the playoffs after all the questionable calls that were missed this past post season.

8. MLB Advanced Media continues to rise?

With a more competitve balance throughout the league, the opportunity is golden for MLB to capitalize on

9. Financial Health of Franchises?

Marlins were forced to open their wallets. Other teams will be too. If not, more groups like Nolan Ryan's will buy the franchise and do right by the fans

10. The Rising Cost of games?

After mistakes made by the Yankees, Mets, Giants, and Jets, teams are going to realize that fans will only put up with so much, no matter how good their teams are

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