12-Year Anniversary of a Classic Moment


Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, while 1997 may be known as the year of the Montreal Screwjob in terms of wrestling history, we are now seeing the passing of another great anniversary - that of Vader's attack on a little twerp of a television anchor on Kuwaiti TV, resulting in a 7-day house arrest for the mastadon.

Bill Behrens said:
In April 1997 when the then WWF toured Kuwait Vader and The Undertaker appeared on the television program Good Morning Kuwait. During the interview, presenter Bassam Al Othman asked Vader if wrestling was fake. Vader responded by grabbing him by the tie, using an expletive, and then giving him a hard shove, knocking over chairs and a table in the process, to demonstrate the reality of the sport. Vader was subsequently arrested and charged with assault and using obscene language. He spent ten days under house arrest, eventually being allowed to leave the country after paying a small fine.


Don't "F" with the Greatest Superheavyweight of All-time! Vader would destroy the entire country of Kuwait with a Vader Bomb and a Big Van Crush. Similar to what he'll be doing to the other 255 wrestlers in the upcoming 3rd annual WrestleZone Tournament!!!
I find it amusing that Vader gets arrested for answering a question. I think the reporter found out how real it was (answering his question), but Vader got arrested. Amusing. Vader was just trying to be nice.
I remember hearing about this and thinking it was fake. I haven't actually ever seen the clip until now, but damn. You don't ask point blank if wrestling is fake. If it is and you admit it on what I would assume to be a big time show in Kuwait, then why should the marks want to go see it? Vader was in character and the punishment was absurd.
I loved how WWE just took the piss out of him, whilst Vader cried when he was released. The punishment seems fine if you as me, there you should abide by the laws of the country you're in.
I actually remember watching this. I could never point out who it was because it was on 20-1 and they would never tell who it was and would blur out the face. I mean WTF. Now I know it was Vader. God how embaressed would you feel after this if you were Vader? Why do wrestlers get so angry when every one knows it's fake?
I actually remember watching this. I could never point out who it was because it was on 20-1 and they would never tell who it was and would blur out the face. I mean WTF. Now I know it was Vader. God how embaressed would you feel after this if you were Vader? Why do wrestlers get so angry when every one knows it's fake?

They get angry because people that say that have no idea what pro wrestlers go through. The long rides to and from towns to perform every night, the never ending aches and pains, the jeering of the fans, the work that went into getting to the big time where one time a night the spotlight is on you and it's the performance that you give that night that determines whether or not you'll have a job to feed your family and pay your bills with. How would you like it if someone came up to you and said your job was easy and a joke at the same time? People with next to no knowledge of the business can't understand what these guys go through. Calling it fake is a slap in the wrestlers' faces.
They get angry because people that say that have no idea what pro wrestlers go through. The long rides to and from towns to perform every night, the never ending aches and pains, the jeering of the fans, the work that went into getting to the big time where one time a night the spotlight is on you and it's the performance that you give that night that determines whether or not you'll have a job to feed your family and pay your bills with. How would you like it if someone came up to you and said your job was easy and a joke at the same time? People with next to no knowledge of the business can't understand what these guys go through. Calling it fake is a slap in the wrestlers' faces.

Yeah I probably wouldn't like it. I truely respect most wrestlers for what they go through to be, altho I know it isn't all completely real I still wouldn't say wrestling is fake to one of there faces. I guess I would probably get angry as well. espicially if I went through what they and every other hard working person goes through.
Looks like an incredibly petulant response from Vader, and shows why pro wrestling will never be taken seriously by the mainstream media, because of idiots like this. Thank God these "old school" wrestlers have all but been phased out. MVP was asked the same question on Soccer AM the other week, instead of acting like a big fat crybaby with a mask on he just simply said "It's not fake, just predetermined, the moves we do still hurt" a much more grown up response, and one that will earn more respect for this industry rather than the childish response at the top of the page.
Vader Rules !!! y do these interviewers ask that question wen they no its upsetting and insulting to the ppl who put the lives in2 the business ! they hav no idea wot pro wrestlers go thru ! little ass face shud hav known his role if u ask me ! dont act the jabroni wif a 7 footer and a 450 pound 6 foot 6 monster sittin across the room ! ok ok he was prob told to ask that question but r these idiots stupid ? y not ask how many years he's put in2 the business and put his family 2nd b4 runnin his mouth and tryin 2 make vader look lyk a fool ! it was def vader tym in kuwait ! damm disgrace they keep him in that country ovr a week ! bring bak Vader !!

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