10 WWE Superstars Suspended/Speculation & Effects

first of all i do not think this has anything to do with john cena until his name comes up in investigations. Second of all if you know anything about steroids, taking steroids doesnt automatically make you huge, you need to do a work out regimen and focus on your workout. So Funaki and Santino could take steroids but it doesnt mean they are going to have a Batista like built. You actually need to work out to get big. Second of all steroids could also be used for medical reasonings. Maybe to say they were injured or what ever like Edge for example of even Santino or Funaki, but anyways I dont know and i dont think anyone does at this point.

okay to get back on topic this could hurt the wwe if they suspend each competitor differently. Orton deserves the same punishment as funaki. and so on. if they treat it differently congress will think that there is something suspicious going on there. I dont believe these allegations were the reason why some feuds were dropped, i.e. Chavo/ Rey Booker/HHH. I dont believe after all this Orton deserves a title shot and if he gets suspended he would miss unforgiven anyway. This could mean though that stars could get a push that usually dont get a push.

the wwe cant afford to lose Morrison or Booker or Orton because they are main eventers. i just hope these are false allegations because with the loss of some star power, Ratings, and the money. But personally i am not going to believe anything until i actually hear something by the wwe itself.
The latest post on the situation, every wrestler listed bought some sort of PED's AFTER Feb of '06, which is apparantly when the Wellness Policy was put into effect. Now, assuming that this is true and the names are correct (which is still speculation) this is going to kill WWE. With the names on the list Major storylines are implicated. 3 of Raws main eventers are implicated, 2 SD main eventers, and ECW's champ. That leaves few people available. Taker, Khali on SD (Mysterio will never have another title run according to Vince), Cena, Umaga on Raw, and Punk on ECW. And for those who think WWE will not suspend these wrestlers as not to lose ratings, they can't. With a pending Congressional hearing coming up, that is like going on life support and pulling your own plug. If this turns out to be true, WWE's best option may be to end the draft at least temporarily and/or do everything they can to get Jericho back ASAP. Truly a dark day if true.
I wonder if the wwe has suspended Orton then why would there be a caption talking about orton kicking his own dad to get to the top of the wwe on the front page of the website RIGHT BELOW the suspended wrestlers caption in the top right corner of the wwe homepage.
if people think that anybody other than Triple H will be in the WWE title feud with Cena is insane now getting that off my chest I will say they need to rush back shawn good thing the undertakers coming back hes a huge draw but in reality the WWE needs to try out new guys in the main event level ex.Carlito and see what that got with them but if true 2007 is the darkest year in wwe but think about all sports are going through real rough times right now everbody has ignored steroid use and guess what? its biting NFL MLB and Nba has there whole referee scandal all sports and WWE are going through some dark times I mean we hear of new scandals every frickin day now I am just interested to see what will happen on raw especially we will probably be getting a Heavy dose of John Cena Vs Triple H for the WWE title
I wonder if the wwe has suspended Orton then why would there be a caption talking about orton kicking his own dad to get to the top of the wwe on the front page of the website RIGHT BELOW the suspended wrestlers caption in the top right corner of the wwe homepage.
WWE's policy is not to announce those who are suspended. If they unexpectedly, unexplainedly removed the story from their site, it would be obvious that he was suspended.
Here is my Very bold prediction for this weeks monday night raw

Cena comes out to open the show and cuts a promo saying how Randy Orton was suspended for kicking his father in the head(idk i had to think of something) He then goes on to say that he needs a new #1 contender to face at Unforgiven, and then the magic happens

The lights go black for about 10 seconds

Pyro goes off

And then you hear those magical words

This would truly be awsome and I really think that it could happen, especially since it looks like WWE knew this steroid thing was comming at some point this year.

I would not be surprised if they have been in serious negotiations with Jericho

Bt we all know WWE and it will prob be a guy like Snitsky

Like I said the recent droppings of feuds involving guys that were in these implications, suggests to me that WWE has known that this was comming and also knew some of those involved.
The key word here is if this is true. And if the WWE does nothing to these guys if it is true, regardless of how high up they are, then this will make their "wellness policy" look like a complete joke and damage credibility even worse. But as far as them doing nothing, the only reason it's unlikely is because with them about to address congress or at least congress now eyeing them, they can't risk it. Again if true, then they're screwed if they do anything to these guys and they're screwd if they don't. I had said following Benoit's death and the circumstances surrounding it that this could be a chain reaction that would rock the WWE if not pro wrestling itself. And right now, this could be exactly that.
well if they all have to be treated the same then why not then suspend all of them from house shows without pay. but have them still appear on tv and ppv?
because suspension means you DO NOTHING. thats like saying if you get suspended from school you can still show up to gym class. its not fair to the guys that are not implicated yet. like cena, the hardy's, triple h, carlito, mvp, and cm punk to name a few.
a lot of these guys are not top wrestlers so i dont know what you are talking about. and what wwe is gonna do? not sure but i hope whatever they do it's gonna make for good tv. i'm gonna wait and see what happens next.
curious to know if this is gonna play on tv...hopefully they will decide to bring the raw/smackdown brands together again...the talent is there but not enough to satisfy 2 shows, and when shit like this happens...bad time for orton or kennedy, raw's heel scene decreased...cena or HHH is got to got heel

* I hope the wrestlers look at the list from SI benoit, gurrerro, and adams are dead thats 30% of the wrestlers on that list on gone, time to wake up, u can be successful in this business (except masters what a waste) without steriods wwe should push those guys to make it known to their boys
Batista, King Booker, Randy Orton, Edge, Mr Kennedy, William Regel, John Morrison. These guys are not top wrestlers for you??? mate what cave did you crawl out from?

Going back to the original post, well if Smackdown loses batista then its not totaly a great lose since rey has returned now and the undertaker is also due coming back in october.

for Raw is going to be a major beat since orton, booker and mr kennedy are involved in a heavy story line, and not to forget william regel is the GM.

I recon they will make coach the new GM and snitsky to rival with cena.

For ecw its going to be a major blow, they will probably make elija burk the new champ and have cm punk as the main guy fighting for it (as he is right now).
Raw, Smackdown, and ECW will not be able to ignore the absence of such top stars as Orton, Batista, Kennedy, King Booker, and John Morrison. If WWE suspends the 10+ rumored superstars that have been listed on Wrestlezone.com, it will leave gaping holes on all three brands.

This could have major repercussions for several WWE superstars. This may halt or destroy Kennedy's push. It might knock Batista out of title contention indefinitely. King Booker will likely lose backstage clout and potentially retire. And who knows, we might see an impromptu title change on ECW. Randy Orton might have lost the best chance in his career to be WWE Champion. Imagine how much worse Triple H will bury him now when they feud.

Who knows, WWE might suspend their brand extension for a while. As Dusty Rhodes would say, these are "hard times" for WWE.
Batista, King Booker, Randy Orton, Edge, Mr Kennedy, William Regel, John Morrison. These guys are not top wrestlers for you??? mate what cave did you crawl out from?

Going back to the original post, well if Smackdown loses batista then its not totaly a great lose since rey has returned now and the undertaker is also due coming back in october.

for Raw is going to be a major beat since orton, booker and mr kennedy are involved in a heavy story line, and not to forget william regel is the GM.

I recon they will make coach the new GM and snitsky to rival with cena.

For ecw its going to be a major blow, they will probably make elija burk the new champ and have cm punk as the main guy fighting for it (as he is right now).

I was talking about guys like Santino and Funaki. they are not one of the top guys of wwe.

EDIT: and CM Punk should win the title since he is the # 1 contender.
let's assume that it will be a 30 day suspension. So everyone will not be back in time for Unforgiven. As for storylines, it's tough right now. It was slated to be Orton vs. Cena for the title. And with cena's dad being "injured" by Orton, this doesn't leave a lot of room for all of a sudden Orton being out for a month. Unless they play an injury angle, but it will be tough without Orton physically being involved.

John Morrison is in a bad position. He's the ECW champion still in a long fued with CM Punk. I am at a loss on this one. Same with Regal, the new GM of RAW being off TV for a month.

And Kennedy.... wow, he was going to have the mother of all pushes, still will happen in my opinion, just have to wait until the suspension is over.

This is a good time for the WWE to push the reset button. Maybe pull a WCW move, in which they strip all the titles, and have tournaments for the vacated titles. It would be exciting, and a nice discraction from the suspensions. They could even drop the brand extension for a time being to use a large chunck of talent on all the shows.

It's been a very bad year for the WWE, but somehow they will get through it all. They always do.
I just really hope they dont put something together for unforgiven like Cena/Snitsky that would be bull shit.

I am gonna go and say that you will see a #1 contenders match between HHH and Carlito to face Cena at Unforgiven, I really dont think that we will see Trips vs Cena at a B level PPV, so i am gonna say Cena vs. Carlito at unforgiven.

As for ECW, I definatly see tham saying that Morrison was in a car crash or something, i see a burke punk feud

and the intercontinental championship I see Jeff Hardy taking the belt and hopefully feuding with Shelton Benjamin, that has the potential to be a GREAT program.

There is no doubt in my mind that this will hurt WWE, but they will get through it.
Well hopefully
They will give pushes to guys who deserve them
Like Shelton Benjiman.Jeff Hardy will get 1(Even though he shouldn't)
Hardy and MVP will have to step up there games on smackdown
It will be interesting to watch

I think the real question is what will TNA do
While the biggest Wrestling powerhouse is crippled
There booking team will have to step it up now
I'm not sure about "suspensions". I might be wrong but I could have sworn when Orton was suspended before he was on TV but wasn't getting paid for house shows. Maybe this is how WWE will handle the names in bigger storylines, because the top of the card is thin.
Expect an even more McMahon heavy Raw than before. I would suspect that a Cena/HHH vs. Vince/Shane McMahon tag team match at Unforgiven is possible.

Smackdown is probably least affected by this since Rey can fill the hole Batista leaves. They can still have the Mysterio/Khali, Hardy/MVP, and Taker/Henry feuds to carry them through September.

ECW is in the most interesting of situations. Morrison must drop the title. The leading candidates to hold the gold would be CM Punk and The Boogeyman. Personally, I think now would also be a great time to move Finlay over to ECW since he would be a great asset to that show.

So, WWE will survive content-wise. However, the PR hit will be brutal. Plus, how will WWE explain the absence of their suspened stars? That's the million dollar question.
Here is my Very bold prediction for this weeks monday night raw

Cena comes out to open the show and cuts a promo saying how Randy Orton was suspended for kicking his father in the head(idk i had to think of something) He then goes on to say that he needs a new #1 contender to face at Unforgiven, and then the magic happens

The lights go black for about 10 seconds

Pyro goes off

And then you hear those magical words

This would truly be awsome and I really think that it could happen, especially since it looks like WWE knew this steroid thing was comming at some point this year.

I would not be surprised if they have been in serious negotiations with Jericho

Bt we all know WWE and it will prob be a guy like Snitsky

Like I said the recent droppings of feuds involving guys that were in these implications, suggests to me that WWE has known that this was comming and also knew some of those involved.

I would LOVE it if Jericho came back. I would mark out BIG TIME if that really did happen.

But you're right it will probably be Snitsky or some useless jobber like that
This may absolutely destroy this company right now. If Kennedy, Orton, Morison Batista are the ones leaving the company right now, it will mean storylines for the next couple of weeks are going to be very interesting to say the least. I think they may already have known that Batista was one of the ones being suspended by the results of the Smackdown tapings this past Tuesday. I am not going to spoil any of them, but I can see that Batista might have been told on Tuesday he was going to be suspended. Orton's suspension may be a 90 day since it is his second offense. Smackdown tapings this Tuesday and Raw tapings this Wednesday will be very interesting to say the least.
Raw, Smackdown, and ECW will not be able to ignore the absence of such top stars as Orton, Batista, Kennedy, King Booker, and John Morrison. If WWE suspends the 10+ rumored superstars that have been listed on Wrestlezone.com, it will leave gaping holes on all three brands.

This could have major repercussions for several WWE superstars. This may halt or destroy Kennedy's push. It might knock Batista out of title contention indefinitely. King Booker will likely lose backstage clout and potentially retire. And who knows, we might see an impromptu title change on ECW. Randy Orton might have lost the best chance in his career to be WWE Champion. Imagine how much worse Triple H will bury him now when they feud.

Who knows, WWE might suspend their brand extension for a while. As Dusty Rhodes would say, these are "hard times" for WWE.

That is probably one of the biggest points in this is Randy Orton. That guy has already been on thin ice as it is and in the crosshairs. Now that this thing is out and if he is one of the guys, then yes he's going to get buried and badly. Whatever status he had, gone. A title reign with the WWE title, gone. Being the top heel for a while on Raw, Gone. As for Booker, I'd put my money down that he's done. But Morrison, that will wound the ECW brand big time. And knowing Vince's deluded mind, he probably will put Snitsky up there to fight Cena which is dumb but other option is there because there is no way they can make Triple H turn heel now. This is just bad all around no matter how you look at it and it is going to hurt all 3 brands without question. I don't want to beat a dead horse when bringing up the topic of a merging of the brands. But right now, I don't know how many options the WWE has besides that one. They're talking 60 to 90 day suspsensions and that big a time frame will hurt them. And they can't afford to take more damage then they've already taken lately. But with this scandal and the US Congress eyeing them like hawks, the heat is definitely on.

In short, things are DEFINITELY going to be interesting from here on. And should this scandal be in fact cold hard truth, things will get worse from here on for the WWE.
It wont destroy the company, these guys can be gone for 30 days or a couple for 60, it won't be the end of the company.
haha seriously..ya'll are REALLY going out there, they'll be gone for like..40 days at the most i bet...McMahon will probably just throw some matches in there to fill the time, It'll last for like one ppv, then most of em will be back.
I think now would be a great time for an off-season for the WWE. I know, it's impossible right now, but something to consider for the future.

Something MAJOR needs to happen next week for people to continue watching. I have been watching WWE since 94, but I haven't been watching that much in the last few years. Summerslam was the first PPV I have bought since One Night Stand 06, and that was a flaming piece of wasted Sunday night for me. WWE is in serious trouble of actually loosing me as a fan with whats been going on.

Someone needs to come back soon, HBK, Undertaker, or something.
Or they need to bring in Jericho, Sid, hell, I'd settle for Hogan. (not really...)

I like how they are following through with the wellness policy.

But at the same time, this sucks as a fan, it looked like the ball would finally be rolling again, things were fresh and exciting. I was actually looking forward to watching wrestling.

Bottom line, Vince needs to pull a HUGE rabbit out of his hat to save the next few weeks. All I can say is good luck, you're going to need it.

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