10 WWE Superstars Suspended/Speculation & Effects

Until they give us a confirmed list of names, you have to take everything with a grain of salt. WWE is in a real bad situation now with all the injuries and such, so they sure as hell can't afford to lose big names like Booker, Orton, Kennedy, etc. My guess is that the 10 names are those that don't really even matter that much and were trying to get a push - ala Chris Masters and Charlie Haas.

Another thing to think of is injuries. Edge may be on a steroid while he's recovering, same as Undertaker, Santino, etc.

I guess we'll just have to see if Raw ends up being a crap fest with the main event of Daivari vs Val Venis.

With my luck that will be the main event the week they are in Green Bay... If all the names indicated are actually suspended I just wasted 48 bucks on a real turd of a show.
Well if this suspension thing is true it could have a long term effect on the WWE. Some of there biggest names are on that list. a heavyweight champion and contenders for titles. I dont see the WWE suspending either Morrison or King Booker or Orton because this is basically there biggest draw right now. These People are actually main eventers on their respective roster and it could effect the ratings. I believe there will be more names brought out in the next couple of days but if all this is true the WWE will be under a microscope until everything gets cleared. the WWE has been under a microscope for the recent deaths of some wwe wrestlers.

i think this is all a lie though because i think Aerandir put it best when Triple H or Batista isnt listed in the names i am not buying what the Wellnes program says.
i read a post on here that said to suspend funkai from everything, and let orton, kennedy and booker appear on tv but with out pay. that is the absolute dumbest thing i have ever heard. EVER. if the guys are going to be suspended, its 30 days if it is the first offense, 60 for the second and they're done if it is the third.

if they do treat people differently because of main event status, that is just going to hurt wwe in the long run. especially with the congressional hearings coming up, they can't afford to show favortism right now to certain individuals. and randy orton should be the first to get fired after all the crap he has done this year. suspended once, destroyed a hotel room, and now this. if he isnt making the company look bad, i'd hate to see what does make them look bad. granted, as far as i know this is the first violation for him of the wellness policy, so it will probably be 30 days. IF he is one of those that has been suspended. we'll know this weekend when they tape raw.
Jeez you want to talk about putting another knife into the wounded animal that is WWE. Now some of these reports aka Edge, could be injury related, so who knows how that play into the picture. Reguardless though 10 guys suspended, and several of them on the main roster is not good reguardless. Right now all us fans can really do is sit and wait for November 1st... Again I'm not going to belive anything that does not come from WWE directly. Newspapers can say what they want, but I won't belive it until WWE releases the names. However this could potentially do more damage to WWE since it's so plagued with injuries now down 10 guys... Let's see if some mid carders get bumped up now. From what is being said throw Umaga onto that list too...
If anyone should get fully suspended without pay and off tv,ppv,house shows. are guys like Funaki and Santino who really dont mean nothing to wwe. wwe CAN'T afford to suspend the main eventers no matter what.
IMO it's not right if there is a mixed crew aka headliners, mid carders, and low carders to recieve different consequences. Although it is certainly easier to tell someone like Funaki that your off tv for a while then say someone like Orton, but if the case turns out to be guys like Booker, and Orton get less a punishment then Funaki and Masters, then that's just wrong. WWE can't afford loosing someone like Orton right now, but considering the circumstances WWE's backs are against the wall. Surely congress is watching what Vince does with this very carefully and will probably have something to say at the hearing.
Give me a fucking break. How naive can you people be? Cena isn't on steroids, but Funaki is? If so Funaki better fire his provider straight away cuz he got fucking ripped off.

Nobody can tell me that Funaki, William Regal, Ken Kennedy, and Orton all do steroid while at the same time telling me Cena and HHH dont. Orton, kennedy etc have lean, tone builds that are a lot easier to achieve without steroids. As opposed to the insane mass of muscle that Batista, HHH and Cena have, which you (in 90% of cases) need steroids to achieve

The only reason Cena isnt on this list is because he isnt a subscriber to that PARTICULAR COMPANY. It does not mean he doesnt do steroids at all.
Give me a fucking break. How naive can you people be? Cena isn't on steroids, but Funaki is? If so Funaki better fire his provider straight away cuz he got fucking ripped off.

Nobody can tell me that Funaki, William Regal, Ken Kennedy, and Orton all do steroid while at the same time telling me Cena and HHH dont. Orton, kennedy etc have lean, tone builds that are a lot easier to achieve without steroids. As opposed to the insane mass of muscle that Batista, HHH and Cena have, which you (in 90% of cases) need steroids to achieve

The only reason Cena isnt on this list is because he isnt a subscriber to that PARTICULAR COMPANY. It does not mean he doesnt do steroids at all.

Yeah but it doesn't mean he does. cena doesn't look like he is on steroids. in the past he did but not now. i'm not sure about cena ever doing steroids but we have to stop talking about cena since he isn't apart of this topic.
Give me a fucking break. How naive can you people be? Cena isn't on steroids, but Funaki is? If so Funaki better fire his provider straight away cuz he got fucking ripped off.

Nobody can tell me that Funaki, William Regal, Ken Kennedy, and Orton all do steroid while at the same time telling me Cena and HHH dont. Orton, kennedy etc have lean, tone builds that are a lot easier to achieve without steroids. As opposed to the insane mass of muscle that Batista, HHH and Cena have, which you (in 90% of cases) need steroids to achieve

The only reason Cena isnt on this list is because he isnt a subscriber to that PARTICULAR COMPANY. It does not mean he doesnt do steroids at all.

Seriosly dude leave Cena and other guys that have not evan been mentioned in any allegation alone. These guys were stupid enough to orter this crap and they got caught. Just because you hate Cena doesnt mean you should just say he is on steroids. He was not a part of this ring, and until his name comes up with having anything to do with steroids LEAVE HIM ALONE

I really dont like Cena, but give him a break and focus on the guys that are actully are now known to have taken this stuff.
He is a part of this topic. Does anyone else not realize that the 4 guys in WWE who most look like they are on steroids are Lashley, HHH, Cena, and Batista, yet only Batista is on this list? I say this again, if the likes of Funaki, Regal, and Helms are on steroids then they better fire their providers. I am not denying that any of these guys have done steroids, I'm just saying it's illogical to think that they do but Cena, HHH etc dont
Seriosly dude leave Cena and other guys that have not evan been mentioned in any allegation alone. These guys were stupid enough to orter this crap and they got caught. Just because you hate Cena doesnt mean you should just say he is on steroids. He was not a part of this ring, and until his name comes up with having anything to do with steroids LEAVE HIM ALONE

I really dont like Cena, but give him a break and focus on the guys that are actully are now known to have taken this stuff.

You just proved my point. I'm not just picking on Cena. I'm saying that most of the guys in WWE take steroids, and it is illogical to belive otherwise. The only reason this is a big story is because this particular list of guys are associated with the company that Benoit got his steroids from. That is the ONLY reason this story is so big
First off I didnt read every post but caught most of them especially the ones that were excerpts from articles and was wondering where Santino came from. I didnt see him listed.

Second if these offenses were before the Wellness policy I'm not sure how they can suspend them. I mean when they came into baseball they said even if people were caught doing the stuff until there was a rule any past abuse could not be held against them. Now that may have been the union playing bully tactics, but based on that suspedning someone you didnt not catch when it was aginst the rule would be a slippery legal slope. Now some of these may have failed before and were not punished then and now the WWE is doing it retroactively.

Lastly I really hope most of these are due to injuries. Although some of them it is clear that they do it and it is not a shock.

On the bright side maybe I can hope for Paul Burchill to come back and get a major push. I would love to see him join ECW or heck maybe Raw. On Raw with the possible suspension and the inevitable HHH tearing his quad or something Paul could be a main eventer. I think they will be rushing HBK back soon though
Hey Konan said that everyone in pro wrestling takes steroids, WWE just wont suspend them all because they will lose money, i think it funny as hell that Batista came out before and said he doesnt and that he wont tolerate others doing it. LMAO thats just an idiotic statement to make if you look like that. There is no man that isnt on roids in wwe or that hasnt been within at least the past year or 2. they just need them the way vince runs it.

The reason i brought up cena is that people were saying, this is so stupid, at least we know cena is great and doesnt need steroids to be the champ. The only reason that Cena wasnt suspended for this is because vince has so much invested in him being superman and in him selling merch to naive kids and women that if that were to get out officialy that wwe would be ruined, not that the benoit situation didnt already kill it. ratings dropped over 1000000 people, cena suspended for roids and wwe would start puling the same ratings as TNA.

Plus like marc mero has been saying, if congress would get off their lazy do nothing other than try to piss off bush and make it so nobody gets anything off asses and starts to officiate pro wrestling and outlawed all performance enhancing drugs, AND gave wrestlers an off season, i think it should be more than a month, maybe 2, then this kind of crap wouldn't be happening. Wrestlers woulnt get so easily injured, wouldnt be so presured to take Roids, woulnt need coke or pot, or beer,(orton, jake the snake, rvd, ect.) and so many good wrestlers wouldn't be dieing or going nuts and killing themselves.

MY opinion, Fire vince, he had lost his mind years ago and is so corrupt and inept that he makes vince russo look like eric bishoff. Give it to shane, that way the coruption would end and HHH wouldn't do what jarret did to tna, make it focus around himself and give himself 1000 whcs.
Hey Konan said that everyone in pro wrestling takes steroids, WWE just wont suspend them all because they will lose money, i think it funny as hell that Batista came out before and said he doesnt and that he wont tolerate others doing it. LMAO thats just an idiotic statement to make if you look like that. There is no man that isnt on roids in wwe or that hasnt been within at least the past year or 2. they just need them the way vince runs it.

The reason i brought up cena is that people were saying, this is so stupid, at least we know cena is great and doesnt need steroids to be the champ. The only reason that Cena wasnt suspended for this is because vince has so much invested in him being superman and in him selling merch to naive kids and women that if that were to get out officialy that wwe would be ruined, not that the benoit situation didnt already kill it. ratings dropped over 1000000 people, cena suspended for roids and wwe would start puling the same ratings as TNA.

Plus like marc mero has been saying, if congress would get off their lazy do nothing other than try to piss off bush and make it so nobody gets anything off asses and starts to officiate pro wrestling and outlawed all performance enhancing drugs, AND gave wrestlers an off season, i think it should be more than a month, maybe 2, then this kind of crap wouldn't be happening. Wrestlers woulnt get so easily injured, wouldnt be so presured to take Roids, woulnt need coke or pot, or beer,(orton, jake the snake, rvd, ect.) and so many good wrestlers wouldn't be dieing or going nuts and killing themselves.

MY opinion, Fire vince, he had lost his mind years ago and is so corrupt and inept that he makes vince russo look like eric bishoff. Give it to shane, that way the coruption would end and HHH wouldn't do what jarret did to tna, make it focus around himself and give himself 1000 whcs.

Really good post smark. although i do disagree with you on a lot of things here. one of them being you saying wwe should suspend cena for using steroids but they dont because his superman and he sells a lot of merch, ect.
while i don't like cena myself i still will say he has nothing to do with this topic and he looks steroid free. cena is a gym rat he works out a lot so the look he has right now is natural and not steroids.
Registered User Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 94


First off I didnt read every post but caught most of them especially the ones that were excerpts from articles and was wondering where Santino came from. I didnt see him listed.

Second if these offenses were before the Wellness policy I'm not sure how they can suspend them. I mean when they came into baseball they said even if people were caught doing the stuff until there was a rule any past abuse could not be held against them. Now that may have been the union playing bully tactics, but based on that suspedning someone you didnt not catch when it was aginst the rule would be a slippery legal slope. Now some of these may have failed before and were not punished then and now the WWE is doing it retroactively.

Lastly I really hope most of these are due to injuries. Although some of them it is clear that they do it and it is not a shock.

On the bright side maybe I can hope for Paul Burchill to come back and get a major push. I would love to see him join ECW or heck maybe Raw. On Raw with the possible suspension and the inevitable HHH tearing his quad or something Paul could be a main eventer. I think they will be rushing HBK back soon though

because they are listed as buying them AFTER the wellness policy was instated. orton bought them as late as Feb. of this year, as did Kennedy. Umaga was in december, and thats all i can remember off the top of my head.

Registered User Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 13


If anyone should get fully suspended without pay and off tv,ppv,house shows. are guys like Funaki and Santino who really dont mean nothing to wwe. wwe CAN'T afford to suspend the main eventers no matter what.

Once again, that is just idiotic. why not give them a raise why you're at it. i agree they can't afford to lose some of them, it's not fair to everyone to do that. if they did that, there would be a lawsuit from the other wrestlers in my opinion. and besides, wouldnt it be illegal to suspend them without pay, but let them work on tv? isnt that still working? and what if they get injured or killed in the ring during that time? as i stated before, that is the dumbest idea....EVER!
Anyone still think Orton deserves the World Title? I love saying this... told you so!! With his arrogant attitude, disgustingly poor mic skills, backstage behavior on top of this, it'd be awesome to see him buried for a good year or two before they give him another shot at the big time. I hate to see Booker T, John Morrison, and Booker T on the list, but as for Batista and Orton... good riddance !
Please remember that this is just ONE investigation of ONE company. The only people who have been proven to have violated the Wellness Policy are these ten who have been suspended. It makes no sense to suggest who has or has not been taking them since there is more than one provider of illegal substances found on the internet.

While it is fair to speculate on who has or has not taken 'roids based on names in published articles, let's not implicate others who are not mentioned.

Instead, let's focus on this possibly becoming a really fun few weeks to watch and list some "ideas" for upcoming story lines, whether they be comical or more permanent:
1. Sandman as IC Champ and/or the son
2. Burke/Punk Feud for the ECW title
3. Carlito getting his shot at Cena for the WWE title (they have steam)
4. HBK defecting to Smackdown and going after Khali

In retrospect, it is very interesting to think that Cena retained and Mysterio is the #1 contender just before Orton and Batista were listed in these articles...
In retrospect, it is very interesting to think that Cena retained and Mysterio is the #1 contender just before Orton and Batista were listed in these articles...

Very, Very good point!!!, this might also explain why the Booker/Triple H and Chavo/Rey feuds were dropped as well might have known that this was comming for Booker and Chavo
thats a great point, why those fueds were droped. things are gonna be good this monday and tuesday. if those names are true. there gonna be gone for at leaast 30-60 days. 3 story lines droped. 2 champons are listed. im gonna love to know how they cover orton and all up for 30 days
In retrospect, it is very interesting to think that Cena retained and Mysterio is the #1 contender just before Orton and Batista were listed in these articles...

It is very lucky thats for sure. good thing wwe didn't have orton and batista win the title at Summerslam after all. this whole situation is a nightmare. i just need to know more of whats going on and whats gonna happen.
Well one of the reports said that the WWE met with the Albany DA earlier this month (which by proportions likely means before SummerSlam) and the SI investigation linked names so the people at the E had to have had some idea of what was going on and who may have been involved. Thus, I am suggesting that it is interesting that this came out the week after SummerSlam as opposed to the week before and also before a TV taping weekend and international tour.
Charlie Haas - Purchased drugs as late as January 2007.

Chavo Guerrero - Purchased drugs as late as May 2006.

Edge - Purchased drugs as late as February 2007.

Funaki - Purchased Somatropin in March 2006.

Gregory Helms - Purchased drugs as late as February 2007.

John Morrison - Purchased five different drugs as late as February 2007 .

Mr. Kennedy - Purchased three drugs between October 2006 and February 2007, including testosterone, which is an anabolic steroid. Kennedy sternly claimed in a recent interview entitled 'WWE Stopped My Steroid Use' that he completely stopped doing steroids as soon as the WWE Wellness Policy was implemented. You can read the interview at this link.

Randy Orton - Purchased drugs as late as February 2007.

Umaga - Purchased Somatropin as late as December 2006.

William Regal - Purchased drugs as late as November 2006.

Credit to Ryan Clark

Now looking at this, it seems that this Did not happen before the Wellness Policy was put into effect as many purchased these drugs in the last 2 years. This really brings down the credibility of two guys inparticular Edge and Kennedy who have stated time and time again that they have never taken steroids. My personal feeling is that WWE has known about this and just let it be a slap on the hand, because we all know how much Ratings meen. I think that once the Feds got involved WWE had no choice but to take action on these individuals. The impact will be felt though we should get a chance to see a fresh product for a few weeks.

What will the impact be

Edge-- He is injured right now, so it doesnt really matter, although his credibility takes a shot, I still see him returning and winning back the Heavyweight Championship, he is too important to WWE

Morrison-This is a big one, he is currently the ECW world Champion, they will probably make up some stupid storyline that he got hurt and have a vacant title match between Punk and Miz. Again this guy is way too young and talented not to bring back, so expect to see him again

Kennedy- Way to screw it up Ken, you were in line to receive the biggest push of your life and most likely headlin Mania, but now you wont, and like Edge Kennedys rep takes a hit because he denied taking roids since like 5-6 years ago, He will come back strong though

Randy Orton- Here is a guy who could be in danger of getting fired, between his suspention last year and his demolition of that hotel room and now this I firmly believe that if Vince wants to really make a statement he will fire this piece of shit's ass tomorrow

Umaga- Another champion, and another young very talented suprstar, the same will happen to him as will to morrison

- This one really surprised me the most, Regal is an older guy and was in line for a nice push, I really hope to see him back again. Until then STONE COLD AS RAW GM PLEASE

Hass/Chavo/Funaki/Helms- Mid card guys that will feel the biggest effect by this, could lose there jobs
It takes roughly 1 gram of protein for every pound you weigh to MAINTAIN your muscle mass. (Keep in mind it is much more complicated than that, im just trying to simplify this) I am 6'1 and weigh 180lbs at 8.2% body fat. To maintain this weight, I have to consume at least 180 grams of protein every day. That is 6, 6oz chicken breast fillets.
For those of you who do not body build, this doesn't seem like much. Try it for a week. Try gaining a few pounds of muscle. That would require 200+ grams of protein at my weight.
John Cena weighs about 240. Edge weighs 250. Batista weighs 280. Kennedy weighs 240 or so last I heard. Masters weighs 270. With their schedule, it is damn near impossible to do anything. your diet, sign autographs, travel, make time for family, practice for the next show, workout etc.
If you don't believe these men are on steroids, you need to do some research.

As far as the suspensions go.. I think this is going to push the WWE right back down to where it was with the Benoit tragedy.
Is this the end of the WWE? I doubt it. They certainly are giving TNA a great chance to catch up though

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