Recent content by WunNightStan619

  1. W

    Booking vs Burying Part Two: Bray Wyatt Edition

    Ummmm why are people acting as if John Cena makes the booking decisions? All's he does is punch the clock and go to work like the rest of us. It's called pro wrestling, that's what happens. To suggest Bray Wyatt was buried, suggests lack of intelligence. He'll have his moment soon enough. This...
  2. W

    Curtis Axel

    I'm reserving judgement until i actually see what they plan on doing with him. All's I know is this better be good....
  3. W

    Better Year? Warrior in 1990? Goldberg in 1998? or Lesnar in 2002?

    I couldn't disagree more with the notion that Lesnar's superstar push was over. He remained in the main even through out 2003 as a helluva heel, and then had the feud with Goldberg up until he left. He was a major part of the show up until the day he left. But to answer the question, I'd have...
  4. W

    Could The "American Badass" Return?

    Not only do I think it COULD work, I think, Taker SHOULD go back to that gimmick. More believable at this point in the game, and the deadman gimmick is a tad stale.
  5. W

    Do the Uso's need Rikishi to get over?

    The Usos dont need, Rikishi...they dont need the Rock, they dont need tamina....they need an actual chance. The Usos haven't evan had a fair push. For the life of me I'll never understand why. Part of getting over is the WWE giving you the chance you. We MIGHT see these guys once every 2 months...
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    Shawn Michaels and 1997

  7. W

    Report: More Punk & Legends Interactions And Feud Plans

    Pushing Ryback into the title picture right now is the absolute worst thing WWE could possibly do at this point and i hope they realize that. Love him or hate him, Ryback is the most over person in the WWE right now. However he still needs more time to develope his character. There needs to be...
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    Push Ezekiel Jackson!

    yes you're right, they should push him...right on out the door. No charisma, no character, no mic skills, no ring skills, no crowd reaction...just a big black guy with 56 teeth n a dumb accent...#FutureEndeavored
  9. W

    Has the Royal Rumble Ran its Course?

    The rumble hasn't run its coarse at all. I think that if anything, since the WWE championships have taken on less meaning, the rumble itself has too. The Rumble winner doesnt even main event Wrestlemania and thats the ONLY reason why its meaning has diminished...
  10. W

    Jack Swagger the best underrated star

    He's garbage...Boring performer, stupid costume, stupid haircut, no mic skills, no gimmick, no reason to care about him. Even when the tried to make him a big deal, it didnt work....#FutureEndeavored
  11. W

    When will it be Ted Dibiase's time to shine?

    I know this much. No wun was higher on Ted Jr than i was during his priceless days, and his legacy days for that matter. At this point, he's gonna have to do something really really crazy or really really big in order for me to even care about him anymore. I quite honestly dont see it happening...
  12. W

    Rock/Brock at Mania hurt current superstars

    Put it this way. If the current roster was doing what its suppose to do there wouldnt even be a need to bring back The Rock or Brock Lesnar. John Cena is the only person on the roster with any kind of real superstar power. if anything, The Rock and Brock coming back should be a good thing...
  13. W

    Best Heel Run Ever?

    Ok well im gonna be different and not pick any of the obvious choices. But when I think about an underrated and one of the greatest heel of all is Brock Lesnar. I just think of how much of a dick he was and seemed to do so effortlessly. And he played the psycho role very well. Not to mention...
  14. W

    Peoples Thoughts on Hogan and the expectations They Have on Him Never Jobbing

    First of all idk where you've been reading but alls i see is salty cena fans bitching and moaning. Secondly, the rock has jobbed more times than ppl give him credit more. Put over austin twice at mania, brock lesnar, goldberg, kurt angle, HHH (lord knows how many times), THE FUCKING...
  15. W

    Former WWE Writer Believes Anti-Rock Resentment Is Fueled By Triple H

    hhh and rock have always had tension. HHH and HBK tried to bury him when they were irst starting in WWE, cuz HHH thought that he should have the rocks spot. theyve always been each others competition. Thats why theyve always had great matches and had great ring chemistry because they were always...