Recent content by Deus1138

  1. D

    **MERGED** John Cena Thread - Heel Turn, Matches, Etc. (Keep it in here!!)

    How ironic is it that Vince has told everyone to be careful working in the ring with Cena, then an 18 wheeler rear ends the crap out of a car behind him, pushing it into Cena's SUV?? Cena's really damn lucky. Those big trucks don't stop on a dime and I've seen them do serious damage to car and...
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    Hogan Overacts!

    Hogan's over acting is one of the things that made him a larger than life character back in the day. The over acting played well to large crowds in huge arenas and crappy tv cameras that broadcasted to crappy, small tv's. The way actors act on stage is much more excessive and overly dramatic...
  3. D

    Jeff Hardy Pleads Guilty & Is Sentenced

    Jeff's "last chance?" I thought that happened in WWE years ago! I remember him getting in the ring and almost crying, telling us how he had changed, blah blah blah... When was that, like 2006? 2007? I can't remember exactly, but it was many years ago, and Jeff continues to get himself in...
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    Kurt Angle Arrested For DWI

    You may live in podunkville, but the standards of evidence are the same whether you're in a big city or a small town. The prosecution doesn't get to use less reliable tests simply because the town has a population less than 1200. Using your logic, in a big city, DNA tests accurate to .001%...
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    Kurt Angle Arrested For DWI

    Sorry I didn't know you were abbreviating your state and not "my opinion." Either way, you're still wrong. Maybe YOU just misread what I said. The road side test is a preliminary breathalyzer. The only thing that can be said at trial about the results is that they were positive for...
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    Kurt Angle Arrested For DWI

    Oh, so you have friends who work in bars, so you are an EXPERT in DUI laws and case law??!! Notice how you posted "in MO" at the end of your first paragraph. Very good! That means it is your OPINION, which is very much wrong! You can go to jail for what you blow on a roadside...
  7. D

    Kurt Angle Arrested For DWI

    They aren't admissible in any state. See my post above. Kurt was driving drunk. Stop drinking the defense attorney's Kool-Aid. Kurt wasn't randomly pulled over. They didn't target him because he's somewhat famous. He was driving like an idiot. That's what got the cops involved. Then he...
  8. D

    Kurt Angle Arrested For DWI

    As a law enforcement officer, I'll chime in here. Kurt's lawyer is doing the typical defense attorney "smoke and mirrors" and spinning of facts to make his client look not guilty. The roadside breathalyzer is very, very accurate, but the readings are not admissible in court. An officer...
  9. D

    Kurt Angle Arrested

    You're right! Who cares if someone is driving drunk as long as they don't hurt anyone! No harm, no foul!! Why should someone go to jail for popping off rounds from a 9mm in a crowded shipping mall if they didn't even hit anyone?? What the hell kind of charge is "attempted murder" anyways...
  10. D

    Kurt Angle Arrested

    Sure, it was no big deal. I mean, after all, it's not like 10,000 people die each year because of drunk drivers! It's not like every 50 minutes, 1 person dies because of a drunk driver. It's not like 3 times more people each year die due to drunk driving than died on 9/11! I mean, really...
  11. D

    TNA - The Iceberg for Professional Wrestlers

    Eskimos don't have Social Security. They don't have Assisted Care Facilities. They don't have Nursing Homes. When you're Eskimo, you have to contribute to the group. When you get old, and can no longer contribute to the group, they put you on an iceberg, and push you out to sea, so you will...
  12. D

    *MERGED* Hardy/Sting: Judge For Yourself (While Available)

    I agree. It was a total slap in the face to all 27 people who paid to watch that PPV. Hardy is a white trash loser! It's funny how so many people are commenting on his performance at this PPV like it was his first time doing this sort of thing. I'm tired of reading people saying, "He...
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    *MERGED* Hardy/Sting: Judge For Yourself (While Available)

    I think Sting put Hardy into his finisher and pinned to quickly end the match. I know, you're thinking "DUHHHH!" I know. But put yourself in Sting's shoes. He has to bring the match to a quick end against Hardy's wishes. Did you notice how Hardy kicked out and gave the ref attitude, real...
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    TNA's Official Announcement Regarding Victory Road

    This seems like a very generous offer on TNA's part. I applaud them for that, but I think they dropped the ball as far as acknowledging Hardy's latest major screw up. There should be some kind of public acknowledgement of what happened and an assurance that TNA won't tolerate that kind of...
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    Is it Time to Fire Jeff Hardy?

    Hardy has had multiple chances to clean himself up. How many times did it happen in WWE? Some people define "crazy" as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Something different needs to happen. He needs to be fired. He is a bad example for the younger...