Recent content by c71score

  1. C

    Was The Great Muta Early WCW's Biggest Mistake?

    I thought they dropped the ball big time with Muta. He would have been perfect for the Black Scorpion. Should have had him win it at Starrcade 90. Had him wrestle a different style as Scorpion(like Flair did). Sting would have him almost beat. He would go for the corner splash, and out of...
  2. C

    Jerry "The King" Lawler - The Heel Commentator?

    Let Ranallo and Lawler call it alone and it would be a great pair. Some of us fans like it called like a sport. Thats what made Ventura, Heyman, Cornette, 90s Lawler, and Heenan so great. They had Ross, Schiavone, and Monsoon to balance the sports and entertainment.
  3. C


    I think they could use his nationallity to his advantage. Something I don't remember seeing is a face rich-guy gimmick. Being from Switzerland, write his character to be involved in banking somehow. Could set up a good feud with ADR, he could also get under JBL's skin somehow. Aristocrat...
  4. C

    Top 5 Great Underrated(Or Forgotten Feuds)

    Some of my favorites that are over-looked: Steamboat/Austin, Sting/Dangerous Alliance, Vader/Sting, Trish and Mickie, and Undertaker/Flair.
  5. C

    Wrestlemania main events we nearly had.... in kayfabe

    The tag match at WM1 was best in the grand scheme. Piper/Hogan should have main evented WM2. Mr. T could have boxed Orton and been the same. Have Bundy squash another baby-face and set up house shows with Hogan through the summer. Hogan/Warrior rematch at WM7 would have been nice and they...
  6. C

    Who is Now the Biggest Snub of the WWE Hall of Fame?

    The Fabulous Freebirds. 1st modern performers to have ring music(Gorgeous George had it for TV entrances in the 50's). One of the top feuds of all time while in WCCW. Put all 4 in, Hayes and Garvin are still alive and well. Garvin was a top draw in WCCW and JCP when he was still "Gorgeous"...
  7. C

    Is WWE making the wrong decisions when it comes to Triple H vs Sting?

    1) HHH is perfect. No one else has the combination of tenure and talent to face Sting. 2) Sting is a good for business. The only worry I have is crowd reaction. If there is a large local fan base from San Jose, will they know Sting well enough. WCW wasn't huge on the west coast even in th...
  8. C

    Periods when you felt that a midcard belt was more prestigious than the WWF/WCW title

    Rick Rude's 1991-92 US title reign. Leader of the Dangerous Alliance. Great feuds with Steamboat and Dustin Rhoades. Luger rarely defended the World title. Sting and Vader were both injured during their reigns. Ron Simmons, while inspiring and historic, was often quite burried during his...
  9. C

    Dream Match

    Bruno Sammartino(late 1960s) vs Brock Lesner(current) Ric Flair(mid 80s) vs Daniel Bryan(current) Midnight Express(Lane version) vs The Hardys Undertaker(late 90s) vs Andre Jack Briscoe vs Bret Hart in their prime
  10. C

    During the Attitude era, could anyone have beat Shamrock in a "legit" fight?

    I know they weren't WWF at the time, but dont forget the Steiners.
  11. C


    I like Rikishi in there, but still no Freebirds?
  12. C

    More Potential: Outsiders or Flair in 91

    I feel the Outsiders were the bigger story. It was sold as wwf invading. They hardly even alluded to Flair being NWA/WCW champ. They just called him "real world champion." Had the WWF played it different, it would have been a bigger story having a decade long franchise like Flair. Hall and...