Zombie Attacks

CH David

A Jock That Loves Pepsi
Ok so this is my first thread, and the title is a precursor. It is not about Rob Zombie at all, so I hope you don't consider the title misleading. It is about zombies and my current obsession with them. So the question is, which zombie movie is your favorite of all time? Night of the Living Dead? Dawn of the Dead? Shaun of the Dead? Etc...

For me it is a toss up and I will give reasons for both movies.

Diary of the Dead Most people probably haven't heard of it or about it, but it had a limited release in theaters in January of 2008. It isn't as good as some of George Romero's first movies, i.e. Night and Dawn, but it still sparked something for me. It has truly regained my interest in zombies and actually I wouldn't mind making a crappy movie with my friends about zombies haha. From the start of hearing about the breakout of infection to trying to escape the zombies, it is a really good movie IMO. The ending adds a nice touch of wth and thinking if we are worth saving as well.

Dance of the Dead This is an independent movie and I don't know how many people know of it. It is for the most part a B or C movie. But it is actually a well acted movie considering most of the cast are just kids from Georgia. It is a horror comedy, and isn't as funny as Shaun of the Dead, but it attracts me to it more because I had graduated high school last year, and zombies attack the highly anticipated prom. It makes me think how interesting a prom like this would be if it were in real life. Love stories and nerds killing zombies, for me it makes for a good movie lol.

Honorable Mentions:
Dawn of the Dead- Original and Remake, simply classics and one of the best places to be during a zombie invasion
Night of the Living Dead- Where would we be without George Romero's baby?
Shaun of the Dead- just hilarious; and I love Simon Pegg.

So what are some of your favorite zombie movies. Remember don't run to post, you must shamble lol. Sorry, little zombie joke.
Aww man, how can you bring up Zombie movies and not even mention The Evil Dead Trilogy? Not only are they the greatest Zombie films of all time, but perhaps even the greatest horror films ever made, period.

But yeah... Dance of the Dead is great. There was actually a topic on it in the Bar Room not too long ago where I expressed my likeness for this film. But I never seen Diary of the Dead... so I'll have to check that out.

Anyways, the Evil Dead Trilogy are definitely my favorite Zombie films of all time, with 2 being my absolute favorite. I never seen a better horror film that was able to also add hilarity to it, without it end up being completely ******ed and ruining the story. It was quite an accomplishment.
Not a fan of Zombie flicks, too simplistic for my taste but I did really enjoy American Zombie since it's more of a Dark Comedy than a Horror film. And not slapsticky Comedy like the Evil Dead series, more subdued, presented in mockumentry style. Pretty cool film.
Dawn of the Dead (2004): The remake is simply everything pure, great and unholy about Zombie movies. You take some of the earlier zombie flicks and you get these slow moving, mindless, dumb undead humans just pacing toward their prey.

How anyone got caught by those types of zombies is beyond me. How hard is it to run around them, or merely shove them out of your way. Instead, several people died in those earlier movies.. from slow moving, barely even capable of grabbing, zombies. I simply didn't get it.

So you jump to the remake.. Sarah Polley, Ving Rhames, and others.. in which the basic story of everything ends up and almost wholly takes place in a Mall. While everyone with a mind working would've understood you can't camp out in a Mall forever, the fact is it was a great place to hold up for weeks before feeling the need, or pressure, to take your chances outside.

The premise of this is surrounding the end of days, without a solution. In other words, when it comes - there is no stopping it. You might delay it, (ie. your life from ending) but you won't stop it. And the zombies in this movie are the baddest mother fuckers you could ever look for.

No other zombie movie (28 Days/Weeks doesn't count) can hold a candle to this movie, as far as the aggression and intensity levels that these bad ass undead fuckers bring to the party.

If something like this were to happen in real life.. we'd all be fucked. No out running them, no hiding forever from them.. they'd over-take our World and one by one end up killing us all. This was without question my favorite Zombie movie, because it doesn't make zombies look like fucking comedy acts, or easy to fool simpletons.
Aww man, how can you bring up Zombie movies and not even mention The Evil Dead Trilogy? Not only are they the greatest Zombie films of all time, but perhaps even the greatest horror films ever made, period.

Ahh yes, right now I am on my Dance of the Dead and Diary of the Dead binge. But I hear you on The Evil Dead Trilogy. I apologize for completely forgetting them. I failed in that regard lol. :smashfreakB:

We should sometime discuss Dance of the Dead, and when you see it, Diary of the Dead as well. Not to spoil anything, Diary isn't as shocking as George Romero's first films, or the remake of Dawn, but the underlying message in this movie is brilliant by Romero, and IMO it is a really good movie, although some people may debate that.
Anyways, the Evil Dead Trilogy are definitely my favorite Zombie films of all time, with 2 being my absolute favorite. I never seen a better horror film that was able to also add hilarity to it, without it end up being completely ******ed and ruining the story. It was quite an accomplishment.

These movies are great, my favorite zombie movies and 2 is the best. They are timeless, even the attire they wore is simple and can't really be dated. Plus Bruce Campbell is a funny man. Campy, low budget , funny horror that is well done. It doesn't get much better.

I also enjoy any move with Jesus Christ in it as he was the first reported zombie.
Aww man, how can you bring up Zombie movies and not even mention The Evil Dead Trilogy? Not only are they the greatest Zombie films of all time, but perhaps even the greatest horror films ever made, period.

But yeah... Dance of the Dead is great. There was actually a topic on it in the Bar Room not too long ago where I expressed my likeness for this film. But I never seen Diary of the Dead... so I'll have to check that out.

Anyways, the Evil Dead Trilogy are definitely my favorite Zombie films of all time, with 2 being my absolute favorite. I never seen a better horror film that was able to also add hilarity to it, without it end up being completely ******ed and ruining the story. It was quite an accomplishment.

Not to be totally pedantic here, jmt225, but do you really consider The Evil Dead series zombie films? I would consider them to be part of the demonic possession genre. But, all of those possessed in The Evil Dead trilogy were nonetheless flesh-obsessed killers, so maybe you have a point.

I would either have to go with Lucio Fulci's Zombie/Zombi 2 (1979) or Dan O'Bannon's Return Of The Living Dead (1985). Fulci's Zombie was my initiation into ultra-gory horror, so there's probably a little bit of sentiment behind my pick here. Nonetheless, although it's 30 years old, it is just as shockingly graphic as most of the horror films you see nowadays. Also, can you really say anything bad about a fight between a zombie and a shark, with the participants alternately taking bites out of each other?

As for Return Of The Living Dead, I've already said in previous threads that I'm not a fan horror/comedy mixes, but this film is an exception. I love everything about it: the soundtrack, the acting, the fact that O'Bannon steered clear of stereotypical zombies and opted for ones that were fast, virtually invincible, and capable of speech, just to name a few things. I can't pay this film enough compliments.
I've found that the Romero films takes me several viewings before I can start to enjoy them. But after that, I'm totally engrossed with them and their characters.

Day of the Dead (1985) - Perhaps the most under appreciated zombie film around. While it doesn't have the significance of NOTLD or the large volume of fans as Dawn of the Dead, I found it to be the best of Romero's zombie series. It once again speaks to society and how we just can't rewrite history. The addition of Bub was just the icing on the cake.

Shaun of the Dead - Return of the Living Dead will always have a special place in my heart, but Shaun was the most enjoyable comedy zombie film I've seen. I cared about everyone in the movie, whether favorably or negatively.

Dance of the Dead - After hearing so much praise for it, I finally got around to seeing Dance this past week. The best way I can describe it is that it's a homage to all major zombie movies. For a small time film, they did a great job with the writing in creating a fun movie.

Some other favorites:
28 Weeks Later
Dawn of the Dead (1979)
Night of the Living Dead (1968)
I would have to say that one a few years ago. I think it's the one Will said, Dawn of the Dead. It's great for what it is, a dirty, scary zombie movie.

If you're going rage zombies, 28 Days and 28 Weeks Later are the end all be all. They aren't technically zombies, but still. The soundtracks alone make those movies great. Then 28 Days Later comes through with awesome acting and special effects/plot and 28 Weeks Later follows up with an attempt not as good as 28 Days Later, but not victim of the "Sequels aren't even half as good as the movies they follow" stereotype.

Now. I'm going out on a limb and already claiming the World War Z movie as one of the best. The book was amazing. Seriously. For a zombie book? I'd rather read that than most "classic" novels. It's really well written. And the movie is on track to being the zombie film everyone claims rewrote zombie films forever. If they film it documentary style (as the book is sort of framed) then it'll definitely be great.

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