Zack Ryder news for tonight:


We shy worth hair
"Zack Ryda on twittah!" said:
In Cincinnati...the debut of the one legged tights

Awesome he is going back to what made him unique in the first place also wrestling news world writer Richard Gray reports this:

I'm told Ryder has received high marks from recent house show matches which could bode well for his future.

A possible push?
I think he's just saying that Cinci is where he first wore the one-legged tights. But if he goes back, I won't complain.

And I have no doubt Ryder will get pushed in the future. He just needs to continue improving and judging by the "high marks" he's doing just that.
Really, the tights werent what made him unique. What made him unique was his character, charisma, and attitude. The Tights were just a finishing touch. But either way going back to them can only help.
When the best thing about your character is your tights, then your future doesn't look too promising.
His gimmick just lacks a little something and it ain't the rest of his tights.
But the guy is evolving.
I absolutely love his character for some reason. I loved his tights, I love him on the mic, and I love the little segments he's had with Edge lately. Hahaha, tool.

Now if you would all excuse me, I'mma go watch Jersey Shore.

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