You've got three days left


King Of The Ring
Im talking about dying here folks. Forgive me if this isn't as coherent as the rest of my posts, Im beat.

Anyway, these questions come as a result of a situation with an acquaintance of mine. About a year ago, he was told he had a year to live. Medication could sustain his life, and make it comfortable to the end, but at 30 years old, the MoFo was going to die.

He texted me this, and it came as quite the shock. He was the picture of perfect health before this. Exercised daily, didnt smoke, drink, or do drugs. A smart and intelligent kid. But he went undiagnosed with pneumonia for 2 months, and it reaked havok on his immune system. His heart and his immune system were slowly failing. He wasn't going to die in pain, or suffer much. There would be limitations such as weakness, and he'ld know the time and place. He'ld know exactly when death was coming.

He was told the best place for him to go was in the hospital, where he could be cared for. He decided not to, because it came down to three days for him. All of the signs were there, and the medications had stopped working. He was dying, he knew it, and was told he had about 3 days left. Sure enough, he passed on 4 days later.

But what he refused to do was sit in the hospital and die that way. He wanted to go out and live life the way he had always wanted to do. Within the bounds of what his body would allow him to do, he did. And he died happy, knowing that within the bounds of his conditions, he died his way.

I want to know what you would do. Read through carefully what I wrote, and my note following. Afterwards, answer the following questions if you like:

1. What would your initial reaction be if you were told you had one year to live?

2. What would you want from others in that last year?

3. Are there things about yourself that you would change within that last year, with death being a given?

4. When it came down to it, what would you do with those last few days?

Note:I usually tell people to have fun with my threads, but I understand this is quite the downer. The idea of being faced with your own mortality is a very harrowing thought, one Ive considered seeing my friend's plight. Try and keep the discussion as respectul as possible towards one another in this one. Have at it.
If I was told I had one year, I would just hang out with people as much as I could but then towards the end of that one year, like maybe in less than a week left, I would strongly consider going to hospital. I don't want to die at home or anywhere that any of my loved ones live because I don't want to associate a place they'll go or a certain room with my death. I don't want my girlfriend as an example, to know that I passed away on her lounge and then whenever she sits on it, it just brings her down, I don't want that.

My initial reaction would be shock and anger at first, knowing me, I'd go home and be miserable for a few days to get that miserableness out of my system. Then I'd probably just go out and have fun with my friends.

From others, I think I would just want them to make some time to hang out with me. I would not want anyone borrowing money or spending money on me to take me anywhere that I liked as in a holiday. Just time and patience would be all I asked for from them.

I would probably try to be more social as I'm a very shy, quiet person who doesn't really like meeting new people but I would try to get over that.

With those last few days, I would probably just want my family and my girlfriend to hang out with me. Nothing too special, just quality time to tell them what I'm thinking, I would get all of my secrets out there, I'd tell my girlfriend how I really felt, as I havn't yet since we havne't been together long, but I think she's beyond words.

This is too depressing for me to think about it, I will leave it there.
1. What would your initial reaction be if you were told you had one year to live?

Many years ago I was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer, a couple of weeks away from stage 4 (there is no stage 5). And you know what I did? Nothing. Some people just can't deal with that kind of thing and they shut down, which is what I did, though that may have been because I was only 12.
My intitial reaction though was "ARGH JESUS FUCKING CHRIST I'M GOING TO DIE" although silently because I'm quiet like that :). Once that wore off, I don't think about these things, I simply get on with them.

2. What would you want from others in that last year?

Nothing. It would be a hard time for everyone, I don't think it's fair to ask too much of people.

3. Are there things about yourself that you would change within that last year, with death being a given?

The same thing that happened last time, I relaxed.
I've always had a real bug in my brain about things being done perfectly. I'd like and need to let go of that because life is difficult most of the time and if you're waiting for perfection, you'll never get anywhere.

4. When it came down to it, what would you do with those last few days?

I hate to say this because it would mean I've lost another battle with her but I'd want to make peace with my ex. She was the most important part of my adult life and the person who rebuilt me from a someone in terminal breakdown into someone vaguely respectable. That I did the same for her doesn't mean I don't still owe her my life.
I can't say there's anything else I need to do. I might make a final attempt at explaining to my sister why she needs to grow up and I'd probably lie to my mum and tell her I'm not still incredibly bitter over my childhood.
1. What would your initial reaction be if you were told you had one year to live?

Well, I'd be a bit shocked. But there would be nothing I could do. I think I would realize that right away. I would start thinking of what I can do to make this last year a little better.

2. What would you want from others in that last year?

Well, the only other person I would want something from would be my girlfriend. I'm the type of person who hates when other people know I have a weakness, such as a broken arm or if I'm in some sort of trouble, especailly my family. Of course I would tell them, but I wouldn't want them to obsess over the fact that I'm dying. My girlfriend is a different story. I'd tell her, and I would want her to be a little torn up about it. I'd tell her to move on without me. Other than her, I wouldn't want much from anyone.

3. Are there things about yourself that you would change within that last year, with death being a given?

I would quit being a dick to everyone. Other then that, I'm not really a bad guy. I definitely would want to uh, reproduce. Try and make sure people remember me somehow. Other than that, I wouldn't change much.

4. When it came down to it, what would you do with those last few days?

Like I said, spend time with my girlfriend. Hold her while she cries. I'd probably pig out and eat Pizza and ice cream every night. I definitely would watch an ass load of wrestling. I wouldn't get high or drunk because that would be a waste of time. To be honest, i'd sit on the couch with her watching tv. That's it. Nothing more. Nothing less. I'd treat it like a normal day, although I probably wouldn't get on WZ much in those last few days.
1. What would your initial reaction be if you were told you had one year to live?

I'd be shocked. I'm only twenty, and I by no-means want to die right now. I'm not afraid of dying, but I haven't had the chance to do all the things I want to do in life.

2. What would you want from others in that last year?

Quite honestly, nothing. I'm not really a people person and I would prefer people just acted the same as always. As a matter of fact, I probably wouldn't even tell anyone I was dying.

3. Are there things about yourself that you would change within that last year, with death being a given?

Morally or ethically, I wouldn't change anything. I would probably become more forceful and procrastinate alot less.

4. When it came down to it, what would you do with those last few days?

I'd probably go big. I don't party much, but I'd want to do something huge and extravagant if I'm dying. Maybe run off to Las Vegas or something like that and enjoy the time I have left. If it's the only time I have left, then I'm going to indulge in the decadent life I've denied myself for so long.
1. What would your initial reaction be if you were told you had one year to live?

Denial most likely, as would most anyones. I doubt many would be ready to face the fact that they were going to die. After this, anger and then acceptance. I would be scared of course as well. As an Atheist, I have a fear of dying. It's bizarre for me to think that there is nothing after death - it's easy to logically conclude that when you're dead, you die, but to sit and think about having no existence when that's all you have ever known, it's scary.

2. What would you want from others in that last year?

Support and memories, even though I wouldn't be taking them with me. I would want to leave this mortal coil content with all the relationships I have with my loved ones.

3. Are there things about yourself that you would change within that last year, with death being a given?

Of course. Every one procrastinates, and I do so with family on occassion. You can always justify that there (likely) be a tomorrow, or another time - but if you're on a short clock, you have to act now. I would be much more caring and close with my family.

4. When it came down to it, what would you do with those last few days?

Family still. I really can't see wanting to do anything else, just be around those that matter most.
1. What would your initial reaction be if you were told you had one year to live?

Like most people, I would be shocked with a bit of denial. To learn that I have but a year to live, and yet realize that I haven't done a good number of the things I've wanted to do is without a doubt a surprise to anyone. Though, the shock would only be mommentarily; I sincerely doubt that it would get me to the point where I am going insane. Most likely, I would learn to accept it and try to make the best of my final days.

2. What would you want from others in that last year?

I've never been a person that worries about their problems or likes to express themselves out in the open. Most of the time, no matter how small or big the issue, I keep things to myself. It's just not my style to go out and tell people of the things I've done, the things I'm going to do, or the things I'm doing. Heck, most likely, I wouldn't really tell anyone I was dying. At best, I'd tell a few close friends and my parents of coure; but other than that, it'd be my secret I keep to death...literally.

3. Are there things about yourself that you would change within that last year, with death being a given?

Oh yeah, definately. Finding out I have but a year left to live would be a major realization to me. I know for a fact I would do all kinds of deeds that I normally wouldn't do now. As to what they are, I don't know. But amongst them include generosity and giving.

4. When it came down to it, what would you do with those last few days?

Enjoy them, obviously. I would do all it takes to make the best out of these last few days of my life as really, that's what should be done with life in the first place. Lie is ment to be enjoyed because it's the only one you will get. Therefore, if I were with the knowledge that I had but a year to live, I'd without a doubt try to enjoy it as much as possible. Of course, with enjoying it, I'd like to do things tht I wouldn't normally do inmy life. But again, as to what specifically, I'm not sure. If that time ever comes, I'm pretty sure that I would have a more definite answer.

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