You're Lucky to have this NXT LD at all on 8/10

I think Kaval might win the whole thing.

Riley and Husky going next week, maybe.
Seriously though, next week's eliminations should be Watson and McGillicutty. Mikey M is just too bland and Watson just annoys me, though I guess you could eliminate Kaval over Watson if you'd like.
His character doesn't need to give a good reason. He's an over-the-top heel that thinks he's Gods gift to mankind.

True. He's fun to write.

Kaval is cool, but I really do think Percy has the most to gain from winning this. I won't say no to a Kaval victory though.
I think Percy should win this. Kaval, McGillicutty, Harris, and Riley will all make the transition to the WWE fine. Watson may need the boost from NXT to really make an impact
How DARE you badmouth the greatness of Percy Watson. He's the most entertaining guy on NXT by about 10 thousand miles.

I will say this, Percy has been better lately since he hasn't been as ridiculous, but he's still nowhere near Riley. If Riley dropped the jacket and was just a jackass in general, he is by far the most talented on the show. Percy still screams joke to me, but he is definitely improving. I guess Cena calling him out must have helped.
Pretty entertaining show overall, LD definitely makes it more fun.

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I can't see Kaval falling out of the final 3. I'm saying Kaval, McGuillicutty, and Riley for the final 3. Though I'd rather see Percy or Husky than Riley.

I totally agree that that would be the ideal final 3, but if the fan voting is legit, then it will probably be McGillicutty, Watson, and Kaval.
I've a feeling Mr. Hennig might win the whole thing.

He shouldn't. He is quite bland, perhaps even blander than Cannon. YES I SAID IT. Watch their promo last week. Cannon came off more interesting, though that's like picking the hottest chick in the fatty sorority. Either way, Hennig shouldn't win because he's clearly lacking a "wow" factor that this point. I'll say it again, it's Riley and it's everyone else. He has that much more going for him. It's the same thing as Barrett last season, with Kaval playing the role of DBD.
I will say this, Percy has been better lately since he hasn't been as ridiculous, but he's still nowhere near Riley. If Riley dropped the jacket and was just a jackass in general, he is by far the most talented on the show. Percy still screams joke to me, but he is definitely improving. I guess Cena calling him out must have helped.
I like you, but you really don't know what you're talking about here.

Alex Riley has, since the beginning of NXT, been the top guy for the show. The Varsity Villain gimmick is what sets him apart from other generic jackasses, which is what makes him unique and good.

Percy Watson is a comedy character that can still be more then just a Santino (who actually had a couple decent runs as IC champ). He's pretty OK in the ring, and his personality is what makes him awesome.
Kaval, Watson, and Riley are my final three.

It's a shame there can only be one winner because I think all three of those men, plus Husky, could really work well on one of the major brands.

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