You're all wrong about John Cena


Pre-Show Stalwart
Hear me out

As a kid in Australia, we didn't get the WWWF/WWF until Wrestlemania. We got World Championship Wrestling and the hero was Andre The Giant - unbeatable - larger than life - kids' favourite

I was 13 when Hulkamania hit and yeah of course I bought into it. The same way I latched onto JYD, Steamboat, Snuka and still Andre.

Fast forward 20 odd years, I'm now 41 years old. I know more about this game than I ever thought from Lou Thesz and Billy Watson through to Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit. Believe me when I say I know wrestling.

And so to John Cena - I had no time for him for the longest time - I'm talking YEARS - when he came out to win the Royal Rumble I was as pissed as most of you are now at SuperCena.

But then he started to do some promos about respect - he gave props to Piper, Andre, Backlund, Bret Hart and others. Suddenly I thought, hang on, this kid knows his shit.

When I was a kid Andre was a face for years and years - when he turned and went against Hogan at WM III I was cheering for Andre.

Cena does so much work for Make A Wish and I'm sure others that his in ring character is linked closely to his charity work.

Cena can never turn heel. Why hate him for it? Did you hate Eddie? Or Austin? Or Hogan? Or Andre? Sometimes people are just over with adults as well as kids. Deal with it.

Personally, I'd mark out if Batista returned and destroyed Cena any time soon - but it doesn't diminish all the work Cena does behind the scenes. He's worked his ass off to earn his spot, he hasn't been champ for a year, and he's earned his right to do whatever he likes.

Sit back and enjoy.
Eddie, Austin and Hogan all turned heel, lol. I can't remember if Andre did or not.

I have a son I watch wrestling with, so I actually very much appreciate the fact that there's "good guys" out there. I'm in the group that doesn't hate Cena at all, in fact I still find him entertaining in spite of his staleness these days, and as a realistic fan of WWE I fully understand why he needs to be a face and that he WILL continue to be a face.

But I can still talk about how I'd love to see a change in his character for entertainment's sake. And I'll tell you this, if in my perfect world of IWC awesomeness, they turned Cena full heel at the end of Raw tomorrow, I'd mark out more than I ever have for any wrestling angle or moment ever.
As much as I expected to have something negative to say about this summed up my opinion entirely.

But for storyline and personal purpouses....I want a Cena Heel turn and for WWE to stop making him talk like he is better than everyone else with his "historic" announcements.
And to be honest, I think Cena would probably like to have a little change himself just to freshen things up.

Like you said...because of the behind the scenes stuff he does...a heel turn is out of the question. We all know the majority of the IWC is actually not wrong.....because as far as I am aware, we know just what you know...we just dont happen to like it. ( by we I mean the guys who know what they are talking about(many of which know plenty more than myself))
I kinda admire you being brave enough to post such a topic, especially in such an anti-Cena era of wrestling but you know that your opinion will only be shared by some and not all.

Music, cars, sports, drinks, chips, whatever it is...not everyone likes the same thing and wrestling will always be like, from now until forever.

I appreciate that you are a Cena fan and why you are a Cena fan, but there are many in the IWC that are bored of his Super Cena persona, plus he hasn't really had an image change in like 100 years. He is stale now,even Hogan got to this point as well ! After awhile of always winning everything and being near immortal in the ring, the fans got bored of the heroic antics and wanted something edgy and different, so Hogan took that leap and went 100% heel with the NWO and it paid off big time!

Cena needs a change and soon, yes the Make-A-Wish stuff is honourable but even Swagger recent fulfilled a kids dream and he is painted as a heel in the ring, so it doesn't matter if you are a good or bad guy in the ring, because you can still be a nice guy to everyone outside of the ring.

I even think when Cena started in FCW he was a heel? (could be wrong though?)

I'm sure people will start throwing around the standard "but he's the #1 merchandise seller, he can't turn bad right now" but for his character to survive and become current again, he really does need a change or even some time out. Every week, every PPV he is there (I know Cm Punk is as well but Punk fights more then he talks) Cena has long, drawn out, un-entertaining promos and then some tired, generic match later in the's boring!

He should of been destroyed by Brock and not seen again for like 3-6 months..that time out wouldn't of killed him or killed his fan base.The Undertaker works like one big match a year and he is still current and always over with the crowd when he returns.

Now I'm gonna sit back and post being torn apart :)
People don't hate John Cena the person (I hope not, anyways). Take it from someone who met the guy, he's a cool dude. With all the work he's done behind the scenes, what with the make-a-wish foundation and the whole be-a-star thing, of course he deserves to have a spot in the company. He's busted his ass for over a decade

However, other people bust their ass, sometimes for twice as long as Cena has and still hasn't earned the accolades and respect that he's earned. There are some guys who work just as hard as John Cena do and get absolutely nothing in return. Most of all, most people want something different. Despite how people have said that they want longer title reigns for guys, you can tell how bogus that statement is with how quickly everyone has turned on CM Punk. People hated Cena when he was champ for so long, and then it escalated into something ugly. I personally don't have that much of a problem with him because he's doing things besides being in the title hunt (until recently). I haven't been around quite as long as you so I obviously don't know as much about wrestling. I do know that Pro wrestling is pretty fast paced, and people are going to crave something different in a matter of months, and back then, years. Therefore, people are going to hate Cena because they feel that he overstayed his welcome as the top dog when there are guys in the back who are just as talented, even if they can't draw worth a damn, and people have felt that Cena has needed to change for a while now, which he really hasn't done. In pro wrestling, you have to stay fresh so people stay interested, and with Cena being pretty much the same guy for a while, the love they had for him turned into hate.

It's a drag, but what can you do?
Cena does so much work for Make A Wish and I'm sure others that his in ring character is linked closely to his charity work......Cena can never turn heel.

I'd sure hate to think Cena couldn't turn heel because the nature of his character is so invested in doing good work for charity that those efforts would suffer if he turned bad. I'm not saying this isn't the case, just that it would be a shame for people to confuse the real world with make believe.

I offer Stone Cold Steve Austin and the folks who bought (and wore) his merchandise because he was "genuinely" their hero. Weren't these good people aware that Steve Williams was an actor playing a role? He wasn't like that in real life, was he? He didn't go around stunning grocery store clerks he thought were short-changing him at the cash register, did he? If he didn't get his way in dealing with a real estate agent, he didn't expect to win the argument by saying: "Because Stone Cold says so".....did he?

Same with John Cena. Personally, I think he'd be the biggest thing going if he turned heel; it would inject an air of freshness into his character that might even convert many of his "haters." But the notion that WWE can't do it because it would interfere with his charitable efforts and wholesome image make me think people are taking this stuff too far. When I watch WWE programming, I'm able to suspend reality while the show is airing; it's fun and increases my enjoyment during those two hours. After it's over, I take it back to the real world. Whether John Cena is truly a good guy in real life doesn't concern me at Stone Cold, Cena is an actor playing a part.

But then, what do I know? Living in Connecticut and having to (again) put up with the flood of Linda McMahon political ads at election time, I still wonder if WWE purposely softened their image a few years ago in anticipation of Vince's wife deciding she wanted to be a U.S. Senator. If the entire direction of an entertainment corporation (along with the behavior of it's employees and wishes of it's fans) were altered because of Linda's political ambitions, I think it absolutely sucks.

Do I know that WWE did this? No, I don't......and that's the point. Accordingly, if John Cena's public image has to be compromised because of his standing with the Make-a-Wish Foundation, I worry that we're taking our pro wrestling a little too seriously once the program ends.

Personally, I'm a John Cena fan; I think he's terrific. If I was donating to a charity he endorses, I would continue to do it whether he was a bad guy or good guy on TV.

I mean, c'mon.
This thread is stupid. He will turn heel it doesn't matter about these charities and crap. Every as turned heel at least once in their career- Hogan,Andre,Flair,Hart,HBK,Rock,Austin. All the stars have to, to freshen up their character its were Cena is lacking. I mena he's been doing the same moves for 8 years fueding with the same people over and over again. Big Show, Punk, Y2J etc. Wouldn't it be more interesting if he was a volent heel that all the kids hated then all the kids wanted Punk to whoop is ass. It would create a mega heel and a new top babyface- CM Punk. Ratings would increase, Ticket sales would increase and would create better fresh storylines for WWE. This may sound biased because im probably 1 of the biggest Cena haters in the world.
And so to John Cena - I had no time for him for the longest time - I'm talking YEARS - when he came out to win the Royal Rumble I was as pissed as most of you are now at SuperCena.

I actually have been a fan of Cena since his battle rapping days. Can't say I cared for his horrible tights initially or his "ruthless aggression" catchphrase. Otherwise, he's a proven performer and will be remembered as such when he's done with wrestling.

But then he started to do some promos about respect - he gave props to Piper, Andre, Backlund, Bret Hart and others. Suddenly I thought, hang on, this kid knows his shit.

No offense here, but the only reason you started warming up to Cena was his respect of legends? While I also believe that's admirable to acknowledge where wrestling's been and where it's at now, there's tons of other reasons that I like Cena. Least of which is his Make A Wish stuff(which I know you listed that down), his consistency throughout his 10 plus year career(great accomplishment with him substaining a broken neck) and his fueds with just about every big name there is in wrestling. I'm sure most originally perceived Cena as yet another bodybuilder trying to make it in wrestling, but he's really proved his skeptics wrong IMO.

Cena does so much work for Make A Wish and I'm sure others that his in ring character is linked closely to his charity work.

While I can agree it's very cool that he donates so much of his free time to such a worthwhile cause, I don't believe it's a valid excuse to never turn Cena heel. Seems like a crutch for Cena to not have to change his monotonous routine and a reason for WWE to cash in with the children at the merchandise stands. The ironic part about that is in the event of a Cena heel turn, he'd gain more adult fans and still sell a crap load of merchandise.

Another pet peeve of mine about him using the Make A Wish as a justification for not turning is simple. Just b/c you turn heel doesn't automatically blacklist you with the Make A Wish Foundation. If it's a cause you believe in, do it anyway and you'll still manage to retain your kid demographic. For example, when Hogan turned heel in 96, I'm sure he still got plenty of Make A Wish requests, even though he was a villian. Once you reach a certain level of popularity, you'll get requests regardless. Cena's so over that turning heel IMO would eventually make his return to being a face that much more successful(it certainly worked for Hogan).

Cena can never turn heel. Why hate him for it? Did you hate Eddie? Or Austin? Or Hogan? Or Andre? Sometimes people are just over with adults as well as kids. Deal with it.

Cena can never turn heel? That's a bold statement, to which my above response addressed. I believe it can and should be done, b/c he's received overwhelming boos since about 2006. Any other superstar receiving that kind of reaction would've been turned immediately. I like Cena, but fighting against what most of the adult fans wanna see is bad business IMO. Besides, current WWE is PG, so how bad could a heel turn be for him. It's not as though he'll be screwed forever if that takes place. Deal with it? That almost sounds like your stating it as a fact, when it's just one man's view. I respectfully disagree, b/c for too long Cena and WWE have used flimsy excuses and logic at best to keep him from turning heel. He is who he is? That's gotta be the record in wrestling for lamest justification for not turning heel when most fans demand it.

As far as the other guys you listed, it's ironic you compared them to Cena, b/c all those guys turned heel at one point or another. And it certainly never killed any credibility they had with fans(be it kids or adults).

Personally, I'd mark out if Batista returned and destroyed Cena any time soon - but it doesn't diminish all the work Cena does behind the scenes. He's worked his ass off to earn his spot, he hasn't been champ for a year, and he's earned his right to do whatever he likes.

One area where we agree completely. It'd be awesome if Batista returned and demolished Cena. I loved it the first time and I'd be interested and intrigued to see where their feud could go next.
i think cena is funny (sometimes) and a really nice guy, i respect him for what hes done in wwe but i just find it hard to get behind him and be a fan of his.

hes gotten better in the ring
hes funny
hes got great mic skills

its funny i can't find a reason to not be a fan of him hes a great guy and does alot backstage and with the make a wish, i think people respect him and think hes a stand up guy they just dont know why they cant get behind him or it could be the fact that he caters to the kids or other guys work there asses off and cena gets in the main event or gets the title because hes a top draw and will bring in the ratings.
The Rock, Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin , HHH etc all did Make-a-Wish and all of them turned heel.

The Rock also did the same things John Cena does. Take a look at this vid :


But did the WWE ever mentioned this in their programming when the Rock was the top guy ? Nope. But when Cena became the top guy they started mentioning Cena does this, Cena does that so that fans like him no matter what. That is why most people hate Cena. WWE overpushes him and sings too much praises of him.. Too much Cena, Cena, Cena.
Last year Vince McMahon came out and cut a promo about how no one man is bigger than The WWE... and he's right. Guys like Hogan, Austin, Hart, Michaels, Rock and countless others have come, made their impact and left without any real consequence.

The WWE is a machine and it's superstars the cogs. If John Cena were to turn heel then someone else would step up and fill in his make-a-wish shoes. If all the kids started hating Cena, they'd buy someone else's shirt. When was the last time you ever saw an eight year old spend his/her parents money conservatively? They're not going to make discerning purchases... they want something, Cena's shirts are just the shiny bauble for their fishy minds, he turns heel they'll find a new lure.

I see what you're saying, but Cena isn't nearly that irreplaceable. One day Cena will retire, and as is the circle of life, eventually die. When that happens there will be someone else kissing babies, granting wishes, and selling out t-shirts. John Cena is not the first and he won't be last... turn the man heel.
I missed the face days of Andre, which would have been great to see. I have seen videos, but never got a chance to see it live back then. It wasn't until he was a heel.

But then he started to do some promos about respect - he gave props to Piper, Andre, Backlund, Bret Hart and others. Suddenly I thought, hang on, this kid knows his shit.

How does giving props to other older wrestlers earn show respect? I don't think there are very many if any professional wrestler who wasn't a wrestling fan at one point. Cena had to have known about them and over the years he has seen them and most likely talked with them.

Cena can never turn heel. Why hate him for it? Did you hate Eddie? Or Austin? Or Hogan? Or Andre? Sometimes people are just over with adults as well as kids. Deal with it.

Eddie- Eddie was a no body for me, I watched WCW/NWO and Eddie was a joke to me, then when he came in to the WWE he was with the Rascalz and still earned no respect from me, he was just another WCW defunct. It wasn't til Latino heat that I started gaining respect for the man and it was to late.

Austin- Never liked him from day one. He was a jack ass as the ringmaster. The he took a his fuck the system gimmick to heart. He was a guy who felt he was wrong by wcw and markets as a new aged Cool hand luke. He did nothing more than try and tear down the system drinking beers as if he was sandman (ecw). Flipping the bird like it was a cool thing to do, he was just a dick. (gimmick wise outside the ring he was a nice guy every time we met him)

Hogan- When I started watching wrestling Hogan was the man, he was loved by nearly everyone and I was a kid myself but even the adult liked him. Personally I always marked out for hogan, Until he left for WCW. By the time I saw him again NWO was just getting started and he turned heel, I was a teenage now and heels were coming into play and becoming interesting to me. Hogan jumping on board and it was like a sign saying it is okay to cheer for heels, but they felt more like anti wcw guys than heels.

What do all these guys have in common that John "The Ego" Cena doesn't have. They let someone else have the main event spotlight. Hogan was by far the top draw in the WWE in his day but sill he allowed other like Macho Man to have the top spot on the card, the last guy we see at the end. Austin was the same way, he could stay relevant and still be able to fight lower on the card. Cena doesn't do that, he always has to be the last guy, even though for year the Main event was always the WWE it is The Ego.
At MITB the MITB matches should have took place before the title matches just so people can cash in that night ruining the title run...oh but that has to happen if belts change hands (which for 3 months on all title has not happened)
The Ego is a great actor I have met him four times during my service days and he legit. Each time he was there he ate where the enlisted ate and didn't hide with the officers. He acted like a people person and always talked about things not involved in wrestling.
Now it could be the bookers that a setting him in these top spots and why fight for someone else. But still I would think he would now we are about to see a longer run by The Ego soon which means more heels are going to get beat and The Ego will close the show as the champion. At least things will at least feel right again.

The Ego is one of very very faces that actually get boo'ed by half the audience. The ego could turn heel and maintain the popularity like hogan did, if he does ti right. If the kids don't understand it is all a show well then the parents have already failed.
Here is a secret : if it wasn't John Cena doing Make-A-Wish it would be someone else from the WWE. Don't give this guy too much credit.

It all has to to do with exposure. Kids will just follow the next "good guy" the wwe puts in front of them.

The number of make-a-wish requests come from the fact that John Cena has zero edge, so of course kids will think he is great. Just like Hogan.

Austin had edge and was a rebel, the WWE was now skewed towards kids during the attitude era, so of course make-a-wish requests are down.

It has NOTHING to do with John Cena, at has to do with the goody-goody persona the WWE gives him, and the ridulous amount of time they give him.

But if you want to celebrate John Cena playing "corporate good guy" in between banging groupies and cheating on his wife for the last 7 years. Cool.
Just because John Cena works hard or does some work for children when the cameras are rolling doesn't mean he is a good wrestler, doesn't mean he is entertainging on the mic, and doesn't mean he deserves to be "Thee Guy" anymore.

Just because some of us may respect the man behind the scenes, his work in the ring and on the mic has been GOD AWFUL since The Rock left and he is still constantly shoved down our throughts & main events EVERYTHING!

So just because the guy might have morals (which again is mostly hear say, considering JUST AS MUCH bad has come out about Cena as good.) doesn't mean he has a good gimmick, is a good performer, or should always be the main event. Then on top of that, the fact that WWE acts like he is invincable and the greatest thing to happen to wrestling ever is just pitiful.

Even the general audience is getting that guys like Punk, Bryan, Ziggler, etc. are all MILES beyond Cena in performance.

I get it, kids like him cause he appears american and non-threatening and sells tons of merch.

CENA is STILL GARBAGE!!!!! and NO WHERE EVEN CLOSE!!!!!!!!!!!! To Andre
Well, everyone seems to enjoy Cena the person. I hear nothing but nice things about him. You can't beat that. But, like most of the others stated...

Make-a-wish foundation is something that happens off the clock. It's great for the kids, and good for the wrestlers. However, you don't have to be a face to do that. In fact some heels do that right now.

Sometimes the business needs someone to go heel, or go face. It's the nature. But just because they are a face or heel in the ring, doesn't mean that's there character outside of the ring. You hear countless acts of how a face is the biggest d-bag outside the ring, then you hear about the heel being a great person.

For example: The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase, was a one of the nice guys in the business. His in the ring character... Was not.
Andre went heel up until Wrestlemania 6 when he left the Heenan Family, but to point out SuperCena theory. Its not that we hate him for being a face of the company, or that he does all the stuff for Make a wish its how he is shoved down our throats week after week after week after week. Seriously I enjoy watching Raw when Cena isn't the focal point. But thats the problem, here we have 2 heavyweight champions and 9/10 the ending focal point is Cena. This years PPV's had Cena Main event with the Rock, Stomped by Brock Lesnar only to super cena win, lose and flop a heel turn for Big Show, beat Big Show, and then win MITB. Ok think about it how much do I have to sit here and watch him in the main event? Its like they get it ass backwards in WWE land when it comes to ppvs or Raw sometimes. Look at Smackdown for one moment, Cena lost the GM battle royal and Zack Ryder won it. When Summerslam comes, if Cena isn't in the title hunt, would we see Cena in the main event cause he is their top guy? Triple H has been building a match with Brock for months, but will it be main event? No probably not.

Everyone turns heel, and Cena to actually turn heel would be huge, not Hogan huge but huge none the less, but in a PG world the demongraphic speaks which means Cena will be main eventing for years and years, sometimes I wish Ken Anderson would've taken him out years ago....
Its not so much the fact that he does this make a wish stuff, but more so the fact that WWE allow that to affect his in ring persona. The WWE seem to have blured the fine line between fiction and the real world. Which is NOT good for the company, I am a huge Cena fan. But even I, would love to see something fresh, like a heel turn.

At the end of the day, he is a role model to kids, and I could go on ALL day about why WWE refuse to turn him heel. But what would be the point in that? The WWE seem to have forgotten about what is entertainment and fictions, and the real world. They have allowed money to get in the way of the fans. This is another reason why he will NOT go heel.

Atleast not anytime soon, looking at the current state of affairs. At the end of the day, you can analyse character development all you want. With the way things are right now, What would it change? The WWE are giving the fans a choice on which side to take.
Hence why they bought out the Cena sucks shirts. Some fans boo Cena why? because they want to. If you turn him heel, then it becomes apart of the act and he becomes just every other heel, to step foot into this business. The WWE need a reason to do it, and right now they just do NOT have one. Not a good enough reason anyway, The time will come when they finaly DO pull the trigger on that one. But that could not happen for another 3 years, seeing as he will probably be the draw of the WWE for another 5 years.

This is just the way it is, it is business, if you don't it, you don't watch the product. It's as simple as that. Having said all of that, I have been and always will be a John Cena fan until he retires.
WWE seems to enjoy prolonging this heel turn it needs to happen! A good example if you remember how people booed Edge for months because they wanted him heel and chose not to like him. What did Vince do he turned him heel which actually worked out for Edge in the long run and now hes a hofer. Cena they just continously shove down our throats! I dont like Cena's character, he mediocore at best in the ring, his promos are aweful to sit through, and the drowning of his likeness/merch all around that company makes me wanna throw up. The part that really pisses me off is that they think we as fans are stupid and will adapt ourselves to what they want us to like! If we as fans dont like cena dont try forcing us to like him. WWE literally jumps through hoops to make us think this guy is a god or something! its pretty bad when fans want someone to be injured just to not see a certain wrestler for a period of time. They over expose one wrestler who by any means isnt really that good where fans get tired of that person and its fustrating because he is literally once again thrown down our throats. Im always gonna be a wrestling fan for the rest of my life but Cena doesnt make wrestling enjoyable anymore! I hope CM Punk starts a revolution here where Cena gets dethroned at some point in the upcoming future. You wanna talk about someone who has been busting their ass you talk about Punk. A guy who has been literally put on the back burner to cena as champ and still keeps his head up high and has great matches with all his opponents. Sorry for the log response but i feel you as pro wrestling fans need to hear aobut this plague called cena
i dont know john cena or anything but he seems like a genuine nice guy but i dislike the character because hes just too goody goody its sickly when the fans boo him which is most of the time he trys to kiss there ass instead of telling them to go screw themselves or somthing this is why people are obsessed over the attitude era its hard to go from an arse kicking beer drinking antihero like austin to a squeaky clean baby kissing superhero like cena it makes people want to vomit and thats why people dislike him
Yes, when I was a kid I hated Stone Cold and this was before the heel turn. I always preferred The Rock and HBK so I would cheer against Austin. Austin made me cry when he beat The Rock at WM and I screamed I hate you Stone Cold and I am going to kill you. Then he turned heel and I still never cared for him unless he was teaming with Rocky. Cena can easily turn heel especially with Sheamus and Punk being big stars now and granting wishes. Before he couldn't turn heel because there weren't any stars that were big as him.
History shows that no-one gets to the top of the WWE and stays there without being an asshole. I don't like Cena, I don't like him as a performer and I'm far from convinced by him as a person. He's disingenuous, manipulative and arrogant and we're not short of ex-WWE performers who say the same thing. People use Make-A-Wish as some kind of character validation and it's not, it's part of the job. I look forward to the day when the truth starts coming out and with his divorce coming up, that day may be coming soon.
Eddie, Austin and Hogan all turned heel, lol. I can't remember if Andre did or not.

Andre did. It was absolutely huge when it happened too. A lot of emotion behind it. Back then, heel/face turns weren't as common as they are now.

I think a lot of people don't hate Cena as a person, but rather are tired of his character. It's gotten rather stale in the last couple of years. Personally, I have a ton of respect for Cena as a person and his work ethic. Even if they feel they can't turn him heel, then they could at least refresh his character somewhat. Make him interesting and less predictable.
Come on dude. No one gives a shit that he won't turn heel.

WE JUST DON'T LIKE the over rated P.O.S.

He's not good in the ring at all. He has no fight in the ring. He just goes out there and goes through the motions... he lets his opponent beat on him for half the match, he does his five moves, and he leaves.

CM Punk and Daniel Bryan.. they constantly fight back and forth throughout the match. One is never laying there like a ragdoll waiting to be hit like Cena does.. no they try and make it SEEM LIKE A FIGHT... Cena's got the best body on the roster and he also sells the most.. making him look like the biggest pussy on the roster.

I thought the best wrestler should hold the WWE Championship, not WWE's biggest ass kissing babyface. People called for him in 2005 cause he was a different ruthless thug. Now he literally is just a "babyface superhero".

I don't hate John Cena. It's impossible to hate someone as nice and charitable as him. But he doesn't deserve to be the best in the WWE... he's not the best in the WWE.. there are wrestlers who have honed their craft for a decade, learned all different styles throughout the World. Cena just knows the WWE style....

He's not even as good as Rock or Austin in the ring, those two just brawled.. but at least they made it seem real by having brawls the ring couldn't contain and constantly throwing punches. Cena hardly even throws punches.. he makes it look so fake.. because he doesn't try to make the matches look competitve. He's just there to get beat down, let the kiddies cry for Cena's comeback.. and he does it. BORING, PREDICTABLE, UNREALISTIC.
Come on dude. No one gives a shit that he won't turn heel.

WE JUST DON'T LIKE the over rated P.O.S.

He's not good in the ring at all. He has no fight in the ring. He just goes out there and goes through the motions... he lets his opponent beat on him for half the match, he does his five moves, and he leaves.

CM Punk and Daniel Bryan.. they constantly fight back and forth throughout the match. One is never laying there like a ragdoll waiting to be hit like Cena does.. no they try and make it SEEM LIKE A FIGHT... Cena's got the best body on the roster and he also sells the most.. making him look like the biggest pussy on the roster.

I thought the best wrestler should hold the WWE Championship, not WWE's biggest ass kissing babyface. People called for him in 2005 cause he was a different ruthless thug. Now he literally is just a "babyface superhero".

I don't hate John Cena. It's impossible to hate someone as nice and charitable as him. But he doesn't deserve to be the best in the WWE... he's not the best in the WWE.. there are wrestlers who have honed their craft for a decade, learned all different styles throughout the World. Cena just knows the WWE style....

He's not even as good as Rock or Austin in the ring, those two just brawled.. but at least they made it seem real by having brawls the ring couldn't contain and constantly throwing punches. Cena hardly even throws punches.. he makes it look so fake.. because he doesn't try to make the matches look competitve. He's just there to get beat down, let the kiddies cry for Cena's comeback.. and he does it. BORING, PREDICTABLE, UNREALISTIC.

This pretty much sums my feelings up for him. I like the guy, but the character...ugh. Most people know how a Cena match will go, just like you mentioned. Even when he does lose, it's rarely clean. Nothing was more evident than SumerSlam '10. The guy took a DDT onto CONCRETE. Rock. Austin. Hogan...they'd be dead after that. Or at least in obvious pain. Cena ended up taking out two guys on his own and wins the match with no problem whatsoever. At least give him a crimson mask and have it seem like it took every ounce of his strength to win that match. His match with Lesnar earlier this year? That's how it should have been. Cena wins by the skin of his teeth. Not "Okay, enough selling. I'm going to beat you down now."
This thread is stupid. He will turn heel it doesn't matter about these charities and crap. Every as turned heel at least once in their career- Hogan,Andre,Flair,Hart,HBK,Rock,Austin. All the stars have to, to freshen up their character its were Cena is lacking. I mena he's been doing the same moves for 8 years fueding with the same people over and over again. Big Show, Punk, Y2J etc. Wouldn't it be more interesting if he was a volent heel that all the kids hated then all the kids wanted Punk to whoop is ass. It would create a mega heel and a new top babyface- CM Punk. Ratings would increase, Ticket sales would increase and would create better fresh storylines for WWE. This may sound biased because im probably 1 of the biggest Cena haters in the world.

you guys all seem to forget that when he started he was in fact a heel that used to make fun of others via rap. And when he was a heel the bosses really didnt like his character, so dont expect that he will ever go back to being a heel anytime soon.

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