Your WWE Dream Match


Getting Noticed By Management
If you could pick two people who are currently under contract to WWE to have a good 30 minute drag out match who would they be. So anyone from Raw, Smackdown or NXT.

For me off the top of my head I would like to see Ryback vs John Cena. This match won't happen anytime soon but imagine if your turned on Raw tomorrow night and you saw Cena vs Ryback and there had to be a winner. That would be a match that would creative's mind spinning.

I think if WWE booked the match they would have Ryback put up a really good showing and Cena would be impressed and suprised with his power. Ryback would get Cena's flurry of moves and feel his pain but I think Jinder Mahal would interfere causing Ryback the match without Cena knowing.

If WWE really wanted to turn heads they should let Ryback pin Cena clean. That would have people talking and have me shocked. I mean they could always rematch and have Cena beat him.

What WWE dream match would like to see?
I have always thought about Cena vs Ryback in the future. Much depends if Ryback becomes a main-eventer, then WWE should save this one for Wrestlemania main-event some time.

At the moment I would like to see Rey Mysterio vs Daniel Bryan preferably in a ladder match or a 30 minute iron man match. This will remind me of the old WCW Cruiserweight days when Mysterio would wrestle Malenko, Eddie and Jericho in brilliant matches, only that the matches would get overshadowed by the main-events.

Mysterio vs Bryan should be on the main-event sometime preferably for one of the World Title. Even if such feud starts, I would book them in a series of different matches. Mysterio's long feuds against Ziggler, Jericho, Punk and Eddie in WWE were fantastic with a series of **** matches. Ofcourse Mysterio is not in the same form anymore, but Bryan can up his game further any day.
Honestly for me, there are only three realistic choices for a regular one on one "Dream Match" left in the WWE. All of them would be WrestleMania Main Events...

3. The Rock vs Brock Lesner- Ultimate Face vs Ultimate Heel. I would prefer this be a non title match at WrestleMania this year, leaving the WWE Title match for the full time wrestlers. Imagine CM Punk goes into WrestleMania as WWE Champ and faces The Rock, and CM Punk gets the win due to Brock Lesner's help via Paul Heyman's connections. That could set up oneof the biggest WrestleMania matches of the last ten years...

2. CM Punk vs Stone Cold Steve Austin- Austin is under a legend's contract, so I'm counting him. Not at this year's WrestleMania, but their own once in a lifetime match as a Co-Main Event of WreslteMania 30. Straight Edge vs Beer Drinker. Dropping Pipebomb vs flipping fingers. I would LOVE this to happen, now we would just have to hope Vince McMahon would shell out enough money to Austin for one last match...

1. John Cena vs The Undertaker- Honestly, does John Cena even need to win another WWE Title to be considered one of the top ten WWE superstars of all time? I don't think so. So what's left for Cena? In my eyes, Cena really can only have two WrestleMania goals left. One, beating Rock in a Rematch of WrestleMania 28. And Two, taking on the streak. I'm not sure Taker will even make it to WresltMania 30, but I could see this a one of the Co-Main Events, if not the final match of the night...

I can come up with a bunch of matches I'd like to see, but nothing else in my eyes could be a true "Dream Match" that could headline ANY card in the business...
The Rock vs Undertaker at wrestlemania 30 needs to happen because triple h said that it was the end of a generation when he faced the undertaker at this years wrestlemaina which he is wrong cause when u think about it the rock is still technically appart of the wwe still albeit part time they could build a year long feud building to wrestlemania and have the biggest match in wrestlemania history and say goodbye to the wwe universe with the rock finally beating the streak in a no disqualifacation match like they have been having for the undertaker and they should have Stone Cold referee the match.
The Rock vs Undertaker at wrestlemania 30 needs to happen because triple h said that it was the end of a generation when he faced the undertaker at this years wrestlemaina which he is wrong cause when u think about it the rock is still technically appart of the wwe still albeit part time they could build a year long feud building to wrestlemania and have the biggest match in wrestlemania history and say goodbye to the wwe universe with the rock finally beating the streak in a no disqualifacation match like they have been having for the undertaker and they should have Stone Cold referee the match.

Sorry to interfere you dream match, but first of all there is no chance Taker will lose a Wrestlemania streak match anymore now, and WM 30 will be his last one.

Also if you Austin to ref a WM 30 match involving The Rock, it should easily be Rock vs HHH with Austin as a ref at WM 30, revisiting the Attitude Era. While Taker should face Cena.
Well, CM Punk and Jericho has been checked off my list (The match, not the lead up but beggers can't be choosers)

I really would like an Undertaker-Cena match, but another match i'd like to see is Sheamus-Undertaker. I feel like they could really put on a show.
Well since my pick for Bryan vs. Mysterio has already been said and I like to be original in threads instead of repeating another poster's answer, I'm gonna go with another dream match, and that dream match I have in mind will likely never happen but that's why it's called a dream match, Brock Lesnar vs. Jack Swagger. Yes I know that Swagger will never be on Brock's level but the reason I pick this is because of both men's size and their similar styles. Both men are powerhouses and have amateur backgrounds, and I could just imagine all the takedowns, the reversals, the submissions & the powerhouse moves in this one. It could be such an awesome wrestling match if given the chance.
For me it would be Wade Barret and Shemaus. We've already got alittle bit between these two but never a really long drawn out match which i think they can bring. Both have a deep move set and they can also just get into a brawl.
Bryan vs Brock. they keep pushing the Mysterio matches as little man vs big man but this would probably be the ultimate little man vs big man.
easy, Hulk Hogan vs. John Cena, who superman's it?? hahaha, just kidding.

if we could, put Stone Cold in a time machine to take on Punk. that match would be a classic, they both would sell it, then would make sure you didnt waste your money on it. they would sell it as the guy who drinks beer vs. the guy who cant stand beer. Punk would trash Stone Cold's lifestyle and attack Stone Cold as a man which would get him great heat and Stone Cold would attack back like he always does and with a healthy and younger Stone Cold, he and Punk would have a match which could be 5 stars. however, today, it wont be as good a wrestling match due to Stone Cold's injuries. but hey, it's a dream match. now if you mean what match i want that can really happen, then that's Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler as i want Bryan as a champion again and Ziggler can really sell and both can wrestle.
Jonny Ace vs The Shockmaster!!!


In all seriousness i'd have to say Punk vs Austin. I know, I know its pretty generic, but this is one i really want to see. only if austin wont work an old mans match that is

another interesting match would be Brock Lesnar vs The Undertaker at WrestleMania. This has been talked about quite a bit and there is a chance it could happen at 29. if not lesnar, then either punk, rock or cena for taker in new jersey.

a final pick would be...wait for it...Dolph Ziggler vs Shawn Michaels. Probably never going to happen anyway, but its just a little fantasy of mine :)
Sheamus vs Del Rio. I always love it when these two face off! 4 PPV's simply hasn't been enough and I hope this fued culminates at Wrestlemania 29 in the 'final showdown'. It has legs yet.

Other fueds or matches I would like to see - Punk vs Orton, Rock vs Brock, Cena vs Taker, Sheamus vs Barrett, Ziggler vs Miz.
Dream match would be Cena vs anyone in a loser leaves wwe and Cena loses. It's a dream because you would have to be asleep to believe it.Actually i would like this WM Punk vs The Rock vs Cena winner gets the WWE title
I always wanted to the Rock vs HBK, I also would of like the HHH vs CM Punk storyline to of had a proper finish to it.

Also notable matched that would be great as DREAM MATCHES:
Bret Hart vs Punk
Bret Hart vs D. Bryan
HBK vs D. Bryan
Piper vs CM Punk (I just think Piper would give new meaning to dropping the pipe bomb.)
Rock vs Barrett( I rather see this then Cena and Rock 2 or Rock vs CM Punk)
Austin vs Cena (again dont want to see Punk and Austin)
Kane and Undertaker vs APA vs LOD

These were all dream matches, I know some people can’t wrestle anymore and some Animal may not be alive. But I would like to see HHH and Punk play out. Reason I do not want to see Punk vs Rock and Austin, well because Rock and Austin are too big of stars and also would have to much pull backstage. Punk couldn’t drop the so called pipe bomb on them without them allowing him without punishment. So Punk just wouldn’t be the same.
If we're talking dream matches that are actually feasible, I wouldn't mind seeing Punk/Ziggler. As for matches that are long shots or near impossibilities, I've always thought a Punk/HBK match would be great and I'd be interested in seeing Lesnar/Barrett, if only as a jumping off point for Barrett as a main eventer.
For some time now, I have really hoped the WWE would put Ziggler and Rhodes in a program. I really want to see them have a nice 2 month program while both are mid carders or pre main eventers, then to have the fued rekindled down the road when each man is a main eventer.
Daniel Bryan vs Dolph Ziggler

Their atch at Bragging Rights 2010 was amazing. Candidate for MOTY. I would love to see them face off at Wrestlemania 29 for the WHC
I would love to see HBK wrestle again (against The Rock maybe...).

but in the same time I just can't think of Austin vs Punk and not putting it as my dream match.

Wresltemania XXX

Cm Punk vs Stone Cold (Winner: Punk)
The Rock VS Shawn Michaels (Winner: HBK)
Undertaker vs John Cena (Winner: Taker and then retires with 22-0)

Now that would be the greatest WM in history.
A decade ago it would have been Angle vs. Bret. Now, Angle vs. Bryan. A PPV caliber Cena vs. Bryan match would rock with the proper buildup.

When Ricky was making his Legends comeback prior to the stroke, I was really hoping for Steamboat vs. HBK.
What WWE Dream Match would you like to see?


two people who are currently under contract to WWE

Based on your condition above, I guess the highly-desired Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. CM Punk an WrestleMania is out of the question, since I haven't seen Austin in WWE TV since WrestleMania XXVII. So yes, I don't consider Austin "currently under contract".

Therefore, I'm gonna go with CM Punk vs. Wade Barrett. My top two faves. Sure, Punk's a full-blown heel, and while a match between them won't be happening in the near future, you did say, "two people who are currently under contract". It would be nice for them to continue where they left off, to see who was the better Nexus Leader. Sadly, the only way I can see this happening is that if Punk turns face again, which could be a while.

I'm also gonna go with John Cena vs. Daniel Bryan. Despite Cena's poor wrestling skills, his in-ring storytelling is second-to-none. I've always wanted Bryan to test the waters when it comes to "hanging around with Cena" as the WWE's YES! Man, but I wanted to see this best during Bryan's peak when he won the World Heavyweight Championship.

Looks like I'm gonna go for another favorite when I say that I would also like to see a Dolph Ziggler vs. Cody Rhodes Match. They've constantly been compared by a lot of people due to their parallel ways in singles success and their similar fighting styles. Again, the only way I can see this happening is that if one of them turns face, preferrably Ziggler, just for this match though, as he and Cody are better off as heels. Besides, a Heel vs. Heel rarely works, if not never.
I'd like to see Chris Jericho and Undertaker at Mania. They really haven't had too much of a one-on-one thing before, especially not at WM, and I think they could put on a great match.
On a smaller scale, I'd like to see Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase Jr. go at it again, but in a big feud, maybe even for the IC belt. They really neutered this feud and I think they could put on a great match.
The Rock vs Shawn Michaels.

To me, this was the one match that never happened when both of these guys were still active competitors in the WWE. It made no sense. I read somewhere that neither guy really cared about having a match with the other, but I think this would have and could be an entertaining match.
Brock Lesnar vs Sheamus these two could put on a great match. It would also be on the few times where Brock is smaller than his opponent, (6'4" 267lb Sheamus, 6'3" 244 lb Brock) a thirty minute brawl between these two would put the Brock Cena match to shame. It would be the best Big Man vs Big Man match ever booked. Wade Barrett vs Lesnar vs Sheamus or any combination of the three would also be great, but I think Sheamus Brock would be the best.

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