Your Thoughts on The WWE airing WrestleMania on NBC


City Dweller, Successful Fella
Well for the second year in a row WWE is letting NBC air their biggest event of the year in WrestleMania 26 on free television. I could of swore they also aired WrestleMania 24 on cable but maybe it didn't happen, or just aired on a different network. Now even though it's only one night they will be airing it, do you think it's a good or bad thing that they do this?

I know how many people actually order that show every year (myself included) but there are probably plenty of fans who for whatever reason cannot order the show whether it be due to the economy, like if they lost their job, are not making enough, or even for other unknown reason. I think it is a good thing that these unfortunate fans will now be able to see WWE's biggest spectacle and see exactly how good of a show WrestleMania truly was. However it is a bit of a let down for them as well, why do you ask? Well Mania happened back at the end of March and if they have been consistently following the product they know what the aftermath of Mania already is. So they will be able to know exactly what is going to happen at every match that comes on the air.

Also one bad thing about this is what is stopping the major fans like ourselves from recording this show? No matter if we have a DVR, Tivo, or even a spare tape to toss in the old VCR to record, what is prohibiting us from recording this show and watching it over and over again after it's one night premiere is over? Nothing we could do this since they are basically giving us the show for free. So that could affect potential DVD sales if anyone even buys those anymore. Which if they do is a potential loss of business and revenue.

This just some food for thought. I really don't care that they do this, but I thought it would make out for a rather good discussion. I look forward to seeing what everyone's views on this deal is, so without any further ado post and reply.
Last year when they had it it was only a 1 hour special. I doubt it would be anything different here. Especially considering it was a 3 1/2 hour show, w/o commercials, and that would stretch it out at least another 1/2 hour, possibly more. Not only do I doubt NBC willing to dedicate 4 hours to the WWE for an event that already happened, but I doubt the WWE would give away the entire show for free just a few months after it was shown. I'm pretty confident that it's nothing more then a 1 hour special.
It's a good thing all round.

The WWE will get a big fat pay cheque for allowing NBC to air WrestleMania, the fans who didn't order wrestlemania will get to see the spectacle in its entirity (albeit far removed from any context it once held), and NBC will have a show which will draw pretty good ratings.

Sure, it may cause DVD Sales to take a knock, but that knock will be largely be absorbed by NBC's payment.
I believe they aired WM24 on Mynetwork tv or something like that. It was only 1 hour. They played only the main events to some music. I do remember that because the Edge, Cena, Big Show match was set to 3 Days Grace song "Animal I have Become" I don't recall WM25 being shown on any channel at all yet.
I think it great all and all. The WWE will still make money for allowing NBC to air its most popular Pay Per View. The fans who didn't get to see this spectacle will see history be made and see just how good of a Pay Per View Wrestlemania is.

Sure the DVD sales might start to drop but WWE will make more money with the recent PPV that they have made on DVD. Even though this might stop sales on this perticular DVD that dosen't mean other DVD's wont sell.
Yeah, its just "best of" moments from WM26 with music playing. So, its not as if they are showing the whole 4 hours. I think its cool. I mean, I wont watch it myself but for those who haven't seen it maybe it will give them a sneak peek enough for them to wanna buy the DVD. Also, I'm sure thats the purpose. So people go out and buy the dvd. It's smart on WWE's part. =)
They have been doing this every year since Wrestlemania 24 and it has always been a 1 hour show with only some parts of the main event matches being played to music in the background. The WWE would never be able to play a full 4 hour Wrestlemania on free tv unless they get their own network and even then it would be highly unlikely that they would play the full version of the last Wrestlemania.
I think it might help pull WWE pull in a few more fans. Like everyone else said I am sure it will just be an hour long show. As far as recording it I don't think it matters to much. If people really wanted it they would have already bought it. The DVD has been out for awhile. Plus you can DVR/tape PPVS when you order them.
I hate it, but for a good reason. They need to air the whole damn PPV cuz last year was false advertisement. It was just clips and highlights, no match in its entirety. They didn't even mention the Hardys' match in that hour last year.
Its good, its been like 4 months, and most people have more less seen WrestleMania, whether they ordered, streamed, downloaded...pretty much ecery WWE fan will have seen it by now, but putting it on NBC which we don't get here in UK, is a good thing, they did it last year and got good viewers for it as well..I kinda saw this comingg though and lets face it, it will put smiles on those faces who haven't yet seen it!!
It's good publicity for WWE and it lets the fans see what they missed at Wrestlemania 26. The bad thing is it is a recap show that only lasts for an hour. They used to show actual matches in the past, now its just a montage of music videos with clips of the event. I think it would be a better idea for WWE to do something like TNA does in showing the best matches of the year in a television special. I'm sure WWE has done this in the past, but I haven't seen anything except brief recap shows over the years.

Basically its great publicity to be on NBC, but even if you haven't seen Wrestlemania 26 you are more than likely to see more of it online then you ever will in a one hour recap special.
It's a one hour highlight reel, thats all. And thats a good thing. It gives WWE fans something to watch, even if they saw it or heard the results, its never a bad thing to have wrestling on free tv for a day.

It can give the 'casual viewer' or passerby a chance to see some great spots. Even if 2-5% of this target group gains interest, decides to check out more WWE, or become a full blown fan it's a winfall for WWE.

And I think the rating they pull in for a shortend rebroadcast of a PPV 6 months prior still kills what Saturday Night's Main Event was doing recently. Remember WWE and NBC/Universal has an ongoing deal for 2 one hour specials a year on the Peacock. Tribute to the Troops is a mainstay and the WM-Rewinds have replaced SNME. That's all.
It is a great thing 4 ppl without cable n Internet who have not seen it eventually I think we will see Wrestlemania become a live event making it a big deal as the Superbowl if you will
I do not see a problem with the WWE letting NBC show Wrestlemania on free tv.
Last year when they showed WM on NBC it was just a highlight show pretty much.
This is probably just a fill in for a Saturday Nights Main Event that they where supposed to show.
This gives people who did not have the opportunity to see the event to check out the highlights,they usually give us still pics on RAW.

Any reason to see HBK vs Undertaker again is good for me.
It will possibly help bring WWE more viewers. As it will most likely be a hour special as many have said. I can't see Vince letting everyone see Mania for free. It would hurt his DVD sells to much. This way he can attract more people to his shows and get people interested in seeing all of WrestleMania. So DVD sells could go up. Oh, and he'll get that nice check from NBC again.
I believe it was only a special. Either way it was after Wrestlemania actually happened. I'm sure it will be the same this year. So it won't hurt WWE. If you're a true fan you're not gonna sit around waiting a few weeks to see it. Especially not with the night after showing the results in terms of champions walking out on RAW. It would ruin the fun of it.

I don't get NBC. I don't get WWE or anything. So in the end it won't really affect me. I'll still be watching it online. So I don't mind what WWE does. I'm sure in the end it will draw more of the casual fans to. And that's a good thing. WWE needs to focus on keep on pulling in the big bucks. This is a thing that will accomplish just that.

So all in all it's a pretty good thing.
No one's forcing anyone to watch it and they're not going to give away the whole thing for free if you can get it on DVD. The point is to grab the interest of fans who might not watch WWE anymore, get them interested in wrestlemania, maybe get them to buy the DVD and start watching WWE again. Really nothing to complain about here as it shouldn't even affect the more hardcore fanbase anyway.
I was pretty excited last year when they showed WM25 on NBC because I never order PPV's, the last one I ordered was Summerslam 2008 I believe and before that it was years. Although it wasn't the whole show it was still exciting to see it. I'm sure this year's will be the same 1 or 2 hours long, but at least they cut out some of the filler matches and segments. I'm just pissed because I don't have T.V. anymore, I've been watching all the weekly shows on for several months now :icon_sad:
I don't plan on watching simply cause I have the DVD and if I want to see it I will pop that in. I don't see how it would be a bad thing though as it does allow them to possibly grab a new viewer or two even though I'm sure you would have to be a WWE fan to know it's on since my girlfriend watches that channel all the time and I have yet to see a promo for it and I believe last year I saw maybe one. If they push it then fine but if they don't, I honestly doubt that it will get many viewers (I bet it won't hit Superstars) but anything for that almighty dollar in Vinnie's pocket I guess.
I hate it, but for a good reason. They need to air the whole damn PPV cuz last year was false advertisement. It was just clips and highlights, no match in its entirety. They didn't even mention the Hardys' match in that hour last year.

You may hate it but, it doesn't make sense for NBC to stake 4 hours of their programming into a shows that's been out for months and doesn't rate that high. If I remember from years past most of the WWE/NBC programming doesn't really rate that high. They hyped up the return of Saturday Night Main Event and look how well those went. It's a no lose for both companies. Not the same as a win/win but still a no lose either way around.
I think it might help pull WWE pull in a few more fans. Like everyone else said I am sure it will just be an hour long show. As far as recording it I don't think it matters to much. If people really wanted it they would have already bought it. The DVD has been out for awhile. Plus you can DVR/tape PPVS when you order them.

Of course, they will just highlight the TOP moments like Taker/HBK, probably Cena/Batista, and Hart vs McMahon, that is what I can see airing on NBC. Please dear man upstairs, do NOT show the DIVAS match, anything but Vickie Guerrero trying to do a botched frog splash on poor Kelly!! :banghead:
NBC will air a special music video-themed highlight package of this year’s WWE WrestleMania XXVI pay-per-view titled WrestleMania XXVI: The World Television Premiere on August 7th at 9pm Eastern.

The special returns for it’s second year following the success of the WrestleMania XXV edition which aired last year.

It's gonna be like last years, basically a highlight package from all the main events set to music, this will not effect the DVD sales in the slightest as it is more or less a glorified infomercial for WM, if anything it will help DVD sales
Why not? It should get some decent ratings for NBC and give some exposure to the WWE by broadcasting it on a major television network. They should do this with every PPV. About 6 months after every one, they broadcast it on NBC. It's a win-win situation, really.
I think this is a Good descision on WWE's part as this way, they can garner more viewers composed of casual wrestling fans and actually make WrestleMania itself look pretty darn good with the music. If any of you didn't see it last year, I'd reccomend you to YouTube it as it made even HHH vs RKO seem like an actual match and 'Taker vs HBK seem like the main event.
Its done in the form of a clip show with highlights from matches and thats about it. Plus its so far past the date of the event that it doesn't really devalue ordering the event when its live. Not to mention they will pick up a pretty decent TV rating for this event on live TV which will make it a very profitable venture for the WWE.

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