Your Thoughts on King Booker....


The Lost Member of Evolution
Hey everyone,

I'm new to these forums but I've watched wrestling for many years. And let me tell you, I think that the King Booker angle is probably one of the worst angles I've ever seen in recent years. Hell...I think GILLBERG was a hell of a lot better angle/personality than Booker T's KING BOOKER. He looks so gay and the "peasant" thing is so ridiculous. And I'm sorry, but Regal's chant of "ALL HAIL KING BOOKER..." and anyone else who says it 9 million times during a match should be shot in the face. I think personally...Booker T would be better if he went back to his roots of HARLEM HEAT BOOKER T. At least its more energetic and easier on the eyes (and ears) of all wrestling fans across the world.

What does everyone else think?
King Booker = God

Booker T got him no where, and then he became King Booker. A couple months later he is now WHC. As annoying as it may be, it has done better for his career.
I agree and i actually like king booker, He was going nowhere with booker T anymore and he is basically booker t just a king now, and yeah it has given his career a new lease of life so you gotta give them credit for that
You dont think its more than a coincidence that he wins the title following injuries to Batista, Mark Henry, Chris Benoit, Bradshaw and Mysterio?

The King Booker angle was bearable before they tried to give him some wanky accent where he sounds like some frenchman trying to say "Booker"
I really hate King Booker. His entrance, his voice, his 'humble' attitude, everything about him. Just get off your throne and wrestle already.
yep major boredom, i tend to flick channels when he is on, definatly preffered his old entrance music too, i think it gets ppl fired up..
I only liked him when he was a Tag champ and TV champ in WCW! The KING stuff is getting way to played out!!

King of the Mountain-Jeff Jarrett
King of Kings-HHH (which copyed Jarrett)
King Booker (legit King because of PPV but not entertaining at all)
Booker deserves this World Title regin, but it's way overdue, he should of taken it off Triple H @ WM XIX, i'm not really feeling the gimmick, but besides that i think he is one hell of a wrestler, he shouldn't lose the title to Batista @ SummerSlam.
I agree, I will never forget wm 19 that was booker T night man, There was something there and the fans were all believing in a booker T win and then HE LOST, Shit i was in shock man the crowd also fell eerily silent aswell on that night, If you got the dvd listen to the crowd, It was like they expected booker to kick out of the pedigree but didnt, Damm that fool hhh for not putting him over
Personally I liked the old Booker T better, 5 time 5 time 5time gimmick was doing good but it was giving him no push what so ever. The King Booker gimmick has made him World Championn therefore it will stick for awhile.
Well it will stick untill Sunday. Batista wins at SummerSlam, I know this, I don't think it I know it. You know how I know it? I read Spoiler. I hated Booker T and Now I hate King Booker even more!!! Good Bye and Good Night. (It's only 17.40PM But HEY!)
I hate the king Booker angle, ecspecially that annoying sharmell. But Booker T is well deserving to be the champ hope he keeps it for a while.
King Booker rules! he was going nowhere with his old gimmick just staying in the mid-card fighting for the US Title now with this King gimmick he's in the main event fighting over the world title, he's been so under-rated for a number of years and its good to see him with the title. Its obvious he's going to lose the title tonight because they need to carry Batistas push on again I pearsonally dissagree with that because I am a King Booker fan but its whats good for SD! Moreover, the gimmick his good for Booker it bumped him back up to the main event status and has someone said it gave him a much needed lease of life and when he returns to his old gimmick he wont be sayin 5-time 5-time 5-time anymore
I think King Booker's great! He's hilarious! Hope he keeps the belt.
I hate the whole "King Booker" thing. Before he became king I didn't mind him at all. His entrance takes so long that I could get up, goto the kitchen, boil a kettle, make a cup of tea, walk the dog and be back in time for the remaining 20 minutes or so of his entrance. He needs to lose his world title at summerslam so this "king of the world" thing comes to an end. It was bad enough as "king booker" but now its gone too fa and needs to be stopped!
I love King Booker. Booker T is a great comedian. His facial expressions are priceless. This is one of the better storylines he has had since the thing with Stone Cold where they invaded the Catholic Church. I do agree Regal, and Sharmmel repeating Hail king Booker gets on one's nerves. but that what the mute button is for.
:farttorch: I love King Booker. Booker T is a great comedian. His facial expressions are priceless. This is one of the better storylines he has had since the thing with Stone Cold where they invaded the Catholic Church. I do agree Regal, and Sharmmel repeating Hail king Booker gets on one's nerves. but that what the mute button is for.
I love King Booker. Booker T is a great comedian. His facial expressions are priceless. This is one of the better storylines he has had since the thing with Stone Cold where they invaded the Catholic Church. I do agree Regal, and Sharmmel repeating Hail king Booker gets on one's nerves. but that what the mute button is for.

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