Your thoughts on "casual fans".

Remy LaCroix

Lou Thesz' Favorite Son
Pretty self-explanatory. Do ya love 'em or hate 'em? Do you feel they ruin the products for you? Do you think casual fans are a double-edge sword? Are they even "real" fans and not just, um, sheep? Post whatever you think about them.

I'd prefer if you state a few reasons too, since I didn't know where to make this thread. The WWE section was my first choice, seeing how it's more mainstream and you can clearly see a few people at tapings not giving a damn -- but I bet they're there with kids.
I don't know. It could be worse, they could be the screaming 13 year old girls professing their undying love and wanting Cena to take their virginity. Its better sitting next to someone who's quiet than sitting next to a pack of those freaky pre-pubescent horndogs.
casual fans are awesome, i love getting into a conversation with them.
THEM "did you see raw this week, HHH had an awesome match"
ME "yeah i t was good but he slipped during the bodyslam and almost dropped the guy."
Them "yeah he was prolly all sweaty from kicking but"
ME "yeah, hey did you see how his opponent was no selling the pedagree"
Them o_0 - followed by a blank stare lol
I'm fine with casual fans that know wrestling and the lingo with it but maybe don't watch Raw or SmackDown every week. Like a have a few friends that don't watch Raw or SmackDown all the time but used to so they know what they're talking about they just don't know all the wrestlers or current storylines. I don't like fans that follow it on a weekly basis but know absolutely nothing about the business.
When I think of casual fans, I think of WWE fans who watch Raw over the other shows. Maybe it's cuz there are only so many overzealous wrestling fans.

And when I think of casual fans differently I think of the people who WWE tries to reach out to via guest hosts that aren't fans to begin with and ARE RUINING A PRODUCT INTENDED FOR WRESTLING FANS!!!!111 /silly rant

To me, it's like when I love a band and then they become mainstream later. All of the sudden they have a bigger fanbase who listen to their "singles". Like Metallica around the time I was in diapers. Ya know? That type of feeling.

But usually casual fans suck and like very little of what smarks pay attention to.

I'm a hipster too, so that doesn't help my case.
I envy them. They're not caught up in the over-analysis and constant opinion changing that 99% of the IWC does day in day out. They just enjoy the product. I would kill to be that ignorant again.
I don't understand why there's even a topic on this. How are casual fans going to affect you in the slightest bit? Anyone who holds any negative feelings toward casual fans simply because they're casual fans are elitist pricks.

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