YOUR shoot interview

The Idiot

Getting Noticed By Management
The idea of this thread is simple: YOU are the interviewer...and you can choose any wrestler (superstar) past or present to interview. Some may choose a different path and go the interrogation route and ask the HARD questions to someone you dispise...whatever. Name the person and list your top 5 questions you would ask.

It could be a promoter, a wrestler, a diva, a referee, a broadcast journalist or even a manager (which basically no longer exist.) Only pick superstars who are still alive today. Don't want to hear about Chris Benoit and you asking him why he did what he did. Lets try and keep this somewhat mature.

I'll chime in later with mine.
To sting: will we ever see you in a wwe ring or hall of fame? To me thats worth 5 questions because it's the question we all want a full 100% no bs answer to.
To Hulk hogan: After everything you've done in your career why do you find the need to go back in the ring? I really want him to answer this! It seems like almost every wrestler that is past their prime feel the like they could have 1 last run in them. Hulk hogan is the prime example!
Vince Mcmahon!

id really like to ask him about everything, from the steroids, to triple h future as the chairman of wwe (we all know its happening) to why in the world does he keep pushing Cena down people's throats, knowing more than half of the ppl dont like him and he can hear the boos.

Also why is he embarrassed of being in the wrestling business.
I agree with Vince, just because he holds the key to so many secrets. I would like to hear his side of the story in detail about the Screwjob, questions about Owen Hart's death, and the biggest question of all: Did Macho bang Steph??
To Vince:
Why are you running away from your legacy?
Wrestling, is the way you became a multi-billionaire, and yet you depise the word...From the beginning of WWWF/WWF/WWE there has been a steady increase of entertainment and not that wrestling in itself has been suffering, but the amount of wrestling in a given show has declined. Yes we want to be entertained, and yes we want more than just the grappling of the indie curcuit of wrestling, but we want wrestling.
Why don't you want wrestling anymore?

1) We saw the family-friendly '80's era transform into the late '90's Attitude Era due to competition and the '80's fans growing up. Now that we have reverted to another PG era, do you believe an edgier program will re-emerge without any credible competition? If so, when, and what would you do differently the second time around?

2) In the late '90's, wrestling was extremely popular. One of the biggest reasons for this aside from incredible talent like SCSA and The Rock was tough competition. WCW challenged your staff to create a better, more attractive product in order to survive. Have you ever considered splitting the RAW and Smackdown! brands completely, and pitting each show's creative teams and superstars against each other to re-capture that "survival of the fittest" atmosphere? Perhaps give Paul and Stephanie one show, to test their abilities? :)

3) So many people hate Cena these days. It's not because he's a babyface, and it's not because he's Super Cena. They dislike him because he doesn't bring anything fresh. It's the same corny jokes and the same types of matches every week. SCSA, Undertaker, The Rock, Mankind, and many others were great draws in their time too, but even they disappeared from TV for periods of time and allowed their characters to evolve upon return. I'm not advocating that Cena turns heel, but rather, would you ever consider having a RAW brand without Cena for 2 months or longer to let your others Superstars grow?

4) Why was Nexus butchered? It seemed for awhile that you were building up Wade Barret to be the next Shawn Michaels or HHH as the leader of a hell-raising stable that took out everyone from the mid-card to your top talent to even yourself. It was one of the most interesting angles in a long time. Was it your call to end the first Nexus and if so, for what reasons?

5) Would you like to put Hulk Hogan out of his misery in the WWE ring, and if your answer is yes, what type of match would it be? :D
to Jake Roberts is it true of the rumors you left wwe in 1992 because he wouldn't give u a spot on the writing staff? Also did you give a Indy promoter a ultimatum give me my $500 retainer and crack or i'm not showing up?
I'd love to talk to The Undertaker. Think of all that he's seen and been around for. And since the majority of his career has been spent in kayfabe keeping up his Deadman gimmick, it could really be a ground breaking interview.

I'd ask about..
How he felt dropping his first title back to Hogan after two days
What he thought of Flairs arrival in the WWF in 91
The Montreal Screwjob
If he ever considered jumping to WCW
His initial reaction to the Kane character/angle
The American Bad Ass/Biker/Big Evil side of Undertaker
The purchase of WCW & the Invasion angle
The brand extension
His opinion of HBK's return at the time
Return of the Deadman gimmick
The Undefeated streak
Honest opinion of John Cena
TNA Wrestling
The new PG era
WWE becoming an entertainment brand
How much longer he has left
Then fun stuff like favorite match, opponent, storyline, WrestleMania match, moment in his career, and stuff like his injuries and what he plans do to after retirement, in and out of wrestling.

Like I said, would be groundbreaking. Lots of new, never before heard info.
When most of you guys ask those stupid smarky questions to vince like "CENUH IZ TEH SUX Y DO U PUSH HIM?" he'd probably respond with something profound that you're head would explode.

Anyways, mine would be vince. I donno what I'd ask him. Maybe what he values the most, what traits he feels brings a person the most success.

One I would DEFINATELY ask VKM is "why are so many supposed smart marks practically ******ed when it comes to good business sense and seem unable to think that anyone else (especially the mainstream audience) has a different opinion from them"
Please forgive me if I'm bending the rules for this hypothetical interview, but I'm taking this as not only an opportunity to interview ANY wrestler (past or present), but also being able to give them some kind of truth serum; meaning that I would be able to hear the absolute truth from them, no matter what the questions might be (I hope I didn't miss the point of the thread!).

If there's any current wrestler that would fit the spirit of this thread perfectly, it would have to be Mr. Jeff Hardy. I know he's kind of an obvious choice, but no one has mentioned him yet. Plus, I'd love to hear his answers to all of these questions, dammit!

After giving Jeff the truth serum (he may need more than one dose, depending on his tolerance for mood-altering substances - lol!), there are so many questions to ask him. Even though I'd love to talk with Jeff Hardy for hours about his personal issues (after somehow being able to know that he would HAVE to tell me the truth), here is my list of the top five questions I'd ask him:

1) When you left the WWE back in 2009, were you really taking a break from wrestling? ...or did you think of it more as a break from the WWE's wellness policy? ie: sow your wild oats, so to last binge before "settling down" and finishing your career clean & straight?

2) I remember reading that you decided to join the TNA roster mainly because of what CM Punk (and/or WWE creative) said about you during a promo that aired on an episode of Smackdown (shortly after your WWE departure). During the promo in question, Punk mentioned your legal situation to help further his character's "dominance" over your character, and also helped him garner some extra heel-heat for his onscreen persona. Was that really the final straw that led to your decision to join TNA? Were you leaning towards rejoining the WWE before that promo happened?

3) Given your history of "violating" the WWE's wellness policy, and your current legal troubles, there's a stigma about you loving to party. Which illegal drugs have you taken in your lifetime, and what would you consider to be your main drug of choice?

4) How many times have you came to work on any mood-altering substance(s)? During your time in WWE, was there ever a time when you felt like your (impaired) condition could have put your coworkers and/or yourself in danger (if you had indeed came to work high)? Have you ever seen (or competed against) another performer that you know for a fact was on a mood-altering substance? If so, do you feel that their condition could have risked anyone's well-being (including their own)?

5) What really happened on Sunday March 13, 2011 (the day of TNA's Victory Road PPV)? ie: which substances (if any) did you take that day? Did you really think that you were fit to compete? Please walk me through the entire day, and don't skimp on the details.

This last question is obviously the one that I'm most interested in. If Mr. Hardy was given a dose of "magic" truth serum, I imagine that his response would be extremely long-winded (and I, for one, would find it to be DAMN compelling). I'd want to know every tiny detail of the day in question, and this would obviously be the bread & butter of the interview. Man, oh would be amazing if this was in the realm of possibility, too bad the IWC will never know the complete truth about the Victory Road debacle.

Some runner-up questions for Mr. Hardy would be:

-- When your residence was raided (shortly after your last departure from the WWE), how much of the contraband in question was yours? that, I mean how much of it was for your own personal use, and how much of it (if any) belonged to someone else?

-- Have you ever abused steroids, or HGH to try and help you during your career?

-- Do you consider yourself to be addicted to any drugs and/or alcohol?

-- Have you ever used with any of your coworkers? For instance: Rob Van Dam has never tried to hide his stance on marijuana use...have you ever smoked pot with RVD? Have you ever used anything with any of your wrestling peers? If so, who with, and which chemicals were used?

(I know that this last question is just about gossip, and getting "dirt" on other wrestlers...but I'd have to assume that Mr. Hardy would know better than anyone else! ...maybe X-Pac would know better, who knows! lol!)

Again, I really hope that this line of questioning doesn't offend anyone. I'd really like to know the truth about Jeff Hardy's legal situation, and I'd love to (somehow) hear the God-honest truth. I'm sure there's at least one judge down in NC that would love to hear some of these answers as well. Thanks for letting me play along with this thread...I know it's going to sound strange, but I had a lot of fun coming up with these questions to ask Mr. Hardy!
To The Miz, why are you the worst WWE Champion since... Ever? You never win clean, you always have Alex Riley interfere in your matches, and you only won at Wrestlemania cos The Rock screwed Cena!

Also, to Mr McMahon, why don't you sign and actually push more UK based wrestlers? William Regal is fat, out of shape and only wrestles jobbers on Superstars, and Wade Barrett's group is currently feuding with Santino Marella on SD.
I know he has been "shoot" interviewed dozens of times, including nearly an entire DVD on the matter, but I would pick Mick Foley. I am absolutely intrigued with his character and the "man behind the madness" so to speak. If I'm narrowed down to only five "well developed" questions, they would be:

1. In 2000, you "retired" from active competition in the WWF. Before and during your retirement, you stated many times that the primary reason for leaving was because you thought you were shortchanging the fans... essentially not giving them their moneys worth for a less than optimal performance. In 2008, you joined with TNA wrestling initially in a "personality-only" type role, but this later evolved into a return to in-ring competition... the pinnacle of which occurred when you defeated Sting for their version of the World Heavyweight Title. Do you feel that by resuming your career, you shortchanged the fans in TNA (or even WWF/E) in any way? In hindsight, do you feel a Foley in less than optimal condition (lets say 70%) in the ring is better than no Foley at all?

2. In ECW when you looked out upon the crowd and saw someone holding up the "Cane Dewey" sign, how did that really make you feel? I know you integrated it into one of your more famous ECW promos, but what was really going through your head? As a father myself, I can only imagine the initial shock of someone wanting to strike my child with a singapore cane. However this is wrestling and, particularly in ECW, the fans are absolutely nuts sometimes. Do you think "Cane Dewey" was just a case of "smarks being smarks" or did you actually take offense to it?

3. With the Mankind character in WWF intially, much speculation was made about the fact that your character "liked pain." It was stated time and again that Mankind was a masochist of sorts who got a rush off of smacking his head against concrete and dropping elbows from the top turnbuckle onto trashcans laying outside the ring. Jim Ross even went so far as to say that although he wasn't sure if you liked pain, he thought that you didn't "hate it" either. What is the definitive answer on Mick Foley's long-term relationship with pain? Is it merely part of the character? Is it something that you do (or at least did) glean some type of enjoyment or pleasure from? Is it merely a means to an end for carving out your unique legacy in the business?

4. Which of the "Three Faces" is closest to the actual persona of Mick Foley, if any? Is it the hard as nails, take no prisoners, anything to win attitude of Cactus Jack? The "power tempered with mercy" and maniacal rationalizations of Mankind? Or is it the fun-loving, out of his element, entertainingly goofy stylings of Dude Love? Is it a mix of all three? Is it none of these?

5. An entire DVD (Greatest Hits and Misses) was mostly devoted to your best matches, not only in WWF but elsewhere. As the title implies, the occasional "miss" was also highlighted where you may not have had a stellar performance or the match didn't quite go the way you had wanted it to. Since the DVD in question focused overabundantly on the positive, what in your opinion is the worst, widely-viewed match you have ever been in and why?
I was thinking about this the other day i had two people who i would want to interview, they are HHH and VKM. Out of these two i would interview Vince.

1) When are you going to step down and who would you leave the company to. (I know its pretty ovious, it would be HHH and Stephanie but i would ask anyways).

2) Would you ever consider going back to the attitude era or are we forever going to be in the PG era?.

3) Why isnt there more effect being put into the tag team and the women's division? In the attitude era the women's and tag team division was exciting to watch but now its the worst things in the WWE. The women should be given more TV time, they work just as hard than the men.

4) You have many fans of the WWE here in the UK and as a MASSIVE fan of the WWE I've been hoping that us fans that live in England will have a PPV held here. The only PPV that i can think of that was held here was SummerSlam at the old Wembley Arena so will we ever have a PPV held in England again?

5) Okay so there are PPV's such as Over the limit (what is the concept of this PPV) Breaking point, Surviver Series, Hell in the Cell which IMO are pretty shite, would you consider scrapping these PPV's for new PPV's? At Unforgiven a couple of years ago there were two championship scrambles for the WWE and WHC, i for one loved these scramble matches, would we ever see this championship scramble back as a PPV?

I would ask him a 6th question which would be, Could you give me job please? :):):) Id love to work for your company. His reply would probably be no. No harm in asking is there... LMFAO

1- Do you love Steph or are you just in it for the power?

2- Will you wrestle full time ever again or are you now a part time wrestler

3- When you first started DX you where a lot smaller, are you part of Hogans roid club for men?

4- do you really deserve your spot or did you get it by sleeping with the bosses daughter and will you deserve the HOF spot you will get

5- If you could hire one person from TNA who would it be and why?

1-When Vince retires do you expect to take control of the company?

2- If yes what are your plans? Will you continue like Vince? Or will you go back to a purer wrestling show?

3- How annoying is it to you that despite everything you've achieved people will always look down at you because of the women you've married?

4- What is your favourite storyline that you've been involved in?

5- You've wrestled nearly everyone in the buisness who did you feel you had the best chemistry with? Is there anyone you wish you could have wrestled but didn't?

6- What's your opinion on steroids in wrestling? Have you ever partaken in them? Do you think there is a safe way, for what appears to be an inevitable part of the buisness, to have them used?

7- Do you pay attention to TNA/the indies? What do you think of them if yes? Would you agree that strong competition would be helpful for the WWE?

8- What's your opinion on the more hardcore styles of wrestling? Obviously you've been involved in some pretty hardcore matches yourself but what about the really extreme stuff?

9- Is there anything you haven't achieved in your career you wish to do? (Non kayfabe as obviously kayfabe the streak is there. Of course he may wish to break it in reality)

10- Finally who is your favourite wrestler of all time and your favourite match?

I could go on forever probably just a chance to pick the brains of one of the guys who's so deeply entrenched in the buisness and understands it so much. A lot of these questions I'd equally wish to ask to someone like Undertaker etc but HHH opens up his own possibilities.
I would love to ask Hulk Hogan several questions to see how the guys mind works and whether he really believes all the stuff he comes out with?

1. Hulk, Bret Hart makes several references in his book to occasions where he claims you refused to do the job for him, after initially claiming that you would? Is this true? What are your opinions on Bret as a performer and as a man?

2. You have previously mentioned about stealing the spotlight from the Ultimate Warrior after he beat you, cleanly I might add, for the WWF title at WrestleMania....why did you do this? Could you not stand to see someone else taking the adoration of the fans? Was it personal against Warrior?

3. Who should take the credit for the "Hulk Hogan" character? Was it a Terry Bollea or a WWF creation? Did you think of all your own character traits and catchphrases?

4. What made you decide to turn heel after so many years and join the nWo? Eric Bischoff has said it was a money-influenced decision, in that you saw the popularity of Nash and Hall and wanted in on it. Is that true? Do you feel the nWo storyline dragged on far too long and lost its impact by the end?

5. I have seen your show, "Hogan's Knows Best" and really enjoy it. But, don't you agree that your entire family are a bunch of morons? You ex-wife Linda is an attention seeking ****e, Nick is a spoiled brat who was always going to mess up his life, and Brooke is gorgeous but incredibly untalented. Do you actually think she has a good singing voice?

6. Apart from the WM18 rematch with The Rock, why do you insist on winning each and every time you make a return to the WWE, and then leave without returning the favour? Surely there is (or was as now your legacy is declining) more to be gained by helping a young talent get to the next level instead of the veteran Hogan ALWAYS winning and then leaving again?

7. What is the reason for your involvement in TNA? Do you honestly think they can become a credible opponent for the WWE in the future? And what the hell do you see in Abyss? Apart from slicing himself open, the man offers nothing. He is terrible.

8. Please answer the question all wrestling fans are dying to know. Are we going to see Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake in TNA? The correct answer to this is "No", as Beefcake sucks.

9. Will you ever get in the ring again for another match? There are rumours you will lock up with Sting again. Please tell us that this is not the case. You can barely walk and have no business wrestling another match again. Please stay out of the ring for good Hulk.

10. In your eyes, who is the best wrestler of all time? And you can say Hulk Hogan. I think we all know what the answer to this is going to be, don't we Terry?

11. How have you remained in shape since you have barely wrestled since 2002. Are you still hammering the steroids like you did in your prime? Is is true that they shrink your penis? I have heard rumours that the Hulkster stuffs his tights, is that true?

12. You have a phenomenal moustache, it has to be said. However, as Hollywood Hogan you have black stubble too, around the bleached 'tache. Do you think this make you look more "dangerous", or do you think that as a bad guy, you do not need to shave?

and lastly...

13. In WCW, there was an Ultimate Warrior rip-off, "The Renegade". Is it true you wanted to squash him in a match in order to "get back the victory" over The Warrior to avenge your WrestleMania defeat many years earlier? Ric Flair says that was the case, can you clear that up for us. Are you that bitter or is Naitch all wrong?

Hulk, its been a pleasure. Thank you for your time, Brother.
To The Miz, why are you the worst WWE Champion since... Ever? You never win clean, you always have Alex Riley interfere in your matches, and you only won at Wrestlemania cos The Rock screwed Cena!

On behalf of The Miz, I'd like to answer this question for you, and everyone else who doesn't understand how professional wrestling actually works.

The Miz said:
Well, UK fan - by the way you are in dire need of a dentist - first and foremost I AM A HEEL. And since I am average-sized at best, I have to win my matches and defend my championship in a manner consistent with that character. I don't always need to win matches clean - the way I have on several occassions against upper tier guys like John Morrison and CM Punk. A huge part of my role is to elevate Cena and create a sense of intregue. I use Alex Riley in a manner similar to the way heels have used managers for YEARS. Rick Rude, often considered one of the great heels of all time, won the Intercontinental Title from a seemingly unbeatable Ultimate Warrior with the help of Bobby Heenan. Shawn Michaels, every smark's wet dream, won many of his matches because of help / interference from: Sensational Sherri, Diesel, Sid, and Triple H. Big Van Vader, one of the greatest monster heel champs of all time, had Harley Race and / or Jim Cornette in his corner. Finally, I only won at Wrestlemania because the double count out I originally earned by somehow incapacitating John Cena to a point where he couldn't answer a 10-count was reversed by The Rock so he could settle a score. That was out of my hands. But if you want to get technical, I defended by WWE title TWICE at Wrestlemania against John Cena, and only one of those had anything to do with The Rock.

That sums it up. Next smarky noob wants a peice, the line forms behind this guys charred carcass.
Randy Savage

1. I have frequently referred to you as "the greatest feud participant in wrestling history." Which feud, from build up to pay off, was your favorite? Steamboat, DiBiase, Hogan, Rhodes, Warrior, or Flair?

2. Can you explain the rumored heat between you and Vince McMahon? Could you also please put to bed the rumors that you received sweet treats from a teenaged Stephanie?

3. Do you believe you will some day be in the WWE hall of fame, and if offered, would you accept? If you accepted, who would induct you?

4. Better professional - Hogan or Flair?

5. More fun - face or heel?

6. How many ludes did you do when you decided to release a rap album? Were they, in fact, laced with Angel Dust?
Mine would have to be my favorite wrestler Shawn Michaels.

1. How much did you actually have to do with the infamous Screw Job of Bret Hart and the following backstage fight?

2. During that fued, it is said that you asked Bret Hart to call you and Triple H gay in his promo, twice. Did you really ask this and if so, why?

3. Did your friend Triple H ever take steroids, that you know of?

4. Were you really trying to sabotage Dwayne Johnson's rise in the WWF/E?

5. On one of your DVD's you stated that Hulk Hogan was an asshole to work with, during the match where you oversold everything Hogan did, was that a reference to "The Poke"?

6. How is you and Marty's real life relationship? And why was Marty Jennetty not in "The Clique"?

7. Now that you are in the Hall of Fame, do you think that you'll still have a huge influence on the WWE moving forward and have a position in the company when your friend Triple H takes over?

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