Your Rumble winner predictions for every Rumble you have watched

Terry Gyimah

Championship Contender
Thought that this would be an interesting thread...let's keep it honest with our responses here, you're only lying to yourself if you don't.

Let's talk about who you predicted would win the Royal Rumble match for every Rumble you've watched in your time as a fan.

I became a proper wrestling fan around 1997 since it was the first Royal Rumble Match that I can remember watching live as a kid so here's a list of my Royal Rumble Match winner predictions from year's past to present

My predictions for Rumbles that I've watched because I started watching as soon as 1997

1997- Bret Hart; definitely did not see Austin winning the Royal Rumble Match that year and given how Bret was booked I figured that at that time as a kid he would have been booked back into the main event given his long layoff but also the fact that he kept getting screwed but Austin going over made sense because of how over he was

1998- Stone Cold; all signs were pointing to him winning so at that time in 1998 it was almost obvious

1999- Stone Cold; definitely did not see Vince winning the Rumble even though Vince winning was good but it was kind of a cop-out really especially given how Vince didn't even fight for the title and Austin ended up getting the title shot anyway which was stupid so I would have thought that they would have given it to Austin given how he was booked at the time

2000- The Rock; again obvious choice given that the field was low at this time and the only realistic winners besides Rock were Kane, Big Show or Jericho but Rock going over ultimately was the right choice

2001- Kane; definitely did not see Austin winning it for a 3rd time and given how Kane was booked at this time him being the Royal Rumble Match winner would have made sense

2002- Triple H; obvious winner
2003- Brock Lesnar; obvious winner again given how Brock was booked
2004- Angle or Cena; definitely did not see Benoit winning the whole thing even though at this time he was over but I just didn't think WWE would ever pull that trigger

2005- Batista or Cena; 2 obvious choices for Rumble winner even though Batista winning I didn't think would happen but when it did I was like Batista is going to end up facing Triple H for the title and he ultimately did in the end

2006- Definitely saw Rey winning from a mile away considering Eddie's death but also Rey had a story heading into the build-up as well with him dedicating his win to Eddie on top of everything else

2007- Shawn Michaels; I definitely didn't think that WWE would give Taker the Rumble win which is why I was genuinely shocked when they did

2008- The Undertaker; given how he kept getting screwed out of the title on the Smackdown side of things I figured that he would win the Rumble match back to back years to set up him taking the title at Mania; definitely did not see Cena returning to win this

2009- Triple H or Jericho; definitely did not see Orton winning even though it was kind of obvious given his build up heading into that event

2010- Edge all the way; definitely saw this coming from a mile away given how Edge was off of WWE TV for months but also given how his former partner Jericho kept taunting Edge about his injury I figured Edge was winning this and he did

2011- Either Punk or Barrett; definitely did not see Del Rio winning even though I didn't think WWE would actually pull that trigger on Del Rio being that at the time he was a relative newcomer to the WWE

2012- Jericho; I mean all signs were practically pointing to him winning the Rumble which is why I was shocked that they would actually give it to Sheamus especially given the way they built Jericho up with his return and all those vignettes about the end of the world as we knew it

2013- Either Cena or Ryback; I was like either Cena is winning to set up Cena/Rock II for Mania or I was like Ryback was going to win this considering he kept getting screwed out of the title to set up his Mania moment of him winning the title but that didn't happen but I was almost expecting a Cena win

2014- Batista all the way like it was that obvious to this wrestling fan given how they brought him back and not to mention he had a movie coming out that year Guardians of the Galaxy I figured WWE would give Batista the win and they did but he ultimately ended up leaving WWE anyway

2015- Bryan; definitely did not see Reigns winning even though it was kind of obvious but given how Bryan just came off of surgery and with him returning I figured WWE would give him the win to set up Bryan/Lesnar which is what they should have done but if they had then it would have been a massacre because Bryan would have been stretchered out so

2016- Reigns; especially considering how he was being built up with that whole One vs All schtick and not to mention the odds stacked against him by the McMahons I figured that he would win it back to back years given how his character was known for overcoming odds; definitely did not see Triple H winning even though it was obvious given how he was off of TV for a while
I'll preface this by saying that I've watched wrestling all my life, starting apparently from when I was 3 although I don't remember that. It was very very sporadic though so my predictions will start from when I really started watching full-time.

2006 - Rey

2007 - I think it was Triple H?

2008 - I know it was Triple H.

2009 - Randy Orton

2010 - Edge

2011 - I don't remember this prediction, I know it wasn't Del Rio though (I was fuming after he won). It might've been Orton again, or maybe Wade.

2012 - Sheamus. It was a toss up between him and Jericho but I ultimately felt Jericho didn't need the Rumble in order to start a World Championship program for WrestleMania whereas Sheamus did.

2013 - Dolph Ziggler... lol... not so deep down I knew it was gonna be Cena but I held out hope.

2014 - Batista

2015 - Reigns

2016 - Triple H
I watched the 1988 Rumble, but didn't think about who would win. I was 9 years old and remembered being THRILLED that I stumbled upon the Rumble because I assumed it wouldn't be on cable. I missed most of the match but remember JYD entering last and hoping he would win. No luck, but I liked Duggan winning rather than OMG.

1989 - Ted DiBiase, especially after he bought #30

1990- Mr. Perfect. He drew the perfect number and was on a roll.

1991 - Hulk Hogan. It was to be a very America-themed PPV due to the war in the Persian Gulf and he made sense to win. I "knew" I was right when Warrior lost the belt to Slaughter earlier in the night.

1992 - Sid Justice. I was HOPING it wouldn't be Hogan, so the ending was good news/bad news for me.

I continued watching the Rumble after this but did not always pay enough attention during the rest of the year at this point to bother predicting. I was a Rumble/Mania/occasional TV fan at this point. I later got back into it at different points. So some others that I felt strongly about were:

2002 - HHH No doubt here.

2006 - Rey Mysterio. Me and my friends did a blind number draw for money and when I saw Rey was my guy for the night, I remember being glad. I don't remember the storylines from that time (aside from being the first Rumble since Eddie died), but I remember being glad Rey was my chance.

2009- Orton was a no-doubter to me here. Having Legacy and HHH in at the end told me I was right a few minutes early.

So, early on when I was a big fan, I was only right once. After that, I either had no idea or got some obvious ones right.
2008- Cena was obvious when he comed back

2009- Orton was easy to guess because he was red hot with "crazy Orton with Legacy"

2010- Edge and taunting Jericho, yeah

2011- That was big suprise for all

2012- Also thought it would be Jericho, they fooled me there with Sheamus

2013- Yeah, Cena was sure win, everyone knew that Rock would beat Punk and go with title at Cena- Rock twice in a lifetime

2014- Everyone thought Bryan, but yeah, that was sure win for Batista and Guardians of the galaxy promo

2015- Also not suprised, they decided to go with Reigns because they clearly wanted him as new face of WWE especially after Slammys and him being superstar of the year

2016- Yeah, no suprise there either. They wanted Reigns as Champion but as soon they anounced Rumble would be for Championship you knew HHH would not miss a chance to screw him and add one more Championship to his collection so this one would take it back at Mania.

That is one of the reason I looked forward to brand split and dual championships. Rumble became so predictable it hurts. Now you at least have 4-5 options to win it. Last couple of years it was maximum 2.
while i technicly didn'T watch the royal rumble live until 1993, i still watch the older one on VHS so i going to try to remember who i thought would win since the beginning

1989: Hulk Hogan: hogan was the man in this era and i actually thought that he would go through to the end

1990: ultimate warrior: again same as hogan who i had as my number 2, Just a big fan of warrior and thought he could beat everybody else.

1991: hogan: i actually thought hogan would win this one because let'S face it nobody was in the same league as hogan at that time

1992: Hogan: i'm repeating myself here but let'S face it, this was the perfect setting for the hogan redemption story we're he got screwed out of the belt twice by flair and finally got his belt back.

1993: macho man: i just wanted to see bret vs macho man at mania

1994: Lex Luger: i thought it would be the big payoff to the lex express storyline

1995: Shawn micheals: Let'S face it, their really wasn't that much star power in this one except for bulldog and luger so this one was easy to pick

1996: Shawn Micheals: again not lying i remember predicting him mostly because of the comeback story they we're telling on tv

1997: Bret Hart: i really thought they would have done the rematch between him and shawn at mania.

1998: don'T really remember

1999: Stone Cold: I Kinda saw the screw job finish coming but i still thought they would go with the straith finish

2000: again don't really remember

2001: Stone cold, i still remember thinking that they would want to do another match between rock and austin so it made sense

2002: HHH: i was really predictable outcome

2003: lesnar: same as 2002

2004: Benoit: i was thinking to myself how they really telegraph the ending with this one by giving benoit number 1

2005: John Cena: i personnally thought that it was between him and batista but they would give him the win and found another way for batista to main event wrestlemania.

2006: randy Orton: all the sign were there for randy to win that one. I thought that randy would win the rumble and put his title shot on the line against rey at the next ppv and lose that shot.

2007: I had 2 guys that i thought would win and didn'T pick one, it was either taker or HBK because it was the only 2 that made sense that year.

2008 to 2013: really don'T remember

2014: Batista: That was a no brainer in my mind, they didn'T bring him back only to have him lose the rumble

2015: Roman reigns: i knew they really we're high on the guy especially since he got a huge pop at the last rumble so it was an easy prediction

2016: HHH: again the pretty much telegraph that ending last year. You knew reigns wasn'T winning and that somehow HHH would screw him out the the title. The execution was bad and made roman look even worst but it still was really predictable.
I watched a lot of the early 90s Rumbles but I was 5 years old and basically wanted Hogan to win every rumble, even the ones he wasn't involved in. I'll start from 1997 on, as that's really when I started to watch without parents.

1997 - Bret Hart. Pretty much every Rumble ever had been won by a face. Sure, Yoko had one three years before, but we're coming off back to back HBK wins. I was also 12 so a heel win was unthinkable. Austin was a heel at the time, so his winning was the furthest from my mind.

1998 - Austin. He was over like rover. No question.

1999 - Austin again. McMahon winning was so left field and forgettable.

2000 - Mankind. Mick Foley was in the WWF title match as Cactus Jack earlier in the night but I remember predicting that Mankind would "return" and win.

2001 - Austin. Again, so over and recently returned. It only made sense.

2002 - Triple H. It was shocking for him to return as a babyface, so it was obvious he would win the Rumble. When Perfect returned I wanted him to win on a personal level, but didn't actually pick him with anything other than hope.

2003 - Lesnar or Michaels. The match to get into the Rumble was a dead giveaway. Michaels willing entered at number 1, so I figured that was a giveaway that he might win.

2004 - Goldberg. I thought they were going to have him win and challenge Lesnar for the WWE title. I hated it, but it seemed like the way they were going.

2005 - Eddie. I predicted Eddie because I was an Eddie mark and wanted to see him back in the title scene. Batista and Cena were the heirs apparent to WWE, but I figured Cena would be held back another year and Batista would face Triple H without the Rumble win.

2006 - Triple H. I figured they were going towards Triple H vs Cena, as most people did. I didn't see the Mysterio push coming, and Smackdown had No Way Out to establish a #1 contender

2007 - Shawn Michaels. Triple H was hurt after DX was running a hot angle. I figured they would want to capitalize on that at Mania. I was right, but they gave the Rumble to Taker.

2008 - Triple H. Randy vs Triple H had the backstory and Orton was champion. Triple H was still fairly hot since the DX run.

2009 - Randy. He was so insanely over, it's sad they didn't keep that momentum going. I was sure Randy vs Cena would result in a "double turn" (Cena would stay Cena, Orton would stay the same and fight heels after Mania).

2010 - Edge. He was hurt yes, but come this time we had seen enough of the injured return Rumble wins that they were becoming predictable. Edge was the biggest name on the shelf at this time.

2011 - Cena. I think I was a pretty cynical fan at this time and figured that Miz vs Cena was pretty apparent. My wildcard pick was Punk as I figured Orton was going be beat Miz for the title going into this event.

2012 - Jericho. The Jeritroll was so over and Punks title reign length wasn't something worth acknowledging.

2013 - Punk. Why have they never done a champion or challenger losing earlier than winning the Rumble? I thought it would have been a neat swerve and then Cena could have wormed his way into the match for the triple threat that should have been.

2014 - Punk. (I'm not a Punk mark fyi) With Punk being forced to enter first and Batista's awful reaction, I figured they would put a break on plans. They eventually would for Bryan I guess, but I never thought they would really let Batista win without being over.

2015 - Bryan. The return from injury, the Roman heat building. I figured we would wind up with Brock defending against Bryan and Roman, but yeah no.

2016 - Ambrose. I didn't think Triple H wanted the title in 2016 and I predicted they would make Ambrose the new Rollins.


2017 - AJ Styles. I like this idea of someone losing earlier in the night then entering the Rumble. Gallows or Anderson are later revealed to have given their spot to Styles, Styles enters late and steals the Rumble.
Surprisingly my Royal Rumble Prediction Winners have been very good starting at 1998

1998 - My prediction Austin. This was a no brainer
1999 - My prediction Austin. Was wrong on that one.
2000 - The Rock. Like Austin in 98 it made perfect sense since I was predicting Rock vs. HHH at WM16
2001 - Austin. WM at Texas? I knew Austin was going to WM I just didn't know against (I think until Angle retained I was predicting Austin vs. HHH at WM)
2002 - Triple H. easy prediction
2003 - Brock Lesnar. Another easy one since RAW's World Title contender still felt iffy
2004 - Goldberg. Seriously at the time I didn't even think Eddie or Benoit would win the title. I was predicting this would somehow lead to Goldberg challenging Lesnar even before this Royal Rumble Brand switch loop hole was actually used.
2005 - Batista. Easy
2006 - Randy Orton. I was still thinking maybe they would continue the Edge vs. Cena feud at WM.
2007 - Undertaker. My heart said Taker my mind said Shawn Michaels. But the one that gave in is that HBK already won two Rumbles and Taker has yet to win one.
2008 - Triple H. We thought Cena wouldn't make it to the Rumble
2009 - Randy Orton. I was predicting Cena vs. Orton at WM25.
2010 - Edge. The surprise entrant that wasn't really a surprise since we knew Edge's return timeline at I'd figure Jericho would win the title somehow.
2011 - Alberto Del Rio. While it may seem hindsight I had two possible winners Cena and Del Rio. I picked Del Rio because Cena didn't need to win the Rumble to be a viable challenger to The Miz and Del Rio was getting a monster push at the time and the Rumble would give him heat to the feud.
2012 - Sheamus. Because I knew WWE was so in love with Sheamus even Jericho was the logical choice
2013 - Cena. Seriously you could see this coming a year away
2014 - Daniel Bryan. Is WWE dumb enough to screw this up? They almost did
2015 - Daniel Bryan. Is WWE dumb enough to screw this up again? Apparently so. Besides the weeks leading to Rumble you could tell Reigns wasn't ready and I was thinking Bryan's last min announcement to enter the Rumble was a change in plans.
2016 - Triple H. Another predictable surprise entrant.
2010 - I don't remember what my choice was there actually. We knew Edge was gonna come back and feud with Y2J, but at the time I really wanted HBK vs Undertaker, so my prediction was HBK. Case in mind, I wasn't following any dirt sheets back then. I was a casual fan.

2011 - My pick was CM Punk. I really wanted Punk to win that Rumble. Punk was on fire at that time, feuding with Cena, and this whole New Nexus vs Corre angle that had so much money printed all over it but never got the chance to shine.

2012 - Y2J, but my gut kept telling me Sheamus and I didn't want to believe it. I remember reading a report that a Smackdown superstar was going to win, a long time before the Rumble. Vince's plans for Sheamus were established in his mind for a long time.

2013 - Up until December 2012, my pick was Ryback, since I believed that they were going to give us Ryback vs Big Show for the WH title at Mania. After Del Rio defeated Big Show, I knew it was going to be Cena.

2014 - Batista. I still had hopes for Punk or Bryan though. But I knew it was going to be Batista.

2015 - Reigns. Just like Sheamus, it was set in stone. Again, still had hopes that Bryan was going to win, but it was going to be Reigns.

2016 - Triple H - I saw his return a mile away. Too predictable, but I didn't really mind it.

2017 - That's a Rumble that I really have no idea as to who's going to win. Seriously. I want Taker, I'll be rooting for Taker.
1992- Hulk Hogan. He was my favorite then and I was used to him winning.
1993- Macho Man. I remember being pretty shocked Yokozuna won.
1994- I can't remember but probably Bret. He was my favorite.
1995- again can't remember from the beginning. I remember starting to root for Shawn as the march went on.
1996- Shawn Michaels. He was my favorite wrestler at this point. I did have a bad feeling he wasn't going to win since he had won the year before.
1997- Bret Hart- he was my second favorite and Michaels wasn't in it.
1998- Maybe Austin. I wasn't fully on the Austin bandwagon yet so I'm not positive.
1999- I thought Austin was going to win but wanted Triple H
2000- Rock
2001- Austin
2002- I loved triple Hs return but angle was still my guy. IIRC, I was pulling for Angle but was ok with H winning it
2003- Lesnar. Was more rooting for Angle/Lesnar at mania.
2004- Benoit
2005- Batista
2006- I was starting to get out of wrestling at this point. I can't remember if i had a preference. It wasn't Rey tho.
2007-2011 I wasn't watching
2012- Jericho. I wanted the Jericho Punk match.
2013- didn't care
2014- Bryan. I was legit pissd he didn't enter
2015- Bryan again. They have to give it to him this year, right? Wrong!
2016- going in Triple H. When styles entered I started rooting for him.
However watching past Royal Rumble Matches I guess it brought back flashbacks for me as a kid and honestly even as a kid before 1997 I did make predictions about Royal Rumbles even as a little kid but I could never watch those Royal Rumbles seeing as how I didn't have PPV until 1997 so that being said I will just talk about 1995 and 1996 because those are the only ones I can remember:

1995- Even though the field was kind of messed up the clear favourites in this Royal Rumble Match were Shawn Michaels, Lex Luger, Bulldog, Owen Hart, King Kong Bundy, Mabel and Crush. However, when I saw Michaels come out as #1 the 5 year old kid in me at the time was like there's no way Michaels would win especially coming out as #1. Also seeing as how Luger was in it I figured he would win back to back years considering in 1994 he got robbed of a single win as a Royal Rumble Match winner he had to share his shot with Bret as a co-winner so I figured WWE would have given it to Luger as a way to make up for last year. But when Michaels won it in 1995 I was shocked because I wasn't expecting him to win and not to mention at the time he was a heel so a heel winning was pretty much rare given the last heel before him to win it was in 1992 when Flair won it so to see Michaels win I was shocked mainly because I didn't think he could outlast 29 other guys being the first man in.

1996- For me it was either Michaels, Owen or Diesel winning it all
1998 - Austin
The marked man of the Rumble and his hot rise made it obvious he was going to Mania

1999 - Austin
I guess I should've suspected Vince as a candidate at the time but I didn't and it came as a shock to me

2000 - Rock or Big Show
The two most likely candidates coming into the match. The biggest face in the company or the big bad heel Show, who Rock was feuding with

2001 - Austin, Kane or Taker
The top candidates of the match along with Rock but Rock had already held the WWF Title a few months before, so I didn't think he would win it or main event Mania.

2002 - Triple H
Was obvious with the big comeback at MSG and everything

2003 - Brock Lesnar
Brand new face turn, top guy on Smackdown, Triple H wasn't in the Rumble and he was facing Big Show for a spot earlier in the PPV, so it was obvious that it was going to be one heck of a night for him, beating Show and putting an end to their feud and winning the Rumble, going onto Mania to feud with Angle

2004 - Goldberg or Kurt Angle
Wasn't really watching wrestling at this time, I didn't know Benoit was gonna be #1 in the match but even if I had, I don't know if I would've suspected him as the winner. It was definitely a shock for me to read on the next day at school that he had won.

2005 - Batista
The hottest guy going into the match. Couldn't have been more obvious.

2006 - Triple H or Randy Orton
Never thought about Rey as an option or WWE having him pay tribute to Eddie by winning it. I should've. I had read about plans of Triple H vs. Cena at Wrestlemania and Orton competiting for the World Title at Wrestlemania.

2007 - Shawn Michaels
Triple H was out, Shawn was on his own again and it was in Shawn's hometown, so I thought him.

2008 - Triple H
Nobody else seemed credible enough to win. Didn't expect Cena to return.

2009 - Randy Orton
The whole taking out McMahon storyline made it obvious. Hottest heel in the company at the time.

2010 - Batista, John Cena or Shawn Michaels
Only 3 in the Rumble who were credible enough and the Shawn winning it to face Taker at Mania angle was a big deal. Didn't expect Edge to return.

2011 - Randy Orton or CM Punk
I didn't really suspect anybody actually, with it being a 40 man Rumble, I thought anybody could win but I thought Orton or Punk were most likely. Punk since it seemed he was feuding with Cena, who I thought would face each other for the WWE Title at Mania.

2012 - Chris Jericho
He had just returned, seemed like he was gonna feud with Punk for the WWE Title, so an RR win was the logical choice

2013 - John Cena
Rock coming back, it was obvious he would win the WWE Title from CM Punk, all the rumors of a rematch between Cena and Rock the year before, Cena's redemption storyline after having a bad year in 2012, made it obvious Cena would win the RR and get a victory back on Rock, winning the title back in the process

2014 - Batista or Daniel Bryan
They would either go with the guy they brought back especially with rumors of Orton-Batista at WM or the hottest guy in the company

2015 - Daniel Bryan or Roman Reigns
They would either go with the hottest guy in the company who was making his return to win back the title he never lost or the guy they were pushing as their next top guy

2016 - Triple H
Was obvious they was setting up Reigns vs. Triple H for Mania
I'll go back as far as I can remember...

2003: Brock Lesnar - The feud with Big Show was over and he was on his face run (I think) at the time. Lesnar was hot and it made perfect sense.

2004: Chris Benoit - I was a fan of Benoit. He was probably my choice because of this. But when the underdog gets the number one spot in the Rumble, it usually means something.

2005: Batista - It was between two guys: Batista and Cena. I loved that they ended up in the final two. I chose Batista because the impending feud with Triple H had been brewing for ages at this point.

2006: Rey Mysterio - Not that I necessarily agreed with the idea. Look, I loved Eddie Guerrero and I could bare Rey Mysterio at this time. But this wasn't the most thrilling for me.

2007: Undertaker - I want to say I did see Taker winning here. It was the only thing he had left to accomplish. And with Batista as the World Heavyweight Champion at the time, it made for an obviously entertaining WrestleMania match that would result in his first title win at Mania for 10 years. Sort of poetic.

2008: Triple H - Triple H seemed like the only realistic option. Sure, you had Shawn, Batista, Taker etc., but I certainly didn't see John Cena returning so early. Gives me hope for a Finn Bálor return this year, and hopefully the win!

2009: Randy Orton - This was way too obvious for everyone really. Having said that, the storyline with the McMahon's was pretty good so no issues here.

2010: Edge - Edge's return didn't seem all too imminent, but I placed my bets on him anyway in the off chance, and it was awesome. This was more of a hopeful guess to be honest. My second and more realistic guess would have been Shawn Michaels, considering the rematch with Taker was a given.

2011: No Idea - Says it all. I was stumped in 2011, which is a good thing, much like this year. Plenty of choices though. How exciting.

2012: Chris Jericho - With Jericho being my all-time favourite, I was stoked. Jericho's win seemed satisfyingly obvious with his return, but Sheamus' win shocked me. In the end it made no difference at WrestleMania.

2013: John Cena - Not much to say here. The Rock was winning the title. Second in a lifetime (lol) for Cena's redemption was clear.

2014: Batista - I don't think I was quite naïve enough to think Bryan would actually be winning here. He should have, and everyone was right in thinking it, but I recall having no faith in the booking at the time. Batista's great, but this should have been Bryan's Rumble.

2015: Roman Reigns - I think 2015 echoed the same song as 2014 really. 2014 should have been Daniel Bryan's year, and it wasn't. And one year later, Bryan is back, but the timing is wrong for the purposes of the story. Terrible finish made it worse for me.

2016: Triple H - Like most people here, it seemed pretty obvious that Triple H would be returning and winning the title. Not that it was a bad move. Despite my tendencies to choose against the part-time veterans, this was a good run.

Here's to Royal Rumble 2017, the first since 2011, in my opinion, that is really open for anyone to win.
I don't remember any Royal Rumble before 2012.

2012 - Chris Jericho - I still think he should have won.

2013 - John Cena - Everyone knew we were getting Cena vs. Rock II

2014 - Daniel Bryan - Most popular wrestler. Everyone wants him to win. This is a no-brainer.... right? Right?

2015 - Daniel Bryan - Please don't mess this up again.

2016 - Roman Reigns - They probably wouldn't do this after 2015. Or would they?

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