Your plans on December 21st 2012?

Watching Smackdown maybe...and some last second Christmas shopping....

There is this pothead in my homeroom class that thinks a tsunami is gonna hit and kill us Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. Then he said he's gonna be watching us all die, up on a hill.....Apparently he thinks that the magical tsunami that is gonna come all the way from the east cost, and stop at his 15 foot hill.

I'm gonna keep a notebook, and write down all the stupid shit he says. I think I am literally going to do this. Unfortunately for me, I've got 3 and a quarter more years with him left....fuck...
I plan to participate in some twisted joke where I get everyone to play dead on some person who is fully behind the world ending, then jump up and shout "Got ya". After this I'll resume my normal life as it continues into 2013.
I shall be silently *********ing to the sound of Radioheads 'No Surprises', waiting for the rush of disappointment at midnight when I find out that the Mayans were, in fact, lying *****.

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