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Your most under valued moment of 2013


Occasional Pre-Show
Well, the year is almost over so i figured this would be a great topic. 2013 had a lot of moments that were excellent but now are seemingly forgotten.

Mine has to be when Dolph Ziggler cashed in his MITB on Del Rio the night after Wrestlemania. I realized i saved that episode of RAW on my HD and i started to watch it not really remembering why i still had it.

But wow, what perfect excecution that entire set up was. From Del Rio having a match with Swagger and the injury at the end of the match, to Dolph using that to break the cross armbreaker.

It is amazing to look back at how amazingly over Ziggler was at the time and now it seems like it was a dream or something. I feel bad, almost like it never happened. Definitely under valued.

What is yours?
Same one for me. I was there when Ziggler won the World Heavyweight Championship, and it was the biggest crowd reaction for anything I've ever heard. Ziggler was poised to be the biggest star in the company, until a concussion and Vince screwed him over. It's terrifying to see how far he's fallen.
I'm not a Dolph Ziggler fan but probably when he cashes in the briefcase for the World title. I was in Orlando on Vacation at the time and remember it being a fantastic night after just flying back from WrestleMania.
A lot of people have been mentioning Ziggler's cash in. Staying with Ziggler, the double turn with Del Rio was fantastic. It was expertly done and the WWE don't get credit for it. Another great moment was The Rhodes brothers getting their jobs back. Them celebrating with Dusty was pretty awesome.

Also, Mick Foley being inducted into the Hall of Fame. He has never ever received recognition for how great he was and Mick should have been a first ballot Hall of Famer.
Yeah, I think I'll have to go for Dolph Ziggler cashing in the money in the bank contract to win the World Heavyweight Championship. It's a shame it's considered undervalued because he should still be there now. What the hell happened? I think the match, the win and the crowd made it an insane moment. I originally hated the fact that he didn't cash in at WrestleMania 29, but I think the arena crowd was the better choice. Having said that, it would have made the event better. Best moment of 2013.
A lot of people have been mentioning Ziggler's cash in. Staying with Ziggler, the double turn with Del Rio was fantastic. It was expertly done and the WWE don't get credit for it. Another great moment was The Rhodes brothers getting their jobs back. Them celebrating with Dusty was pretty awesome.

I thought the double turn itself was nice done as well, unfortunately the follow-through was terrible, thus the lack of credit. Like it could have been the start of one of the top feuds of 2013, but since the only things we got out of it was Dolph sinking like a rock and a long boring ADR reign it's not surprising to see people preferring to forget it happened.
Big. E Langston winning the Intercontinental Championship.

The crowd gave him a nice pop, when he pinned Axel, and he's a better option for champion. Axel is boring, dull, he looks like a Wal-Mart night stocker, he can't talk, and his matches are nothing special. Heyman can only do so much as a mouthpiece, and the fans weren't buying into Axel as the next big thing, at all.

Langston has the bigger upside, and with Big. E as champion, the IC title could receive a much needed resurgence.
Ziggler cashing in and the double turn during his match with Del Rio were both memorable moments and both were really well done. The cash in generated some great drama as it looked like, for a bit, that Ziggler wasn't going to successfully cash in. The double turn was just good old fashioned, great storytelling by two guys who work well together. While Del Rio isn't the most charismatic guy out there on the mic, he often doesn't get enough credit for the quality of his matches.

Big E. winning the IC title was also one that's undervalued in my eyes. Fans have gotten behind Big E. as WWE has taken the time to flush the guy out some, to build him up slowly and to address whatever shortcomings he's had. Langston is getting more comfortable speaking, I thought he was his best yet on commentary this past Friday, and his matches are often entertaining.

As far as picking just one, I'd probably have to go with the Ziggler cash in. The crowd was about as hot as you could possibly ask for and, as I alluded to, there was some great suspense during his cash in attempt. It's often underrated, in my opinion, due to the loss of momentum Ziggler's suffered since then, which was really kicked off by concussion he suffered.
Dolph's cash-in is a clear pick, and it was executed perfectly (although I would've preferred it to have happened the previous night at Wrestlemania) with an amazing crowd.

My favourite undervalued moments include:
~ The Rhodes brothers victory against The Shield for their contracts. Cody was on a hot streak & the fans had been so responsive towards Goldust's return. The best match on the PPV and a wonderful feel-good moment when all three celebrated together.
~ Axel winning the Intercontinental Championship on Father's Day. A lovely touch to see his emotion upon winning. I'm not sure what lies in store for Axel now, but this was the start of another what could-have been (ala Ziggler above).
~ Damien Sandow's failed cash-in against Cena. I really hope Sandow is given more opportunity and a more important role following this. It showed some needed aggression from him, even if ultimately this was a demonstration of the indestructibility of John Cena.
I'm have a few thoughts on this since everyone is rejoicing the moments Dolph Ziggler had. I think someone has to mention the Mark Henry retirement speech. I will always be upset that Henry wasn't given the title after that. Daniel Bryan's fire could have outlasted the Henry/Cena rematch, or he could even have been added and pinned Cena to win. That would have led to a Henry feud and a Cena feud for Bryan.

I really think something everyone is forgetting is the CM Punk pipebomb/Rock return in January. I still think that was the promo of the year. If you go back and watch it, it really is epic and it was the beginning of the end of Mega-heel Punk.

I also have to make a mention of Chris Jericho's return at the Royal Rumble. That ruled.
I think someone has to mention the Mark Henry retirement speech. I will always be upset that Henry wasn't given the title after that. Daniel Bryan's fire could have outlasted the Henry/Cena rematch, or he could even have been added and pinned Cena to win. That would have led to a Henry feud and a Cena feud for Bryan.

I agree, Mark Henry really did deserved the title, wwe really should of gave him a good run with it as he would have been the top heel!

I have to agree with everyone one else on Zigglers cash in, not because i am a fan of ziggler but because know he wrestles on the kick off od PPVs its a shame :(
As a massive DZ fan I loved his cash in. It was executed perfectly and that pop was unbelievable. I still would've prefered if he did it the night before but it was still awesome.

Also Mark Henry's retirement speech. He had us all fooled. Few saw it coming, and that's something we don't see much in WWE these days.
In no particular order, Mark Henry's "Retirement" Speech, Ziggler-Del Rio double turn, Ziggler Cashing in MitB, JoJo singing the national anthem and Daniel Bryan's elimination in the Royal Rumble.
Dnt understand why so many you say Dolphs cash in when that was easily one of the biggest moments of the year.. Nobodys forgotten because i see it mentioned all the time on these boards..The fact that hes irrelevant right now has nothing to do with that moment because it will always be remembered..I would say the double turn because those rarely happen and they rarely mention it anymore, thus it is undervalued.. Or you could make a case for Bryan beating Cena clean because that should be talked about much more than anything..whens the last time Cena even lost clean?
This is an interesting question because, for example, I think the much talked about Ziggler cash in the night after Mania 29 is undervalued by the WWE seeing as they didn't capitalize on it & it didn't seem to mean anything more to them than adding another clip to the MitB Anthology that was released this year. But I think that same moment is also overvalued by the fans seeing as some fans on the internet seem to act like that was one of the biggest moments of the last decade when it went absolutely nowhere, ultimately did nothing for either man & as far as big title wins & MitB cash-in's go, it wasn't even that memorable.

As for matches & moments that I think could qualify for both:
- Mark Henry's "Retirement" Speech: Easily some of the best acting & promo work I've ever seen. I think Henry in general has been underrated & undervalued for some time but apparently it was a good thing because it lite a fire under him, made him work harder than ever & made for the best work of his entire career. & I don't think Henry needed to win the WWE Title considering that promo alone made his one off match with John Cena one of the best short lived feuds of the year.
- The Rhodes Dynasty stands tall at the 1st Ever Battleground: Ultimatley I think this moment get's my vote for most undervalued. In fact I think this whole PPV was undervalued simply because of the screwy finish to the main event. Overall I thought the show was actually one of the more solid B PPV's of the year & every match from Cesaro swinging Khali to Bray doing the demonic crab walk had something memorable in it. & The Rhodes match was OFF THE CHARTS!!! Not only was it a great contest in general but the entire atmosphere & energy when watching the match & at the end when all the WWE Superstars came out to celebrate with The Rhodes family was incredible! I watched this match during my lunch break, alone, on my computer & honestly the only time I can remember marking out as big & feeling that much electricity in the air for a match was when I was live at Wrestlemania!!! Also it seems like this is the closest the WWE Universe will ever come to seeing all 3 members of the Rhodes family on an actual team together, which is pretty special & cool by itself.
- The Wyatt Family meets The Shield of Justice: For being nothing more than a minor scuffle, this was one of the biggest moments of the entire year IMO. When Harper & Rowan were standing nose to nose with Ambrose & Rollins it felt real, it felt organic & it gave fans a feeling like they were seeing something big start to grow that I think most fans haven't felt since the Attitude Era. Also the match prior with The Shield, Bryan & Punk was great & it looks like this moment may have even sparked enough interest to lead to a Wyatt Family/Shield feud in the near future before The Shield finally splits.
im sticking with dolph. i feel he could have had a great run as world champion taking on whoever, he always delivers in the ring. after dolph's concussion why couldn't have won the world title from del rio? they hada great baby face/ heel switch and went no where with it.

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