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Your Most Favourite and Least Favourite Gimmick of the Decade


Occasional Pre-Show
First off, if anybody has made a thread like this my apologies, but as far I have seen this kind of thread has never been made, so I am doing it anyway..

So, you can pick your most favourite gimmick of the decade.. State the superstar's name and the gimmick he had provided, cause superstarts like the Undertaker has numerous amount of gimmicks during the decade. State who is the superstar in which the gimmick just gave you goosebumps or made you crazy or whatever and which superstar just provided a gimmick that made you change the channel..

I'll go first:

My Favourite Gimmick: Undertaker's American Badass Gimmick.. It was great to see him be somebody he wanted to be. He had a personal liking for bikes and this really reflected on him and on the fans viewing him as this really tough gangster with a kick-ass bike. It was entertaining to watch him with his bike and his entrance titantron was always kickass during those biker gimmicks..

I also liked JBL's Rich Business man gimmick, it really reflected on his heel and made it even more effective as being the Hated wrestler, cause he had the money and the title..

My Least Favourite Gimmick: Great Khali being a Playboy and hosting Kisscam and stuff... I didn't like it all, it was not fun seeing him as none other than a Punjabi Monster.. He was built for that gimmick and being that playboy just reflected on the toughness that he used to portray..

Another one would be Vito, the Cross Dresser or whoever that used to dress like a woman.. It was useless and well, LAME..

Your Turn
Good choices OP.

Favourite Gimmicks:
  • MNM when they first debuted
  • Boogeyman - everything fit really, the creepy music, the clock smashing, the whole gimmick was a hoot-and-a-half
  • Eddie Guerrero - Lie, cheat and steal. Possibly the greatest gimmick in the WWE.

    Least Favourite Gimmick:
    • Jillian Hall - mole thing on her face
    • Michelle McCool - school teacher
    • Hornswoggle - beginning to end lol
    • Vito as you stated above

My favourite and least favourite gimmicks are:

Favourite Gimmicks:
Randy Orton's viper gimmick, it really reflects on him either heel or face.
Eddie Guerrero Lie,cheat,steal
Triple H, the celebral assassin, it looked good on him either heel or face.
Edge, Rated R superstar gimmick, it changed his career and made him for who he is today
The undertaker, american badass gimmick exactly as you stated above.
The Rock, the great one he sure did entertain so many fans with his gimmick
Stone Cold Steve Austin, The "Surly RattleSnake" he made the attitude Era with his.
Mickie james, the obsessed number 1 fan of trish stratus

Least Favourite Gimmick
Jillian Hall mole on her face, + the singing gimmick
Vito The cross dresser
the great khali the pubjabi playboy
hornswoggle the irsh leprachon
Rico constantio, the gay stylist for billy & chuck.
Black reign,the much darker verison of goldust in TNA
Cm Punk's straight edge. Growing up in the punk scene, id get picked on for being straight edge so its great that such an incredible wrestler would have a gimmick like that. Gimmick or not, he's still my favorite wrestler.
Jericho did an amazing job the past couple years with his heel character.
Drew Mcyntire as "The Chosen One".
Evolution's lifestyle. Getting hookers and blow and such. I shouldn't say Eugene, but he had a lot of funny moments with Evolution and on his own on Raw.

The Governor in TNA. Poor Daffney.
The Johnsons. Tag team that looked like uncircumcised wangs. A Vince Russo original.
Stuttering Matt Morgan.
Big Daddy V, whatever his gimmick was.
"Dashing" Cody Rhodes. At first it was funny and entertaining. But the overly long grooming tips every week makes him annoying.
Ev2.0 if that counts. They were portrayed as old, crippled and weak while they were being celebrated. Then they progressivley got weeded out by being fired. So its doubtful anyone will consider that a memorable reunion. Or at least not a celebration.

There are a lot of love/hate characters. Where the character is shitty, but I enjoy them for some reason. The perfect example is Eugene. Even though he had a career defining/ending gimmick, he was still. Funny and great with the other wrestlers. I loved his time on Raw. And it never really offended me because they never said anything negative about his disability (at least not I saw) and he'd usually be the one prevailing. Plus his epic theme music.
Best Gimmics:
1)Booker T & Golddust: just google the skits with them from '02 pure comedy.

2)Heel Rikishi: the stones it took to make him of all people as the guy who ran over Austin, was ballsy considering how over he was in 2000.

3)Right To Censor: A direct play on some of the issues WWF was going through at the time, was a great heel stable, that worked with mainly mid card wrestlers. (Stevie Richards, Val Venis, Ivory, Goodfather, and Bull Buchanon).

Worse Gimmics:
1)nWo on raw: The version with X-Pac, Big Show, Booker T, and Kevin Nash. Once Scott Hall was fired, the group should of ended, thank god a few weeks later it did.
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Best gimmick to me as said American Bad Ass Taker. Just awesome an it was cool to see what i believe was an is all his custom bikes!!

Kane with his mask as the big red MACHINE!!! not this monster gimmick, which was good while he was champ. But when he was the machine he was amazing. I still remember when he almost choke slammed Test threw the ring. Find it on youtube its sick!!!
Also when he an still does hold the record as the one person to elimante the most people in the rumble.

Pope Danagleo Dinero. IDK what it is but its just different an unique. His promos are better then his EB ones.


Reverund Devon. God awful but did have one good thing. Made dikan Batista known to the WWE. Also it was just awful along with RTC.

Glacier an Disco Inferno. Need i say more lol

Khali playboy thing. Why is he still in WWE???
Favorite Gimmicks

. Rated R Superstar - You never knew what to expect.
. Chris Jericho's assclown gimmick - Very entertaining.
. Heel CM Punk SES - Golden
. Chris Jericho's heel gimmick the past few years - SHowed a more serious side of Y2J.
. The Rock from 98-02 - Funny classic promos

Least Favorite
. The Boogeyman - Eating worms? Really? Worms?
. Vito cross dresser - Cmon Vito, grow a pair.
. CurryMan - All I have to say is WOW.
. Shelton's momma - No explanation needed.
My favorite would have to be Chris Jericho's Y2J gimmick. He could use that persona no matter if he was heel or face. He was always entertaining regardless of being heel or face also. He's most recent gimmick is great as well, but it's definitely a heel only person.

A close second would be Edge's Rated R Superstar gimmick. He had been on a sure shot course to the main event for some time. Once he started using that gimmick he quickly became a true main event star.

Least favorite is hard to say there have been so many. One that comes to mind is Chavo Guerrero's Kirwin White gimmick. It was just horrible all around. He has always been a great wrestler and under used in my opinion, and this gimmick was the biggest waste of his talent.
Dashing Cody Rhodes- I don't see why most people dislike this because i think its a pretty solid gimmick. And the Hulking up kinda thing he does when you touch "The Face", pretty awesome.

Taker's Biker Gimmick: My favorite of all time. From the Music(Rollin and You're Gonna Pay IMO 2nd one better tho...), to the moves ( Delayed Chokeslam, Last Ride, TOmbstone, Dragon Sleeper, Triangle Choke. etc.....), whether he was heel or face you got to love that gimmick.

The People's Champ, The Rock, Hollywood Rock: My 2nd Fav. HAd me rofl whether heel or face.

Stone Cold Steve Austin: I didn't really catch on that much in the beginning when Rock and SCSA were feuding. I wasnt a really big SCSA fan but over time he won me over.

Worst Gimmick:
Right to Censor: THey had somewhat good intentions but i just couldn't stand them. Yea, the entrance music was a turn off.....<_<

Other Bad Gimmicks
Carlito's Bodyguard (dont remember the name)
Reverend Devon(horrible),
Kiznery( Yea that weird clown that beat MVP)
The Spirit Squad (male cheerleaders....Really?),
Kenny Dykstra when he left SS,
King Booker, (Dry...)
The Hurricane (I didn't get him at all, i liked Gregory Helms better)
Mattitude Matt Hardy (Lowest year of Matt's Career)
fav. gimmicks:
eric young- just think is funny how he grabbed the tna world title out of the trash and now thinks he is the champ.
john cena- when he was the rapper and rap battled everyone that he could.

least fav.
john cena-now just dont like hime
Well the decades a pretty long time, so I don't think I can give just one answer so i'll list the best ones I can think of.

Best gimmicks
CM Punk - Straight Edge Messiah

CM Punk got so much heat with this gimmick and was more entertaining then any other heels on Raw or Smackdown with the exception of Chris Jericho.

Chris Jericho - Best in the world at what I do

First of all in my opinion Jericho is one of the best talkers of all time. This gimmick is a very simple one, Jericho's a bitter jerk who only cares about him self and thinks everyone else is on a much lower level then him. Gelatunist tapeworms to be more specific. I was a little concerned when this gimmick started because I loved the Y2J character and couldn't picture him doing anything else, but he made it work like a charm, he had the audience in his pocket everytime he came out to the ring.

The Undertaker - Bad Ass

The Undertaker proved that he wasn't just a guy with a creepy entrance and great agility. With this gimmick he proved that he could hang in there with some of the best talkers at the time (Triple H, The Rock, Y2J, Stone Cold) and he did something that many other superstars could never accomplish, reinvented himself successfully.

Worst Gimmicks

John Cena - Funny guy

I don't have a problem with John Cena, sure he's very average in the ring, and he's been pushed to the moon, but I understand why. What I don't understand is why I have to watch his lame attempts at trying to be a comedian every week. John Cena does not have the material and comedic timing that made The Rock the sensation that he was, so i'm really tired of seeing him try it.

Triple H - New DX

Triple H is somewhat humorous, he certainly has better timing then John Cena, but when it comes down to it the only Triple H gimmick that works for me is when he's a smug heel, or a tweener. He can't be this stupid character that pokes fun at everyone all the time and pulls pranks he just seems like a pathetic man past his prime when he does it.

Perry Saturn - Moppy

Way to bury a mans career WWE.

Gene Snitsky - Creepy guy with foot fetish.

Really WWE? This reeks of Vince russo and I don't even think it was him. Just bad.

Edge - Rated R Superstar

May get some hate for calling this one of the worst gimmicks but it honestly annoyed me more then any angle should. I just never bought into it. It made Lita into a **** which was bad enough, and it also made Edge into a character that I could never take seriously as a face ever again. His current face run has been horrendous.
My favorite gimmick has to be Santino Marella as a character. All he has to do his horribly mangle the pronunciation of a word to have me laughing, and that's just scratching the surface of his ability. I love his way of accidentally winning matches and when he was a heel, using the most ridiculous of circumstance to pull off a win. Other than Santina Marella, Santino has been pure gold for the WWE.

My least favorite... probably The Bogeyman. He was a stupider version of The Undertaker. There is only room for one mythical legend in the WWE, and 5 out of 5 dentists agree that The Undertaker kicks the shit out of The Bogeyman. Speaking of dentists, Bogeyman had a disgusting mouth; his teeth were always fucking disgusting. And speaking of disgusting... the worm eating? No thank you, WWE, no thank you.
IC25's Favorites

Randy Orton's current "Apex Predator / Viper" gimmick. The dude looks like a snake. If Voldemort were a wrestler, he'd be Randy Orton. He plays the role that Jake Roberts had played, and he's even perfected it. His finishing move feels like the venomous strike of a snake. Quick and deadly. Brilliant for Orton.

Robert Roode / Eric Young. EY was great, and Roode really looked to be a top notch heel when he won 'ownership' of EY's contract. It was played extremely well, and EY's work with Jeremy Borash (like when he went to buy condoms) was hilarious. Stuff like this reminds me of when I liked watching TNA.

Eugene Dinsmore. The wife and I loved Eugene. The savant cousin of Eric Bischoff, Eugene was slow, funny, and in a pinch pretty strong. His work with William Regal was tremendous (Eugene stop or you'll go blind!) and his stuff with DX was good too (I'm here for the Bounty...)

IC25's Least Favorites

Mordecai, the Undertaker's Opposite. Just plain awful. Didn't last long as a result.

Jillian Hall, singer. A rip on Brooke Hogan. Funny for 2 weeks. After that, it simply made me change the channel.
Favorite Gimmicks

Chris Jericho King Of The World Gimmick: This is classic character culd draw heat like crazy and culd talk trash like noone else.

The Rock (2003 Hollywood Gimmick): I always liked rock better as a heel , just too funny and u culdnt hate rock as a heel. Favorite moments from this gimmick was when he spat in hogans face , and the infamous rock concert

Least Favorite Gimmick:

Reverend D-Von: This gimmick was horrible and non entertaining, he did have deacon batista but this was a gimmick just thrown on D-von because they had nothing else for him
I'll not mention Rock or Austin in this as they are pretty obvious choices.

Favourite Gimmicks

CM Punk as Straight Edge Messiah: This man does not drink, smoke or do drugs and has a high moral code of living. Yet this man is possibly the greatest heel of the next generation. The way CM Punk has manipulated his gimmick to come across as a god-awful prick is nothing short of genius. He throws his perfection in your face and its not something that you can dispute and that just makes you feel wretched. His character is such that he can have a great feud with anyone anytime.

While he has already had a great feud with Jeff Hardy in the WWE and looks to be on course to having another one with Cena, he would have been a huge asset in the Attitude Era. Can you imagine the feuds he would have had with the likes of Rock, Austin and HBK? Each one of them would have been nothing short of epic.

Eddie Guerrero: Lyin' Cheating and Stealing babyface: The exact opposite of CM Punk. He was flawed and did not deny them for a minute. He cheated incessantly to gain an advantage but at the end of the day got as big a pop as anyone in the business. Maybe it was his small stature that made his cheating acceptable or perhaps it was just a case of him being insanically charismatic. Either way this guy was possibly the best antihero after Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Least Favourite Gimmicks

Boogeyman: This guy was just creepy and disgusting and his USP was the fact that he ate worms. A waste of space on the roster in every way.

Jillian Hall as the mole girl: As bad as Jillian was as the terrible singer, it was certainly not worse than this monstrosity of a gimmick. It was based on Jillian having a huge mole on the left side of her space, the nature of which was actually speculated over by the commentators. And yes Boogeyman bit the mole. I think I'll puke just remembering that stuff.

Chris Masters as the man boob dancer: That's the best I could make of his gimmick. As we knwo Masters is a comedic lower midcard face on SD. He was a heel prior to that . So the best way to make him turn is for him to save a babyface in peril? Well that's not what the WWE thought and they made him dance his man boobs in a talent contest. Amazingly enough the crowd loved it and that stuff carried on for weeks. Just makes you question the intelligence of wrestling fans sometimes.
Favorite: Bradshaw's Business Man Gimmick, but only around 2004/2005 because then it just got stupid.

Another one I liked was Edge when he was gold crazy during 2005. That was a good gimmick.

Least Favorite: Santino Marella, absolutely hate it. When he was The Milan Miracle he was okay but now he's just a buffoon and an idiot.

Vito, the cross dresser was just stupid. Who from WWE creative thought of it.

Big Dick Johnson, I don't like it but it did make for some funny moments.
(Side Note, Punk is my favorite wrestler, but since his gimmick is just his real life persona, I dont count that as a gimmick)

Favorite gimmick:
Early AJ: The fact that he was a heel that was supposed to be hated, but was such a damn good wrestler made him hard to hate.

Suicide, Probrably my favorite full attire in the past 10 years in america

Least favorite gimmick:
Player Dean Malenko: HORRIBLE usage of such a great wrestler.

3 count: Was just boring, and pretty much made no sense to me.

Original Sting - with the blonde hair and different face paint each time he was the man in WCW

Big Van Vader - Best big man ever

King Booker - sorry it was hilarious to me King a boo kaaaaah

Al Snow - Back when he carried Head. Some of the best was when he was trying to get signed to a contract and kept getting thrown out by security so he's come in dressed as an old lady or chinese food delivery guy and even dress up the head

Mankind - the original dark version

Undertaker 90 - 00

Chavo Guerrero Jr. - When he went bat shit crazy and carried around the stick horse Pepe (WWE later ripped it off with Perry Saturn's Moppy)

Lionheart Chris Jericho - Screw Y2J this was the best Jericho ever was character wise especially when he kept winning items off his opponents like Juventud's maskand Prince Iaukea's dress thing. Also I liked how he intentionally called everyone the wrong name like Stinko Malenko, Quasijuice Guerrero, Tooker B, Greenberg was the best because you can tell Goldberg REALLY didnt appreciate that.

Tank Abbott- Hilarious how he was a groupie for 3 Count! Big tough UFC guy who loves boy bands


That 70's Guy Mike Awesome - this guy loved the fat chicks

The Maestro - Jesus christ what a disaster

The Repo Man

Tugboat - What the hell was that all about

Issac Yankem DDS then Fake Diesel - Equally horrible thank god he would eventually become Kane

Eugene - Still cant believe WWE had a mentally ******ed wrestler for shame Vince,for shame!

Doink the Clown - hated this character so bad

For me it has to the the American Bad Ass Undertaker

When I frist became a wrestling fan I did not like the Undertaker at all, I just did not enjoy his Ministry of Darkness gimmick, the whole thing freaked me out, especially his ring music and eye rolling. It was only later on I appreciated how good it was.

When he came back as the Bad Ass biker though, I LOVED it. He had the awesome Kid Rock entrance theme, then Limp Bizkit (who were my two favourite bands at that time), he looked much cooler with the jeans and bandanna, and I thought his promo's were brilliant. He just looked more like someone who was out to beat the shit of you, which was really cool.

The introduction of the Last Ride as his finisher made me like the gimmick even more, it is still a phenomenal move and I am always shocked at the strength of Undertaker when he can hold a 350lb man up with straight arms, plus still having the chokeslam and tombstone gave him 3 great finishing moves.

I personally preferred the initial ABA character rather than the short haired heel biker, where Taker would go on about "his yard", although it was still cool. Plus, riding a motorbike to the ring was awesome, it made me want to be a biker!

Least favourite

There are alot of stupid gimmicks that I have despised over the last 10 years. One that springs to mind is Viscera as the love machine. Personally I dont want to see a 500lb fat fucker grinding on women or dry-humping his opponent in the ring. It is just wrong and that shit doesnt need to be on my tv, especially when the wrestler involved is awful in the ring as it is.

Also, The Boogeyman was an insult to my intelligence. Nothing about the character was entertaining, it was so childish and he was also terrible in the ring. The only good thing that Boogeyman had going for him was that he had a great body, had a total lack of any talent in the ring at all. I personally hate characters like that on a wrestling show, they just suck. Eating worms? Pointless. Banging a clock over your head? Pointless

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