Your first gaming system?

We had an ancient system (I don't even know which one, but I think Sega) when I was very young, but the only games we had were Rocky and Duck Hunt. I liked Duck Hunt.

So if you had Duck Hunt, a game built for use with the NES zapper, chances are the console you had WAS NOT A SEGA CONSOLE but the Nintendo Entertainment System.

This in turn was also my first console that I had (though I got a GameBoy the same year, the NES was for my birthday, GameBoy for my parents rocked) and with that console and such classics as the Mario?Zelda games I also had Rainbow Island and Tiny Toon Adventures.
As said by a few before, the Nintendo Entertainment System, back in 1991, when I was just 3 years old. The first games I had were the Mario Bros/Duck Hunt combo. Possibly the greatest combination in the history of combinations. I always used to cheat on Duck Hunt though, I'd move right next to the TV and press the gun against it. BUT THAT DOG STILL TEASED ME LIKE I WAS A PILE OF SHIT. Good times.
My first gaming system was the PS2. I remember the first game I got with it was Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath Of Cortex, and I played it for 5 hours straight. :D Good times. And I still have the PS2, and play it all the time. It doesn't matter that I only got it about 4 or 5 years ago.... Anyway, it's a great gaming system and still one of the best. Any new game that can be released onto is released onto it, and you can get most of the games that you can get for the PS3 on it as well. Still easily the best console apart from the new gen consoles.

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