your favourite Era and Face of the company in that Era?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Just watched the Bret Hart Story again and it got me thinking through different periods in the WWE their has been certan guys who have been the face of the company during different Era's so my question throughout these Era's who was your favourite Face of the company and favourite time period?

The Golden Age: 1980's to Early 1993, Hulk Hogan
dubbed the golden because this was the time of some of the greatest wrestler's to ever set foot in wrestling period from guys like Andre the Giant, Roddy Pipper, Jake the snake, Randy Savage, Ultimate Warrior(was set to be the next face of the company but fucked it up) and leading the front of these guys was the biggest name in wrestling Hulk Hogan, during the golden age we saw the first WM, the WM3 slam, the first Face vs Face at WM6 and so on.

The Next Generation: 1993 to 1996, 1:Bret Hart and 2:Shawn MichaelsThe next generation brought the next stars who was the mid-carders rise to the occassion by the big names leaving and leading the Next Generation was Bret Hart from 1993-early 1996, we saw the rise of HBK the showstopper, the first Iron Man match, the birth of Austin 3:16, the fisrt double winners of a Royal Rumble and the fist time the WWF title was defending twice at one PPV WM9 and WM10, we saw HBK finally be classed as a main eventer and carry the company on his shoulders for nearly 6months,

Pre Attitude Era: 1997- 1998, 1:Shawn Michaels, 2: Bret Hart and 3:Steve Austin
well for me Bret and Shawn started the Attitude Era from real on and off screen bad blood they had with each other, this was when WWE went more edger from the whole Hart Foundation vs The USA, the formation of DX, the Monteral Screw Job, the birth of Mr McMahon, the WM13 match between Austin/Bret and so fourth.

Attitude Era: 1998 -2001, Steve Austin, The Rock, Triple H
theirs no point going into detail because every single wrestling fan knows the Attitude Era.

get the F out Era: 2002-2004, Brock Lesner
I know it was'nt really an Era but Brock Lesner was the face of the company during this period, he showed the world that big guys can Wrestle and put on 5 star matches, we also saw the return of legends and saying farewell to meny as well people debate 2002 and 2003 was some of WWE's best work since the Attitude Era, we the the Brand split which know to loveand hate.

Post Attitude Era: 2005-2009, John Cena, Batista
these 2 was the only really big name guys to really brake out after the attitude era, and stay on top, we the recarnation of SuperHogan in the way of John Cena, who wen on to have one of the longest title regins in history, need I say more but on the other hand we have seen some fantastic matches from HBK, Angle, HHH and Undertaker take place.

PG Era: 2010 - present, John Cena, Randy Orton
well this is what were in now so no point going into it!

so like the title who and what is your favourite era in pro wrestling for you?
My favorite era was the New Generation Era with Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels on top. I don't care what anyone says the actual wrestling during that time was great with solid mid-card wrestlers like Owen, Bulldog, Razor, etc. Michaels was elevated and Bret carried the company great in 1994.
You're talking just about wwe men, but ok, in wwe my favorite, STONE COLD-ATTITUDE ERA, maybe because I grew up and began as a fan in this era, there's nothing like the time when you're a kid watching wrestling, fond memories. And by the way please put EDGE in the 2005-2009 slot, he was the top heel, how can you exclude the top heel from an era? there are no FACE OF THE COMPANY without the top heel, so also put ted dibiase in the 80's and ric flair in 91-93.

Now talking about my favorite era overall in wrestling, is RIC FLAIR-JIM CROCKETT PROMOTIONS 83-89.
Just watched the Bret Hart Story again and it got me thinking through different periods in the WWE their has been certan guys who have been the face of the company during different Era's so my question throughout these Era's who was your favourite Face of the company and favourite time period?

The Golden Age: 1980's to Early 1993, Hulk Hogan
dubbed the golden because this was the time of some of the greatest wrestler's to ever set foot in wrestling period from guys like Andre the Giant, Roddy Pipper, Jake the snake, Randy Savage, Ultimate Warrior(was set to be the next face of the company but fucked it up) and leading the front of these guys was the biggest name in wrestling Hulk Hogan, during the golden age we saw the first WM, the WM3 slam, the first Face vs Face at WM6 and so on.

The Next Generation: 1993 to 1996, 1:Bret Hart and 2:Shawn MichaelsThe next generation brought the next stars who was the mid-carders rise to the occassion by the big names leaving and leading the Next Generation was Bret Hart from 1993-early 1996, we saw the rise of HBK the showstopper, the first Iron Man match, the birth of Austin 3:16, the fisrt double winners of a Royal Rumble and the fist time the WWF title was defending twice at one PPV WM9 and WM10, we saw HBK finally be classed as a main eventer and carry the company on his shoulders for nearly 6months,

Pre Attitude Era: 1997- 1998, 1:Shawn Michaels, 2: Bret Hart and 3:Steve Austin
well for me Bret and Shawn started the Attitude Era from real on and off screen bad blood they had with each other, this was when WWE went more edger from the whole Hart Foundation vs The USA, the formation of DX, the Monteral Screw Job, the birth of Mr McMahon, the WM13 match between Austin/Bret and so fourth.

Attitude Era: 1998 -2001, Steve Austin, The Rock, Triple H
theirs no point going into detail because every single wrestling fan knows the Attitude Era.

get the F out Era: 2002-2004, Brock Lesner
I know it was'nt really an Era but Brock Lesner was the face of the company during this period, he showed the world that big guys can Wrestle and put on 5 star matches, we also saw the return of legends and saying farewell to meny as well people debate 2002 and 2003 was some of WWE's best work since the Attitude Era, we the the Brand split which know to loveand hate.

Post Attitude Era: 2005-2009, John Cena, Batista
these 2 was the only really big name guys to really brake out after the attitude era, and stay on top, we the recarnation of SuperHogan in the way of John Cena, who wen on to have one of the longest title regins in history, need I say more but on the other hand we have seen some fantastic matches from HBK, Angle, HHH and Undertaker take place.

PG Era: 2010 - present, John Cena, Randy Orton
well this is what were in now so no point going into it!

so like the title who and what is your favourite era in pro wrestling for you?

The "Golden Age" is actually considered by most to be during the Gorgeous George/Lou Theze/Bruno Sammartino days because of what many fell to be the purity of the "sport". I can't say who my havorite was from that era as I wasn't born during that time but from what I've been prevliged to see via VHS, dvd and WWE onDemand, I'd pick Bruno from that era.

The Rock & Wrestling era or Hogan era, I'd go with Hogan. Hulkamania turned me into a wrestling fan.

The New Generation, my pick was Shawn Michaels. To me he was the perfect example of what a WWE superstar is supposed to be; charisma, looks, athletism, great talker, wrestler, just the total package.

The Attitude era, which began kicked off at WrestleMania 13, my pick is Austin. He changed the face of the business to a point where most of us old time wrestling fans long for the days of smash mouth in your face action that was presented during that time.

The Ruthless Aggression, I'm going with Lesnar. Even though his run at the top was short, he was WWE's top draw while he was there, and when he left, WWE's #1 competitor whether they want to admit it or not scored big in the UFC. UFC has been doing great ppv business while WWE has been slipping in that area.

The most current era, the PG era, I like Orton as I really love his style of old school wrestling, plus he can talk which I know alot of wrestlezone forum members may disagree with but IDC.

Anyways if I had to narrow it down to one era and one superstar, my fav was the New Generation and HBK. Shawn, along with Taker, Bret, Diesel Razor and a few others carried the company when times were tough and kept it from going under.
The Attitude era gets a lot of heat nowadays, but it was the most entertaining. I loved it. It was raunchy, shocking, and unpredictable. Could that last forever, no. But it was entertaining while it lasted. Stone Cold was my favorite of that era, being the rebel employee that everyone wanted to be. He was entertaining and the pinnacle of attitude era charterers.
I gotta say, I always have taken each era and found something to like about all of it so I can't say I got a favorite era but:

Rock&Wrestling Era: Hulk Hogan and Demolition
New Generation: Bret Hart and Undertaker
Attitude: Stone Cold and Undertaker
Ruthless Aggression: Triple H and Randy Orton
PG: John Cena and The Miz

PS: Who in the IWC wants to come up with something more creative than PG Era for our current product. Cause wrestling was straight up PG from atleast 85 - 96 and there is 2 creative names for it.

Someone start that thread somewhere hahahahaa
My favorite era/time was the "golden era" or better known as the 1980s. I came along as it was coming along & the thing about it was that, looking back on it now, it can be appreciated that much more. My favorite stars at the time were of course Ric Flair & The Four Horsemen, Randy Savage, Sting (even when he was with Bill Watts in the UWF) and The Road Warriors. Was NEVER a Hulk Hogan fan. EVER! Even to this day. To me, Cena is Hogan. That's why I think I hate him so much lol. Oh, I was an Ultimate Warrior fan, I dunno why, maybe again it was because I loathed Hulk Hogan so much.
Mine would be Attitude era with StoneCold because he got me into wrestling and also he was a perfect heel to McMahon.
80's easy. I am going to go a few ways on favorites here since it is the Old School Section.

Favorite Wrestler: Arn Anderson, the guy had it all. Best all around worker in the game, is credited for holding the first War Games match together and making it work while coining the phrase "Four Horsemen".

Favorite Stable: Four Horsemen, dominating, classy, get all the girls, make all the money, even as a child you can't say you didn't want to be that.

Tag Team: Demolition, "Here come the Axe and here come the Smasher..." yea we know ya'll head banged to that and wanted to break things when that music came on. Demolition weren't pretty, they weren't technical, and they weren't nice guys, they just beat the tar out of you and when they were done they would leave your corpse for the vultures to find. They were also quite cool.
The 80's in the WWE: Hogan was the Face, but my fav was Mr Perfect. If you ask me to go outside the WWE?? WCCW by far was the best. Von Erichs vs The Freebirds, Chris Adams, Iceman Parsons, and Jimmy Garvin. That was excitment!

The After Hogan era: Bret Hart. But Razor Ramon "Scott Hall" was "The Bad Guy"

The WWE seemed lost in the Pre attitude era. They were making adjustments losing talent to WCW. Bret (till the screwjob), Shawn, and The Undertaker were the top guys. SID was a cult favorite.

Attitude Era: No doubt... Stone Cold with some Rock thrown in there. DX was the backbone.

The Brock Lesner (Smackdown)/HHH (Raw) era: Enough said there. Pretty much the most uninteresting era ever.

Yesterday Cena/Batista Today Cena/Orton
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