Your Favorite Year of TNA?


The Cerebral Assasin
My favorite TNA year would be 2008. It was one of the best years for TNA. Main-Event Mafia (Kurt Angle,Sting,Scott Steiner,Kevin Nash,Booker-T) dominated TNA that year and its one of my favorite years of watching TNA. TNA became entertaining at that time. Mick Foley became the Executive Shareholder of TNA (Kayfabe). Also loved the rivalry between Jeff Jarrett and Kurt Angle.

What is your favorite TNA year ?
I also agree that 2008 was TNA's best year. The main-Event Mafia domination, the front line failure, Mick Foley, Jeff Jarrett and Kurt Angle. it was entertaing and there was total non stop action ;)
Plus it was the first full year I really watched TNA.

But I also think 2009 was great due to the MEM power struggle with the front line, Samoa Joe and AJ styles, Tazz, The Knockouts and the tag and X division. The whole show was pretty solid throughout.
Plus the TNA riot was awesome.
:dark2: :smashfreakB: :twak:
Haven't watched TNA in a while but I remember really enjoying the product in 2008 with the Main Event Mafia as well as the really entertaining X-Division and Knockouts Division and even in early 2009 when they took over iMPACT for the whole episode was really enjoyable.
I started watching in 2009 so I wasn't there to witness 2008, everyone's praising it, but from the years I've watched I liked 2011 most. It turned into exactly what I wanted prior to watching TNA. All the things that turned me off the product before (constant spot fests, dumb ass six sided ring, Don West screaming his heart out, not enough wrestlers I care about, not enough stories in the ring, simple storylines), are now pretty much gone.
i would go for 2005 featured the greatest ever tna match aj styles, daniels and samoa joe also there was way more of a reaction compared to the canned crap nowadays also abyss was a real monster with james mitchell by his side compared to nowadays will he is all philosophical
2008 was a decent year for TNA (The MEM were fucking fantastic) but my favourite year would have to be 2010. Excitement and unpredicibility was brought back to pro wrestling in 2010, something that had been missing for about a decade. Soo much happened in TNA in 2010 that it would be impossible to list everything I enjoyed so I'll just put down a few of my favourite moments:

Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff Arrive in TNA - I can't remember (well not since I was about 10) being as excited about pro wrestling as I was when the Hulkster and Easy E arrived in TNA.

Rob Van Dam's Debut - The Whole F'N' Show is my favourite wrestler of all time and seeing him again for the first time in about 10 years was awesome.

The Outsiders Re-unite - Their match with Team 3D at Lockdown being the highlight of their return. Seeing them in full Outsiders gear was a true mark out moment and the fact Hall was actually well enough to put on a decent match was great to see.

Rob Van Dam Winning the World Title - As mentioned above, I'm a huge Van Dam mark so enjoyed every minute of his Title run. The one small complaint I would have is that he didn't have a proper series of matches with AJ Styles.

Kurt Angle vs. Mr Anderson - The best feud of 2010 that also had the match of 2010 when they sqaured off at Lockdown.

Ric Flair vs. Jay Lethal - Pure hilarity throughout and something I really enjoyed. It's a shame Lethal couldn't amount to anything without Flair because this was some of the best work I've seen.

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