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Your favorite "Undefeated Streak"

The Idiot

Getting Noticed By Management
The concept of the "Undefeated Streak" has been around for as long as there's been wrestlers. It's always been a great way to get a superstar over.

Curt Hennig had it in the 80's as Mr. Perfect had the perfect streak. He went undefeated for over a year in the late 80's defeating the likes of Snuka and the Blue Blazer (WM 5). I believe his first loss was at WM 6 against Beefcake..(although I could be mistaken)

You can't forget Andre the Giants undefeated streak that lasted for years...but I don't believe it was used as a gimmick to get the superstars "over" like others were. But the legacy of Andre and his undefeated streak will never be forgotten.

Another one I remember vividly was Tatanka's. Great gimmick (or at least I thought so) and went on a tear defeating everyone in his path. That was, until, Ludvig Borga arrived on the scene and ended that streak. This also lasted around a year which the WWE seems to like as the magic number. I remember being pretty bummed when Tatanka lost. In my eyes he was just never the same after that.

Enough said. Probably the most popular undefeated streak in wrestling history, although not my favorite. His was comprised of jobber after jobber and suddenly he had over 70 wins....how he got that far so quickly is miraculous. :worship:
He went on a tear not only being undefeated for over a year (again magic number) but beating his opponents quite easily. WCW was looking for their Stone Cold and they found it. One of my favorite Goldberg matches as against Raven for his first title....the streak continued. Konan and Hennig also fell by the way side. Instead of jobbers he was now going through big names. I would have loved to see Hennig end the streak and start ANOTHER one of his own...how awesome (and ironic) would that have been?
Anyways...as we all know Nash was the one to end it, of course if WCW was smart it would have been a guy like Jericho.

Anyways...enough of my rambling. What's your favorite undefeated streak? I'm sure there's others that I haven't mentioned, those were the 4 that come to mind.
undertakers streak is awesome but i really enjoyed lesnars and the betrayal of paul heyman to end it. he defeated the rock, undertaker, hogan, rvd and many others.
Tons of people say Taker.

Yeah, im one of them.
This streak will never be repeated. It is infamous and always will be.
Samoa Joe's. Most of his matches were very entertaining, and always built him up as a badass, but many of them especially his ppv ones were not squashes. He always looked dominant, but always made it look like the guy he faced was about to pull of an upset.

His match against Chris Sabin is a great example... His streak was also not all that was going for him, as he also integrated heated feuds and grudge matches in it, so it wasn't just one dimensional, the way many are. The Styles/Daniels/Joe feud, he was "unefeated" throughout, however it was more about these three guys than Joe's streak... making it more impressive and entertaining than all the others.
Goldberg, he was a beast. Stupid way to end it though, they could have let a higher caliber star beat him then Nash. Jericho couldn't have done it either, he just wasn't poised to be a star in WcW. Some wrestler's personalities match a promotion better and his suited WWF a lot better than WcW.

You need to say more than that or else you'll get a spamming infraction. Just a heads up since you're new.

Goldberg is my favourite Undefeated streak. It should have gone longer too but Kevin Nash used her pull to be the guy to end it. Though, it took a stun gun to finally put him down. Regardless, it was a great ride that kept WCW a float when the finger poke of doom happened, NWO split, guys were jumping back to WWE and WWE was began beating them in the ratings.
He's one of the few guys who had squash matches a lot but people LOVED it and didn't complain.
p.s. I love the youtube clip of the Jackhammer on Big Show. That was epic and I miss the excitement of the crowd
Its funny, when I made this thread I was going to go back and edit it but didnt....guess I should have. Im talking real undefeated streaks to start out their careers. Undertakers isnt what I had in mind since his revolves around 1 particular event. Its impressive but not the original thought I had when I made this.
I would have to say Umaga...He was a real take all comers mindless monster. I remember the 1st time I ever watched Umaga take a chair shot to the head...the way he sold it was just to perfect. Not to mention his size and agility combination did really make him seam like he could take anybody...Its a shame how his career ended.
Favorite, probably Arn Anderson's Television Title Streak in 1990. For 10 months Anderson defended the championship on every WCW Saturday Night and he wasn't facing jobbers while doing it. Everyone he faced was a tough competitor and he beat every one (By hook or by crook mind you). He finally lost the belt to the Z-Man on December 4 1990 but regained it on January 7, 1991, only a month later.

The Z-Man faded into the background and Arn kept going. It was fun to watch and very memorable to see a mid-carder so confident without the greed to try to take the world belt. Arn went in there every night with pride in his position and confidence that was unmatched. So to me, even though I was only 10, the streak when I look back on it was very special to me.
Its funny, when I made this thread I was going to go back and edit it but didnt....guess I should have. Im talking real undefeated streaks to start out their careers. Undertakers isnt what I had in mind since his revolves around 1 particular event. Its impressive but not the original thought I had when I made this.

Eh, that kind of narrows it down to like 5 in most of our lifetimes. I guess mom loved Buddy Rodgers and he had a great undefeated streak. But most wrestlers before 1995 started out as jobbers who had to earn their place in the business so undefeated streaks really didnt happen besides Andre.
Goldberg's streak was in large, a joke. While it definitely made him a superstar, and cemented him atop the roster in WCW, it was paper thin on way too many levels.

First, each week the announcer's would blurt out some number of matches won that was totally off balance with the week prior. There were weeks where, if you believed the announcers, Goldberg would have wrestled 10+ times. This would be okay if they acknowledged house shows on air, but that was never the case, as is the usual for most promotions.

Secondly, the bulk of his streak came against mid card and less than level talent.

As far as favorite or best streaks go..i can't see any streak other than Undertakers getting the nod. The thing that firmly places the Deadman's streak at the top of the heap is the importance it carries, and how that importance builds year after year. His WM matches are now, with the exception of this year, almost bigger than the event itself. Also, Taker seems to relish in it from an performance standpoint. You always seem to get the best from him now that his streak has become his last real calling card.
I think the "undefeated streak" is starting to lose all credibility. It seems like any person who enters the WWE nowadays and is expected to at least be a regular superstar starts out undefeated for a while.

Umaga, Koslov, Sheamus, Daniel Bryan.
I was initially going to say Goldberg's, but thinking about it...it HAS to be Undertaker

Yeah, I know other streaks have lasted for a greater number of matches and there is only 1 Undertaker match at WM a year, so technically he has only remained undefeated for 19 matches....BUT....for the WWE to have that much faith in a performer that it allows him to go 2 whole decades without losing a single match at the biggest show of the year is incredible.

Plus, the fact that 'Taker has physically been able to wrestle at 19 Wrestlemania's is amazing on its own. I know not all his matches at 'Mania have been great- the HIAC with Boss Man is one of the worst of all time, but classics against Triple H, HBK x2, Edge, Batista in recent years, plus previous bouts with Triple H and Kane and several others have made 'Taker's streak the stuff of legend.

It should never be broken. There will never be another Undertaker
Taz in the ECW from January 96 through the night when Bam Bam had to put him through the mat to finally beat him(and even then, Bam Bam was tapping out to the Tazmission on his way down).

They started him out at the bottom of the ECW against jobbers like El Puerto Ricanio, and Joel Hartgood(two of my favorite jobbers of all time), and slowly worked him up through the ranks(including "Shoot" matches against Jericho, and the UFC's Paul Varelans) while teasing us for a year, and a half with a match against Sabu. I think Sabu may have beaten Taz in a rematch after Barely Legal ending his streak, but he came out later in the evening, and beat Shane Douglas for the TV title, and went on another unbeaten roll through March of 98 when Bam Bam drove him through the mat.

As a fan of MMA, I always really liked what Paul Hayman did with the Taz character, and the way he slowly built him up as the unbeatable monster of the ECW.

.....and screw Goldberg's streak. I remember talking about his streak on Tuesday mornings with my friends at school, "How the hell did Scott Putsky earn a World Title shot!"
Mine has to be the Undertaker at WM. I almost went with Goldberg, but he beat a lot of jobbers and low level wrestlers at the beginning. With the Undertaker, this was Wrestlemania. All are matches that people tuned in to see, and he won them all. Impressive.
Easy answer, Goldberg. I must say Goldberg has my favorite streak. At the time I hated Goldberg, but looking back it all, it was pretty cool. WCW actually did a great job building this hype and fans bought right into this.

As for the undertaker streak, i think it's over done. Undertaker comes out once a year to defend it, no other storyline and nothing else to talk about. This sucks because undertaker is 1 of my favorite wrestlers and I don't even care about it anymore.
Favorite, probably Arn Anderson's Television Title Streak in 1990. For 10 months Anderson defended the championship on every WCW Saturday Night and he wasn't facing jobbers while doing it. Everyone he faced was a tough competitor and he beat every one (By hook or by crook mind you). He finally lost the belt to the Z-Man on December 4 1990 but regained it on January 7, 1991, only a month later.

The Z-Man faded into the background and Arn kept going. It was fun to watch and very memorable to see a mid-carder so confident without the greed to try to take the world belt. Arn went in there every night with pride in his position and confidence that was unmatched. So to me, even though I was only 10, the streak when I look back on it was very special to me.

I remember him having another streak as TV champ that Sting broke.

My memory is shaky on it, since I was a kid but I vividly remember AA also had a money prize for anyone who could beat him. When Sting won, he took the title and the bag of money and was carried out of the ring into the locker room by all the other face wrestlers. I remember it was a big deal because no one was able to beat Arn for a long time.

This was back in the 4 horsemen days, with the blonde haired Sting.
Alot to choose from on this topic!! I say and proud to say Takers streak!! 19-0 at WM. Jake Roberts, Snuka, Bundy,Nash,HBK 2x,HHH 2x Batista,WSM, list goes on and on!! His streak will never be broken or even approached!! His steak is legendary and he deserves every bit of praise. I think IMO takers streak trumps every other streak out there!!
Obviously ... at this point Undertaker has taken this pretty much hands down.

It rivals the main event (if it isn't the main event) EVERY single WrestleMania. That by itself shows how big of a deal it is. From the Batista and Edge matchups to the HBK and HHH feuds ... it gets a ridiculous amount of buzz ... and for good reason.

So, I am going to drop talking about that one because it is almost unfair.

Goldberg's streak was AWESOME. He was the first person that WCW allowed to compete with the Hogan's and Nash's and they did it very well. Unfortunately, the way they ended the streak and never put him back where he belonged more or less was a major contributor to the end of their company.

I will never forget him coming out and DESTROYING Hogan for the World Championship. It was very well done.They should have let him keep the title for a full calendar year before ending it. It was really that good of a storyline.
I want to go Goldberg but I can't, mainly because most of them were jobbers that Goldberg defeated. So instead I am going to say Undertaker. Why? Well when you see another superstar go 19-0 at the biggest stage of them all against the likes of Edge, HHH (twice), HBK (twice) and Kane, come get me and I will say that is the biggest streak ever. Nobody will have a streak against the names that Taker had. Heck nobody will even have the streak.
I have to be honest. Even though Goldberg's streak seemed to increase by 30 each week, and was fed a lot of less than stellar opponents, my friends and I were glued to the tv each week. My friend even made a Goldberg's streak video, taping all his wins. When he got nearer and nearer to Hogan and the title, the excitement built. When he beat Hogan in the Georgia Dome the crowd was electric and my friends and I were practically jumping up and down. Say what you want about him, but that was an exciting time in WCW because of Goldberg.
I know the undertakers wrestlemania streak doesn't really count because you wanted beginning of career streaks but I'm still saying undertaker not for his wrestlemania streak but because he was plugged to be undefeated early on in his career. Goldberg beat Hogan on nitro and I'm going to give an example of what should've happened; Undertakers winning streak was eventually ended by Hogan but Undertaker got his revenge by taking the belt from the Hulkster at survivor series, sure he cheated but at least it happened at a ppv.
If Goldberg hadn't won the belt on nitro it would've been taken more seriously. Hogan should've been disqualified or something and made to face Goldberg for the belt at the next wcw ppv. Hogan was even distracted by ddp to make him lose the match from memory so that's a total failure if you ask me. Also The undertaker beat prime Hulkamania Hogan and Goldberg just beat old and busted heel meant to lose anyway knee surgery and back pain Hogan. Undertakers streak reigns supreme in my eyes.
Nathan Jones' streak was a bit compelling but he left the company. As stated Goldberg's streak was like nothing the business had ever seen. Kevin Nash would just simply not allow him to go over. But I guess thats business. His match with Raven on Nitro was one of the most intense matches I've ever witnessed as far as the crowd goes.
I would have to go with Lesnar's. Maybe because it was the only one I saw from beginning to end, but it was awesome all the way through in my opinion. His quick rise through the ranks and who he beat on the way, along with the quality and excitement in his matches was all pretty impressive. It was coming off the shitty Invasion angle too. The WWE definitely had high hopes for him and I think he delivered. Lesnar brought a big fight atmosphere to his matches and it didn't take long before the fans were eating it up. His matches with RVD at KOTR and Rock at SummerSlam were both fun to watch at the time. Pairing him up with Heyman was smart too, not because I think Lesnar doesn't have enough charisma like a lot of people say, but because Heyman is a fantastic manager. He was stellar in his role in Lesnar's success, and as good as having the two of them together was, having Heyman be the one to cost Lesnar the streak and the title at the same time, in MSG was genious.

Honorable mentions would have to be Kurt Angle, Umaga and Samoa Joe. What can I say about Taker and Goldberg that hasn't already been said.
I honestly don't care if he was fed jobbers for the majority of his streak and the number of his streak was exaggerated every show, Goldberg's streak was fuckin nuts, man. The pop he got every week on Nitro especially when he beat Raven for the US Title and Hogan for the WCW Title was insane, nothing like I've ever heard before in any of Taker's Wrestlemania matches. WCW was in a decline at the time but Goldberg's streak was the only thing keeping us watching. His streak ending in the sucky ass way it did was the first of many reasons why WCW took the ol' dirt nap.

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