Your favorite Stone Cold tactic feuding against Vince McMahon?

CM Steel

A REAL American
The night after Wrestlemania 14 in Boston. We saw the start of the infamous feud between WWF/E champion & the leader of the attitude era Stone Cold Steve Austin and the WWF/E chairman Vince McMahon. From week-in to week-out for the next couple of years we would see these two feud every monday night on RAW is WAR.

Stone Cold made Vince McMahon's life a living hell on TV. But made Vince McMahon tons of $$$$$$ in-real life. Now what was your personal favorite Stone Cold tactic that Steve Austin would use on Mr. McMahon the charactor?

Stone Cold Steve Austin did things like...put Vince McMahon in a Stone Cold Stunner various times. Pour wet cement in McMahon's white convertable, get Vince McMahon (and his stooges) put in the back of a police car, beat Vince up in his hospital bed, strayed Vince McMahon and his corperation with beer from a beer truck, and went as far as making Mr. McMahon piss on himself in the middle of a WWF/E ring in front of a live crowd.

Now what is your favorite Stone Cold tactic feuding against Vince McMahon?
for me, it was when he gave the corporation a beer bath on the final raw before wm14. The crowd noise was insane.
I am going to have to go with him interrupting Vince's announcement about Iron Mike Tyson being involved with the WWE, with Austin coming down to the ring and getting into a brawl with Tyson. Classic wrestling moment there, I must have watched it about 100 times now, and each and every time I just think how much the product quality has fallen since then, and how unlikely it is that we will ever get crowd reactions quite like that.

I absolutely love the bit when Austin is being dragged away and Vince is leaning out of the ring screaming "YOU RUINED IT! YOU RUINED IT!" in Austin's face, it made the whole thing look so much more realistic. Brilliant work from all involved.

I'd say the zamboni. I think at that time, austin just got screwed the other night by vince, so the anticipation for a REALLY pissed off austin to show up was huge, and I believe that was the 1st time he made an enterance with a vechile other than his pick-up truck of course.


This alone, the Austin-McMahon feud was good stuff all around, but this moment alone sticks out the most for me, I enjoyed it thoroughly. There was also the destruction of McMahon's car with the cement truck, that was classic. But Bang 3:16 that was the best shit ever for me during the Attitude era with Vince and SCSA.

Who could forget McMahon's pissing himself as seen in the picture. Just too damn funny. Great thread topics as always, Mack!
My choice is the Zamboni incident. I was there live, and the Joe (Louis arena) went APESHIT. I know it came across as loud and crazy on television, but it was about 1000% crazier being there live.
Probably in the first weeks after WM. McMahon and Austin had a segment where Austin has gone corporate then while it seems like Austin has sold out (which we all know he did not) he rips out his suit and raises havoc in the ring.

Ok it's not the most memorable but, at the time, fans still were not sure where this Austin/McMahon thing was heading. After this the tone was set it was the rebel employee raising hell against the Corporate Suits.

Ah fun times.
Mine would have to be when Austin had Vince and the Stooges arrested.

After McMahon had assaulted Austin while wearing a mask, he came out and had turned Vince's own personal police escort against him. The kick to the gut, and the beer shower while Vince was in handcuffs was priceless!
The Beer Truck and Beer Bath on the Corporation and it's really not even close. Everything about it was perfect: The promo Austin cut before, seeing McMahon swimming in the Beer, the fans, even King's reaction on commentary. I can't get enough of it. That SmackDown Hotel/Room 316 line was absolutely epic IMO.

Well, that is a tough question concidering that there are tons of memorable Austin/McMahon moments that is so hard to choose just one, but the one in the hospital was definitly a classic, or another one of my personal favorites is when McMahon was forcing Ric Flair to give him his actions of the WWE considering that at the time they each owned half of the WWE, and McMahon was threatning to bring the NWO if Flair didn't gave hi what he wants, and out of nowere Stone Cold prevented that from happening, that one was also one of my favorites, or when McMahon joined the Ministry as the greater power and Austin retaliated by becoming the CEO of the WWE, like i said, it's hard to choose just one......
There are so many. I loved them all. The beer bath, cement truck, attacking Vince in the Hospital, Bang 3;16 is probably my second favorite. But my all time favorite Austin/Vince moment was where it began with the Stunner heard round the world LMAO. That was the funniest of all time, just the way Vince took the stunner and fell over Austin's shoulder was hilarious. Good times, good times.
I believe the beer truck is the best. Period! I mean, the corporation was standing in the ring, talking trash about how The Rock was going to win on Sunday. Then the glass shatters. Typical Raw fashion, you expect Austin to run in and open up a can of whoop ass on somebody. But no! The cameras cut backstage and you see a beer truck. Then, the Texas Rattlesnake crashes that sum' bitch through the titantron. He stands on top of the truck and talks trash about hows gonna "check into room 3:16 of the Smackdown hotel, and burn that sum' bitch to the ground". He hops off and the truck and sprays beer all over the Corporation. Classic!! I personally think it was the greatest moment in Raw history, with the exception of Katie Vick(sarcastically). Vince sold that scene like a boss, swimming in the beer. Pure, classic, entertainment!
Mine is Stone old attacking Vince in the hospital. I remember me and my friends falling on the floor laughing when he beat him with the bed pan. Then it got even better when he zapped Vince with the defibrillator. Just really funny classic Stone Cold. The whole feud was great, but this really stands out for me

THIS RIGHT HERE! Even at the age of thirty-five, I still laugh my ass off when Austin hits McMahon with the bedpan. Probably the greatest part of that whole scene.
THIS RIGHT HERE! Even at the age of thirty-five, I still laugh my ass off when Austin hits McMahon with the bedpan. Probably the greatest part of that whole scene.

Vince sold it to a tee to. Screaming help and just screaming in general. Just typing all this and thinking about it had me laughing all day. Was glad to see one person totally agreeing with me. Some others listed it as well, but you were the first that totally saw where I was coming from. Such a great moment.
My favorite was when Austin was made CEO by Linda McMahon and just start raising hell, making the lawerys drink on the job, changing Shane McMahon's pay to the beer budget, teaching the lady at the front dest to answer the phone right and who could forget the cow manure in Vince's Office
It is really hard to single out just one moment considering the fact that Stone Cold made awesome moments day in and day out in the Attitude Era.

The Beer Bath and the Zamboni drive are both "What the hell just happened?" sort of moments that no one in the world could have seen coming and the crowd reaction is there for everyone to see. The promo that Austin cut in the beer bath segment is also one of the best promos that Austin has ever cut. McMahon's reactions and JR's commentary stand out as always.

Austin attacking Vince in the hospital is hilarious. Every time I see that clip, I laugh. After seeing it time and again, you kind of just wait for Austin to deliver his, "I'll take it from here, nurse" line. Austin then proceeds to hit McMahon with whatever he can get his hands on. I got a friend interested in wrestling just by making him watch this segment. Now, he spends a good portion of his time watching Attitude Era Raws and PPVs.


And next, is one of the moments that I feel is quite underrated,


The whole feud is rather underrated because of the awesome feuds that Austin was a part of after his feud with Dude Love but the segment I am talking about comes at 1:30 in the video. Vince is bragging about assaulting Austin and Austin just comes out and orders Vince's own security to arrest him since he assaulted Austin. The next segment with Vince apologizing to Austin is pretty good too with Austin tousling Vince's hair as if he were a kid. Vince's reactions are awesome during the whole segment as Austin demeans Vince in every way possible.

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