Your favorite song

Poop Master Flex

Mid-Card Championship Winner
Being a huge fan of music in general no matter what the genre is I've decided to make a game. Hopefully through this maybe some old favorites will be spotted, or new songs all together that haven't been heard yet. In turn hopefully you guys will be introduced to some awesome music as well.

The idea is simple, I name the band and you name your favorite song from said band. If people get into this I will add a band every day and I will try to keep it to bands that have multiple good songs and bands that are known by a good chunk of people, with a few oddballs thrown in.

For those that haven't heard anything and want to play has an enormous library of tunes and is my preferred way to listen to music. Youtube works too but I've had much better luck on grooveshark personally.

Band for today is:

Creedence Clearwater Revival.
Creedence. A pretty good band, but their main hits are a little to overplayed by local pub bands for my taste. Proud Mary boils my blood I hear it so much.

My favourite song is a tie between these two:

Someday Never Comes:
Great tune, its got good heart, and some peculiar melodies. I guess its got a good message too if thats what you're into!

Forunate Son:
This one is just a straight forward ripper. The vocals really stand out here. Quick and to the point.

Cool idea anyway. Lets see what comes of it.
Their main hits are WAY overplayed no question. Bad Moon Rising is definitely one song I can't listen to anymore. Honestly I wasn't a big fan of the song before it was overplayed.

Now my answer changes from day to day so I will go with the song that's been stuck in my head for a few days, Run Through The Jungle.

Brilliant concept and brilliant band... torn between two but think I'd JUST give edge to this...


over this (the original and best version of this particular tune in my opinion)...

Was going to post Susie Q, but I just found out it's originally performed by a man called Dale Hawkins. So, without further ado...

I got the greatest hits compilations, and they are a great band no question. My favorite cuts are:

Born on the Bayou
Green River
Up Around the Bend

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