Your Favorite Match that's under 10 Minutes Long

the troop

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So I watching Wrestlemania 22 the other day, and I got around to the triple threat match for the world heavyweight title between Rey Mysterio, Kurt Angle, and Randy Orton. As most of the probably know, this match is pretty short. It doesn't even break the 10 minute mark. But, regardless of the length, this match is pretty fun. These three went out there and made the best of the little time they were given.

After watching this, I got to thinking. What is my favorite match to go under 10 minutes in length? So after some brief counseling and soul searching (You see, I'm trying to be funny), I decided that this was my pick:


In case you can't see it for whatever reason, the match is 123 Kid vs. Owen Hart at King of the Ring '94. From the brutal baseball slide in the beginning, to the sharpshooter to end it, these two went all out with everything they had in them to give the people a great match. Unlike short spotfests, this match had good flow while maintaining its high octane nature. Both Owen and X-pac were practically perfect in this. Two fine workers in arguably their peaks went out there and lit the place up. If you have about 6 minutes to spare, you should take the time to watch it. It's great stuff.

Now it's your turn. what is your favorite match to go under 10 minutes in length? Please provide a video if possible.
There aren't that many under ten minute memorable matches that I can think of. But one came to mind. The Best in the World vs The Best in the World. Chris Jericho vs Daniel Bryan. It was the very first NXT. Jericho was world champion at the time and this was the main event. WWE put a lot of faith into Bryan to deliver in this match. Now you have to remember, a lot of younger, or older for that matter, WWE fans have not seen this guy in action. Bryan went all out. Minutes into the match he takes a dive through the ropes but Jericho moves slamming Bryan into the announcer's table. This was the moment where everyone feel in love with this guy. Bryan tried some submissions and for a moment, I thought Jericho would've tapped. But being the Champ he is, he didn't. Bryan put up a hell of a fight but lost submitting to the Walls of Jericho Lion Tamer, which no shame in doing that. I'm telling you, this match is worth watching. Better then most over ten minute matches. It really proved both of these guys are the best in the world at what they do. Just amazing!

EDIT- after the match, the Miz/Daniel Bryan feud was born and its still going today.
wow great idea for a thread, and great choices thus far, well TNA has been doing big main events on impact this year and have kept them pretty short, like RVD vs Wolfe, or Joe vs RVD, but a match that stood out to me was amaing red vs kurt angle from june 2010, before the match kurt puts someone over as a great x division star and its revealed to be red, they only go for a few minutes but red looked like a real threat against kurt freakin angle, during tna's early days im sure red never pictured himself wrestling a great match against possibly the best wrestler in the world, anywhere else this would have been a simple squash match, but here and these guys had perfect chemistry, to the point that angle has expressed interest in doing a program/fued with red in the future, great match

I dont know how to post vid or embed but heres link
When I saw the title of this thread I immediately thought of the triple threat match between Orton/Angle/Rey so I'll say that without thinking in depth too much. I'm sure there have been other matches on Raw or Smackdown that I liked too but just thinking of a big time match, the WM22 one stands out.
Triple H vs Goldberg WHC Finals of the Elimination Chamber Match SummerSlam 03, Lasted about 4 min. Everyone Just Knew that Goldberg Had to Win...HHH had been champion 8 of 9 months or something like that. Flair Slips in the Sledge Hammer and On this Night on Sun Aug 24 Triple H with the Help of Evolution and a Sledge Hammer Retains the Heavy Weight Championship of the World.....There will be Serious Repercussions... Triple H is Still the CHampion!!
By far the best 10 min including the Beat Down On Bill Afterwards.
my favorite match under 10 min is a dumb one, but great one. Al Snow as hardcore champion didn't have a opponent so he defended it against himself. Look it up if you have never seen it
I gotta go with Chris Benoit vs Orlando Jordan for the US title at SummerSlam. I don't remember what year it was (2004 or 2005), but it was around 30 seconds and I remember as a kid who was a Benoit mark flipping when he won. Now surely there are a load of matches better than that, but that was one that came to mind when I read this thread.
I can't think of that many. Since I am an Undertaker fan I stay with his match with Rey Mysterio when he was the American Badass. I know it is not such a good match, but it showed the last ride and it is one of my favorite moves since he never does it anymore as a finisher. Plus the time he keeps Rey in the air is tremendous. Rey gave him a fight though even though he got owned.

Another one I would recommend is Undertaker vs FBI. That was a total squash, but seen Nunzio beg in the air while receiving the Last Ride is priceless.
The Main Event of WrestleMania 4 was a great match. It had Randy Savage facing insurmountable odds. The Million Dollar Man had only wrestled two times that night, and brought the most dominate force in wrestling history, Andre The Giant, down to the ring for the Finals. Savage was going into his 4th match of the night and was accompanied by Elizabeth.

The match was for the newly designed (and best looking) World Title and had a think tension, and only grew when Andre started to interfere. The drama was built nicely by andre and savage. The danger prompted Randy to send Liz away, only for her to come back with Hogan by her side. With the odds now even and a chair shot to Dibiase, Savage dropped an elbow and captured his first Championship. Savage celebrated, Hogan celebrated and Liz cried. A great entertaining match under 10 minues.

A second match was Warrior vs Rude at WrestleMania five. As a kid i hated that the Warrior lost this match, but now I am so thankful that Rude won the Intercontinental title. It was a good match, starting with Rude unable to even phase the Warrior. Rude got a momentary advantage but Warrior was a machine and continued the offensive, until The Brian saw an opportunity and couragously took it, grabbing the Warriors ankle as rude was draped on the shoulder for the 3 count.
i was thinking about kurt angle vs rey mysterio at summerslam not very sure it was under 10 mins or not but it was damn of the best openers to a ppv ever.their styles just meshed perfectly dissapointed there hasnt been much of angle vs mysterio over the years though
a couple of squash matches come to mind. but remember that i saw these matches as a kid and so i was marking out like crazy for the faces, which were, at the time, my heroes to a fault.

Ultimate Warrior vs. Honky Tonk Man for the IC Title at Summerslam. this less than 2 minute squash ended the longest IC Title reign and gave my hero a championship belt.
honorable mention: Ultimate Warrior vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley at Wrestlemania in another less than 2 minute squash. it was just great to see the Warrior return and dominate a cocky heel on the biggest stage of them all. this was before all the politics and news, etc. or at least before i knew about them or was interested in them.

Hulk Hogan vs. Yokozuna at Wrestlemania for the WHC. it was another less than 2 minute squash. but it felt so real and i was so happy that if Bret couldn't have the belt, at least Yoko couldn't have it either. Hogan returned to Mania and regained that title. it was an epic mark out for me.

Diesel over Bob Backlund for the WHC. i wasn't so against Backlund, although i was, as much as i was for Diesel. he was just so big and so cool. i enjoyed this win that led to a very satisfying title run for me as a kid.

Christian vs. Regal for the ECW Title at Summerslam. i just love Christian and Regal both. they are so under rated and underused. this match was a great surprise and led to a very fun feud to watch.

Edge vs. Cena in the first MITB cash-in. this was so unexpected! what a trend it started.

as far as actual matches go and not just squash matches or surprise MITB cash ins, i'd have to agree with the triple threat at Mania.
I think that this match is under 10 minutes long. If not, then it's very close to the 10 minute mark, sorry if it's not exactly under 10 minutes.

It's a match for the WWE Hardcore Championship on the April, 29, 2002 recording of Raw. Bubba Ray Dudley vs. Jazz. This match was so entertaining. I loved the hardcore matches when in circa, and this match not only stands out as one of the best Hardcore Championship matches of all time, but my favourite. It was a shame to see the Hardcore Championship vanquished after only a short 4 years of activity, but it wouldn't really have fitted in this era we're in now.

After the match, to my knowledge, with the 24/7 rule in place, another few superstars came out after the scheduled match and picked up another Championship reign. It was quite funny to watch, as it was a completely unique Championship.
Technically this is under ten minutes (excluding entrances)


I just love it because its one of my favourite high flying matches and it showed some great ring work between Styles and Hardy, I'll admit not having a winner was annoying but it was still a good match.
I'm gonna have to go with any TNA match that wasn't stopped by that bullshit time limit.

No, I'm just joking. Someone already mentioned this, but I'll go with Al Snow vs. Al Snow for the Hardcore Title. It was unique, it was pretty funny, and it was truly hardcore, which I miss from the current WWE.

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