Your favorite John Cena match

its funny how everyone says that they dont like cena because he uses 5 moves but if you think about it everyone uses 5 moves to win their match.

john cena won that match....

thats my fav match of his too by the way it was great back and forth action beteen both men. i actually hope he faces taker at this years wm

Cena lost. It wasn't actaully for the WWE Championship which sucks.

This is too my favorie match. I believe they were somewhere in the UK. The match sarted sometime around 9:55 and went on to like 11 something. A great back and forth match with Shawn finally getting the stregnth to deliver a Sweet Chin Music to Cena. It was very unexpected from Cena to lose because of his momentum after beating Michaels two weeks prior, at Wrestlemania 23. A very very great match.

Another great, Edge vs Cena TLC. Edge was the hometown hero and was everyones choice to win. Edge went in holding the wwe championship and went out...empty handed. The match had such great atmoshpere and a great finish with Edge getting, FU'd off the top of the 20 foot ladder. This feud is probably what made Cena the man he is today. A very great feud and match here.
if you have nothing constructive to add to this thread then shut up. it's not that hard. at the moment cena is doing more wrestling that anybody else in that ring, he's throwing out fucking drop kicks for god sake! there are a lot worse wrestlers in the WWE. he HAS had memorable matches in his career, on his debut he narrowly lost to kurt angle, he had 2 incredible matches with shawn michaels in 2007, NWO 2005 he had a fantastic match against kurt angle to get to the main event of wrestlemania, the 2008 royal rumble was a fantastic match, the second his music played the roof blew off MSG.

oh and all you guys who keep crying in their pillows at night because "super cena" has won again, think to your self, how much has he ACTUALLY WON THIS YEAR!!! he has had his ass kicked by nexus 4 or 5 times, but god forbid that he wins won of them fights! of course he is going to win one of them, the nexus are rookies, the majority of them are either going to job in the the WWE or receive there future endeavours.

oh and to the guy who said he can't produce a match of the year... he WON the PWI match of the year in 2007 for his 1 hour epic against shawn michaels. but i took a quick look at that list and do you know how many times steve austin has been on that list? ONCE! cena has god knows how many years left in his career.

You want me to tell you my favorite Cena match then??? Okay... My favorite Cena match ever is two weeks ago on Raw when Super Cena destroyed ALL of the Nexus in a gauntlet match... In the process destroying what very little credibility they had left... That was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo awesome!!!

Who are you to tell someone to shut up???

Let me point out something to you... EVERY SINGLE MATCH that you listed above had one thing in common... Two of the very best in ring performers EVER were involved in those matches... Doesn't that ring a bell??? Let me put it this way... When have Kurt Angle or Shawn Michaels ever NOT put on a GREAT match... HBK & Angle put on great matches EVERY TIME they stepped into the ring... And your defense of Cena is that he had great matches with these two legends??? Please... Kurt Angle could put on a great match with a broomstick, and HBK could put on a great match with a cat... Your the one who has NOTHING to add to this conversation...

You pose the question, "How many times has Cena actually won this year?" I don't know, and I don't care... The only thing that I do know is that I cannot remember the last time Cena lost CLEANLY!!! I honestly don't think Cena has EVER lost a match cleanly since he became a baby face... That is like 5 years without EVER losing a match cleanly... UNBELIEVABLE!!!
Four Matches Pop into mind

Backlash 2003 - John Cena vs. Brock Lesnar -> Granted Cena was, by no means, a threat to Lesnar's reign at the time. It did show Cena had what it took to be a main event player and, best yet, he was excellent playing the heel role debuting the FU to answer Lesnar's F5 (ok that was part of the build up not the batch but still....).

Wrestlemania 22 - Triple H vs. John Cena -> The crowd of this match was insane and Triple H and Cena put forth an old school fight. Deliberate pace, methodical, but it worked so well because it played along with the crowd. The crowd's reaction when Triple H tapped out was priceless.

Royal Rumble 2007 - Umaga vs. John Cena -> This was just a brutal brutal match, and it was a good one too. The match showed a ton of aggression on Cena's part and made his victory in taking down the monster was believable.

Summer Slam 2008 - Batista vs. John Cena -> The build up wasn't so great but it was the first time ever. We all expected Cena to win this but it was a surprise to see Batista win and convincingly also all thanks to Cena's selling here since it looked liked Batista killed him in the match.
You pose the question, "How many times has Cena actually won this year?" I don't know, and I don't care... The only thing that I do know is that I cannot remember the last time Cena lost CLEANLY!!! I honestly don't think Cena has EVER lost a match cleanly since he became a baby face... That is like 5 years without EVER losing a match cleanly... UNBELIEVABLE!!!

Theres been times where Cena lost cleanly in a match....I just think you need to calm down and have to realize this isn't a hate thread, this isn't oh what is John Cena's greatest most memorable matches of all this....This is about your favorite John Cena match...Theres no need to come in here and complain about John Cena like about 200 other threads you can post in about that. All you had to say was: I don't have any favorite matches from John Cena.......That is all you have to say but you don't have to be rude on this thread when your not even posting about the purpose of this thread...Your being completely oblivious.

So yeah my favorite John Cena matches have to be

John Cena vs Undertaker

John Cena vs HBK at Wrestlemania and in London

John Cena vs Batista at Summerslam( OH LOOK JOHN CENA LOST CLEANLY IN THE PAST 5 YEARS!)

John Cena vs Latino Heat - Parking Lot Brawl

Most matches from his US title reigns.

John Cena/Randy Orton fued

John Cena/Edge fued

John Cena vs HHH matches( Oh geez one of the last times they faced JOHN CENA LOST CLEANLY!)

John Cena vs Kurt Angle - the one for the number one contender spot
There are 3 that came straight to mind when I read this thread.

The first is his debut against Kurt Angle. Although it was a relatively short match it was a very good fast paced encounter between the best and the unknown. It would be hard to have as good a debut as Cena had here with Angle who put him over excellently. Very good outing for Cena.

The second would be his match with RVD at One Night Stand. Although he lost this match it was something that really showed he was a legit wrestler/performer. Anyone would have found that crowd intimidating but Cena just rocked through and came out looking very professional and mature while putting over the crowd favourite RVD. I watch this match every couple of months because I just love the crowd and the excitement of it all.

The third match that comes to mind was with Umaga at the 2007 Royal Rumble in a last man standing match. Great gimmick match and one I can watch over and over. The ending was something new and really showed Cena as a credible fighter giving Umaga his first loss (i think... can’t really remember, well it was close to his first loss anyways) and walking away with the WWE Championship. I love the image of Cena giving Umaga an STFU with the ring rope, classic stuff.

Cena has been in countless great matches. As someone already posted, you don’t need to be the most technical guy to put on great matches. You have to be able to tell a story and Cena does that.
I can't believe how many of you guys hate this guy... First of all, it's the writers, not Cena, as to why he is this way so you can stop getting personal. Blame the kids that watch it, that's why he's treated this way. He brings in the $$$. He's a very talented athlete, lightyears more gifted than all that fat kids with pepperoni pizza faces talking shit about him on the internet trying to 'fit-in'. He does his 5 moves because that's just how it goes. To say he can't do more is stupid. If you saw him before his days in the WWE you'd know otherwise. Are you not entertained? Are you too busy sucking the Miz off calling him the next Rock when in reality Miz is a guy that REALLY hasn't had a memorable match? Cena never has a chance with people here. He could put on a great match but you are too blinded by idiocy and hate to acknowledge it. Sad. Just know that as you type all this hate about him, he's pounding some pussy, making more money than you ever will, being in movies, and famous across the country. Just sayin'.

Nonetheless, back on topic, definitely Cena vs Michaels at mania. His feud with Angle was great too, though.
I can't believe how many of you guys hate this guy... First of all, it's the writers, not Cena, as to why he is this way so you can stop getting personal. Blame the kids that watch it, that's why he's treated this way. He brings in the $$$. He's a very talented athlete, lightyears more gifted than all that fat kids with pepperoni pizza faces talking shit about him on the internet trying to 'fit-in'. He does his 5 moves because that's just how it goes. To say he can't do more is stupid. If you saw him before his days in the WWE you'd know otherwise. Are you not entertained? Are you too busy sucking the Miz off calling him the next Rock when in reality Miz is a guy that REALLY hasn't had a memorable match? Cena never has a chance with people here. He could put on a great match but you are too blinded by idiocy and hate to acknowledge it. Sad. Just know that as you type all this hate about him, he's pounding some pussy, making more money than you ever will, being in movies, and famous across the country. Just sayin'.

Nonetheless, back on topic, definitely Cena vs Michaels at mania. His feud with Angle was great too, though.

Just incase you were referring to me... I think the Miz is the biggest loser that I have ever seen... I would gladly sit and watch EVERY SINGLE JOHN CENA MATCH that he ever competed in if it would mean that the Miz would go away forever...

Just on a side note... I did remember something memorable that Cena did... It actually was pretty cool when Cena picked up both the Big Show and Edge on his shoulders at the same time... Cena is very strong; I will give him that much...

By the way Hardypunkmark, I love getting red reps... It just reminds me of how sensitive little boys can be when you hurt their feelings:lmao:
All this cena hate in this thread is really not justified. The guy does put on ENTERTAINING matches every once in a while. I will acknowledge that Cena's character has been really boring for a long time, but now its getting bettert with the nexus storyline...
Back on topic, the few matches i have quite enjoyed are:
His one hour match with HBK on raw...very good match, also the storyline coming into this match was really good.And of course, Michaels won, which makes it that much sweeter :)
One match i really enjoyed was his match at WM 22 with triple H, not so much the match itself, but the crowd and the atmosphere was absolutely electrifying...this match actually stands out to me just because of the crowd involvement and the way HHH portrayed the story in the match, Cena was'nt that good...but since he was a part of the match, i guess it counts.
other good matches would be the WM 24 triple threat, his match with RVD at ONS 2006(the atmosphere was amazing and the way Cena pulled off a heelish character while still being face was very good as well), and the TLC with edge at Unforgiven.
His match with RVD at ONS 06 & HHH at WM 22 were good because of the atmosphere in the arena and what made Cena vs. HHH the highlight for me is the fans reactions as soon as Cena made HHH tap out.

His match with HBK at WM 22 & on Raw had good build up behind it but the majority of the match was carried by HBK so I cant really credit Cena so much for this one.

His TLC match with Edge had a good feud backing it and it contained some decent action but I wish Cena didnt have a face like a slapped arse as soon as he pulled the title down, it ruined the mood of his celebration.

His I Quit & Ironman match with Orton also had a good feud behind it no matter what any hater says & for a hardcore match in the PG era, these two matches werent bad. The matches were intense & showed both mens hatred for each other like when Orton was whipping Cena like a scolded dog with the Singapore Cane while he tied him against the ringpost & when Orton tried to blow him up on the stage and unlike most of his STFU's, the STFU that made Orton quit was believable this time around because Cena & Orton were handcuffed together and Orton's arm was wrapped around his neck and the FU reversed into the RKO is an awesome reversal.

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