Your favorite HIAC Match?

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Dark Match Jobber
The HIAC has had some really good matches in its history and has always been used to settle some really heated feuds. For me, my favorite HIAC match was Mankind vs Taker at KOR (can't remember which year). Foley falling off the cell into the announcer's table and getting slammed into thumbtacks was sick but awesome.

HHH vs HBK at '03 Bad Blood would be a close second. For you, which HIAC match was your favorite and why?
Mine is the six man Hell in A Cell from Armegedeon 2000 with The Rock vs. The Undertaker vs. Triple H vs. Stone Cold vs. Rikishi vs. Kurt Angle.
I'm going to say the original, because it was one of the best matches of its era, was groundbreaking at the time, and had the best debut of all-time with Kane coming out and tombstoning the Undertaker.
Obviously my favorite is Cactus Jack vs Triple H - No Way Out 2000, when Foley wen't through the cell roof, then through the mat. Yeah - didn't the crowd chant, "Oh, sh!t - he's dead" lol.
Yeah that was a great one. I love that one and Taker vs. Mankind.

P.S. Love your Mr. Kennedy banner
I also say the foley and HHH one, because i remember watching that live and just being excited the whole match. The match was all around great
Obbie said:
Yeah that was a great one. I love that one and Taker vs. Mankind.

P.S. Love your Mr. Kennedy banner

Thanks man. I remember watching the "Mick Foley: Hard Knocks Cheap Pops" DVD and he said that all everybody remembers from his career is the fall off the cell in his match against Taker. The funny thing he says is that 2 weeks later, he took another bump that hurt 10 times worse, and nobody even remembers lol. Anyways, Foley is god!
Am I really the only one that liked the original? How many people have seen it and were fans leading up to it? The thing about the HBK/Taker/Kane debut match was what was on the line, what had led up to it, its originality, the match itself was BRILLIANT and combined both memorable spots with great wrestling/storytelling and concluded with the debut of Kane. Just an absolutely perfect match.

Don't get me wrong, I love Taker/'kind and Cactus/HHH but the original HAS to take the cake.
^^ Well I agree with you that the story-line behind the match was the best. However the most entertaining HIAC itself, would still have to be Cactus/HHH 2000 in my opinion. How much better can you get than a flaming barbed wire 2x4, and a guy falling about 10 feet through a cell roof, then crashing through the mat below?
I loved both the Taker/Mankind match and the Cactus Jack/HHH match both were very exciting and very entertaining i dunno which is the better match.
Taker Foley was by far the best, is there even question?, the sight of Taker slamming Foley off onto the announcers table was legendary and will never be forgotten.
Taker vs Mankind
HHH vs Cacuts Jack

**All for HHHs effort and Foleys bumps.
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