Your favorite Eminem line


Championship Contender
Eminem is very popular and I was listening to a few of his songs. I was also talking to The Hamler and I thought about making this thread. What is your favorite Eminem line from any of his songs?

Mine has to be, "Pull your Dick from the dirt and Fuck the whole universe" from Not Afraid on the Recovery album. It is one of his newest songs and one of my favorite by him. I enjoy the line because it is simple, funny, and make sense. lol. Good expression.
Lots of eminem threads. And I love it! One of my favorite artists that i grew up listening to along with Michael Jackson and Nirvana. But anyway too my favorite line would have to be from my favorite song from him "Sing For The Moment" and that is

"Thats why we sing for these kids who don't have a thing, except for a dream." Another good line is also from Not Afraid and thats "All those who look down on me Im tearing down your balcony."
Random, but mine would be from "Stan" where he is ranting (as Stan) and then stops to yell "SHUT UP B*TCH, I'M TRYING TO TALK!" at the girlfriend who is screaming for help in the background. I'd honestly say the whole song, but I narrowed it down to just that line. My reasons for why is probably out of nostalgia coming from the fact that I used to listen to Eminem A LOT when I would be upset or stressing about something. Especially "Stan", it got to the point where I had the song memorized, and I always yelled the "SHUT UP B*TCH, I'M TRYING TO TALK!" part as loud as I could. It was a way to take anger and stress out. I still do that just for fun sometimes when I hear that part of the song.
I know most people have used this song, but "Not Afraid takes on such a personal meaning for me. My favorite part of the song says:

But I think I'm still tryna figure this crap out
Thought I had it mapped out but I guess I didn't
This fucking black cloud still follow's me around
But it's time to exercise these demons

I am, and always will be, an addict. Ive had 3 ankle surgeries, and 3 knee surgeries. I was hooked on strong narcotics, and they were the most important thing in my life. They took precedence over my job, my wife, and my personal well being.

Every time I thought I had things figured out, something would happen, and Id start taking them to excess again. I can completely understand what he means when he says "This fucking black cloud keeps following me around", because even though Ive been clean for 7 months, its always a struggle and a battle. i always thought, as a Christian, that this could never happen to me, but it did, and was because of the choices I made.

And every day, Im still trying to figure things out, and how to continue to stay clean. For the sake of my family, my career, and myself. I likely always will, which is why this song has so much meaning, and hits so close to home.
Fuck this is an awesome idea for a thread.But by the same token, how in the hell am I suppose to narrow it down to one line from a song. I think I'll go with the line ;

"You don't get another chance, life is no Nintendo game"

It's from "love the way you lie" ft Rihanna.Such a simple line, but so incedibly true. You've only got one shot in life. There's no extra lives, no reset button.

Em is the shit.
Entertainment is changin', intertwinin' with gangsta's
In the land of the killers, a sinner's mind is a sanctum

This comes from "Sing For The Moment", one of my favorite songs by Eminem. It's deeply poetic to me; as if someone like Edgar Allen Poe came back from the grave, put a stocking cap on, and started spitting rhythmic shit. It's almost prophetic because after this came out many rappers came out of the woodwork to get a piece of the action that was happening in Hip-Hop. Guys like Juelz Sanana, 50 Cent, N.O.R.E, and so on got their big break during this time.

And I love the alliteration used "In the land of the killers, a sinner's mind is a sanctum".
My choice comes from "Love The Way You Lie."

Life is no nintendo game, but you lied again.
Now you get to watch her leave out the window.
Guess that's why they call it "window pane."
My favourite line also comes from Sing For The Moment- I fucking love that song

''And maybe they'll admit it when we're gone
Just let our spirits live on,
through out lyrics that you hear in our songs"

I love this. It represents all musicians and artists who have passed away, and how they are never really gone when people still remember them and listen to their music. Kurt Cobain, Layne Staley, Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon, 2Pac, Biggie, Jim Morrison, Elvis Presley- the list goes on. I think Eminem captured peoples emotions and thoughts perfectly in this line.
From "I'm Shady"
The ill type, I stab myself with a steel spike
while I blow my brain out, just to see what it feels like
cause this is how I am in real life (mm-hmm)
I don't want to just die a normal death, I wanna be killed twice (uh-huh)
How you gonna scare somebody with a gun threat
when they high off of drugs they haven't even done yet (Huh?)
It's one of the best songs off "The Slim Shady LP", which is his best album, and he's funny as hell in this album, and on this song. I don't like his newer stuff either. But this stuff is good, and it's funny.
I've thought about this thread some more and have another one.This one is actually a verse opposed to a line:

That's Rock Bottom
When this life makes you mad enough to kill
That's Rock Bottom
When you want something bad enough to steal
That's Rock Bottom
When you feel you have had it up to here
Cause you mad enough to scream but you sad enough to tear

This is the chorus for the song "Rock Bottom" off of the Slim Shady LP .It sort of sums up what I love about eminem; He has experienced shit and is real about it. You can't write a verse like this unless you have truly felt desperation.It's just as real as it gets.
"sorry puff but i dont give a fuck if this chick was my own mother, i'd still fuck her with no rubber, and cum inside her and have a son and a new brother at the same time and just say that it isnt mine, WHATS MY NAMEEE!?!" (talking about J.Lo on "im back")
has to be my fav. Eminem line:

The pen explodes and bust, ink spills my guts!
You think all I do is stand here and feel my nuts

The song itself is amazing, All the lyrics in this song are just amazing.
Eminem's raps kind of speak to you.

I always listen to this song when Im angry or something.

But those lines have to be the most famous lines in Eminems music:
You think all I do is stand here and feel my nuts
My favorite lines from Eminem have always been these ones from "Cum On Everybody" from The Slim Shady LP

One Excederin tablet short of a full medicine cabinet/
I feel like my head has been shredded like lettuce and cabbage/

I just love the way he stacks rhymes on top of each other, and this is a good example of that.
My favorite line of his is when he starts singing in Not Afraid, 'I'm not afraid....'. That line is so badass and hardcore. Or basically when he collaborated with that Rihanna further shitting on his legacy, the line is 'You don't get another chance, life is no Nintendo game'. That was just so badass and hard. But seriously Eminem became shit a few years back. Liaten to ' The Slim Shady LP' and his earlier shit, way better than singing with Rihanna and Pink.
So many of them, but I'll have to go with the one that popped into my head as soon as I saw the Thread's Title.

"There's no limit on how far I would go, no boundaries, no lengths
Why do we say that until we get that person that we think's
Gonna be that one and then once we get 'em it's never the same?
You want them when they don't want you, soon as they do feelings change."

- Space Bound from his Recovery Album.
I posted in this thread ages ago, but here is another of my favourite Eminem lines. It is nowhere near my favourite Eminem song, but this one line from "Bagpipes From Baghdad" makes me laugh, and is probably my favourite non-serious Eminem line.

In the bed with two brain dead lesbian vegetables
I bet you they become heterosexual
Nothin' will stop me from molestin' you
Titty fuckin' you 'till your breast nipple flesh tickles my testicles

Just so weird, and typical of the offensive, over-the-top Slim Shady. I much prefer his more serious side that he showed in his last album and in songs like "The Way I Am", but I love these lines.

I will have a think and post more of my favourite lines of his later.
leave 'em with a taste as sour as vinegar in they mouth, see they can trigger me but they'll never figure me out.
And Hailie’s getting' so big now, you should see her, she's beautiful
But you'll neva see her, she won't even be at your FUNERAL (ha ha)
See whets hurts me the most, is you won't admit you was wrong
Bitch do your song, keep telling' yaself that you was a mom
But how dare you try to take what you didnt help me to get,
you selfish bitch
I hope you fuckin' burn in in hell for this shit
Remember when Ronnie died and you said you wished it was me?
Well guess what, I am dead, dead to you as can be!

These lyrics are from "Cleaning out my closet", one of my favourite Eminem's songs. His lyrics mean so much it's unreal. It saddens me to see "rappers" like Soulja Boy and others releasing shit, basically. Also, this is coming from someone who can't stand rap (I'm a metalhead). Eminem is one of the only rappers (Kanye and Jay-Z, too) that produces stuff that I can listen to without hurling. Seriously, I totally love Eminem. And, another lyric I love is a funny one from "Superman", a hilarious song about hoes and ****s that also has a deeper meaning:
You want me to tell you something? I know what you want to hear.
I know you want me baby, I think I want you too.
I think I love you baby.

I think I love you too. I'm here to save you girl,
come be in shady's world.
I want to grow together, let's let our love unfurl.
You know you want me baby, you know I want you too.
They call me superman; I'm here to rescue you.
I want to save you girl, come be in shady's world.

Oh boy you drive me crazy.

I posted in this thread ages ago, but here is another of my favourite Eminem lines. It is nowhere near my favourite Eminem song, but this one line from "Bagpipes From Baghdad" makes me laugh, and is probably my favourite non-serious Eminem line.

In the bed with two brain dead lesbian vegetables
I bet you they become heterosexual
Nothin' will stop me from molestin' you
Titty fuckin' you 'till your breast nipple flesh tickles my testicles

Just so weird, and typical of the offensive, over-the-top Slim Shady. I much prefer his more serious side that he showed in his last album and in songs like "The Way I Am", but I love these lines.

I will have a think and post more of my favourite lines of his later.

That's my shit right there. I'm pretty sure I'm one of 4 people who actually do like the Relapse album. Say what you want about it, but he had some pretty fucking amazing rhyme schemes on it.

Nothing like Son Of Sam so please understand there's no gun in hand
Where's the thrill in the hunt, there's no fun in that, here I come with axe
fun ta act like lumberjack, when I'm hackin' them up with that
What was that? Dial 9-1-1, someones coming in from the back

From Stay Wide Awake

I love this shit. I'm not a huge fan of the production on the album but his lyrics, while fucking crazy, are fucking amazing. I just kind of wish he didn't use that god damned accent so much.
Eminem is my favourite rapper. There's so many to mention, but I'll just pick one from a song I've really been into as of late;
"What's occurin' befo',
after and durin' the show,
has no bearing on the bad news I'm baring,
whoa. What is it, Wordplay?
No I'm pushin' you out the do'.
So suck my dick on the couch if you wanna cushion to blow."
That's my shit right there. I'm pretty sure I'm one of 4 people who actually do like the Relapse album. Say what you want about it, but he had some pretty fucking amazing rhyme schemes on it.

Nothing like Son Of Sam so please understand there's no gun in hand
Where's the thrill in the hunt, there's no fun in that, here I come with axe
fun ta act like lumberjack, when I'm hackin' them up with that
What was that? Dial 9-1-1, someones coming in from the back

From Stay Wide Awake

I love this shit. I'm not a huge fan of the production on the album but his lyrics, while fucking crazy, are fucking amazing. I just kind of wish he didn't use that god damned accent so much.

GOOD. Im glad someone else mentions Relapse. a MUCH better album than the VERY overrated Recovery, Everyone mentions songs off that, and I gotta say, Im disappointed. On fire and Untitled (there we go) are the only two good tracks on it. But anyway.

full of controversy until I retire my jersey,
'til the fire inside dies and expires at thirty, and
Lord have mercy on any more of these rappers that verse me,
and put a curse on authorities in the face of adversity, i'm a...
from Soldier

but my number one is the WHOLE 2nd verse of Stay wide awake. The multi syllables are the best Ive heard in any hip hop song.

So dark and so cold my friends don't know this other side of me
There's a monster inside of me it's quite ugly and it frightens me
But they can't see what I can see there's a vacancy in my tummy
It's makin' me play hide n' seek like Jason I'm so hungry
She's naked see no privacy but I can see she wants me
So patient see I try to be but Gee why does she taunt me
Pulls the drapes and she goes right to sleep
And I creep right through the front see
So blatantly but silently cuz I know that she's sound asleep
Who's wakin' me so violently and why is he on top of me
He's rapin' me she try's to scream somebody please get him off me
He's tapin' me he's biting me he's laughing likes it's funny
She's scrapin' me she's fightin' me she's scratching like some dumb freak
Escapin' me no dice ya see I might just be Ted Bundy
Or Satan gee what a site to see I'm dancing in my red panties
I'm crazy but it's alright with me man life can be so empty
Stay away from cuz I'm dancing to quite a different drum beat
Dear Mister, I'm too good to call or write my fans
This'll be the last package I ever send your ass
It's been six months and still no word
I don't deserve it?
I know you got my last two letters
I wrote the addresses on 'em perfect

So this is my cassette I'm sending you
I hope you hear it
I'm in the car right now
I'm doing 90 on the freeway
Hey Slim, I drink a fifth of vodka
Ya dare me to drive?

You know this song by Phil Collins
'From the air in the night'
About that guy who could have saved
That other guy from drowning?
But didn't, then Phil saw it all
Then at his show he found him

That's kinda how this is
You could have rescued me from drowning
Now it's too late
I'm on a thousand downers, now I'm drowsy

And all I wanted was a lousy letter or a call
I hope you know
I ripped all your pictures off the wall
I loved you Slim, we could have been together
Think about it, you ruined it now

I hope you can't sleep and you dream about it
And when you dream, I hope you can't sleep
And you scream about it
I hope your conscious eats at you
And you can't breathe without me

See Slim, "Shut up bitch!
I'm trying to talk"
Hey Slim, that's my girlfriend screaming in the trunk
But I didn't slit her throat I just tied her up
See I ain't like you
'Cause if she suffocates she'll suffer more
And then she'll die too

Well gotta go
I'm almost at the bridge now
Oh shit! I forgot!
How am I supposed to send this shit out?

The passion in the final few verses of "Stan" is actually pretty euphoric. Sometimes when I listen to it I actually wonder how he got the idea to come up with the lyrics. There isn't any one line/lyric from those that I can choose, highlight and tell you why I feel it deserves to be my "favorite", it's just that entire stanza. Them coming together creates a graphic story - and when you have ear phones on and you listen to this song you almost zone out.

If I were to choose any one lyric though as the one which I could say as my favorite, from this song, It'd be the one below. When he comes into this verse the momentum slows down, as it's just Eminem speakin', but then when he realizes it was Stan who sent the car over the bridge, and Eminem says that last line, a shiver seriously goes down my spine and my heart skips a beat. Not even fucking with anybody when I say it, I've even studied almost what happens, cause I know its coming every time but it catches me off guard.

I'm glad I inspire you
But Stan, why are you so mad?
Try to understand
That I do want you as a fan
I just don't want you to do some crazy shit
I seen this one shit on the news
A couple weeks ago that made me sick

Some dude was drunk and drove his car over a bridge
And had his girlfriend in the trunk
And she was pregnant with his kid
And in the car they found a tape
But it didn't say who it was to?
Come to think about it, his name was;
It was you... Damn!
You don't know how sick you make me
You make me fuckin' sick to my stomach
Every time I think of you, I puke
You must just not know--whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa
You may not think you do, but you do
Every time I think of you, I puke
from the song puke, that song helped me get over most of my exgirlfriends, i would just put this song on and just use there name in it and it would help a lot of the pain,

'Cause I been treated like dirt before you
And love is "evol"
Spell it backwards I'll show you

from space bound just says it all right that that love is evil when you fall for a bitch that just uses you
Marshall you're no longer the man, that's a bit of a pill to swallow
All I know is some wallowin, self-loathing and hollow
Bottoms up of pill bottle maybe I'll hit my bottom tomorrow

I realise that Talkin 2 myself isn't the best song of this past album. But it hit with me along with allmost famous. Eminem has taken shots at alot of people in the past, and himself. He admits he had problems, but he isn't afraid to shoot on himself. He knows what he did, and he uses it to fuel his rapping. I've had alot of respect for Em, but he took it to a new level with this past album. It might not be his best, fuck we all know it isn't. But this is a real song off a great album.
I have two. It was too difficult to narrow down. The first one is more of a verse than a line, but its the beginning part to Till I Collapse:

'Cause sometimes you feel tired,
feel weak, and when you feel weak, you feel like you wanna just give up.
But you gotta search within you, you gotta find that inner strength
and just pull that shit out of you and get that motivation to not give up
and not be a quitter, no matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face and collapse.

I love this part because Eminem was what I listened to when I felt like that, so it was just inspirational I guess would be the best way to put it.

My second choice is the end of the chorus in Beautiful:

So don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful
Oh, they can all get fucked.
Just stay true to you

I really love the whole chorus and everything the song says about being who you are, but these are definitely my favorite few lines.
JW'sGir Nice choice of songs.

I Like almost every song of eminem. There is not any particular song that is my favorite. There are so many songs of him that i like the most,.

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