Your favorite/best wrestling brand RIGHT NOW.


Excellence of Execution
The rules are simple. Which wrestling show do you find yourself most interested in, and/or which do you think is the best? Who puts on the best angles, the best matches, and has the best overall wrestling atmosphere?

Now, for some guidelines. The WWE is not the WWE for this. If you wish to name a WWE brand, you must name an actual brand, such as Raw, Smackdown, or ECW. Saying "My favorite is WWE" is completely missing the point of this thread. Don't do it.

You can vote for any brand you want. Raw, Smackdown, ECW, TNA, ROH, PWG, IWA, CZW, Chikara, Shimmer, NJPW....whatever you want. However, this is not the Old School Wrestling forum, so don't mention any defunct promotions.

After everyone has had a chance to make their opinion, I'll post mine. Although, I think most people probably already know for me. Anyways, what's yours?
For me its a two way tie. For me, Raw is currently number one. Smackdown or ECW, if I miss the show as I often do, its no big deal, but my Mondays are spent killing time until 9pm. While that might be the live aspect, it has what I think is a good blend of wrestling and angles. Its hardly perfect and there are holes in it, but I think it is ahead of TNA, ROH, ECW and SD, which are the main shows that I follow.

As for one that I'm guessing the majority of you don't follow, Ohio Valley Wrestling is actually a very good weekly show to me. It has very low production values and the talent is no where near the levels of other companies, but for what it is, its a good promotion. Its very basic but it has some decent angles and feuds. If you go in expecting WWE caliber work, you're wasting your time. However, if you go in looking to kill an hour late on a Saturday night, its a good way to go. Far better than Impact replays at least.
Depends what mood I'm in. The only wrestling I religiously follow is WWE. But that's because it's on every day, if I miss an episode I can catch it again. Unlike TNA which doesn't appear to have a proper time slot.

General Indy, Japanese, Mexican & Women are tricky. I wouldn't say they're my favourite. I buy the DVDs. But I don't watch them in any particular order. I'll watch one from this year, then one from 2003. It's hard to say I like them the best when storylines aren't followed properly by me. I couldn't give you a beginning, middle and end to any feud unlike TNA & WWE.

TNA is awful. I watch an episode of iMPACT and I shake my head. I just try to take each match on it's individual merits. I try to look past the bullshit and just try to be entertained by it. But it's really hard. If I watch a full show nothing sticks in my mind. But if I buy a DVD and just watch the matches I want to see, then catch up on the others at some other point I enjoy them more.

I don't watch ECW. I'll catch the main event on highlight shows, but that's it.

For a long time I loved Smackdown. It was by far the best show on WWE TV. Long intresting matches. I used to look forward to 15 minute London & Kendrick tag matches. Raw just had too much talking for me. If I wanted a talk show I would watch one. But that's changed now. Currently Raw is the superior WWE brand. But I still wouldn't say it's great.

Really I couldn't say which is my favourite. I think there might be too much WWE for me to truly enjoy it. But I doubt I could watch 4 plus hours of ROH each week. I know I couldn't watch that much of TNA.

As for best I couldn't say either, as WWE is the only one I really follow and keep up to date with. Apart from me being about 2 weeks behind with TNA, but that's utter shite.
Mine is far and away Raw. I watch ECW and Smackdown almost every week and TNA Impact sometimes, but since none of those are live..I know what happens before I see it.
Raw is the flagship show of the best wrestling promotion there is though and thus, more emphasis is put on it than any other brand. Yea there are problems with it just like anything else, and not everything is good. Hell, it was pretty bad for a while there. But I have to admit that they have really stepped it up in the last 6 months and Raw these days is pretty solid. There are twists alot of the time now, which is something there wasn't much of as early as a year ago. It's predictable alot as well, but with the talent and some new faces arising, I like it.

Smackdown, imo, has made dramatic improvement since the beginning of the Edge/Taker feud and really since the draft. I am excited about where they are going when Edge gets back and when some other big name guys get back in the title picture (Taker, Big Show, Edge, etc.)

ECW is entertaining too at least as far as the superstar initiative's certainly a far cry from the old ECW and only alike in name.

But overall, Raw is the original and still the best; cliche but it's true. I really like the Jericho/Michaels feud right now and Jericho as champ. I am also loving the Randy Orton stable about to be formed with Team Priceless and Manu, plus some other young guys being showcased like Kofi Kingston and Cryme Tyme.

It'll never be what it was in the Attitude Era, but I like the direction that Raw and really the entire WWE is going.
I probably have to say I enjoy Raw the most currently. Not by much though. Raw has and always will be, the flagship show of the WWE and Profession Wrestling for that matter. I only watch 4 shows which are: Raw, Smackdown, ECW and TNA iMPACT. I haven't seen much of ROH or any other international promotion for that matter. But my opinion does change on a weekly basis as Raw isn't always the most consistant show. Sometimes I enjoy Smackdown or even ECW, more than Raw. It really depends on the booking and the matches the shows provide on a weekly basis.

Raw has plenty of talent, not as much as what it had before the draft though. Raw's current main eventers are: John Cena, Randy Orton, JBL, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, Batista, CM Punk, Kane and Rey Mysterio. That is why Raw is the top show in the WWE, because they have plenty of decent main eventers. Raw isn't known for putting on good matches on a weekly basis. It is more used to advance storylines using promos and non wrestling segments. Raw is very fresh right now with new talent like CM Punk, Batista, Kane and Rey Mysterio being placed in fairly interesting storylines, as they were only recently drafted to Raw. Raw isn't by far the perfect show, but one could argue it is the most entertaining show at the present moment.

WWE's #2 show known as Smackdown, is currently very fresh and entertaining due to the amount of talent the show received in the 2008 Draft. Smackdown has a great amount of main eventers, as well as mid-carders that are almost ready to be pushed to the top. Smackdown in my opinion, is the most consistant show as it usually provides 2 great t.v matches that are worthy watching. Smackdown doesn't have many promos, as it advances storylines through the great matches and post match beatdowns. It is often, more entertaining than Raw as Smackdown has amazing young talent that I love watching every week.

ECW is seen as a development show for the youth and rookies. It has some veterans to teach the youth in Matt Hardy, Finlay and Mark Henry. Even though it is only a 1 hour show, ECW puts on some of the greatest matches of the week on a constant basis. Guys like John Morrison, The Miz, Matt Hardy and Finlay are always entertaining to watch. ECW is also well known for pushing brand new talent such as Evan Bourne, Ricky Ortiz and many more. It usually only has 1 main storyline carrying the show. ECW is entertaining, but not as much as Raw or Smackdown are.

The opposition company TNA, provides us with one 2 hour show every week. It has talent that were in the WWE and WCW in one stage such as Sting, Christian Cage, Kurt Angle, Rhino and many more. I watch iMPACT for the good wrestling matches they provide weekly. Guys like A.J Styles, Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle, Christian Cage, The Motor City Machine Guns and LAX, are just so damn entertaining to watch especially in the ring. The booking is poor compared to the WWE and it is the one thing that is holding TNA back from becoming a serious contender to the WWE. The problem about TNA is that whenever a view a weekly iMPACT, I struggle to remember what happened on the show a day later. It's almost as if nothing sticks in my head, despite only watching it not long ago at all.

Raw and Smackdown are currently the most entertaining shows in all of sports entertainment. Raw slightly edges out Smackdown due to the interesting storylines and new champions we have been seeing lately. But that's not to say that I never enjoy Smackdown as much as Raw. As Jake said, it also depends what kind of mood I am in. I watch Raw for the entertaining product it provides me weekly. That is the sole reason why Raw is the number one brand in all of professional wrestling.
Raw: I simply tried, I tried my hardest, but Friday Night Smackdown is simply no longer an enjoyable show to watch. Triple H is just terrible, and his title reign of doom almost sucks the life completely out of the show. There was a card a few weeks back when Triple H was on paternity leave where Smackdown was phenomenal, it's been shit ever since. It's a shame because Smackdown was always seen as the "wrestling" show of the WWE, and now it's become the Triple H Power Hour.

Raw on the other hand is brilliant. There are so many contenders for the World title that you honestly believe that that title can switch hands at almost any show, but it wouldn't ruin the credibility of the belt based upon the strength of the competition and the competitors. Plus the under card for Raw has simply been awesome. The Tag Team Division has been amazing, and the Divas on Raw are far superior then the Diva's on Smackdown. I think the only thing Smackdown would have to offer over Raw is the midcard title, which is debatable.

I enjoy ECW, but it is what it is, a C Show to develop today's under card into tomorrows midcard. Does anyone truly expect Matt Hardy to remain on ECW come draft time next year if he's had a successful title reign?

TNA has potential, but potential is the keyword. TNA has all of the players to be something incredibly special, but the show just has lost what it once had. I'm not sure what it is, but all I know is that I don't enjoy TNA today like I enjoyed TNA at this point last year. It's either a lack of passion or a general disinterest that has become so tangible it's distracting.

So for me, Raw is easily the best brand in sports entertainment today. Fear, fear the CZW fanboys that will come in here and say how awesome someone getting hit in the head with a lightbulb is "real" wrestling.
I would probably have to say RAW, even though my favorite wrestler Triple H is on SmackDown. For the last three years SmackDown has had the same damn layout to the point where I know what's going to happen every week before I even watch it(and without any help from spoilers). Here is your every week SmackDown: The Divas take turns getting victories over eachother, one week it is Michelle McCool, next week it is Maryse etc., Koslov squash, 20Minute Jeff Hardy match against a random opponent(which use to be Matt Hardy's role on SmackDown), and of course the classic storyline where somebody promises to take out The Undertaker for good, only to lose to him at the end of their feud. Top that with the multiple lackluster WWE title storylines that SmackDown usually has and there you go. This "I respect" storyline is becoming WWE's fallback storyline when they are too lazy to think of anything else for a feud.

RAW isn't much better though, the only thing that keeps me hooked in is the fact that anything can happen on RAW, it is the eventful show of the WWE. Being Live also gives it a nod over SmackDown as well, if SD was live, than maybe that might influence the WWE to make the show more eventful and I might of had a different answer for this thread.

Oh, I forgot ECW.....meh, fuck it.
Gotta go RAW as well. But I would put ECW as second. TNA third and Smackdown 4th. Raw has gotten TONS better since the departure of HHH. ECW may not have the "SUPERSTAR" quality wrestlers, But I love seeing new wrestlers and new things and to me, ECW provides that. Not particularly fond of Mark Henry, or Matt Hardy for that matter being champ, but overall, there's something different about ECW that keeps me tuned in. TNA more and more every week is focusing too much on wrestlers of the past. Sting demanding respect, BLAH BLAH BLAH. If you had asked this question about a month ago Sly, I would have put TNA as number two, but WOW, TNA to me is becoming WCW all over again. I know you probably will disagree, but I am having flashbacks. LOL

Smackdown is the "HHH DOUBLE POWER HOURS". Him walking around last week taunting the people competing in the "Number 1 contendership" had me fast forwarding the TIVO. Call me crazy, But RAW has made strides in becoming better. The ratings were shocking, but thats what you get when you let the flagship of the WWE get so bad and then when Monday night Football comes on, people would rather watch Football over HHH patting himself on the back about how great of a champion he has become. Simply TERRIBLE. They need to do anything they can to show fans that RAW is different now. LOL Like hang up a "Under New CHAMPION" signs or something! LOL
ROH is definately my favorite wrestling brand right now, and it has been for a while. I've always enjoyed wrestling at it's unpolished state. I like the gritty production of the DVD's and the arrangement of the live shows. I love the storylines- not too complex so the matches are still the main focus of the shows- but it's enough to tie everything together. THe structure of the company is great. The roster isn't necessarily divided into main eventers, mid-carders and so forth. Every wrestler could be involved in a main event on any given night.

Although I prefer less production, I have to say that RAW would be my second choice. The past couple of months have been such a vast improvement over the past couple of years- it's so great. Fresh faces make all the difference in the world. CM Punk, Rhodes & DiBiase, Kingston and the return of Jericho has definately gotten my attention. Not to mention that it seems as though Evan Bourne will be making the jump to RAW anytime now! The storylines are much better and the matches aren't as predictable. Two thumbs up to Vince.
I have always been loyal to RAW. I find myself defending it even when it's bad because I know it will pull through, and after a REALLY bad week I know to tune in the week after because in contrast it's usually pretty good. I feel like the WWE itself, RAW has history, it's been around so long now. I see Smackdown and to a lesser extent ECW as seperate brands all under the WWE umberella which is a wise move by the WWE, whilst I prefer both to TNA which I feel tries to hard to be like the WWE alot of the time without ever really pulling it off... Smackdown gets my vote for second, as Jake said it used to provide longer matches than RAW, and over the last year it had some extremely intriguing storylines.

Unlike some I'm more intrested in the growth of ECW than I am of TNA. I really think it has all the makings of being something special. I just think WWE need to make it more original, it is a big and bold step and I aprreciate that but I feel it is the perfect laboratory for experementation. ECW has also been the farm for many of todays top talent, Kofi, CM Punk... and it is building future stars like Morrison and the Miz as well as giving people like Finlay a place to go without releasing him. It's almost like OVW in a way.
Mine is unquestionably Raw. I tried Smackdown for a couple weeks, and I just couldn't do it. Plus, I have better things to do on Friday night than watch Triple H bury everyone on the show. If the show was on Thursday I could watch it way more. Raw has the interesting storylines, the superstars, and an overall entertainment factor that Smackdown just can't mess with. I mean there is even a tiny version of a tag division over there, I know it's crazy. As for TNA. Well it's TNA. So I catch every now and then for Angle and Sting, but that's it. ECW is just terrible, I just can't do it. It bores me to tears. Raw=best brand in sports entertainment, hands down.
i would have to go with smackdown, because it doesnt have as much talking as raw does, and ecw is only an hour. tna is ok but i like wwe alot better. ionly watch tna for angle. its close between smackdown and raw because of the superstars. i love santino marella and if he were on smackdown it would definitely be the best show. but to me smackdown is the best overall wrestling show to me.
Santinoistight posted in a non-spam zone? So proud.

My favourite brand right now is Raw. Ordinarily it would be Smackdown or even TNA (yes...I said it, I like TNA), however, recently I've found Smackdown less entertaining to watch given the lack of a) high level talent and b) storylines to go with it.

When it comes to wrestling, I'm not out to see the comedy TNA is trying to introduce in the low card. Don't get me wrong...I love Cage and Styles, but the product isn't interesting me at the moment.

With Raw, I have the fact that Y2J vs HBK as a feud has been slowly built and pretty darn awesome. The Kane vs Mysterio angle is there in the background to entertain me in the middle, along with Orton mentoring Team Priceless against Punk and Cryme Tyme (Ok, not all the feuds can be winners). Then to amuse me, Charlie Haas and Santino's decent little run against Kofi/D'Lo Brown.

To me, the champions are better (Y2J is a better option to HHH or Joe, Santino is more appealing than Benjamin or Daivari), the storylines are by far superior, and it just is doing it for me at the minute. Ratings wise...maybe not, but I'm happy
Very easy choice to make, it has to be RAW.

We have on RAW, the best feud with Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels very awesome stuff right there. Also Chris Jericho is my faveourite so I may be a bit bias towards the brand he is on.

Also we have the comedic due of Santino and Haas. I think it's great. I would like to see Haas try and imitate Santino.

Another entertaining and interesting part of RAW is Randy Ortons mentoring of Priceless and Manu and their campaign against CM Punk.

Also Edge is off from SmackDown so that turns me away from SmackDown. The Great Khali is also on SmackDown which just bores me to death. Kennedy is not there another reason to not watch it.
I'm gonna have to agree with most everyone. RAW is just hands down, the best brand on TV right now. When you've got guys like Jericho, Team Priceless, Santino.. Plus, where ECW sending their new guys to RAW, what more do you want? It seems like both shows are trying to push the new guys, which is good.. But you still have Triple H on Smackdown to hold them down.

Seems like now every time Smackdown pushes their new guys, they instantly have to go against Triple H and lose. Where on RAW, you don't really have that guy anymore.. Unless you count what they did to CM Punk by having him job to Batista and JBL over and over.

ECW.. Well, it's got the young talent, but with Matt Hardy as the champ right now.. It's kind of hard to take it that seriously. Plus, it's only an hour.

Then you have TNA, who originally had all the makings of giving WWE a run for it's money. A decent mix of established guys and up and comers. Now, it's like the last days of WCW, the old guys dominate the show and the new guys, for the most part, get shut out. It's getting to the point where I can't even watch the show anymore.. It's just to predictable.

So, I've got to say, RAW is by far the best show in wrestling right now.
I have to go with RAW here. They have the most intrigue, by far and away. Jericho is arguably the best pro wrestler in the buisness currently, he and HBK have a epic program worked every week, the new stable is forming with the young guys, and Santino is hilarious. SD! just seems so stagnant right now. I missed it last night, and wasnt even the least bit disappointed to do so. Its been a very long time since that happened. People would like to pin that on triple H being champ, but they would be silly. There is pretty much no other champion option on the program, besides Jeff Hardy. things may pick up again if he wins in a couple weeks. ECW is a solid program, but I mean. We all know its third rate, and nothing PARTICULARLY exciting and different will happen. So yes, RAW for me.
I normally prefer to be the minority but in this case I think I'm gonna have to agree with the masses and say that Monday Night Raw is the flagship program on the top company in the world and the only live show we have to watch. I think TNA would be very good live. I go to the Impact tapings instead of watching it on TV because I live in Orlando and I'm on the VIP list so it would be kind of pointless no to go. Its really good in person when you don't know whats gonna happen next. TNA has some of the best wrestlers in the world but they can't compete with Raw's finest.ChrisJericho,HBK,Batista,Kane,Mysterio,JBL,Punk along with Orton and Cena when they return with injury. A young midcard with men like Kofi and DiBiase and Rhodes.Some great comedy characters in Santino and Haas. Plus a rising Tag Division.Some decent women too.Except for Candice.
Smackdown has the best Midcard in all the companys right now and this is led by Smackdown's fastest rising star. Not Mr.Kennedy but The Brian Kendrick.But no Edge has lost alot of viewers.Edge as champion or a Heel Triple H as champion would do Smackdown some good. I'm waiting for him to Pedigree Jeff into dust right before No Mercy. They've been tagging together too much recently for the game to stay face.Think about it the night of their MyNetwork TV Debut the show ends with the Game bashing jeff's skull in with a sledgehammer. Ratings. As far as ECW its the most solid wrestling i get in a week next to TNA. But no more than the ECW title feud goes on because its only an hour. Tuesday Night Heat as i call it is worth an hour of my tuesday evening.TNA is getting pretty interesting but I've stated my opinions on TNA in other TNA related threads and I'll do it again. Get off Vince Russo because he ain't even the lead booker Jeff Jarrett is. He books the shows. he makes the calls. This storyline with the New Blood vs The Old Guard has me wondering whos really the heels? Not in a confucing I don't understand TNA way either.In a good way.TNA has great wrestlers such as MCMG,LAX,Styles,Joe,Cage,Angle,and I actually like is back on the rise and i can feel it. But Raw is the best right now.

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